agree 3 формы глагола в английском

pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



Agreed! pi v3

Решено! / По рукам! / Согласен!

I agree with you. pi v3

All agree. pi v3

He agreed to my plan. pi v3

Он согласился с моим планом.

We agree on this. pi v3

В этом мы согласны.

I was stupid to agree. pi v3

Я по глупости согласился.

Here we agree. pi v3

С этим мы согласны.

I totally agree. pi v3

Я полностью согласен.

I can’t agree with you! pi v3

Не могу с вами согласиться!

I agree with your plan. pi v3

Я согласен с вашим планом.

Wine doesn’t agree with me. pi v3

Мне нельзя пить вина.

I agree with you there. pi v3

Вот тут я с вами согласен.

He agreed to leave her alone. pi v3

Он согласился оставить её в покое.

I do not wholly agree. pi v3

Я не совсем согласен.

I agree with you up to a point. pi v3

До определённой степени я с тобой согласен.

I agree with you a hundred percent. pi v3

Я согласен с вами на все сто процентов.

We shall never agree. pi v3

Мы никогда не поладим.

He agreed with neither side. pi v3

Он не согласился ни с одной из сторон.

Yeah, I agree with you. pi v3

Да, я с вами согласен.

In the main they agree with us. pi v3

В основном они с нами согласны.

His calculations agree with ours. pi v3

Его расчеты совпадают с нашими.

It would be wise to agree. pi v3

Разумнее было бы согласиться.

She agreed to all my conditions. pi v3

Она согласилась на все мои условия.

No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman. pi v3

Среди моих коллег нет ни малейшего согласия в том, кого же нужно избрать председателем.

The two statements don’t agree. pi v3

Эти два утверждения не согласуются.

All the figures sufficiently agree. pi v3

Все цифры в основном сходятся.

Do you reckon he’ll agree to see us? pi v3

Ты думаешь, что он согласится с нами встретиться?

I am inclined to agree. pi v3

Я склонен согласиться.

His statement agrees with facts. pi v3

Его заявление соответствует фактам.

I do agree with him to an extent. pi v3


Глагол agree в английском языке

agree 3 forms

Перевод agree с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
agree agreed agreed agreeing
[əˈɡriː] [əˈɡriːd] [əˈɡriːd] [əˈɡriːɪŋ]
[əˈɡriː] [əˈɡriːd] [əˈɡriːd] [əˈɡriːɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение agree в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to agree» (Английский язык)

Глагол to agree – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: соглашаться уславливаться; договариваться; соответствовать, гармонировать, быть сходным; быть по душе.

Infinitive to agree
Simple past agreed
Past participle agreed
-s agrees
-ing agreeing

Agree in present simple



He does not agree
She does not agree
It does not agree


Does he agree?
Does she agree?
Does it agree?

Agree in present continuous


He is agreeing
She is agreeing
It is agreeing


You are not agreeing

He is not agreeing
She is not agreeing
It is not agreeing

We are not agreeing

You are not agreeing

They are not agreeing


Is he agreeing?
Is she agreeing?
Is it agreeing?

Agree in present perfect


He has agreed
She has agreed
It has agreed


You have not agreed

He has not agreed
She has not agreed
It has not agreed

We have not agreed

You have not agreed

They have not agreed


Has he agreed?
Has she agreed?
Has it agreed?

Agree in present perfect continuous


I have been agreeing

You have been agreeing

He has been agreeing
She has been agreeing
It has been agreeing

We have been agreeing

You have been agreeing

They have been agreeing


I have not been agreeing

You have not been agreeing

He has not been agreeing
She has not been agreeing
It has not been agreeing

We have not been agreeing

You have not been agreeing

They have not been agreeing


Have I been agreeing?

Have you been agreeing?

Has he been agreeing?
Has she been agreeing?
Has it been agreeing?

Have we been agreeing?

Have you been agreeing?

Have they been agreeing?

Agree in past simple



He did not agree
She did not agree
It did not agree

They did not agree


Did he agree?
Did she agree?
Did it agree?

Agree in past continuous


He was agreeing
She was agreeing
It was agreeing

They were agreeing


I was not agreeing

You were not agreeing

He was not agreeing
She was not agreeing
It was not agreeing

We were not agreeing

You were not agreeing

They were not agreeing


Was he agreeing?
Was she agreeing?
Was it agreeing?

Were they agreeing?

Agree in past perfect


He had agreed
She had agreed
It had agreed


You had not agreed

He had not agreed
She had not agreed
It had not agreed

You had not agreed

They had not agreed


Had he agreed?
Had she agreed?
Had it agreed?

Agree in past perfect continuous


I had been agreeing

You had been agreeing

He had been agreeing
She had been agreeing
It had been agreeing

We had been agreeing

You had been agreeing

They had been agreeing


I had not been agreeing

You had not been agreeing

He had not been agreeing
She had not been agreeing
It had not been agreeing

We had not been agreeing

You had not been agreeing

They had not been agreeing


Had I been agreeing?

Had you been agreeing?

Had he been agreeing?
Had she been agreeing?
Had it been agreeing?

Had we been agreeing?

Had you been agreeing?

Had they been agreeing?

Agree in future simple


He will agree
She will agree
It will agree


You will not agree

He will not agree
She will not agree
It will not agree

You will not agree

They will not agree


Will he agree?
Will she agree?
Will it agree?

Agree in future continuous


I will be agreeing

You will be agreeing

He will be agreeing
She will be agreeing
It will be agreeing

We will be agreeing

You will be agreeing

They will be agreeing


I will not be agreeing

You will not be agreeing

He will not be agreeing
She will not be agreeing
It will not be agreeing

We will not be agreeing

You will not be agreeing

They will not be agreeing


Will I be agreeing?

Will you be agreeing?

Will he be agreeing?
Will she be agreeing?
Will it be agreeing?

Will we be agreeing?

Will you be agreeing?

Will they be agreeing?

Agree in future perfect


I will have agreed

You will have agreed

He will have agreed
She will have agreed
It will have agreed

We will have agreed

You will have agreed

They will have agreed


I will not have agreed

You will not have agreed

He will not have agreed
She will not have agreed
It will not have agreed

We will not have agreed

You will not have agreed

They will not have agreed


Will I have agreed?

Will you have agreed?

Will he have agreed?
Will she have agreed?
Will it have agreed?

Will we have agreed?

Will you have agreed?

Will they have agreed?

Agree in future perfect continuous


I will have been agreeing

You will have been agreeing

He will have been agreeing
She will have been agreeing
It will have been agreeing

We will have been agreeing

You will have been agreeing

They will have been agreeing


I will not have been agreeing

You will not have been agreeing

He will not have been agreeing
She will not have been agreeing
It will not have been agreeing

We will not have been agreeing

You will not have been agreeing

They will not have been agreeing


Will I have been agreeing?

Will you have been agreeing?

Will he have been agreeing?
Will she have been agreeing?
Will it have been agreeing?

Will we have been agreeing?

Will you have been agreeing?

Will they have been agreeing?

Agree in conditional present


He would agree
She would agree
It would agree


You would not agree

He would not agree
She would not agree
It would not agree

We would not agree

You would not agree

They would not agree


Would he agree?
Would she agree?
Would it agree?

Agree in conditional present progressive


I would be agreeing

You would be agreeing

He would be agreeing
She would be agreeing
It would be agreeing

We would be agreeing

You would be agreeing

They would be agreeing


I would not be agreeing

You would not be agreeing

He would not be agreeing
She would not be agreeing
It would not be agreeing

We would not be agreeing

You would not be agreeing

They would not be agreeing


Would I be agreeing?

Would you be agreeing?

Would he be agreeing?
Would she be agreeing?
Would it be agreeing?

Would we be agreeing?

Would you be agreeing?

Would they be agreeing?

Agree in conditional perfect


I would have agreed

You would have agreed

He would have agreed
She would have agreed
It would have agreed

We would have agreed

You would have agreed

They would have agreed


I would not have agreed

You would not have agreed

He would not have agreed
She would not have agreed
It would not have agreed

We would not have agreed

You would not have agreed

They would not have agreed


Would I have agreed?

Would you have agreed?

Would he have agreed?
Would she have agreed?
Would it have agreed?

Would we have agreed?

Would you have agreed?

Would they have agreed?

Agree in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been agreeing

You would have been agreeing

He would have been agreeing
She would have been agreeing
It would have been agreeing

We would have been agreeing

You would have been agreeing

They would have been agreeing


I would not have been agreeing

You would not have been agreeing

He would not have been agreeing
She would not have been agreeing
It would not have been agreeing

We would not have been agreeing

You would not have been agreeing

They would not have been agreeing


Would I have been agreeing?

Would you have been agreeing?

Would he have been agreeing?
Would she have been agreeing?
Would it have been agreeing?


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Формы глагола agree

Posted on 2013-04-11 by admin in Глагол // 0 Comments


Продолжая тему английских глаголов, мы будем рассматривать использование глагола agree и его формы, который на русский язык переводится в значении «договариваться, соглашаться, согласовывать, сходиться во взглядах».

Глагол agree правильный, а значит его три формы следующие: Infinitive – Past Indefinite (Simple) – Participle II – to agree – agreed – agreed

Обратите внимание на употребление agree во временах Indefinite и Perfect и запомните, что он не употребляется в продолженных временах ( Present Continuous, Past Continuous)

Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense

I usually agree with his opinion – Обычно я соглашаюсь с его мнением

Present Perfect tense

They have agreed to spend next holidays in Spain – Они договорились провести следующий отпуск в Испании

Past Indefinite tense

We agreed on all points – Мы согласились по всем вопросам

Future Simple Tense

I think, we’ll never agree – думаю, мы никогда не поладим

Синонимы глагола agree:

Запомните следующие выражения с глаголом agree


3 формы неправильных глаголов в английском языке

В этом уроке мы рассмотрим 3 формы глаголов в английском языке.

Какие формы есть у английского глагола?

Первая форма глагола – это начальная форма глагола, как в словаре, без окончаний. Она используется:

Как 3 формы глагола отображаются в словаре?

Например, вот 3 формы глагола в английском языке:

Что такое правильные и неправильные глаголы?

В английском языке все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. Разница в образовании второй формы и третьей формы.

Правильные глаголы

Правильные глаголы образуют вторую форму (Past Simple) и третью форму (Past Participle) одинаково, с помощью добавления окончания -ed. Вот пример 3 форм глаголов:

Потому они и называются правильными, что подчиняются одному правилу. Таких глаголов в английском языке большинство.

В большинстве случаев к глаголу просто добавляется окончание -ed и ничего не меняется (cook – cooked, stay – stayed)


Если глагол оканчивается на -y, а перед ней согласная, то -y меняется на i + ed:

Note: Если перед -y стоит гласная, то ничего не меняется (play-played)

Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, перед которой стоит краткий ударный звук, то согласная удваивается:

watch – watched

carry – carried

skip – skipped

agree – agreed

Окончание -ed произносится по-разному, в зависимости от конечного звука глагола:





Неправильные глаголы

Неправильные глаголы не следуют правилам, они имеют свои собственные вторую и третью формы, которые нужно запомнить:

Как узнать, правильный это глагол или неправильный?

Некоторые глаголы могут быть и правильными, и неправильными. Например, learn имеет и форму learned, и learnt:

screen shot 2020 04 21 at 13.55.57Источник: Collins Dictionary

Зачем знать 3 формы глагола в английском языке?

Чтобы понимать английскую речь и правильно на нем говорить, нам нужно знать все 3 формы неправильных глаголов. Например, чтобы сказать, что мы делали или сделали, нам нужны II и III формы глаголов. Например:

Для начального уровня (Elementary) достаточно знать 50 самых употребительных неправильных глаголов во всех формах. Для того, чтобы общаться на уровне носителя языка (Intermediate – Advanced), потребуется выучить 100-200 неправильных глаголов.

Ниже вы найдете таблицу из 50 распространенных глаголов.

50 самых распространенных глаголов

Базовая форма (I) Past Simple (II) Past Participle (III) Перевод
be was/were been быть
do did done делать
have had had иметь
get got got(ten) становиться, получать
go went gone идти
come came come приходить
give gave given давать
take took taken брать
drink drank drunk пить
buy bought bought покупать
cost cost cost стоить
begin began begun начинать
cut cut cut резать
think thought thought думать
eat ate eaten есть
say said said сказать
speak spoke spoken говорить
tell told told рассказывать
hear heard heard слышать
put put put класть
meet met met встречать
make made made делать
bring brought brought приносить
sleep slept slept спать
leave left left уезжать
know knew known знать
drive drove driven водить
break broke broken ломать
read read read читать
write wrote written писать
become became become стать
find found found находить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fall fell fallen падать
teach taught taught учить
sit sat sat сидеть
fly flew flown летать
run ran run бежать
show showed shown(ed) показывать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
understand understood understood понимать
learn learnt learnt учить
build built built строить
spend spent spent тратить
lose lost lost терять
swim swam swum плавать
burn burnt burnt гореть
draw drew drawn рисовать
keep kept kept хранить
mean meant meant означать

Как быстро выучить неправильные глаголы?

Выучить неправильные глаголы в английском языке – непростая, но вполне посильная задача для каждого, кто изучает английский язык. Если вы регулярно занимаетесь, то постепенно запомните все глаголы. Чем чаще вы с ними сталкиваетесь, тем быстрее процесс. Вот несколько рекомендаций, с помощью которых мои ученики быстро запоминают неправильные глаголы:

Группы и закономерности неправильных глаголов

Очень удобно учить глаголы по группам, собранным по общему принципу образования форм.


Past Simple

Past Participle


Past Simple

Past Participle


Past Simple

Past Participle


Past Simple

Past Participle

drive drove driven ride rode ridden rise rose risen write wrote written bite bit bitten hide hid hidden break broke broken choose chose chosen speak spoke spoken wake woke woken blow blew blown grow grew grown know knew known fly flew flown


Чтобы интереснее и быстрее запомнить все три формы неправильных глаголов, можно придумать или найти рифмовки. Вот, например, такая:

Shake shook shaken

Один преподаватель даже написал рэп про неправильные глаголы:

Применяя эти приемы на практике, запомнить неправильные глаголы не составит труда. Успехов вам!

Если есть вопросы, задавайте, буду рада ответить всем.


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