accept три формы глагола

Спряжение глагола «to accept» (Английский язык)

Глагол to accept – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: принимать; допускать; соглашаться; признавать; относиться благосклонно.

Infinitive to accept
Simple past accepted
Past participle accepted
-s accepts
-ing accepting

Accept in present simple


He accepts
She accepts
It accepts


He does not accept
She does not accept
It does not accept

They do not accept


Does he accept?
Does she accept?
Does it accept?

Accept in present continuous


He is accepting
She is accepting
It is accepting

They are accepting


I am not accepting

You are not accepting

He is not accepting
She is not accepting
It is not accepting

We are not accepting

You are not accepting

They are not accepting


Is he accepting?
Is she accepting?
Is it accepting?

Are they accepting?

Accept in present perfect


He has accepted
She has accepted
It has accepted

They have accepted


I have not accepted

You have not accepted

He has not accepted
She has not accepted
It has not accepted

We have not accepted

You have not accepted

They have not accepted


Has he accepted?
Has she accepted?
Has it accepted?

Have they accepted?

Accept in present perfect continuous


I have been accepting

You have been accepting

He has been accepting
She has been accepting
It has been accepting

We have been accepting

You have been accepting

They have been accepting


I have not been accepting

You have not been accepting

He has not been accepting
She has not been accepting
It has not been accepting

We have not been accepting

You have not been accepting

They have not been accepting


Have I been accepting?

Have you been accepting?

Has he been accepting?
Has she been accepting?
Has it been accepting?

Have we been accepting?

Have you been accepting?

Have they been accepting?

Accept in past simple


He accepted
She accepted
It accepted


You did not accept

He did not accept
She did not accept
It did not accept

You did not accept

They did not accept


Did he accept?
Did she accept?
Did it accept?

Accept in past continuous


You were accepting

He was accepting
She was accepting
It was accepting

You were accepting

They were accepting


I was not accepting

You were not accepting

He was not accepting
She was not accepting
It was not accepting

We were not accepting

You were not accepting

They were not accepting


Were you accepting?

Was he accepting?
Was she accepting?
Was it accepting?

Were you accepting?

Were they accepting?

Accept in past perfect


He had accepted
She had accepted
It had accepted


I had not accepted

You had not accepted

He had not accepted
She had not accepted
It had not accepted

We had not accepted

You had not accepted

They had not accepted


Had he accepted?
Had she accepted?
Had it accepted?

Accept in past perfect continuous


I had been accepting

You had been accepting

He had been accepting
She had been accepting
It had been accepting

We had been accepting

You had been accepting

They had been accepting


I had not been accepting

You had not been accepting

He had not been accepting
She had not been accepting
It had not been accepting

We had not been accepting

You had not been accepting

They had not been accepting


Had I been accepting?

Had you been accepting?

Had he been accepting?
Had she been accepting?
Had it been accepting?

Had we been accepting?

Had you been accepting?

Had they been accepting?

Accept in future simple


He will accept
She will accept
It will accept


You will not accept

He will not accept
She will not accept
It will not accept

We will not accept

You will not accept

They will not accept


Will he accept?
Will she accept?
Will it accept?

Accept in future continuous


I will be accepting

You will be accepting

He will be accepting
She will be accepting
It will be accepting

We will be accepting

You will be accepting

They will be accepting


I will not be accepting

You will not be accepting

He will not be accepting
She will not be accepting
It will not be accepting

We will not be accepting

You will not be accepting

They will not be accepting


Will I be accepting?

Will you be accepting?

Will he be accepting?
Will she be accepting?
Will it be accepting?

Will we be accepting?

Will you be accepting?

Will they be accepting?

Accept in future perfect


I will have accepted

You will have accepted

He will have accepted
She will have accepted
It will have accepted

We will have accepted

You will have accepted

They will have accepted


I will not have accepted

You will not have accepted

He will not have accepted
She will not have accepted
It will not have accepted

We will not have accepted

You will not have accepted

They will not have accepted


Will I have accepted?

Will you have accepted?

Will he have accepted?
Will she have accepted?
Will it have accepted?

Will we have accepted?

Will you have accepted?

Will they have accepted?

Accept in future perfect continuous


I will have been accepting

You will have been accepting

He will have been accepting
She will have been accepting
It will have been accepting

We will have been accepting

You will have been accepting

They will have been accepting


I will not have been accepting

You will not have been accepting

He will not have been accepting
She will not have been accepting
It will not have been accepting

We will not have been accepting

You will not have been accepting

They will not have been accepting


Will I have been accepting?

Will you have been accepting?

Will he have been accepting?
Will she have been accepting?
Will it have been accepting?

Will we have been accepting?

Will you have been accepting?

Will they have been accepting?

Accept in conditional present


He would accept
She would accept
It would accept


I would not accept

You would not accept

He would not accept
She would not accept
It would not accept

We would not accept

You would not accept

They would not accept


Would he accept?
Would she accept?
Would it accept?

Accept in conditional present progressive


I would be accepting

You would be accepting

He would be accepting
She would be accepting
It would be accepting

We would be accepting

You would be accepting

They would be accepting


I would not be accepting

You would not be accepting

He would not be accepting
She would not be accepting
It would not be accepting

We would not be accepting

You would not be accepting

They would not be accepting


Would I be accepting?

Would you be accepting?

Would he be accepting?
Would she be accepting?
Would it be accepting?

Would we be accepting?

Would you be accepting?

Would they be accepting?

Accept in conditional perfect


I would have accepted

You would have accepted

He would have accepted
She would have accepted
It would have accepted

We would have accepted

You would have accepted

They would have accepted


I would not have accepted

You would not have accepted

He would not have accepted
She would not have accepted
It would not have accepted

We would not have accepted

You would not have accepted

They would not have accepted


Would I have accepted?

Would you have accepted?

Would he have accepted?
Would she have accepted?
Would it have accepted?

Would we have accepted?

Would you have accepted?

Would they have accepted?

Accept in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been accepting

You would have been accepting

He would have been accepting
She would have been accepting
It would have been accepting

We would have been accepting

You would have been accepting

They would have been accepting


I would not have been accepting

You would not have been accepting

He would not have been accepting
She would not have been accepting
It would not have been accepting

We would not have been accepting

You would not have been accepting

They would not have been accepting


Would I have been accepting?

Would you have been accepting?

Would he have been accepting?
Would she have been accepting?
Would it have been accepting?


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



I accept your kind offer. pi v3

Я принимаю ваше любезное предложение.

I cannot accept your invitation. pi v3

Я не могу принять ваше приглашение.

Please accept this small gift. pi v3

Прошу принять этот маленький подарок.

Rick accepted her offer of coffee. pi v3

Рик принял её предложение выпить кофе.

The family refused to accept his will. pi v3

Семья отказалась принять его волю.

She refused to accept charity. pi v3

Она отказывалась принимать милостыню.

She accepted his present unwillingly. pi v3

Она с неохотой приняла его подарок.

Please accept my present. pi v3

Примите, пожалуйста, мой подарок.

He refused to accept my apology. pi v3

Он отказался принять мои извинения.

You have to accept me just as I am. pi v3

Вам придётся принять меня таким, какой я есть.

Will you accept their offer? pi v3

Вы примете их предложение?

You must learn to accept criticism. pi v3

Вы должны научиться принимать критику.

Do you accept any blame for what happened? pi v3

Признаёте ли вы свою вину в случившемся?

They offered me a job and I accepted. pi v3

Они предложили мне работу, и я согласилась.

Please accept my sincere apologies. pi v3

Примите, пожалуйста, мои искренние извинения.

He accepted the invitation to stay with us. pi v3

Он принял приглашение остаться с нами.

I accept him as the greatest expert in this field. pi v3

Я признаю, что он является крупнейшим специалистом в этой области.

I willingly accept. pi v3

Я охотно соглашаюсь.

Please accept our sincere thanks. pi v3

Примите, пожалуйста, нашу искреннюю благодарность.

I fully accept that what he says is true. pi v3

Я полностью согласен с тем, что он говорит правду.

We don’t accept personal checks. pi v3

Мы не принимаем к оплате именные чеки.

I move that we accept the proposal. pi v3

Я предлагаю принять это предложение.

If I were to propose, would you accept? pi v3

Если бы я сделал тебе предложение, ты бы согласилась?

We made the decision to accept their offer. pi v3

Мы решили принять их предложение.

I accept on condition that he will assist. pi v3

Я даю своё согласие при условии, что он будет помогать.

She urged me to accept the compromise. pi v3

Она убедила меня пойти на компромисс.

Please accept our deepest sympathy. pi v3

Просим принять наши глубочайшие соболезнования.

Sorry, we don’t accept travellers’ cheques. pi v3

Извините, мы не принимаем дорожные чеки.

I’ll accept the charges. pi v3

Я оплачу расходы из своего кармана. / Издержки я возьму на себя.

The union refused to accept a wage cut. pi v3

Профсоюз отказался согласиться со снижением заработной платы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His school reports said that he is always ready to accept a challenge (=agree to do something difficult). pi v3


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Формы глагола accept

Posted on 2013-04-26 by admin in Глагол // 0 Comments


Т.к. рассматриваемый нами глагол правильный, нам не составит труда образовать его формы.


Запомните использование глагола Accept в разных временах.

I accept your invitation

Я принимаю ваше приглашение

She has accepted my offer

Она приняла мое предложение

Yesterday I accepted that the project had to be fulfilled, but today I don’t think so

Вчера я допускал, что проект нужно выполнять, но сегодня так не думаю

When I called Mary she had already accepted the job conditions

Когда я позвонил Мэри, она уже согласилась на условия работы

Спряжение глагола «accept» в Present Simple Tense

Обратите внимание на то, что в настоящем простом времени (Present Simple Tense) глагол «accept» изменяется по лицам.


Синонимы глагола «accept»

Синонимами глагола «accept» могут быть различные глаголы, в зависимости от того, в каком значении он используется.


3 формы глагола accept

? Глагол accept имеет значения: принимать, мириться, признавать, брать, соглашаться, допускать, утверждать, акцептовать.

Формы глагола accept в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола accept в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет accept в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола accept

Как поставить accept во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол accept в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить accept в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для accept нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: accept в past simple — accepted.

What is the past tense of accept?

The past tense of accept is accepted.
The past participle of accept is

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — accept в past simple, будет accepted. (V2)
Future simple — accept в future simple будет accept. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — accept в present perfect будет (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — accept в past perfect будет (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол accept?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол accept это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола accept

Вместе с accept, часто смотрят глаголы yawn and lade.



Добавить в закладки Удалить из закладок


Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I accept We accept
You accept You accept
He/She/It accepts They accept
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I accepted We accepted
You accepted You accepted
He/She/It accepted They accepted


accept gifts
принимать подарки

accept bribes
брать взятки

accept Islam
принять ислам

accept the truth
признавать правду

accept the facts
признать факты

accept an offer
соглашаться на предложение

accept the job
согласиться на работу

accept a situation
мириться с ситуацией

accept the idea
смириться с мыслью

accept orders
воспринимать приказы


To my regret I cannot accept your invitation.
К моему сожалению, я не могу принять Ваше предложение.

I cannot accept this gift.
Я не могу принять этот подарок.

I will accept the work, provided you help me.
Я приму работу, при условии, что вы мне поможете.

Do you think she would accept my invitation?
Думаешь, она бы приняла моё приглашение?

I’m sorry, we don’t accept checks.
К сожалению, мы не принимаем чеки.

We are sorry we are unable to accept your request.
К сожалению, мы не в состоянии принять ваш запрос.

Accept suffering and achieve atonement through it — that is what you must do.
Страдание принять и искупить себя им, вот что надо.

Tom is unwilling to accept the fact that he needs help when translating.
Том не желает признавать тот факт, что ему нужна помощь с переводом.

Even after twelve months, Tom can’t accept that it’s over between him and Mary.
Даже по прошествии года Том не может принять тот факт, что между ним и Мэри всё кончено.

I hope that you will accept my request.
Надеюсь, что вы примите моё обращение.

This restaurant only accepts cash.
В этом ресторане принимается только наличный расчёт.

She accepts the gifts.
Она принимает подарки.

He gladly accepted our offer.
Он с радостью принял наше предложение.

Dan accepted Linda’s invitation to dinner.
Дэн принял приглашение Линды на ужин.

However, Huxley himself hardly believes that his vile proposal will be accepted by the democratic countries.
Однако сам Хаксли мало верит в то, что его гнусное предложение будет принято демократическими странами.

He accepted our offer.
Он принял наше предложение.

She accepted his gift.
Она приняла его подарок.

I accepted a present from his sister.
Я принял подарок от его сестры.

The current national anthem of Georgia was accepted in 2004, when Saakashvili came to power.
Нынешний Государственный гимн Грузии был принят в 2004 году, когда к власти пришёл Саакашвили.

She smiled and accepted my little present.
Она улыбнулась и приняла мой маленький подарок.

Tom accepted the offer.
Том принял предложение.

We accepted his offer.
Мы приняли его предложение.

Добавить комментарий

На данной странице следует оставлять комментарии, относящиеся к слову accept. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.


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