3 формы глагола scratch

3 формы глагола scratch

царапина, ссадина, царапинка, скрип, скрест, скретч, царапание, почесывание, царапать, чесать, скрести, оцарапать, почесать, поцарапать, почесывать, поскрести, почесаться, царапнуть, исцарапать, выцарапывать, нацарапать, расцарапать, царапаться, выцарапать, поцарапаться, процарапать, поскрестись, соскоблить

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I scratch
you scratch
he scratches
we scratch
you scratch
they scratch

Present continuous

Past simple

I have scratched
you have scratched
he has scratched
we have scratched
you have scratched
they have scratched

Past continuous

I have been scratching
you have been scratching
he has been scratching
we have been scratching
you have been scratching
they have been scratching

Present perfect

I will scratch
you will scratch
he will scratch
we will scratch
you will scratch
they will scratch

Present perfect continuous

I will be scratching
you will be scratching
he will be scratching
we will be scratching
you will be scratching
they will be scratching

Past perfect

I will have scratched
you will have scratched
he will have scratched
we will have scratched
you will have scratched
they will have scratched

Past perfect continuous

I will have been scratching
you will have been scratching
he will have been scratching
we will have been scratching
you will have been scratching
they will have been scratching


I scratched
you scratched
he scratched
we scratched
you scratched
they scratched

Future continuous

I had scratched
you had scratched
he had scratched
we had scratched
you had scratched
they had scratched

Future perfect

I had been scratching
you had been scratching
he had been scratching
we had been scratching
you had been scratching
they had been scratching

Future perfect continuous

I was scratching
you were scratching
he was scratching
we were scratching
you were scratching
they were scratching


I would scratch
you would scratch
he would scratch
we would scratch
you would scratch
they would scratch

Present continuous

I would be scratching
you would be scratching
he would be scratching
we would be scratching
you would be scratching
they would be scratching

I would have scratched
you would have scratched
he would have scratched
we would have scratched
you would have scratched
they would have scratched

Past continuous

I would have been scratching
you would have been scratching
he would have been scratching
we would have been scratching
you would have been scratching
they would have been scratching


pi0 v3 pd 00

существительное ↓

глагол ↓

прилагательное ↓

Мои примеры



Careful, the cat will scratch. pi v3

Осторожно, кот будет царапаться.

Will you scratch my back for me? pi v3

Не почешешь ли ты мне спину?

I’m afraid I’ve scratched your car. pi v3

Боюсь, я поцарапал твой автомобиль.

The dog scratched its ear. pi v3

Собака почесала ухо.

Don’t scratch that mosquito bite. pi v3

Не чешите этот комариный укус.

Вещь-то почти совсем новая, почти без царапинки!

All the names on the list had been scratched out. pi v3

Все имена, фигурировавшие в списке, были вычеркнуты.

We had to start again from scratch. pi v3

Нам пришлось начинать всё снова с нуля.

She built her business up from scratch. pi v3

Она построила свой бизнес с нуля.

Tom managed to scratch up a few pounds. pi v3

Тому с трудом удалось накопить несколько фунтов.

Two of the best runners have scratched from the race. pi v3

Два лучших бегуна отказались от участия в забеге.

Don’t scratch your insect bites! pi v3

Не расчёсывайте укусы насекомых!

Try not to scratch. pi v3

Постарайся не расчёсывать (место укуса или укола, сыпь и т.п.).

That cat has scratched up all my young plants again! pi v3

Эта кошка снова повыдергивала у меня всю рассаду!

Scratch my back — I have an itch. pi v3

Почеши мне спину, а то чешется.

There were deep scratches all over her face. pi v3

Глубокие царапины покрывали всё её лицо.

It’s time to re-federate Canada, starting from scratch. pi v3

Пришло время полностью пересмотреть федеративное устройство Канады.

If you keep scratching away at that spot, you’ll break the skin. pi v3

Если вы будете продолжать расчёсывать это пятно, вы раздерёте кожу.

Scratch out my name on that list. pi v3

Вычеркни моё имя из этого списка.

The injury is child’s play, just a scratch. pi v3

Это повреждение — пустяки, просто царапина.

We started from scratch with no preconceived ideas. pi v3

Мы начали с чистого листа, без каких-либо сформировавшихся заранее мыслей.

The farmyard was quiet, with just a few chickens scratching about for food. pi v3

На скотном дворе было тихо, только несколько цыплят копались в земле в поисках еды.

I have scratched his name from the list. pi v3

Я вычеркнул его имя из списка.

He baked the torte from scratch. pi v3

Он испёк торт с нуля.

He had built the business up from scratch. pi v3

Он выстроил этот бизнес с нуля.

Don’t scratch yourself on the thorns. pi v3

Не поцарапайся о шипы.

Be careful not to scratch the table. pi v3

Осторожно, не поцарапайте стол.

She ran at him and scratched his face. pi v3

Она бросилась на него и расцарапала ему лицо.

There’s a scratch on one side of the record. pi v3

Одна из сторон пластинки поцарапана.

John yawned and scratched his leg. pi v3

Джон зевнул и почесал ногу.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He stretched and had a scratch. pi v3

He was scratching at the bites on his arm. pi v3

We don’t have the scratch to buy a new car. pi v3


3 формы глагола scratch

loading green scratch [skrætʃ] scratched / scratched / scratching / scratches

I scratch
you scratch
he/she/it scratches
we scratch
you scratch
they scratch

I have scratched
you have scratched
he/she/it has scratched
we have scratched
you have scratched
they have scratched

I am scratching
you are scratching
he/she/it is scratching
we are scratching
you are scratching
they are scratching

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been scratching
you have been scratching
he/she/it has been scratching
we have been scratching
you have been scratching
they have been scratching

I scratched
you scratched
he/she/it scratched
we scratched
you scratched
they scratched

I was scratching
you were scratching
he/she/it was scratching
we were scratching
you were scratching
they were scratching

I had scratched
you had scratched
he/she/it had scratched
we had scratched
you had scratched
they had scratched

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been scratching
you had been scratching
he/she/it had been scratching
we had been scratching
you had been scratching
they had been scratching

I will scratch
you will scratch
he/she/it will scratch
we will scratch
you will scratch
they will scratch

I will be scratching
you will be scratching
he/she/it will be scratching
we will be scratching
you will be scratching
they will be scratching

I will have scratched
you will have scratched
he/she/it will have scratched
we will have scratched
you will have scratched
they will have scratched

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been scratching
you will have been scratching
he/she/it will have been scratching
we will have been scratching
you will have been scratching
they will have been scratching

I would scratch
you would scratch
he/she/it would scratch
we would scratch
you would scratch
they would scratch

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be scratching
you would be scratching
he/she/it would be scratching
we would be scratching
you would be scratching
they would be scratching

I would have scratched
you would have scratched
he/she/it would have scratched
we would have scratched
you would have scratched
they would have scratched

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been scratching
you would have been scratching
he/she/it would have been scratching
we would have been scratching
you would have been scratching
they would have been scratching

to scratch
to have scratched
to be scratching
to have been scratching


Глагол scratch в английском языке

scratch 3 forms

Перевод scratch с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
scratch scratched scratched scratching
[skrætʃ] [ˈskrætʃt] [ˈskrætʃt] [ˈskrætʃɪŋ]
[skrætʃ] [skrætʃt] [skrætʃt] [ˈskrætʃɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение scratch в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

Мои примеры



I’m afraid I’ve scratched your car. pi v3

Боюсь, я поцарапал твой автомобиль.

Tommy scratched his head thoughtfully. pi v3

Томми задумчиво почесал в затылке.

She ran at him and scratched his face. pi v3

Она бросилась на него и расцарапала ему лицо.

The little tin dipper was scratched all over. pi v3

Латунный ковшик был весь исцарапан.

The dog scratched its ear. pi v3

Собака почесала ухо.

John yawned and scratched his leg. pi v3

Джон зевнул и почесал ногу.

His pen scratched away on the paper. pi v3

Его ручка шумно царапала бумагу.

Someone scratched the paint on my car. pi v3

Кто-то поцарапал краску на моей машине.

I scratched the face of my belt buckle. pi v3

Я поцарапал пряжку пояса.

She accidentally scratched the varnish. pi v3

Она случайно поцарапала лак.

I have scratched his name from the list. pi v3

Я вычеркнул его имя из списка.

All the names on the list had been scratched out. pi v3

Все имена, фигурировавшие в списке, были вычеркнуты.

That cat has scratched up all my young plants again! pi v3

Эта кошка снова повыдергивала у меня всю рассаду!

He scratched his head and messed his hair even more. pi v3

Он почесал голову, и его волосы запутались ещё больше.

Two of the best runners have scratched from the race. pi v3

Два лучших бегуна отказались от участия в забеге.

No one was injured, but the car was scratched and dented. pi v3

Никто не пострадал, но машина была поцарапана и помята.

I think we have only scratched the surface of this problem. pi v3

Я думаю, что мы лишь скользнули по поверхности этой проблемы.

The lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree. pi v3

Влюблённые выцарапали на коре дерева свои имена.

Not wanting our brand-new cabin cruiser to get scratched, we put thick rubber fenders between it and the dock. pi v3

Не желая поцарапать наш новый прогулочный катер, мы проложили между ним и причалом толстые резиновые кранцы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Emma’s name had been scratched out. pi v3

A few chickens scratched around in the yard. pi v3

The little boy scratched lines in the dirt with a stick. pi v3


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