choose 3 формы глагола перевод

Глагол choose в английском языке

choose 3 forms

Перевод choose с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
choose chose chosen choosing
[tʃuːz] [tʃəʊz] [ˈtʃəʊzn] [ˈtʃuːzɪŋ]
[tʃuːz] [tʃəʊz] [ˈtʃəʊzn] [ˈtʃuːzɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение choose в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



It is not for you to choose. pi v3

They chose to go by train. pi v3

Они решили ехать поездом.

You may choose either answer. pi v3

Вы можете выбрать один из двух вариантов ответа.

They chose her as captain. pi v3

Её выбрали капитаном.

Which shirt would you choose? pi v3

Какую рубашку вы бы выбрали?

He chose his words carefully. pi v3

Он тщательно подбирал слова.

A panel of judges will choose the winner. pi v3

Судейская коллегия выберет победителя.

Let everyone choose for themselves. pi v3

Пусть каждый решает сам за себя.

Of two evils choose the less. pi v3

Из двух зол выбирай меньшее. (посл.)

I chose to ignore his advice. pi v3

Я решил не слушать его советов.

She was chosen from a long list of people. pi v3

Её выбрали из длинного списка людей.

Gift ideas to choose from. pi v3

Что подарить: идеи на выбор. (Рекламное предложение в интернет-магазине)

Jim chose Mary as his wife. pi v3

Джим выбрал себе в жёны Мэри.

I hope you will choose a different path. pi v3

Надеюсь, что вы изберёте другой путь.

You have to choose the right answer from a list. pi v3

Нужно выбрать правильный ответ из списка.

It is difficult to choose among so many nice houses. pi v3

Так трудно выбрать, тут столько прелестных домиков.

They chose her as the team captain. pi v3

Они выбрали её капитаном команды.

It took us ages to choose a new carpet. pi v3

Нам потребовалось очень много времени, чтобы выбрать новый ковер. / Мы ужасно долго выбирали новый ковёр.

Choose whichever one you want. pi v3

Выберите любой, какой угодно.

I choose these words advisedly. pi v3

Я намеренно выбрал эти слова.

Why did you choose me for the job? pi v3

Почему вы выбрали меня для этого дела?

He chose his words carefully as he spoke. pi v3

Он говорил, тщательно подбирая слова.

She helped him choose some new clothes. pi v3

Она помогла ему подобрать новую одежду.

I don’t mind which one we have — you choose. pi v3

Мне всё равно, какой именно из них мы купим, — выбирать тебе.

How I choose to live is my affair, not yours. pi v3

Как я живу — это моё дело, а не твоё.

How do women choose their mates? pi v3

По какому принципу женщины выбирают себе пару?

Choose what thing soever you please. pi v3

Выбери любую вещь, какая тебе только понравится.

You need to choose a team leader. pi v3

Вам нужно выбрать лидера команды.

The political party chose a leader. pi v3

Политическая партия выбрала руководителя.

We’ve chosen a different time to go. pi v3

Мы решили пойти в другое время.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

. faced with the perennially insolvable dilemma of having to choose between career and family. pi v3


Choose 3 формы глагола перевод

loading green choose [tʃu:z] chose / chosen / choosing / chooses

I choose
you choose
he/she/it chooses
we choose
you choose
they choose

I have chosen
you have chosen
he/she/it has chosen
we have chosen
you have chosen
they have chosen

I am choosing
you are choosing
he/she/it is choosing
we are choosing
you are choosing
they are choosing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been choosing
you have been choosing
he/she/it has been choosing
we have been choosing
you have been choosing
they have been choosing

I chose
you chose
he/she/it chose
we chose
you chose
they chose

I was choosing
you were choosing
he/she/it was choosing
we were choosing
you were choosing
they were choosing

I had chosen
you had chosen
he/she/it had chosen
we had chosen
you had chosen
they had chosen

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been choosing
you had been choosing
he/she/it had been choosing
we had been choosing
you had been choosing
they had been choosing

I will choose
you will choose
he/she/it will choose
we will choose
you will choose
they will choose

I will be choosing
you will be choosing
he/she/it will be choosing
we will be choosing
you will be choosing
they will be choosing

I will have chosen
you will have chosen
he/she/it will have chosen
we will have chosen
you will have chosen
they will have chosen

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been choosing
you will have been choosing
he/she/it will have been choosing
we will have been choosing
you will have been choosing
they will have been choosing

I would choose
you would choose
he/she/it would choose
we would choose
you would choose
they would choose

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be choosing
you would be choosing
he/she/it would be choosing
we would be choosing
you would be choosing
they would be choosing

I would have chosen
you would have chosen
he/she/it would have chosen
we would have chosen
you would have chosen
they would have chosen

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been choosing
you would have been choosing
he/she/it would have been choosing
we would have been choosing
you would have been choosing
they would have been choosing

to choose
to have chosen
to be choosing
to have been choosing


Глагол to choose и его синонимы

Основ­ной пере­вод гла­го­ла to choose – это выби­рать, при этом объ­ект выбо­ра может быть неоду­шев­лен­ным или оду­шев­лен­ным. Ещё важ­но знать какие сино­ни­мы и в каких ситу­а­ци­ях могут заме­нить этот глагол.


Особенности употребления глаголов choose, select, elect, pick out

Гла­го­лы англий­ско­го языка:

на рус­ском язы­ке име­ют оди­на­ко­вое зна­че­ние – «выби­рать». Но есть неко­то­рые раз­ли­чия в сти­ли­сти­че­ской окраске.

Глагол to choose

Гла­гол to choose име­ет обоб­щён­ное зна­че­ние и может заме­щать дру­гие гла­го­лы дан­но­го сино­ни­ми­че­ско­го ряда. To choose пред­по­ла­га­ет выбор того, что име­ет­ся в распоряжении.

Choose an author as you choose a friend. / Выби­рай­те авто­ра, как вы выби­ра­е­те дру­га. (посло­ви­ца)

Глагол to select

Гла­гол to select исполь­зу­ют в ситу­а­ции, когда необ­хо­ди­мо выбрать луч­шее из предо­став­лен­но­го на выбор: как оду­шев­лен­ных, так и неоду­шев­лён­ных пред­ме­тов и лиц.

To select часто при­об­ре­та­ет тор­же­ствен­ную или офи­ци­аль­ную окраску.

Any knight might select any antagonist for combat by touching his shield. / Каж­дый рыцарь мог выбрать любо­го про­тив­ни­ка для поедин­ка, кос­нув­шись (копьём) его щита.

Глагол to elect

Гла­гол to elect исполь­зу­ют в ситу­а­ци­ях, когда под­чер­ки­ва­ет­ся, что выбор будет сде­лан (или уже сде­лан) путем офи­ци­аль­но­го голосования.

Глагол to pick out

Гла­гол to pick out по смыс­ло­во­му содер­жа­нию очень схож с гла­го­лом to select с нем­боль­шой раз­ни­цей, что дан­ный вари­ант носит раз­го­вор­ную окрас­ку. То есть to pick out ука­зы­ва­ет на тща­тель­ный выбор чего-либо или кого-либо, что есть в распоряжении.

3 формы неправильного глагола to choose

Гла­гол «выби­рать» отно­сит­ся к кате­го­рии непра­виль­ных гла­го­лов англий­ско­го языка.


How will it choose to deploy its newfound power? / Как он решит исполь­зо­вать свою вновь обре­тен­ную власть?

Устоявшиеся фразы с глаголом to choose

Примеры предложений


Спряжение глагола «to choose» (Английский язык)

Глагол to choose – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: выбирать избирать; решать, решаться; предпочитать.

Infinitive to choose
Simple past chose
Past participle chosen
-s chooses
-ing choosing

Choose in present simple


He chooses
She chooses
It chooses


He does not choose
She does not choose
It does not choose

They do not choose


Does he choose?
Does she choose?
Does it choose?

Choose in present continuous


He is choosing
She is choosing
It is choosing


You are not choosing

He is not choosing
She is not choosing
It is not choosing

We are not choosing

You are not choosing

They are not choosing


Is he choosing?
Is she choosing?
Is it choosing?

Choose in present perfect


He has chosen
She has chosen
It has chosen


You have not chosen

He has not chosen
She has not chosen
It has not chosen

We have not chosen

You have not chosen

They have not chosen


Has he chosen?
Has she chosen?
Has it chosen?

Choose in present perfect continuous


I have been choosing

You have been choosing

He has been choosing
She has been choosing
It has been choosing

We have been choosing

You have been choosing

They have been choosing


I have not been choosing

You have not been choosing

He has not been choosing
She has not been choosing
It has not been choosing

We have not been choosing

You have not been choosing

They have not been choosing


Have I been choosing?

Have you been choosing?

Has he been choosing?
Has she been choosing?
Has it been choosing?

Have we been choosing?

Have you been choosing?

Have they been choosing?

Choose in past simple



You did not choose

He did not choose
She did not choose
It did not choose

You did not choose

They did not choose


Did he choose?
Did she choose?
Did it choose?

Choose in past continuous


He was choosing
She was choosing
It was choosing

They were choosing


I was not choosing

You were not choosing

He was not choosing
She was not choosing
It was not choosing

We were not choosing

You were not choosing

They were not choosing


Was he choosing?
Was she choosing?
Was it choosing?

Were they choosing?

Choose in past perfect


He had chosen
She had chosen
It had chosen


You had not chosen

He had not chosen
She had not chosen
It had not chosen

You had not chosen

They had not chosen


Had he chosen?
Had she chosen?
Had it chosen?

Choose in past perfect continuous


I had been choosing

You had been choosing

He had been choosing
She had been choosing
It had been choosing

We had been choosing

You had been choosing

They had been choosing


I had not been choosing

You had not been choosing

He had not been choosing
She had not been choosing
It had not been choosing

We had not been choosing

You had not been choosing

They had not been choosing


Had I been choosing?

Had you been choosing?

Had he been choosing?
Had she been choosing?
Had it been choosing?

Had we been choosing?

Had you been choosing?

Had they been choosing?

Choose in future simple


He will choose
She will choose
It will choose


You will not choose

He will not choose
She will not choose
It will not choose

We will not choose

You will not choose

They will not choose


Will he choose?
Will she choose?
Will it choose?

Choose in future continuous


I will be choosing

You will be choosing

He will be choosing
She will be choosing
It will be choosing

We will be choosing

You will be choosing

They will be choosing


I will not be choosing

You will not be choosing

He will not be choosing
She will not be choosing
It will not be choosing

We will not be choosing

You will not be choosing

They will not be choosing


Will I be choosing?

Will you be choosing?

Will he be choosing?
Will she be choosing?
Will it be choosing?

Will we be choosing?

Will you be choosing?

Will they be choosing?

Choose in future perfect


I will have chosen

You will have chosen

He will have chosen
She will have chosen
It will have chosen

We will have chosen

You will have chosen

They will have chosen


I will not have chosen

You will not have chosen

He will not have chosen
She will not have chosen
It will not have chosen

We will not have chosen

You will not have chosen

They will not have chosen


Will I have chosen?

Will you have chosen?

Will he have chosen?
Will she have chosen?
Will it have chosen?

Will we have chosen?

Will you have chosen?

Will they have chosen?

Choose in future perfect continuous


I will have been choosing

You will have been choosing

He will have been choosing
She will have been choosing
It will have been choosing

We will have been choosing

You will have been choosing

They will have been choosing


I will not have been choosing

You will not have been choosing

He will not have been choosing
She will not have been choosing
It will not have been choosing

We will not have been choosing

You will not have been choosing

They will not have been choosing


Will I have been choosing?

Will you have been choosing?

Will he have been choosing?
Will she have been choosing?
Will it have been choosing?

Will we have been choosing?

Will you have been choosing?

Will they have been choosing?

Choose in conditional present


He would choose
She would choose
It would choose


I would not choose

You would not choose

He would not choose
She would not choose
It would not choose

We would not choose

You would not choose

They would not choose


Would he choose?
Would she choose?
Would it choose?

Choose in conditional present progressive


I would be choosing

You would be choosing

He would be choosing
She would be choosing
It would be choosing

We would be choosing

You would be choosing

They would be choosing


I would not be choosing

You would not be choosing

He would not be choosing
She would not be choosing
It would not be choosing

We would not be choosing

You would not be choosing

They would not be choosing


Would I be choosing?

Would you be choosing?

Would he be choosing?
Would she be choosing?
Would it be choosing?

Would we be choosing?

Would you be choosing?

Would they be choosing?

Choose in conditional perfect


I would have chosen

You would have chosen

He would have chosen
She would have chosen
It would have chosen

We would have chosen

You would have chosen

They would have chosen


I would not have chosen

You would not have chosen

He would not have chosen
She would not have chosen
It would not have chosen

We would not have chosen

You would not have chosen

They would not have chosen


Would I have chosen?

Would you have chosen?

Would he have chosen?
Would she have chosen?
Would it have chosen?

Would we have chosen?

Would you have chosen?

Would they have chosen?

Choose in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been choosing

You would have been choosing

He would have been choosing
She would have been choosing
It would have been choosing

We would have been choosing

You would have been choosing

They would have been choosing


I would not have been choosing

You would not have been choosing

He would not have been choosing
She would not have been choosing
It would not have been choosing

We would not have been choosing

You would not have been choosing

They would not have been choosing


Would I have been choosing?

Would you have been choosing?

Would he have been choosing?
Would she have been choosing?
Would it have been choosing?


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