adblock fast что за приложение

Что такое Adblock

2 ноября 2017 Опубликовано в разделах: Азбука терминов. 42865

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Есть две версии — AdBlock и AdBlock Plus. У них разные разработчики, но функционал один и тот же. Есть незначительная разница в деталях.

Чтобы понять, что это за программа Adblock Plus, представим следующую жизненную ситуацию. Вы смотрите любимый фильм в интернете, на YouTube или другом ресурсе.

И тут кино прерывается на небольшую рекламу, на 10-30 секунд. Конечно, такая реклама намного короче той, что мы видим по телевизору, но удовольствие от просмотра она все-таки портит. Также мы постоянно наталкиваемся на рекламные сообщения при чтении статей, поиске необходимой информации и других действия в интернете. Adblock Plus является своего рода волшебной палочкой, которая блокирует рекламу, и больше ничего не помешает просмотру.

Однако в ряде случаем программа блокирует и полезную информацию, поэтому может возникнуть необходимость отключить ее для определенного интернет-ресурса или полностью.

Для чего нужен Adblock

Его главная задача – препятствовать появлению назойливой рекламы как на отдельных сайтах, так и полностью при работе с браузером. Сегодня широко распространено расширение Adblock Plus. Его функционал мало чем отличается от простого Адблока, зато имеется несколько преимуществ:

Как включить AdBlock

Как отключить Адблок

Итак, мы разобрали, такое Adblock, теперь расскажем, как отключить или удалить это расширение полностью.

Мы рассмотрели, как отключить расширение для всего браузера. Но чаще всего пользователи отключают Адблок для определенной страницы. Это называется одноразовое отключение:



Как вы видите, программы блокировщики довольно полезны, они берегут наши нервы и избавляют от рекламы. Однако некоторые ресурсы могут устанавливать запрет на подобные расширения. Например, видеохостинги закрывают доступ к тем или иным видео, пока вы не сделаете их сайт исключением.


The world’s fastest ad blocker!

Same ad blocking, 8x more web acceleration accelerated webpages

Also available for Available for


8x more accelerated
webpage loading


6x less disk, CPU, and
memory consumption

Just as webpages grew bloated with ads, so too have ad blockers grown bloated with little-used filtering rules and features that sap their speed and hog your computer or device’s disk space, CPU cycles, and memory. Adblock Fast executes a mere 7 optimized filtering rules to accelerate pages 8x more but consume 6x less system resources than other ad blockers do.

Exactly how much faster, you ask, is Adblock Fast? Let’s crunch some numbers.

1. Adblock Fast executes 7,000x fewer filtering rules per page. 1

I.e., the app runs faster.

2. Adblock Fast consumes 7x fewer kilobytes of disk. 2

I.e., the app installs faster.

3. Adblock Fast accelerates page loading by 8x as many seconds. 3

I.e., pages load faster.

4. Adblock Fast consumes a 3x lower percentage of CPU. 4

I.e., your computer or device runs faster.

5. Adblock Fast consumes 3x fewer megabytes of memory. 5

I.e., your computer or device runs faster still.

Benchmark notes

Show or hide the raw benchmark data.

Owner’s manual

Adblock Fast is so fast that even reading the manual takes no time flat. Here’s everything you need to know.

In Android

Adblock Fast blocks ads in the Samsung Internet browser 4.0 and up (not in other apps). To enable Adblock Fast to block in Samsung Internet:

To unblock ads, go to the Adblock Fast app.

In iOS

Adblock Fast blocks ads in the Safari browser (not in other apps). To enable Adblock Fast to block in Safari:

To unblock ads, go to the Adblock Fast app.

To see the effect of Adblock Fast on a particular page, you may have to clear Safari’s cache (tap Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data) before reloading the page.

In Chrome or Opera

Adblock Fast installs a button in your browser’s toolbar. The button indicates the status of the site and page you’re on:

If Adblock Fast is interfering with the behavior of the page, you can click the button to unblock ads. Your choice will be remembered whenever you return to the site.

If you have any questions or comments, you can follow and message us on Facebook or on Twitter or can send us mail at

Frequently asked questions

Who created Adblock Fast?

Adblock Fast was created and is maintained by Rocketship, an award-winning app studio whose mission is to design and develop the finest mobile and web experiences in the universe.

What is Adblock Fast?

Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker for mobile devices and desktop browsers.

Where does Adblock Fast’s filtering ruleset come from?

Adblock Fast’s ruleset is derived from EasyList and that of Bluhell Firewall.

When will Adblock Fast be available on [insert platform here]?

Adblock Fast is available for Android 5.0 and up with Samsung Internet 4.0 and up, for iOS 9 and up on 64-bit devices (iPhone 5s and up and iPad mini 2 and up), and for the Chrome and Opera desktop browsers. Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter for news about additional platform availability.

Why does Adblock Fast require [insert permission here] at install time?

Like all (functional) ad blockers, Adblock Fast prompts you for the permissions required to block ad requests by intercepting your HTTP traffic and to hide ad resources by injecting CSS into the pages you visit.

How does Adblock Fast make money?

We operate an (aforementioned) app studio that’s bootstrapped and profitable. Yesterday, you probably didn’t know we existed. Today, you do and, someday, perhaps you’ll be creating the next killer app and will consider hiring us. (Hmm, maybe doing good work ought to replace advertising!)


Adblock Fast 4+

Rocketship Apps

Для iPad

Снимки экрана

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Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker and the first open-source ad blocker for iOS (!

Just as webpages grew bloated with ads, so too have ad blockers grown bloated with little-used filtering rules and features that sap their speed and hog your device’s disk space, CPU cycles, and memory. Adblock Fast runs an optimized ruleset to accelerate pages more but consume less system resources than other ad blockers do.

Adblock Fast blocks ads in Safari not in other apps. To allow Adblock Fast to block in Safari:

1. press the Home button on your iPhone or iPad,
2. tap the “Settings” app,
3. tap “Safari” > (under “ General”) “Content Blockers”, then
4. toggle the “Adblock Fast” switch on.

To unblock ads, navigate to the “Adblock Fast” app.

To see the effect of Adblock Fast on a particular page, you may have to clear Safari’s cache (tap “Settings” > “Safari” > “Clear History and Website Data”) before reloading the page.

If you have any questions or comments, follow and message us:

Adblock Fast was created and is maintained by Rocketship, an award-winning app studio whose mission is to design and develop the finest mobile and web experiences.


Adblock Fast 4+

Rocketship Apps

Для iPad

Снимки экрана

1x1 42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495

1x1 42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495

1x1 42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495


Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker and the first open-source ad blocker for iOS (!

Just as webpages grew bloated with ads, so too have ad blockers grown bloated with little-used filtering rules and features that sap their speed and hog your device’s disk space, CPU cycles, and memory. Adblock Fast runs an optimized ruleset to accelerate pages more but consume less system resources than other ad blockers do.

Adblock Fast blocks ads in Safari not in other apps. To allow Adblock Fast to block in Safari:

1. press the Home button on your iPhone or iPad,
2. tap the “Settings” app,
3. tap “Safari” > (under “ General”) “Content Blockers”, then
4. toggle the “Adblock Fast” switch on.

To unblock ads, navigate to the “Adblock Fast” app.

To see the effect of Adblock Fast on a particular page, you may have to clear Safari’s cache (tap “Settings” > “Safari” > “Clear History and Website Data”) before reloading the page.

If you have any questions or comments, follow and message us:

Adblock Fast was created and is maintained by Rocketship, an award-winning app studio whose mission is to design and develop the finest mobile and web experiences.


Adblock Fast 4+

Rocketship Apps

Для iPad

Снимки экрана

1x1 42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495

1x1 42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495

1x1 42817eea7ade52607a760cbee00d1495


Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker and the first open-source ad blocker for iOS (!

Just as webpages grew bloated with ads, so too have ad blockers grown bloated with little-used filtering rules and features that sap their speed and hog your device’s disk space, CPU cycles, and memory. Adblock Fast runs an optimized ruleset to accelerate pages more but consume less system resources than other ad blockers do.

Adblock Fast blocks ads in Safari not in other apps. To allow Adblock Fast to block in Safari:

1. press the Home button on your iPhone or iPad,
2. tap the “Settings” app,
3. tap “Safari” > (under “ General”) “Content Blockers”, then
4. toggle the “Adblock Fast” switch on.

To unblock ads, navigate to the “Adblock Fast” app.

To see the effect of Adblock Fast on a particular page, you may have to clear Safari’s cache (tap “Settings” > “Safari” > “Clear History and Website Data”) before reloading the page.

If you have any questions or comments, follow and message us:

Adblock Fast was created and is maintained by Rocketship, an award-winning app studio whose mission is to design and develop the finest mobile and web experiences.


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