3 формы глагола assemble

Спряжение глагола «to assemble» (Английский язык)

Глагол to assemble – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: созывать; собирать; монтировать.

Infinitive to assemble
Simple past assembled
Past participle assembled
-s assembles
-ing assembling

Assemble in present simple


He assembles
She assembles
It assembles


You do not assemble

He does not assemble
She does not assemble
It does not assemble

We do not assemble

You do not assemble

They do not assemble


Does he assemble?
Does she assemble?
Does it assemble?

Assemble in present continuous


You are assembling

He is assembling
She is assembling
It is assembling

You are assembling

They are assembling


I am not assembling

You are not assembling

He is not assembling
She is not assembling
It is not assembling

We are not assembling

You are not assembling

They are not assembling


Are you assembling?

Is he assembling?
Is she assembling?
Is it assembling?

Are you assembling?

Are they assembling?

Assemble in present perfect


You have assembled

He has assembled
She has assembled
It has assembled

You have assembled

They have assembled


I have not assembled

You have not assembled

He has not assembled
She has not assembled
It has not assembled

We have not assembled

You have not assembled

They have not assembled


Have you assembled?

Has he assembled?
Has she assembled?
Has it assembled?

Have you assembled?

Have they assembled?

Assemble in present perfect continuous


I have been assembling

You have been assembling

He has been assembling
She has been assembling
It has been assembling

We have been assembling

You have been assembling

They have been assembling


I have not been assembling

You have not been assembling

He has not been assembling
She has not been assembling
It has not been assembling

We have not been assembling

You have not been assembling

They have not been assembling


Have I been assembling?

Have you been assembling?

Has he been assembling?
Has she been assembling?
Has it been assembling?

Have we been assembling?

Have you been assembling?

Have they been assembling?

Assemble in past simple


He assembled
She assembled
It assembled


I did not assemble

You did not assemble

He did not assemble
She did not assemble
It did not assemble

We did not assemble

You did not assemble

They did not assemble


Did he assemble?
Did she assemble?
Did it assemble?

Assemble in past continuous


You were assembling

He was assembling
She was assembling
It was assembling

We were assembling

You were assembling

They were assembling


I was not assembling

You were not assembling

He was not assembling
She was not assembling
It was not assembling

We were not assembling

You were not assembling

They were not assembling


Were you assembling?

Was he assembling?
Was she assembling?
Was it assembling?

Were we assembling?

Were you assembling?

Were they assembling?

Assemble in past perfect


He had assembled
She had assembled
It had assembled

They had assembled


I had not assembled

You had not assembled

He had not assembled
She had not assembled
It had not assembled

We had not assembled

You had not assembled

They had not assembled


Had he assembled?
Had she assembled?
Had it assembled?

Had they assembled?

Assemble in past perfect continuous


I had been assembling

You had been assembling

He had been assembling
She had been assembling
It had been assembling

We had been assembling

You had been assembling

They had been assembling


I had not been assembling

You had not been assembling

He had not been assembling
She had not been assembling
It had not been assembling

We had not been assembling

You had not been assembling

They had not been assembling


Had I been assembling?

Had you been assembling?

Had he been assembling?
Had she been assembling?
Had it been assembling?

Had we been assembling?

Had you been assembling?

Had they been assembling?

Assemble in future simple


He will assemble
She will assemble
It will assemble

They will assemble


I will not assemble

You will not assemble

He will not assemble
She will not assemble
It will not assemble

We will not assemble

You will not assemble

They will not assemble


Will he assemble?
Will she assemble?
Will it assemble?

Will they assemble?

Assemble in future continuous


I will be assembling

You will be assembling

He will be assembling
She will be assembling
It will be assembling

We will be assembling

You will be assembling

They will be assembling


I will not be assembling

You will not be assembling

He will not be assembling
She will not be assembling
It will not be assembling

We will not be assembling

You will not be assembling

They will not be assembling


Will I be assembling?

Will you be assembling?

Will he be assembling?
Will she be assembling?
Will it be assembling?

Will we be assembling?

Will you be assembling?

Will they be assembling?

Assemble in future perfect


I will have assembled

You will have assembled

He will have assembled
She will have assembled
It will have assembled

We will have assembled

You will have assembled

They will have assembled


I will not have assembled

You will not have assembled

He will not have assembled
She will not have assembled
It will not have assembled

We will not have assembled

You will not have assembled

They will not have assembled


Will I have assembled?

Will you have assembled?

Will he have assembled?
Will she have assembled?
Will it have assembled?

Will we have assembled?

Will you have assembled?

Will they have assembled?

Assemble in future perfect continuous


I will have been assembling

You will have been assembling

He will have been assembling
She will have been assembling
It will have been assembling

We will have been assembling

You will have been assembling

They will have been assembling


I will not have been assembling

You will not have been assembling

He will not have been assembling
She will not have been assembling
It will not have been assembling

We will not have been assembling

You will not have been assembling

They will not have been assembling


Will I have been assembling?

Will you have been assembling?

Will he have been assembling?
Will she have been assembling?
Will it have been assembling?

Will we have been assembling?

Will you have been assembling?

Will they have been assembling?

Assemble in conditional present


You would assemble

He would assemble
She would assemble
It would assemble

You would assemble

They would assemble


I would not assemble

You would not assemble

He would not assemble
She would not assemble
It would not assemble

We would not assemble

You would not assemble

They would not assemble


Would you assemble?

Would he assemble?
Would she assemble?
Would it assemble?

Would you assemble?

Would they assemble?

Assemble in conditional present progressive


I would be assembling

You would be assembling

He would be assembling
She would be assembling
It would be assembling

We would be assembling

You would be assembling

They would be assembling


I would not be assembling

You would not be assembling

He would not be assembling
She would not be assembling
It would not be assembling

We would not be assembling

You would not be assembling

They would not be assembling


Would I be assembling?

Would you be assembling?

Would he be assembling?
Would she be assembling?
Would it be assembling?

Would we be assembling?

Would you be assembling?

Would they be assembling?

Assemble in conditional perfect


I would have assembled

You would have assembled

He would have assembled
She would have assembled
It would have assembled

We would have assembled

You would have assembled

They would have assembled


I would not have assembled

You would not have assembled

He would not have assembled
She would not have assembled
It would not have assembled

We would not have assembled

You would not have assembled

They would not have assembled


Would I have assembled?

Would you have assembled?

Would he have assembled?
Would she have assembled?
Would it have assembled?

Would we have assembled?

Would you have assembled?

Would they have assembled?

Assemble in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been assembling

You would have been assembling

He would have been assembling
She would have been assembling
It would have been assembling

We would have been assembling

You would have been assembling

They would have been assembling


I would not have been assembling

You would not have been assembling

He would not have been assembling
She would not have been assembling
It would not have been assembling

We would not have been assembling

You would not have been assembling

They would not have been assembling


Would I have been assembling?

Would you have been assembling?

Would he have been assembling?
Would she have been assembling?
Would it have been assembling?


Глагол assemble в английском языке

assemble 3 forms

Перевод assemble с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
assemble assembled assembled assembling
[əˈsembl] [əˈsembəld] [əˈsembəld] [əˈsembəlɪŋ]
[əˈsemb(ə)l] [əˈsembəld] [əˈsembəld] [əˈsembəlɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение assemble в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



We assembled to say good-bye to Miss Applegate. pi v3

Мы собрались, чтобы попрощаться с госпожой Эпплгейт.

Parliament assembled in November. pi v3

Парламент собрался в ноябре.

The cars are assembled on an assembly line. pi v3

Автомобили собираются на конвейере.

I was extremely proud of the team that we assembled to create the product. pi v3

Я очень гордился той командой, которую мы собрали для создания товара.

We assembled in the church basement. pi v3

Мы собрались в подвале церкви.

We will let you have the report as soon as we have assembled all the data. pi v3

Мы передадим вам отчёт, как только соберём все необходимые данные.

A team of scientists was assembled to study the problem. pi v3

Для изучения этой проблемы была составлена группа учёных.

Hundreds of notes and letters were assembled into a book. pi v3

Сотни заметок и писем были собраны в книгу.

After dinner, the men would assemble in the living room to watch the game on TV. pi v3

После ужина мужчины собирались в гостиной, чтобы посмотреть матч по телевизору.

She had assembled a collection of her favourite songs. pi v3

Она собрала целую коллекцию из своих любимых песен.

The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France. pi v3

Данный самолёт по-прежнему будут собирать во Франции.

Their father helped them assemble their new bicycles in the garage. pi v3

В гараже отец помог им собрать их новые велосипеды.

She assembled all of her old photos into three albums. pi v3

Она собрала все свои старые фотографии и разложила их в три альбома.

We’ll need to assemble a list of songs for the concert. pi v3

Мы должны будем составить список песен для концерта.

The club assembles once a month to discuss upcoming activities. pi v3

Клуб собирается раз в месяц для обсуждения предстоящих мероприятий.

Fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file. pi v3

Фрагментация замедляет работу системы, поскольку ей требуется дополнительное время, чтобы найти и собрать все части фрагментированных файлов.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy. pi v3

A crowd had assembled in front of the courthouse during the trial. pi v3

The U.S. Constitution gives people the right to assemble peacefully. pi v3


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Мои примеры



All assembled in the ample kitchen. pi v3

Все собрались в просторной кухне.

Parliament assembled in November. pi v3

Парламент собрался в ноябре.

The cars are assembled on an assembly line. pi v3

Автомобили собираются на конвейере.

He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him. pi v3

Он собрал группу учёных, чтобы получить совет.

We assembled to say good-bye to Miss Applegate. pi v3

Мы собрались, чтобы попрощаться с госпожой Эпплгейт.

A team of scientists was assembled to study the problem. pi v3

Для изучения этой проблемы была составлена группа учёных.

I believe I don’t exceed when I say there were 200 persons assembled. pi v3

Надеюсь, я не преувеличу, если скажу, что там собралось 200 человек.

Everyone had already assembled in the boardroom for the 9:00 a.m. session. pi v3

Все уже собрались в зале заседаний совета директоров на совещание, намеченное на 9 часов утра.

I was extremely proud of the team that we assembled to create the product. pi v3

Я очень гордился той командой, которую мы собрали для создания товара.

We will let you have the report as soon as we have assembled all the data. pi v3

Мы передадим вам отчёт, как только соберём все необходимые данные.

The cars are assembled by robots. pi v3

Эти автомобили собираются роботами.

We assembled in the church basement. pi v3

Мы собрались в подвале церкви.

He glanced around at the assembled company. pi v3

Он окинул взглядом собравшихся.

The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France. pi v3

Данный самолёт по-прежнему будут собирать во Франции.

She assembled all of her old photos into three albums. pi v3

Она собрала все свои старые фотографии и разложила их в три альбома.

She had assembled a collection of her favourite songs. pi v3

Она собрала целую коллекцию из своих любимых песен.

Hundreds of notes and letters were assembled into a book. pi v3

Сотни заметок и писем были собраны в книгу.

Everyone assembled in the hall at the appointed time (=at the time that had been arranged). pi v3

Все собрались в зале в назначенное время (т.е. в то время, которое было назначено заранее)

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy. pi v3

A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass. pi v3

A crowd had assembled in front of the courthouse during the trial. pi v3


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