3 формы глагола boast

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глагол ↓

существительное ↓

Мои примеры



The city boasts two excellent museums. pi v3

Город может похвастаться двумя отличными музеями.

He’s boasting about how much money he has made. pi v3

Он хвастается тем, сколько денег он заработал.

‘I wouldn’t be afraid,’ she boasted. pi v3

Amy boasted that her son was a genius. pi v3

Эми хвасталась тем, что её сын был гением.

I do hate the way Bill boasts about his new car. pi v3

Мне совершенно не нравится, как Билл хвастается своей новой машиной.

Jack did not feel the need to boast about his success. pi v3

Джек не чувствовал необходимости хвастаться своим успехом.

Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighbourhood. pi v3

Билл говорит, что у него самая большая машина в городе.

The Society boasts 3000 members worldwide. pi v3

Общество может похвастать тремя тысячами членов по всему миру.

The museum’s proudest boast is its collection of rare gems. pi v3

Главным предметом гордости этого музея является коллекция редких драгоценных камней.

The company is inclined to boast of its success. pi v3

В этой компании любят хвастаться своими успехами.

That jerkwater town doesn’t boast a single decent beanery. pi v3

В этом захудалом городишке не найдётся ни одной приличной столовки.

We were offended by his boast that he would easily beat us. pi v3

Нас обидели его хвастливые слова, что он без труда нас победит.

The hospital’s operating rooms boast the very latest medical apparatus. pi v3

Операционные залы этой больницы могут похвастаться новейшей медицинской аппаратурой.

Philip’s boast is that he started out without any outside financial backing. pi v3

Филип гордится тем, что начал своё предприятие без всякой внешней финансовой поддержки.

When he says he’s the richest man in town, he’s not just making an idle boast. pi v3

Когда он говорит, что является самым богатым человеком в городе, это не просто праздное хвастовство.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It is the company’s proud boast that it can deal with all a customer’s needs in one phone call. pi v3

‘Making knowledge work’ is the university’s phrase, and it is no idle boast (=not a boast, but true). pi v3


Глагол boast в английском языке

boast 3 forms

Перевод boast с английского на русский

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
boast boasted boasted boasting
[bəʊst] [ˈbəʊstɪd] [ˈbəʊstɪd] [ˈbəʊstɪŋ]
[bəʊst] [ˈbəʊstɪd] [ˈbəʊstɪd] [ˈbəʊstɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение boast в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение



201 ole verb

202 one-participant verb

203 pattern III verb

204 perfective verb

205 performative verb

206 perlocutionary verb

207 personal verb

208 perve (noun & verb)

209 phasal verb

210 phrasal verb

211 phrasal verb database

212 pin down the exact meaning of the verb

213 prepositional verb

214 preterite-present verb

215 principal parts of a verb

216 principal parts of the verb

217 pro-verb

218 processual verb

219 reciprocal verb

220 reflexive verb

См. также в других словарях:

boast — ► VERB 1) talk about oneself with excessive pride. 2) possess (a feature that is a source of pride). ► NOUN ▪ an act of boasting. DERIVATIVES boaster noun. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary

boast´ing|ly — boast 1 «bohst», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to speak too highly of oneself or what one owns or knows; brag: »It is unpleasant to hear him boast about his own abilities, achievements, or possessions. 2. to be proud. –v.t. 1. to brag about. SYNONYM(S):… … Useful english dictionary

boast — <>I.<> noun ADJECTIVE ▪ proud ▪ empty, idle VERB + BOAST ▪ make PREPOSITION ▪ … Collocations dictionary

boast — I. noun Etymology: Middle English boost Date: 14th century 1. the act or an instance of boasting ; brag 2. a cause for pride • boastful adjective • boastfully adverb • boastfulness … New Collegiate Dictionary

boast — [[t]bo͟ʊst[/t]] boasts, boasting, boasted 1) VERB (disapproval) If someone boasts about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly, in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive. [V that]… … English dictionary

boast — I UK [bəʊst] / US [boʊst] verb Word forms boast : present tense I/you/we/they boast he/she/it boasts present participle boasting past tense boasted past participle boasted * 1) [intransitive/transitive] to proudly tell other people about what you … English dictionary

boast — boast1 [ boust ] verb * 1. ) intransitive or transitive to proudly tell other people about what you or someone connected with you has done or can do, or about something you own, especially in order to make them admire you: BRAG: boast of: He s… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

boast — I. /boʊst / (say bohst) verb (i) 1. to speak exaggeratedly and objectionably, especially about oneself: to boast about one s skills. –verb (t) 2. to speak of with excessive pride, vanity, or exultation. 3. to be proud in the possession of: *He… … Australian-English dictionary

boast — 1 verb 1 (I, T) to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions because you want to make other people admire you: I can do better than any of them. she boasted. (+ about): I m fed up hearing Jan boast about her new job. (+… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

boast — 1. noun a) A brag, a loud appraisal of oneself b) A shot where the ball is driven off a side wall and then strikes the front wall 2. verb a) to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself … Wiktionary

boast — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. brag, bragging, vaunt, source of pride, gasconade, pretension, self satisfaction, avowal, bravado, bluster. v. 1. [To brag] Syn. gloat, triumph, brag, swagger, exult, crow, show off, vaunt, swell, strut, bluff, flaunt,… … English dictionary for students



1 boast

2 boast

3 boast

грубо обтесывать камень

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

хвастать(ся) (of, about;
that) ;
not much to boast of нечем похвастать(ся)

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

хвастать(ся) (of, about;
that) ;
not much to boast of нечем похвастать(ся)

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

4 boast

5 boast

to make boast of smth. хва́стать(ся) чем-л.

to boast smth. быть счастли́вым облада́телем чего́-л.

6 boast

7 boast

8 boast

empty / idle / vain boast — пустое хвастовство

Great boast, small roast. — посл. Похвальбы много, толку мало.

I do hate the way Bill boasts about his new car. — Мне совершенно не нравится, как Билл хвастается своей новой машиной.

Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighbourhood. — Билл говорит, что у него самая большая машина в городе.

9 boast

He has nothing to boast of. — Ему нечем похвастаться

10 boast

the baby is her boast — ребёнок — предмет её гордости

11 boast

12 boast of

He boasted of owning the biggest collection of jazz music in town.

13 boast

14 boast

15 boast I

of one`s family гордость семьи, to make

16 boast II

2. v послать мяч за боковую линию (в теннисе)

17 boast

18 boast

19 boast of

20 boast to be

См. также в других словарях:

boast — vb Boast, brag, vaunt, crow, gasconade mean to give vent in speech to one s pride in oneself or something (as family, connections, race, or accomplishments) intimately connected with oneself. Boast and vaunt are often used transitively as well as … New Dictionary of Synonyms

boast — boast·ful; boast·ing·ly; boast·less; boast; boast·er; boast·ful·ly; boast·ful·ness; un·boast·fully; … English syllables

Boast — Boast, v. i. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] [OE. bosten, boosten, v., bost, boost, n., noise, boasting; cf. G. bausen, bauschen, to swell, pusten, Dan. puste, Sw. pusta, to blow, Sw. p[ o]sa to swell; or W. bostio to boast … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Boast — Boast, v. t. 1. To display in ostentatious language; to speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self commendation; to extol. [1913 Webster] Lest bad men should boast Their specious deeds. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To display… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Boast — Boast, n. 1. Act of boasting; vaunting or bragging. [1913 Webster] Reason and morals? and where live they most, In Christian comfort, or in Stoic boast! Byron. [1913 Webster] 2. The cause of boasting; occasion of pride or exultation, sometimes of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

boast — [n] brag; source of pride avowal, bluster, bombast, braggadocio, bravado, exaggeration, gasconade, grandiloquence, heroics, joy, pretension, pride, pride and joy, self satisfaction, swank, treasure, vaunt; concepts 410,710 Ant. deprecation,… … New thesaurus

Boast — Boast, v. t. [Of uncertain etymology.] 1. (Masonry) To dress, as a stone, with a broad chisel. Weale. [1913 Webster] 2. (Sculp.) To shape roughly as a preparation for the finer work to follow; to cut to the general form required. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

boast|er — 1 «BOHS tuhr», noun. a person who boasts; braggart. boast|er 2 «BOHS tuhr», noun. a broad faced chisel, used especially in sculpting … Useful english dictionary

boast — index bluster (speech), exaggeration, flaunt, include, jactation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

boast — ► VERB 1) talk about oneself with excessive pride. 2) possess (a feature that is a source of pride). ► NOUN ▪ an act of boasting. DERIVATIVES boaster noun. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary


boast of

1 boast

to make boast of smth. хва́стать(ся) чем-л.

to boast smth. быть счастли́вым облада́телем чего́-л.

2 boast

3 boast of

He boasted of owning the biggest collection of jazz music in town.

4 boast

5 boast

6 boast

7 boast

грубо обтесывать камень

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

хвастать(ся) (of, about;
that) ;
not much to boast of нечем похвастать(ся)

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

хвастать(ся) (of, about;
that) ;
not much to boast of нечем похвастать(ся)

предмет гордости;
to make boast (of smth.) хвастать(ся) (чем-л.) ;
great boast, small roast посл. = похвальбы много, толку мало

8 boast

9 boast

10 boast

11 boast

empty / idle / vain boast — пустое хвастовство

Great boast, small roast. — посл. Похвальбы много, толку мало.

I do hate the way Bill boasts about his new car. — Мне совершенно не нравится, как Билл хвастается своей новой машиной.

Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighbourhood. — Билл говорит, что у него самая большая машина в городе.

12 boast

He has nothing to boast of. — Ему нечем похвастаться

13 boast

the baby is her boast — ребёнок — предмет её гордости

14 boast

15 boast I

of one`s family гордость семьи, to make

16 boast II

2. v послать мяч за боковую линию (в теннисе)

17 boast

18 boast

19 boast of

20 boast to be

См. также в других словарях:

boast — vb Boast, brag, vaunt, crow, gasconade mean to give vent in speech to one s pride in oneself or something (as family, connections, race, or accomplishments) intimately connected with oneself. Boast and vaunt are often used transitively as well as … New Dictionary of Synonyms

boast — boast·ful; boast·ing·ly; boast·less; boast; boast·er; boast·ful·ly; boast·ful·ness; un·boast·fully; … English syllables

Boast — Boast, v. i. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] [OE. bosten, boosten, v., bost, boost, n., noise, boasting; cf. G. bausen, bauschen, to swell, pusten, Dan. puste, Sw. pusta, to blow, Sw. p[ o]sa to swell; or W. bostio to boast … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Boast — Boast, v. t. 1. To display in ostentatious language; to speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self commendation; to extol. [1913 Webster] Lest bad men should boast Their specious deeds. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To display… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Boast — Boast, n. 1. Act of boasting; vaunting or bragging. [1913 Webster] Reason and morals? and where live they most, In Christian comfort, or in Stoic boast! Byron. [1913 Webster] 2. The cause of boasting; occasion of pride or exultation, sometimes of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

boast — [n] brag; source of pride avowal, bluster, bombast, braggadocio, bravado, exaggeration, gasconade, grandiloquence, heroics, joy, pretension, pride, pride and joy, self satisfaction, swank, treasure, vaunt; concepts 410,710 Ant. deprecation,… … New thesaurus

Boast — Boast, v. t. [Of uncertain etymology.] 1. (Masonry) To dress, as a stone, with a broad chisel. Weale. [1913 Webster] 2. (Sculp.) To shape roughly as a preparation for the finer work to follow; to cut to the general form required. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

boast|er — 1 «BOHS tuhr», noun. a person who boasts; braggart. boast|er 2 «BOHS tuhr», noun. a broad faced chisel, used especially in sculpting … Useful english dictionary

boast — index bluster (speech), exaggeration, flaunt, include, jactation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

boast — ► VERB 1) talk about oneself with excessive pride. 2) possess (a feature that is a source of pride). ► NOUN ▪ an act of boasting. DERIVATIVES boaster noun. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary


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