adore 3 формы глагола

Adore 3 формы глагола

loading green adore [əˈdɔ:] adored / adored / adoring / adores

I adore
you adore
he/she/it adores
we adore
you adore
they adore

I have adored
you have adored
he/she/it has adored
we have adored
you have adored
they have adored

I am adoring
you are adoring
he/she/it is adoring
we are adoring
you are adoring
they are adoring

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been adoring
you have been adoring
he/she/it has been adoring
we have been adoring
you have been adoring
they have been adoring

I adored
you adored
he/she/it adored
we adored
you adored
they adored

I was adoring
you were adoring
he/she/it was adoring
we were adoring
you were adoring
they were adoring

I had adored
you had adored
he/she/it had adored
we had adored
you had adored
they had adored

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been adoring
you had been adoring
he/she/it had been adoring
we had been adoring
you had been adoring
they had been adoring

I will adore
you will adore
he/she/it will adore
we will adore
you will adore
they will adore

I will be adoring
you will be adoring
he/she/it will be adoring
we will be adoring
you will be adoring
they will be adoring

I will have adored
you will have adored
he/she/it will have adored
we will have adored
you will have adored
they will have adored

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been adoring
you will have been adoring
he/she/it will have been adoring
we will have been adoring
you will have been adoring
they will have been adoring

I would adore
you would adore
he/she/it would adore
we would adore
you would adore
they would adore

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be adoring
you would be adoring
he/she/it would be adoring
we would be adoring
you would be adoring
they would be adoring

I would have adored
you would have adored
he/she/it would have adored
we would have adored
you would have adored
they would have adored

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been adoring
you would have been adoring
he/she/it would have been adoring
we would have been adoring
you would have been adoring
they would have been adoring

to adore
to have adored
to be adoring
to have been adoring


Спряжение глагола «to adore» (Английский язык)

Глагол to adore – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: обожать; поклоняться.

Infinitive to adore
Simple past adored
Past participle adored
-s adores
-ing adoring

Adore in present simple



He does not adore
She does not adore
It does not adore


Does he adore?
Does she adore?
Does it adore?

Adore in present continuous


He is adoring
She is adoring
It is adoring


You are not adoring

He is not adoring
She is not adoring
It is not adoring

We are not adoring

You are not adoring

They are not adoring


Is he adoring?
Is she adoring?
Is it adoring?

Adore in present perfect


He has adored
She has adored
It has adored


You have not adored

He has not adored
She has not adored
It has not adored

We have not adored

You have not adored

They have not adored


Has he adored?
Has she adored?
Has it adored?

Adore in present perfect continuous


I have been adoring

You have been adoring

He has been adoring
She has been adoring
It has been adoring

We have been adoring

You have been adoring

They have been adoring


I have not been adoring

You have not been adoring

He has not been adoring
She has not been adoring
It has not been adoring

We have not been adoring

You have not been adoring

They have not been adoring


Have I been adoring?

Have you been adoring?

Has he been adoring?
Has she been adoring?
Has it been adoring?

Have we been adoring?

Have you been adoring?

Have they been adoring?

Adore in past simple



He did not adore
She did not adore
It did not adore

They did not adore


Did he adore?
Did she adore?
Did it adore?

Adore in past continuous


He was adoring
She was adoring
It was adoring


You were not adoring

He was not adoring
She was not adoring
It was not adoring

We were not adoring

You were not adoring

They were not adoring


Was he adoring?
Was she adoring?
Was it adoring?

Adore in past perfect


He had adored
She had adored
It had adored


You had not adored

He had not adored
She had not adored
It had not adored

You had not adored

They had not adored


Had he adored?
Had she adored?
Had it adored?

Adore in past perfect continuous


I had been adoring

You had been adoring

He had been adoring
She had been adoring
It had been adoring

We had been adoring

You had been adoring

They had been adoring


I had not been adoring

You had not been adoring

He had not been adoring
She had not been adoring
It had not been adoring

We had not been adoring

You had not been adoring

They had not been adoring


Had I been adoring?

Had you been adoring?

Had he been adoring?
Had she been adoring?
Had it been adoring?

Had we been adoring?

Had you been adoring?

Had they been adoring?

Adore in future simple


He will adore
She will adore
It will adore


You will not adore

He will not adore
She will not adore
It will not adore

You will not adore

They will not adore


Will he adore?
Will she adore?
Will it adore?

Adore in future continuous


You will be adoring

He will be adoring
She will be adoring
It will be adoring

We will be adoring

You will be adoring

They will be adoring


I will not be adoring

You will not be adoring

He will not be adoring
She will not be adoring
It will not be adoring

We will not be adoring

You will not be adoring

They will not be adoring


Will you be adoring?

Will he be adoring?
Will she be adoring?
Will it be adoring?

Will we be adoring?

Will you be adoring?

Will they be adoring?

Adore in future perfect


I will have adored

You will have adored

He will have adored
She will have adored
It will have adored

We will have adored

You will have adored

They will have adored


I will not have adored

You will not have adored

He will not have adored
She will not have adored
It will not have adored

We will not have adored

You will not have adored

They will not have adored


Will I have adored?

Will you have adored?

Will he have adored?
Will she have adored?
Will it have adored?

Will we have adored?

Will you have adored?

Will they have adored?

Adore in future perfect continuous


I will have been adoring

You will have been adoring

He will have been adoring
She will have been adoring
It will have been adoring

We will have been adoring

You will have been adoring

They will have been adoring


I will not have been adoring

You will not have been adoring

He will not have been adoring
She will not have been adoring
It will not have been adoring

We will not have been adoring

You will not have been adoring

They will not have been adoring


Will I have been adoring?

Will you have been adoring?

Will he have been adoring?
Will she have been adoring?
Will it have been adoring?

Will we have been adoring?

Will you have been adoring?

Will they have been adoring?

Adore in conditional present


He would adore
She would adore
It would adore


You would not adore

He would not adore
She would not adore
It would not adore

We would not adore

You would not adore

They would not adore


Would he adore?
Would she adore?
Would it adore?

Adore in conditional present progressive


I would be adoring

You would be adoring

He would be adoring
She would be adoring
It would be adoring

We would be adoring

You would be adoring

They would be adoring


I would not be adoring

You would not be adoring

He would not be adoring
She would not be adoring
It would not be adoring

We would not be adoring

You would not be adoring

They would not be adoring


Would I be adoring?

Would you be adoring?

Would he be adoring?
Would she be adoring?
Would it be adoring?

Would we be adoring?

Would you be adoring?

Would they be adoring?

Adore in conditional perfect


I would have adored

You would have adored

He would have adored
She would have adored
It would have adored

We would have adored

You would have adored

They would have adored


I would not have adored

You would not have adored

He would not have adored
She would not have adored
It would not have adored

We would not have adored

You would not have adored

They would not have adored


Would I have adored?

Would you have adored?

Would he have adored?
Would she have adored?
Would it have adored?

Would we have adored?

Would you have adored?

Would they have adored?

Adore in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been adoring

You would have been adoring

He would have been adoring
She would have been adoring
It would have been adoring

We would have been adoring

You would have been adoring

They would have been adoring


I would not have been adoring

You would not have been adoring

He would not have been adoring
She would not have been adoring
It would not have been adoring

We would not have been adoring

You would not have been adoring

They would not have been adoring


Would I have been adoring?

Would you have been adoring?

Would he have been adoring?
Would she have been adoring?
Would it have been adoring?


Adore 3 формы глагола

обожать, поклоняться, любить, боготворить, просто, обожать, почитать, поклониться, преклоняться, восхищаться

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I adore
you adore
he adores
we adore
you adore
they adore

Present continuous

Past simple

I have adored
you have adored
he has adored
we have adored
you have adored
they have adored

Past continuous

I have been adoring
you have been adoring
he has been adoring
we have been adoring
you have been adoring
they have been adoring

Present perfect

I will adore
you will adore
he will adore
we will adore
you will adore
they will adore

Present perfect continuous

I will be adoring
you will be adoring
he will be adoring
we will be adoring
you will be adoring
they will be adoring

Past perfect

I will have adored
you will have adored
he will have adored
we will have adored
you will have adored
they will have adored

Past perfect continuous

I will have been adoring
you will have been adoring
he will have been adoring
we will have been adoring
you will have been adoring
they will have been adoring


Future continuous

I had adored
you had adored
he had adored
we had adored
you had adored
they had adored

Future perfect

I had been adoring
you had been adoring
he had been adoring
we had been adoring
you had been adoring
they had been adoring

Future perfect continuous


I would adore
you would adore
he would adore
we would adore
you would adore
they would adore

Present continuous

I would be adoring
you would be adoring
he would be adoring
we would be adoring
you would be adoring
they would be adoring

I would have adored
you would have adored
he would have adored
we would have adored
you would have adored
they would have adored

Past continuous

I would have been adoring
you would have been adoring
he would have been adoring
we would have been adoring
you would have been adoring
they would have been adoring


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



She adores visiting museums. pi v3

Она обожает ходить по музеям.

I simply adore chocolate. pi v3

Я просто обожаю шоколад.

He’s a good doctor. All his patients adore him. pi v3

Он — хороший доктор. Все его пациенты обожают его.

We adore them for their generosity. pi v3

Мы преклоняемся перед ними за их благородство.

Betty adores her grandchildren. pi v3

Бетти обожает своих внуков.

He’s always been surrounded by people who adore him. pi v3

Он всегда был окружён людьми, которые его обожают.

They adored shopping in all the boutiques. pi v3

Они просто обожали скупаться /делать покупки/ во всех этих бутиках.



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Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I adore We adore
You adore You adore
He/She/It adores They adore
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I adored We adored
You adored You adored
He/She/It adored They adored


adore God
поклоняться Богу

adore the Lord
поклониться Господу


I just adore your new hat.
Я просто обожаю твою новую шляпу.

I simply adore reading.
Я обожаю читать.

I adore my clients.
Я обожаю своих клиентов.

We have a cat, and we all adore him.
У нас есть кот, и мы все обожаем его.

The students adore the new English teacher.
Студенты обожают нового учителя английского языка.

I adore the opera.
Я обожаю оперу.

I adore you.
Я тебя обожаю.

She adores him.
Она его обожает.

Tom adores you.
Том обожает тебя.

She adores cats.
Она обожает кошек.

Tom adores me.
Том обожает меня.

He adores his grandfather.
Он обожает своего дедушку.

She adores her elder brother.
Она обожает своего старшего брата.

He adores going to the theater.
Он обожает ходить в театр.

She adores animals.
Она обожает животных.

Tom adores Mary.
Том обожает Мэри.

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Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.


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