carry прошедшая форма глагола

Глагол carry в английском языке

carry 3 forms

Перевод carry с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
carry carried carried carrying
[ˈkærɪ] [ˈkærɪd] [ˈkærɪd] [ˈkærɪɪŋ]
[ˈkærɪ] [ˈkærɪd] [ˈkærɪd] [ˈkærɪɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение carry в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to carry» (Английский язык)

Глагол to carry – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: везти, перевозить; нести, носить, переносить; нести на себе тяжесть, поддерживать.

Infinitive to carry
Simple past carried
Past participle carried
-s carries
-ing carrying

Carry in present simple


He carries
She carries
It carries


He does not carry
She does not carry
It does not carry


Does he carry?
Does she carry?
Does it carry?

Carry in present continuous


He is carrying
She is carrying
It is carrying


You are not carrying

He is not carrying
She is not carrying
It is not carrying

We are not carrying

You are not carrying

They are not carrying


Is he carrying?
Is she carrying?
Is it carrying?

Carry in present perfect


He has carried
She has carried
It has carried


I have not carried

You have not carried

He has not carried
She has not carried
It has not carried

We have not carried

You have not carried

They have not carried


Has he carried?
Has she carried?
Has it carried?

Carry in present perfect continuous


I have been carrying

You have been carrying

He has been carrying
She has been carrying
It has been carrying

We have been carrying

You have been carrying

They have been carrying


I have not been carrying

You have not been carrying

He has not been carrying
She has not been carrying
It has not been carrying

We have not been carrying

You have not been carrying

They have not been carrying


Have I been carrying?

Have you been carrying?

Has he been carrying?
Has she been carrying?
Has it been carrying?

Have we been carrying?

Have you been carrying?

Have they been carrying?

Carry in past simple


He carried
She carried
It carried


He did not carry
She did not carry
It did not carry

They did not carry


Did he carry?
Did she carry?
Did it carry?

Carry in past continuous


He was carrying
She was carrying
It was carrying

They were carrying


I was not carrying

You were not carrying

He was not carrying
She was not carrying
It was not carrying

We were not carrying

You were not carrying

They were not carrying


Was he carrying?
Was she carrying?
Was it carrying?

Were they carrying?

Carry in past perfect


He had carried
She had carried
It had carried


You had not carried

He had not carried
She had not carried
It had not carried

We had not carried

You had not carried

They had not carried


Had he carried?
Had she carried?
Had it carried?

Carry in past perfect continuous


I had been carrying

You had been carrying

He had been carrying
She had been carrying
It had been carrying

We had been carrying

You had been carrying

They had been carrying


I had not been carrying

You had not been carrying

He had not been carrying
She had not been carrying
It had not been carrying

We had not been carrying

You had not been carrying

They had not been carrying


Had I been carrying?

Had you been carrying?

Had he been carrying?
Had she been carrying?
Had it been carrying?

Had we been carrying?

Had you been carrying?

Had they been carrying?

Carry in future simple


He will carry
She will carry
It will carry


You will not carry

He will not carry
She will not carry
It will not carry

You will not carry

They will not carry


Will he carry?
Will she carry?
Will it carry?

Carry in future continuous


I will be carrying

You will be carrying

He will be carrying
She will be carrying
It will be carrying

We will be carrying

You will be carrying

They will be carrying


I will not be carrying

You will not be carrying

He will not be carrying
She will not be carrying
It will not be carrying

We will not be carrying

You will not be carrying

They will not be carrying


Will I be carrying?

Will you be carrying?

Will he be carrying?
Will she be carrying?
Will it be carrying?

Will we be carrying?

Will you be carrying?

Will they be carrying?

Carry in future perfect


I will have carried

You will have carried

He will have carried
She will have carried
It will have carried

We will have carried

You will have carried

They will have carried


I will not have carried

You will not have carried

He will not have carried
She will not have carried
It will not have carried

We will not have carried

You will not have carried

They will not have carried


Will I have carried?

Will you have carried?

Will he have carried?
Will she have carried?
Will it have carried?

Will we have carried?

Will you have carried?

Will they have carried?

Carry in future perfect continuous


I will have been carrying

You will have been carrying

He will have been carrying
She will have been carrying
It will have been carrying

We will have been carrying

You will have been carrying

They will have been carrying


I will not have been carrying

You will not have been carrying

He will not have been carrying
She will not have been carrying
It will not have been carrying

We will not have been carrying

You will not have been carrying

They will not have been carrying


Will I have been carrying?

Will you have been carrying?

Will he have been carrying?
Will she have been carrying?
Will it have been carrying?

Will we have been carrying?

Will you have been carrying?

Will they have been carrying?

Carry in conditional present


He would carry
She would carry
It would carry


You would not carry

He would not carry
She would not carry
It would not carry

We would not carry

You would not carry

They would not carry


Would he carry?
Would she carry?
Would it carry?

Carry in conditional present progressive


I would be carrying

You would be carrying

He would be carrying
She would be carrying
It would be carrying

We would be carrying

You would be carrying

They would be carrying


I would not be carrying

You would not be carrying

He would not be carrying
She would not be carrying
It would not be carrying

We would not be carrying

You would not be carrying

They would not be carrying


Would I be carrying?

Would you be carrying?

Would he be carrying?
Would she be carrying?
Would it be carrying?

Would we be carrying?

Would you be carrying?

Would they be carrying?

Carry in conditional perfect


I would have carried

You would have carried

He would have carried
She would have carried
It would have carried

We would have carried

You would have carried

They would have carried


I would not have carried

You would not have carried

He would not have carried
She would not have carried
It would not have carried

We would not have carried

You would not have carried

They would not have carried


Would I have carried?

Would you have carried?

Would he have carried?
Would she have carried?
Would it have carried?

Would we have carried?

Would you have carried?

Would they have carried?

Carry in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been carrying

You would have been carrying

He would have been carrying
She would have been carrying
It would have been carrying

We would have been carrying

You would have been carrying

They would have been carrying


I would not have been carrying

You would not have been carrying

He would not have been carrying
She would not have been carrying
It would not have been carrying

We would not have been carrying

You would not have been carrying

They would not have been carrying


Would I have been carrying?

Would you have been carrying?

Would he have been carrying?
Would she have been carrying?
Would it have been carrying?



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Множ. число: carries.

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I carry We carry
You carry You carry
He/She/It carries They carry
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I carried We carried
You carried You carried
He/She/It carried They carried


carry the coffin
нести гроб

carry oxygen
переносить кислород

carry out inspections
проводить проверку

carry out activities
осуществлять деятельность

carry out tasks
выполнять задания

carry the bag
носить сумку

carry passengers
перевозить пассажиров

carry tourists
возить туристов

carry weight
иметь веса

carry messages
передавать сообщения

carry on negotiations
вести переговоры

carry goods
перевозка грузов


Modern computers carry out ten to the ninth power (10^9) operations per second.
Современные компьютеры выполняют примерно десять в девятой степени операций в секунду.

Tom doesn’t carry much cash.
Том не носит с собой много денег.

Builders, like my cousin, often have to carry heavy materials to site.
Строителям, как и моему двоюродному брату, часто приходится таскать тяжести на стройплощадку.

The box was heavy, but he managed to carry it.
Коробка была тяжёлой, но ему удалось перенести её.

Many things are easy to talk about, but difficult to actually carry out.
О многих вещах легко говорить, но сложно делать.

I can’t carry this suitcase by myself.
Я не могу сама нести этот чемодан.

His opinions carry weight.
Его мнение имеет вес.

We couldn’t carry out our project because of a lack of funds.
Нам не удалось осуществить проект из-за недостатка средств.

Kumiko got a porter to carry her suitcase at the airport.
Кумико взяла носильщика, чтобы он донёс её чемодан до аэропорта.

Mosquitoes carry malaria.
Комары переносят малярию.

If he carries on drinking like that, he’s going to have a problem.
Если он продолжит так пить, у него будут проблемы.

Tom always carries a camera with him wherever he goes.
Том всегда носит с собой фотоаппарат, куда бы он ни пошёл.

Every privilege carries responsibility with it.
Любая привилегия влечёт за собой ответственность.

She carries on smiling even in the face of adversity.
Она продолжает улыбаться даже перед лицом неприятности.

The slave carries the water.
Раб несёт воду.

He carries a bag on his back.
Он тащит на спине сумку.

The bluebird carries the sky on his back.
Синешейка носит небо на своей спине.

Mr Brown always carries a book with him.
Мистер Браун всегда носит с собой какую-нибудь книгу.

She always carries a Bible.
Она всегда носит с собой Библию.

Tom carried two boxes into the storage room.
Том отнёс две коробки в кладовую комнату.

He carried out all his promises.
Он выполнил все свои обещания.

The ship carried hundreds of immigrants to America.
Судно доставило в США сотни иммигрантов.

The experiments have been being carried out since 1997.
Эксперименты проводились начиная с 1997 года.

Your instructions are being carried out.
Ваши инструкции выполняются.

He carried a rifle on his shoulder.
Он нес на плече винтовку.

She had her baggage carried to the airport.
Её багаж отнесли в аэропорт.

They carried out a new chemical experiment.
Они провели новый химический эксперимент.

Police cordoned off the area and carried out a thorough search for the fugitive.
Полиция оцепила район и провела тщательный поиск беглеца.

Tom carried two children from the burning house.
Том вынес из горящего дома двоих детей.

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На данной странице следует оставлять комментарии, относящиеся к слову carry. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.


pi0 v3 pd 00


глагол ↓

Мои примеры



Let me carry that bag for you. pi v3

Разрешите мне понести вашу сумку.

I will carry the secret to my grave. pi v3

Я унесу эту тайну в могилу.

The book carries many tables. pi v3

Книга содержит много таблиц.

The ship could carry 70 passengers. pi v3

Судно могло перевезти семьдесят пассажиров.

I carry her image in my mind’s eye. pi v3

Я ношу её образ в своих воспоминаниях.

Can you carry the tea things out into the garden? pi v3

Ты не мог бы вынести чайные принадлежности в сад?

This crime carries the death penalty. pi v3

Это преступление влечёт за собой смертную казнь.

I always carry money. pi v3

Я всегда имею при себе деньги.

Carry on! pi v3

I am carrying his child. pi v3

Я ношу его ребёнка. / Я от него беременна.

Can you help me carry this table? pi v3

Вы мне не поможете перенести этот стол?

Don’t carry on so! pi v3

возьми себя в руки!; не злись так!

Carry all those books yourself! pi v3

Сам неси все эти книги!

Why does she always carry that little dog about? pi v3

Почему она всегда таскает с собой эту собачонку?

Both carried grave faces. pi v3

У обоих были серьёзные лица.

He was carrying a briefcase. pi v3

Roll up the rug and carry it away. pi v3

Закатай ковер и вынеси его.

You have to carry a mobile so that they can call you in at any time. pi v3

Вы должны всегда иметь при себе сотовый телефон, чтобы до вас в любое время можно было дозвониться.

The bill was carried. pi v3

Законопроект был принят.

The drain carries sewage. pi v3

Эта канализационная труба выводит сточные воды.

The treaty carries the force of law. pi v3

Данный договор имеет силу закона.

I carry these thoughts in the back of my head. pi v3

У меня эти мысли где-то в подсознании.

He cannot carry a tune. pi v3

Он не может петь без фальши. (ему не хватаем музыкальных способностей)

I had to carry him piggyback. pi v3

Мне пришлось тащить его на спине.

Repairs take time to carry out. pi v3

Для проведения ремонта требуется время.

This boat can only carry a small sail. pi v3

На эту лодку можно поставить только маленький парус.

All tobacco products must carry a health warning. pi v3

На всех видах табачной продукции должно быть нанесено медицинское предупреждение.

The shop carries only name brands. pi v3

Магазин торгует только фирменными товарами.

The ball carried high into the air. pi v3

Мяч взлетел высоко в воздух.

He carried his audience with him. pi v3

Он увлёк слушателей.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

These bonds carry warrants pi v3

Degree qualifications carry international recognition. pi v3

There are more airplanes carrying more people than ever before. pi v3


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