cast три формы глагола

pi0 v3 pd 00

существительное ↓

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



Cast aside your fears. pi v3

Отбрось свои страхи!

The die is cast / thrown. pi v3

Cast off all ropes! pi v3

She cast her request in very polite language pi v3

Она отклонила ее просьбу в очень вежливой формулировке.

He cast up his accounts. pi v3

Он прикинул свои расходы.

He cast a glance at the door. pi v3

Он бросил взгляд на дверь.

The movie has a stellar cast. pi v3

У этого фильма звездный состав. (=в нём играют знаменитые актёры)

The snake cast off its old skin. pi v3

Змея сбросила старую кожу.

She has a cast on her arm. pi v3

У неё на руке гипс.

A body was cast up last night. pi v3

Вчера вечером на берег выбросило труп.

She blushed, casting her eyes down. pi v3

Она покраснела, опустив глаза в пол.

Who cast this beautiful movie? pi v3

Кто подбирал актёров для этого прекрасного фильма?

She has cast up her dinner again. pi v3

Её опять вырвало после обеда.

When he grew rich, he cast away his old friends. pi v3

Став богатым, он порвал со всеми старыми друзьями.

Cast on 132 stitches. pi v3

Наберите 132 петли. (на спицах)

Murray has his leg in a cast. pi v3

У Мюррея загипсована нога.

The girl cast her eyes down modestly. pi v3

Девушка скромно опустила глаза.

The tree cast a long shadow on the lawn. pi v3

Дерево отбрасывало на газон длинную тень.

The flames cast an eerie glow. pi v3

Пламя отбрасывает зловещее зарево.

Coming events cast their shadows before. pi v3

Будущие события отбрасывают тень на настоящее.

Make a cast of the statue. pi v3

Сделайте слепок этой статуи.

I was in Berlin when they cast down the wall. pi v3

Я был в Берлине, когда ломали (Берлинскую) стену.

The buildings cast shade on the plaza. pi v3

Здания отбрасывают на площадь тень.

The young tramp cast him a wary glance. pi v3

Юный бродяга окинул его настороженным взглядом.

Rigby was cast in the leading role. pi v3

Главная роль досталась Ригби.

How many votes were cast? pi v3

Сколько голосов было отдано?

God has cast out the demons from your soul. pi v3

Бог изгнал демонов из твоей души.

Sage leaves have a silvery cast. pi v3

Листья шалфея имеют серебристый отлив.

The sailors were cast away on a desert island. pi v3

Моряков выбросило на пустынный остров.

She cast an anguished look at Guy. pi v3

Она бросила на Гая взгляд, полный страдания.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There’s a trick to casting properly. pi v3

Only 22% of voters cast their ballots. pi v3

Harkin won 74 percent of the votes cast. pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to cast» (Английский язык)

Глагол to cast – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: бросать, отбрасывать, отливать, лить, метать, закидывать, сбрасывать.

Infinitive to cast
Simple past cast
Past participle cast
-s casts
-ing casting

Cast in present simple



He does not cast
She does not cast
It does not cast


Does he cast?
Does she cast?
Does it cast?

Cast in present continuous


He is casting
She is casting
It is casting


You are not casting

He is not casting
She is not casting
It is not casting

We are not casting

You are not casting

They are not casting


Is he casting?
Is she casting?
Is it casting?

Cast in present perfect


He has cast
She has cast
It has cast


He has not cast
She has not cast
It has not cast

They have not cast


Has he cast?
Has she cast?
Has it cast?

Cast in present perfect continuous


I have been casting

You have been casting

He has been casting
She has been casting
It has been casting

We have been casting

You have been casting

They have been casting


I have not been casting

You have not been casting

He has not been casting
She has not been casting
It has not been casting

We have not been casting

You have not been casting

They have not been casting


Have I been casting?

Have you been casting?

Has he been casting?
Has she been casting?
Has it been casting?

Have we been casting?

Have you been casting?

Have they been casting?

Cast in past simple



He did not cast
She did not cast
It did not cast


Did he cast?
Did she cast?
Did it cast?

Cast in past continuous


He was casting
She was casting
It was casting


You were not casting

He was not casting
She was not casting
It was not casting

We were not casting

You were not casting

They were not casting


Was he casting?
Was she casting?
Was it casting?

Cast in past perfect


He had cast
She had cast
It had cast


He had not cast
She had not cast
It had not cast


Had he cast?
Had she cast?
Had it cast?

Cast in past perfect continuous


I had been casting

You had been casting

He had been casting
She had been casting
It had been casting

We had been casting

You had been casting

They had been casting


I had not been casting

You had not been casting

He had not been casting
She had not been casting
It had not been casting

We had not been casting

You had not been casting

They had not been casting


Had I been casting?

Had you been casting?

Had he been casting?
Had she been casting?
Had it been casting?

Had we been casting?

Had you been casting?

Had they been casting?

Cast in future simple


He will cast
She will cast
It will cast


He will not cast
She will not cast
It will not cast

They will not cast


Will he cast?
Will she cast?
Will it cast?

Cast in future continuous


You will be casting

He will be casting
She will be casting
It will be casting

We will be casting

You will be casting

They will be casting


I will not be casting

You will not be casting

He will not be casting
She will not be casting
It will not be casting

We will not be casting

You will not be casting

They will not be casting


Will you be casting?

Will he be casting?
Will she be casting?
Will it be casting?

Will we be casting?

Will you be casting?

Will they be casting?

Cast in future perfect


You will have cast

He will have cast
She will have cast
It will have cast

You will have cast

They will have cast


I will not have cast

You will not have cast

He will not have cast
She will not have cast
It will not have cast

We will not have cast

You will not have cast

They will not have cast


Will you have cast?

Will he have cast?
Will she have cast?
Will it have cast?

Will you have cast?

Will they have cast?

Cast in future perfect continuous


I will have been casting

You will have been casting

He will have been casting
She will have been casting
It will have been casting

We will have been casting

You will have been casting

They will have been casting


I will not have been casting

You will not have been casting

He will not have been casting
She will not have been casting
It will not have been casting

We will not have been casting

You will not have been casting

They will not have been casting


Will I have been casting?

Will you have been casting?

Will he have been casting?
Will she have been casting?
Will it have been casting?

Will we have been casting?

Will you have been casting?

Will they have been casting?

Cast in conditional present


He would cast
She would cast
It would cast


You would not cast

He would not cast
She would not cast
It would not cast

You would not cast

They would not cast


Would he cast?
Would she cast?
Would it cast?

Cast in conditional present progressive


I would be casting

You would be casting

He would be casting
She would be casting
It would be casting

We would be casting

You would be casting

They would be casting


I would not be casting

You would not be casting

He would not be casting
She would not be casting
It would not be casting

We would not be casting

You would not be casting

They would not be casting


Would I be casting?

Would you be casting?

Would he be casting?
Would she be casting?
Would it be casting?

Would we be casting?

Would you be casting?

Would they be casting?

Cast in conditional perfect


You would have cast

He would have cast
She would have cast
It would have cast

We would have cast

You would have cast

They would have cast


I would not have cast

You would not have cast

He would not have cast
She would not have cast
It would not have cast

We would not have cast

You would not have cast

They would not have cast


Would you have cast?

Would he have cast?
Would she have cast?
Would it have cast?

Would we have cast?

Would you have cast?

Would they have cast?

Cast in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been casting

You would have been casting

He would have been casting
She would have been casting
It would have been casting

We would have been casting

You would have been casting

They would have been casting


I would not have been casting

You would not have been casting

He would not have been casting
She would not have been casting
It would not have been casting

We would not have been casting

You would not have been casting

They would not have been casting


Would I have been casting?

Would you have been casting?

Would he have been casting?
Would she have been casting?
Would it have been casting?


Неправильные глаголы английского языка

irregular verbs 2

Всего существует 180 основных базовых неправильных глаголов, остальные дополнительные глаголы являются производными от них:
do — undo — redo — overdo; bite — backbite и др.

Таблица неправильных глаголов с переводом и транскрипцией (три формы глагола):

Неопределенная форма глагола (Infinitive) Вторая форма (Past Simple) Третья форма (Past Participle) Перевод
1 abide [ə’baɪd] abode [ə’bəud] abode [ə’bəud] пребывать, держаться
2 arise [ə’raɪz] arose [ə’rəuz] arisen [ə’rɪz(ə)n] подняться, возникнуть
3 awake [ə’weɪk] awoke [ə’wəuk] awaked [ə’weɪk] будить, проснуться
4 backbite [ˈbækbaɪt] backbit [ˈbækbɪt] backbitten [ˈbækbɪtən] клеветать
5 backslide
backslid [ˈbækˌslɪd] backslid [ˈbækˌslɪd] отпадать
6 be [bi:] was [wɔz]; were [wз:] been [bi:n] быть, нести, родить
7 bear [beə] bore [bɔː] born [bɔːn] родить
8 beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t] beaten [‘bi:tn] бить
9 become [bi:kʌm] became [bi:keim] become [bi:kʌm] стать, сделаться
10 befall [bɪ’fɔːl] befell [bɪ’fel] befallen [bɪ’fɔːlən] случиться
11 beget [bɪˈɡet] begot, begat [bəˈɡat] begot, begotten [bɪˈɡɑːtn] порождать
12 begin [bi’gin] began [bi’gæn] begun [bi’gʌn] начать
13 behold [bɪ’həuld] beheld [bɪ’held] beheld [bɪ’held] видеть, созерцать
14 bend [bend] bent [bent] bent [bent] гнуть
15 bereave [bɪˈriːv] bereft, bereaved bereft, bereaved лишать
16 beseech [bɪ’siːʧ] besought [bɪ’sɔːt] besought [bɪ’sɔːt] умолять, упрашивать
17 beset [bɪ’set] beset [bɪ’set] beset [bɪ’set] осаждать
18 bespeak [bɪˈspiːk] bespoke bespoke, bespoken заказывать
19 bestride [bɪˈstraɪd] bestrode bestridden садиться, сидеть верхом
20 bet [bet] bet [bet] bet [bet] держать пари
21 betake [bɪˈteɪk] betook betaken приниматься, отправляться
22 bid [bɪd] bid [bɪd] bid [bɪd] велеть, просить
23 bind [baɪnd] bound [baund] bound [baund] связать
24 bite [baɪt] bit [bɪt] bitten [‘bɪtn] кусать
25 bleed [bliːd] bled [bled] bled [bled] кровоточить
26 bless [bles] blessed blessed, blest благословлять
27 blow [bləu] blew [bluː] blown [bləun] дуть
28 break [breɪk] broke [brəuk] broken [‘brəuk(ə)n] ломать
29 breed [briːd] bred [bred] bred [bred] выращивать, разводить
30 bring [brɪŋ] brought [brɔːt] brought [brɔːt] принести
31 broadcast [‘brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast [‘brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast [‘brɔːdkɑːst] вещать (ТВ, радио)
32 browbeat [ˈbraʊbiːt] browbeat browbeaten запугивать
33 build [bɪld] built [bɪlt] built [bɪlt] строить
34 burn [bɜːn] burnt [bɜːnt] burnt [bɜːnt] жечь, гореть
35 burst [bɜːst] burst [bɜːst] burst [bɜːst] разразиться, взорваться
36 bust [bʌst] bust, busted bust, busted разжаловать, уничтожить
37 buy [baɪ] bought [bɔːt] bought [bɔːt] купить
38 can [kæn] could [kud] could [kud] мочь, уметь
39 cast [kɑːst] cast [kɑːst] cast [kɑːst] кинуть, лить металл
40 catch [kæʧ] caught [kɔːt] caught [kɔːt] ловить, поймать
41 choose [ʧuːz] chose [tʃoʊz] chosen [‘ʧəuz(ə)n] выбрать
42 cling [klɪŋ] clung [klʌŋ] clung [klʌŋ] прилипать, цепляться
43 cleave [kliːv] cleft [kleft] cloven [‘kləuv(ə)n] раскалывать, рассекать
44 clothe [kləuð] clothed [kləʊðd] clothed [kləʊðd] одеть, одевать
45 come [kʌm] came [keɪm] come [kʌm] приходить
46 cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] оценивать, стоить
47 countersink
countersank countersunk зенковать
48 creep [kriːp] crept [krept] crept [krept] ползти
49 cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] резать
50 dare [deə] durst [dɜːst] dared [deəd] сметь
51 deal [diːl] dealt [delt] dealt [delt] иметь дело
52 dig [dɪɡ] dug [dʌɡ] dug [dʌɡ] копать
53 dive [daɪv] dove [dʌv] dived [daɪvd] нырять, погружаться
54 do/does [dʌz] did [dɪd] done [dʌn] делать
55 draw [drɔː] drew [druː] drawn [drɔːn] тащить, рисовать
56 dream [driːm] dreamt [dremt] dreamt [dremt] грезить, мечтать
57 drink [drɪŋk] drank [dræŋk] drunk [drʌŋk] пить, выпить
58 drive [draɪv] drove [drəʊv] driven [ˈdrɪvn̩] гнать, ехать
59 dwell [dwel] dwelt [dwelt] dwelt [dwelt] обитать, задерживаться
60 eat [iːt] ate [et] eaten [ˈiːtn̩] кушать, есть
61 fall [fɔːl] fell [fel] fallen [ˈfɔːlən] падать
62 feed [fiːd] fed [fed] fed [fed] кормить
63 feel [fiːl] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать
64 fight [faɪt] fought [ˈfɔːt ] fought [ˈfɔːt ] сражаться, драться
65 find [faɪnd] found [faʊnd] found [faʊnd] находить
66 fit [fɪt] fit [fɪt] fit [fɪt] подходить, годиться
67 flee [fliː] fled [fled] fled [fled] бежать, спасаться
68 fling [flɪŋ] flung [flʌŋ] flung [flʌŋ] бросить
69 fly [flaɪ] flew [fluː] flown [fləʊn] летать
70 forbear [fɔːrˈber] forbore forborne воздерживаться
71 forbid [fəˈbɪd] forbade [fəˈbæd] forbidden [fəˈbɪdn̩] запретить
72 forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] forecast; forecasted [ˈfɔːkɑːstɪd] forecast; forecasted [ˈfɔːkɑːstɪd] предсказывать
73 foresee [fɔːrˈsiː] foresaw foreseen предвидеть
74 foretell [fɔːrˈtel] foretold foretold предсказывать
75 forget [fəˈɡet] forgot [fəˈɡɒt] forgotten [fəˈɡɒtn̩] забыть
76 forego [fɔːˈɡəʊ] forewent [fɔːˈwent] foregone [fɔːˈɡɒn] отказываться, воздерживаться
77 forgive [fəˈɡɪv] forgave [fəˈɡeɪv] forgiven [fəˈɡɪvn̩] простить
78 forsake [fəˈseɪk] forsook [fəˈsʊk] forsaken [fəˈseɪkən] покидать
79 forswear [fɔːrˈswer] forswore forsworn отрекаться
80 freeze [friːz] froze [frəʊz] frozen [ˈfrəʊzən] замерзнуть, замораживать
81 gainsay [ˌɡeɪnˈseɪ] gainsaid gainsaid отрицать, противоречить
82 get [ˈɡet] got [ˈɡɒt] got [ˈɡɒt] получить
83 gild [ɡɪld] gilt [ɡɪlt]; gilded [ˈɡɪldɪd] gilt [ɡɪlt]; gilded [ˈɡɪldɪd] позолотить
84 gird [ɡɜːrd] girded, girt girded, girt опоясывать
85 give [ɡɪv] gave [ɡeɪv] given [ɡɪvn̩] дать
86 go/goes [ɡəʊz] went [ˈwent] gone [ɡɒn] идти, уходить
87 grind [ɡraɪnd] ground [ɡraʊnd] ground [ɡraʊnd] точить, молоть
88 grow [ɡrəʊ] grew [ɡruː] grown [ɡrəʊn] расти
89 hang [hæŋ] hung [hʌŋ]; hanged [hæŋd] hung [hʌŋ]; hanged [hæŋd] висеть, повесить
90 have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] иметь
91 hear [hɪə] heard [hɜːd] heard [hɜːd] слушать
92 hew [hjuː] hewed [hjuːd] hewed [hjuːd]; hewn [hjuːn] рубить, тесать
93 hide [haɪd] hid [hɪd] hidden [ˈhɪdn̩] прятать(ся)
94 hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] ударить, попасть
95 hold [həʊld] held [held] held [held] держать
96 hurt [hɜːt] hurt [hɜːt] hurt [hɜːt] причинить боль
97 inlay [ˌɪnˈleɪ] inlaid inlaid вкладывать, выстилать
98 input [ˈɪnpʊt] input, inputted input, inputted входить
99 inset [ˈɪnset] inset inset вставлять, вкладывать
100 interweave [ˌɪntərˈwiːv] interwove interwoven вплести, воткать
101 keep [kiːp] kept [kept ] kept [kept ] хранить
102 kneel [niːl] knelt [nelt]; kneeled [niːld] knelt [nelt]; kneeled [niːld] становиться на колени
103 knit [nɪt] knit [nɪt]; knitted [ˈnɪtɪd] knit [nɪt]; knitted [ˈnɪtɪd] вязать
104 know [nəʊ] knew [njuː] known [nəʊn] знать
105 lay [leɪ] laid [leɪd ] laid [leɪd ] класть, положить
106 lead [liːd] led [led] led [led] вести
107 lean [liːn] leant [lent]; leaned [liːnd] leant [lent]; leaned [liːnd] опереться, прислониться
108 leap [liːp] leapt [lept]; leaped [liːpt] leapt [lept]; leaped [liːpt] прыгать
109 learn [lɜːn] learnt [lɜːnt]; learned [lɜːnd] learnt [lɜːnt]; learned [lɜːnd] учить
110 leave [liːv] left [left] left [left] оставить
111 lend [lend] lent [lent] lent [lent] одолжить
112 let [let] let [let] let [let] пустить, дать
113 lie [laɪ] lay [leɪ] lain [leɪn] лежать
114 light [laɪt] lit [lɪt]; lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] lit [lɪt]; lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] осветить
115 lose [luːz] lost [lɒst] lost [lɒst] терять
116 make [ˈmeɪk] made [ˈmeɪd] made [ˈmeɪd] делать
117 may [meɪ] might [maɪt] might [maɪt] мочь, иметь возможность
118 mean [miːn] meant [ment] meant [ment] подразумевать
119 meet [miːt] met [met] met [met] встретить
120 miscast [ˌmɪsˈkæst] miscast miscast неправильно распределять роли
121 mishear [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] ослышаться
122 mishit [ˈmɪshɪt] mishit mishit промахнуться
123 mislay [ˌmɪsˈleɪ] mislaid mislaid класть не на место
124 mislead [ˌmɪsˈliːd] misled misled ввести в заблуждение
125 misread [ˌmɪsˈriːd] misread misread неправильно истолковывать
126 misspell [ˌmɪsˈspel] misspelt, misspeled misspelt, misspeled писать с ошибками
127 misspend [ˌmɪsˈspend] misspent misspent экономить
128 mistake [mɪˈsteɪk] mistook mistaken неправильно понимать
129 misunderstand [ˌmɪsʌndərˈstænd] misunderstood misunderstood неправильно понимать
130 mow [moʊ] mowed mown косить
131 outbid [ˌaʊtˈbɪd] outbid outbid перебивать цену
132 outdo [ˌaʊtˈduː] outdid outdone превосходить
133 outfight [ˌaʊtˈfaɪt] outfought outfought побеждать (в бою)
134 outgrow [ˌaʊtˈɡroʊ] outgrew outgrown вырастать из
135 output [ˈaʊtpʊt] output, outputted output, outputted выдавать, производить
136 outrun [ˌaʊtˈrʌn] outran outrun перегонять, опережать
137 outsell [ˌaʊtˈsel] outsold outsold продавать лучше или дороже
138 outshine [ˌaʊtˈʃaɪn] outshone outshone затмевать
139 overbid [ˌoʊvəˈbɪd] overbid overbid повелевать
140 overcome [ˌoʊvərˈkʌm] overcame overcome компенсировать
141 overdo [ˌoʊvərˈduː] overdid overdone делать что-либо излишне, чрезмерно
142 overdraw [ˌoʊvərˈdrɔː] overdrew overdrawn превышать
143 overeat [ˌoʊvərˈiːt] overate overeaten объедаться
144 overfly [ˌoʊvərˈflaɪ] overflew overflown перелетать
145 overhang [ˌoʊvərˈhæŋ] overhung overhung нависать
146 overhear [ˌoʊvərˈhɪr] overheard overheard подслушивать
147 overlay [ˌoʊvərˈleɪ] overlaid overlaid покрывать
148 overpay [ˌoʊvərˈpeɪ] overpaid overpaid переплачивать
149 override [ˌoʊvərˈraɪd] overrode overridden отвергать, отклонять
150 overrun [ˈoʊvərʌn] overran overrun переливаться через край
151 oversee [ˌoʊvərˈsiː] oversaw overseen надзирать за
152 overshoot [ˌoʊvərˈʃuːt] overshot overshot расстрелять
153 oversleep [ˌoʊvərˈsliːp] overslept overslept проспать
154 overtake [ˌoʊvərˈteɪk] overtook overtaken догонять
155 overthrow [ˌoʊvərˈθroʊ] overthrew overthrown свергать
156 partake [pɑːrˈteɪk] partook partaken вкушать
157 pay [peɪ] paid [peɪd] paid [peɪd] платить
158 plead [pliːd] pleaded, pled pleaded, pled обращаться к суду
159 prepay [priˈpeɪ] prepaid prepaid платить вперед
160 prove [pruːv] proved proved, proven доказывать, оказаться
161 put [pʊt] put [pʊt] put [pʊt] класть
162 quit [kwɪt] quit, quitted quit, quitted покидать, оставлять
163 read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать
164 rebind [ˌriːˈbaɪnd] rebound rebound перевязывать
165 rebuild [ˌriːˈbɪld] rebuilt rebuilt перестроить
166 recast [ˌriːˈkæst] recast recast видоизменять, преобразовывать
167 redo [ˌriːˈduː] redid redone повторять сделанное
168 rehear [ˌriːˈhɪr] reheard reheard слушать вторично
169 remake [ˈriːmeɪk] remade remade переделывать
170 rend [rend] rent rent раздирать
171 repay [rɪˈpeɪ] repaid repaid отдавать долг
172 rerun [ˈriːrʌn] reran rerun выполнять повторно
173 resell [ˌriːˈsel] resold resold перепродавать
174 reset [ˌriːˈset] reset reset возвращать
175 resit [ˈriːsɪt] resat resat пересиживать
176 retake [ˌriːˈteɪk] retook retaken забирать
177 retell [ˌriːˈtel] retold retold пересказывать
178 rewrite [ˈriːraɪt] rewrote rewritten переписать
179 rid [rɪd] rid, ridded rid, ridded избавлять
180 ride [raɪd] rode [roud] ridden [‘rɪdn] ездить верхом
181 ring [rɪŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] звонить
182 rise [raɪz] rose [rouz] risen [‘rɪzən] подняться
183 rive [raɪv] rived riven расщеплять
184 run [rʌn] ran [ræn] run [rʌn] бежать, течь
185 saw [sɔː] sawed sawn, sawed пилить
186 say [seɪ] said [sed] said [sed] говорить, сказать
187 see [si:] saw [sɔ:] seen [si:n] видеть
188 seek [siːk] sought sought искать
189 sell [sel] sold [sould] sold [sould] продавать
190 send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] послать
191 set [set] set [set] set [set] устанавливать
192 sew [soʊ] sewed sewed, sewn шить
193 shake [ʃeɪk] shook [ʃʊk] shaken [‘ʃeɪkən] трясти
194 shave [ʃeɪv] shaved shaved, shaven брить
195 shear [ʃɪr] sheared shorn, sheared стричь
196 shed [ʃed] shed shed проливать
197 shine [ʃaɪn] shone [ʃoun], shined shone [ʃoun], shined светить, сиять
198 shoe [ʃuː] shod shod обувать, подковывать
199 shoot [ʃu:t] shot [ʃɒt] shot [ʃɒt] стрелять, давать побеги
200 show [ʃou] showed [ʃoud] shown [ʃoun], showed показывать
201 shrink [ʃrɪŋk] shrank, shrunk shrunk сокращаться, сжиматься, отпрянуть
202 shrive [ʃraɪv] shrove, shrived shriven, shrived исповедовать
203 shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] закрывать
204 sing [sɪŋ] sang [sæŋ] sung [sʌŋ] петь
205 sink [sɪŋk] sank [sæŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] тонуть
206 sit [sɪt] sat [sæt] sat [sæt] сидеть
207 slay [sleɪ] slew slain убивать
208 sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] спать
209 slide [slaɪd] slid slid скользить
210 sling [slɪŋ] slung slung швырять, подвешивать
211 slink [slɪŋk] slunk slunk идти крадучись
212 slit [slɪt] slit slit раздирать, разрезать (вдоль)
213 smell [smel] smelt [smelt], smelled smelt [smelt], smelled пахнуть, нюхать
214 smite [smaɪt] smote smitten ударять, разбивать
215 sow [soʊ] sowed sowed, sown сеять
216 speak [spi:k] spoke [spouk] spoken [‘spoukən] говорить
217 speed [spiːd] sped, speeded sped, speeded ускорять, спешить
218 spell [spel] spelt [spelt], spelled spelt [spelt], spelled писать или читать по буквам
219 spend [spend] spent spent тратить, проводить
220 spill [spɪl] spilt [spɪlt], spilled spilt [spɪlt], spilled пролить
221 spin [spɪn] spun, span spun прясть
222 spit [spɪt] spat [spæt], spit spat [spæt], spit плевать
223 split [splɪt] split [splɪt] split [splɪt] расщепить
224 spoil [spoɪl] spoilt [spoɪlt], spoiled spoilt [spoɪlt], spoiled портить
225 spotlight [ˈspɑːtlaɪt] spotlit, spotlighted spotlit, spotlighted осветить
226 spread [spred] spread spread распростра-
227 spring [ˈsprɪŋ] sprang sprung скакать, пружинить
228 stand [stænd] stood [stʊd] stood [stʊd] стоять
229 steal [sti:l] stole [stoul] stolen [‘stoulən] украсть
230 stick [stɪk] stuck stuck уколоть, приклеить
231 sting [stɪŋ] stung stung ужалить
232 stink [stɪŋk] stank, stunk stunk вонять
233 strew [struː] strewed strewn, strewed усеять, устлать
234 stride [straɪd] strode stridden шагать
235 strike [straɪk] struck [strʌk] struck [strʌk] ударить, бить, бастовать
236 string [ˈstrɪŋ] strung strung нанизать, натянуть
237 strive [straɪv] strove striven стараться
238 sublet [ˌsʌbˈlet] sublet sublet передавать в субаренду
239 swear [swer] swore sworn клясться, браниться
240 sweep [swiːp] swept swept мести, промчаться
241 swell [swel] swelled swollen, swelled вздуться
242 swim [swɪm] swam [swæm] swum [swæm] плыть
243 swing [swɪŋ] swung swung качаться
244 take [teɪk] took [tʊk] taken [‘teɪkən] взять, брать
245 teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] учить
246 tear [teər] tore [tɔr] torn [tɔrn] рвать
247 tell [tel] told [tould] told [tould] рассказывать, сказать
248 think [θɪŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] думать
249 thrive [θraɪv] throve, trived thriven, trived процветать
250 throw [θrou] threw [θru:] thrown [θroun] бросить
251 thrust [θrʌst] thrust thrust толкнуть, сунуть
252 tread [tred] trod trod, trodden ступать
253 unbend [ˌʌnˈbend] unbent unbent разогнуть
254 underbid [ˌʌndərˈbɪd] underbid underbid снижать цену
255 undercut [ˌʌndərˈkʌt] undercut undercut сбивать цены
256 undergo [ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ] underwent undergone проходить, подвергаться
257 underlie [ˌʌndərˈlaɪ] underlay underlain лежать в основе
258 underpay [ˌʌndərˈpeɪ] underpaid underpaid оплачивать слишком низко
259 undersell [ˌʌndərˈsel] undersold undersold продавать дешевле
260 understand [ʌndər’stænd] understood [ʌndər’stʊd] understood [ʌndər’stʊd] понимать
261 undertake [ˌʌndərˈteɪk] undertook undertaken предпринять
262 underwrite [ˌʌndərˈraɪt] underwrote underwritten подписывать
263 undo [ʌnˈduː] undid undone уничтожать сделанное
264 unfreeze [ˌʌnˈfriːz] unfroze unfrozen размораживать
265 unsay [ənˈseɪ] unsaid unsaid брать назад свои слова
266 unwind [ˌʌnˈwaɪnd] unwound unwound развертывать
267 uphold [ʌpˈhoʊld] upheld upheld поддерживать
268 upset [ʌpˈset] upset upset опрокинуть, огорчить
269 wake [weɪk] woke [wouk], waked woken [‘woukən], waked просыпаться, будить
270 waylay [weɪˈleɪ] waylaid waylaid подстерегать
271 wear [weər] wore [wɔr] worn [wɔrn] носить (одежду)
272 weave [wiːv] wove, weaved woven, weaved ткать
273 wed [wed] wed, wedded wed, wedded выдавать замуж
274 weep [wiːp] wept wept плакать
275 wet [wet] wet, wetted wet, wetted мочить, увлажнять
276 win [wɪn] won [wʌn] won [wʌn] выиграть
277 wind [wɪnd] wound wound заводить (механизм)
278 withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] withdrew withdrawn взять назад, отозвать
279 withhold [wɪðˈhoʊld] withheld withheld удерживать
280 withstand [wɪðˈstænd] withstood withstood противиться
281 wring [rɪŋ] wrung wrung скрутить, сжать
282 write [raɪt] wrote [rout] written [‘rɪtn] писать

Большинство английских глаголов следуют стандартным правилам:

Прошедшее время (вторая и третья формы глагола) образуется при помощи стандартного -ed! Все очень просто!

Неправильные же глаголы не подчиняются никаким схемам, и для них не существует никаких правил, поэтому их необходимо просто запомнить.

Основные способы образования II и III форм неправильных глаголов
Способ образования Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
1 Изменение корневой гласной формы инфинитива to come
to begin
2 Изменение корневой гласной и добавление окончания to break
to give
3 Изменение окончания формы инфинитива to spend
to send
4 Все три формы неправильного глагола одинаковы to put
to cost
5 Вторая и третья формы одинаковы и содержат краткий гласный [e] to feel
to leave

На самом деле, много лет назад в древнеанглийском языке было, как минимум, в два раза больше неправильных глаголов. За многие столетия эти глаголы изменились и сегодня английский является гораздо более простым современным языком.

Представьте себе игру с испорченным телефоном, когда люди, сидящие по кругу, говорят друг другу на ухо предложение. Это предложение, пройдя по кругу, каждый раз меняется и становится по форме совсем не похожим на изначальное, хотя по смыслу они совпадают.

Топ 100 неправильных глаголов:


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