climbed 3 формы глагола

Глагол climb в английском языке

climb 3 forms

Перевод climb с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
climb climbed climbed climbing
[klaɪm] [ˈklaɪmd] [ˈklaɪmd] [ˈklaɪmɪŋ]
[klaɪm] [klaɪmd] [klaɪmd] [ˈklaɪmɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение climb в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


Climbed 3 формы глагола

loading green climb [klaɪm] climbed / climbed / climbing / climbs

I climb
you climb
he/she/it climbs
we climb
you climb
they climb

I have climbed
you have climbed
he/she/it has climbed
we have climbed
you have climbed
they have climbed

I am climbing
you are climbing
he/she/it is climbing
we are climbing
you are climbing
they are climbing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been climbing
you have been climbing
he/she/it has been climbing
we have been climbing
you have been climbing
they have been climbing

I climbed
you climbed
he/she/it climbed
we climbed
you climbed
they climbed

I was climbing
you were climbing
he/she/it was climbing
we were climbing
you were climbing
they were climbing

I had climbed
you had climbed
he/she/it had climbed
we had climbed
you had climbed
they had climbed

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been climbing
you had been climbing
he/she/it had been climbing
we had been climbing
you had been climbing
they had been climbing

I will climb
you will climb
he/she/it will climb
we will climb
you will climb
they will climb

I will be climbing
you will be climbing
he/she/it will be climbing
we will be climbing
you will be climbing
they will be climbing

I will have climbed
you will have climbed
he/she/it will have climbed
we will have climbed
you will have climbed
they will have climbed

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been climbing
you will have been climbing
he/she/it will have been climbing
we will have been climbing
you will have been climbing
they will have been climbing

I would climb
you would climb
he/she/it would climb
we would climb
you would climb
they would climb

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be climbing
you would be climbing
he/she/it would be climbing
we would be climbing
you would be climbing
they would be climbing

I would have climbed
you would have climbed
he/she/it would have climbed
we would have climbed
you would have climbed
they would have climbed

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been climbing
you would have been climbing
he/she/it would have been climbing
we would have been climbing
you would have been climbing
they would have been climbing

to climb
to have climbed
to be climbing
to have been climbing


Climbed 3 формы глагола

loading green climb [klaɪm] climbed / climbed / climbing / climbs

I climb
you climb
he/she/it climbs
we climb
you climb
they climb

I have climbed
you have climbed
he/she/it has climbed
we have climbed
you have climbed
they have climbed

I am climbing
you are climbing
he/she/it is climbing
we are climbing
you are climbing
they are climbing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been climbing
you have been climbing
he/she/it has been climbing
we have been climbing
you have been climbing
they have been climbing

I climbed
you climbed
he/she/it climbed
we climbed
you climbed
they climbed

I was climbing
you were climbing
he/she/it was climbing
we were climbing
you were climbing
they were climbing

I had climbed
you had climbed
he/she/it had climbed
we had climbed
you had climbed
they had climbed

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been climbing
you had been climbing
he/she/it had been climbing
we had been climbing
you had been climbing
they had been climbing

I will climb
you will climb
he/she/it will climb
we will climb
you will climb
they will climb

I will be climbing
you will be climbing
he/she/it will be climbing
we will be climbing
you will be climbing
they will be climbing

I will have climbed
you will have climbed
he/she/it will have climbed
we will have climbed
you will have climbed
they will have climbed

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been climbing
you will have been climbing
he/she/it will have been climbing
we will have been climbing
you will have been climbing
they will have been climbing

I would climb
you would climb
he/she/it would climb
we would climb
you would climb
they would climb

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be climbing
you would be climbing
he/she/it would be climbing
we would be climbing
you would be climbing
they would be climbing

I would have climbed
you would have climbed
he/she/it would have climbed
we would have climbed
you would have climbed
they would have climbed

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been climbing
you would have been climbing
he/she/it would have been climbing
we would have been climbing
you would have been climbing
they would have been climbing

to climb
to have climbed
to be climbing
to have been climbing

loading green climb [klaɪm] pl. climbs


pi0 v3 pd 00

Мои примеры



Harry climbed the stairs. pi v3

Гарри поднялся по лестнице.

He climbed up the ladder. pi v3

Он взобрался наверх по лестнице.

She climbed up the ladder. pi v3

Она поднялась по (приставной) лестнице.

He climbed over the fence. pi v3

Он перелез через забор.

He climbed down the ladder. pi v3

Он спустился по приставной лестнице /стремянке, трапу/.

He climbed stiffly out of the car. pi v3

Он неуклюже вылез из машины.

The pilot climbed into the cockpit. pi v3

Пилот забрался в кабину самолёта.

He climbed into his clothes. pi v3

Он натянул на себя одежду.

They climbed the steep slope. pi v3

Они взобрались по крутому склону.

He climbed high on the ladder. pi v3

Он забрался по лестнице на большую высоту.

He climbed the tree for a bet. pi v3

Он взобрался на это дерево на спор.

Inflation climbed 2% last month. pi v3

В прошлом месяце уровень инфляции поднялся на два процента.

She undressed and climbed into bed. pi v3

Она разделась и залезла в кровать.

We climbed onto the building’s roof. pi v3

Мы поднялись /взобрались/ на крышу здания.

He climbed into the crotch of a tree. pi v3

Он взобрался на развилку дерева.

He climbed over the crest of the hill. pi v3

Он взобрался на вершину холма.

The painter climbed high on the ladder. pi v3

Художник взобрался высоко на лестницу.

I turned the TV on and climbed into bed. pi v3

Я включила телевизор и забрались в кровать.

They climbed through a hole in the fence. pi v3

Они пролезли через дырку в заборе.

I think she climbed in through the window. pi v3

Я думаю, что она влезла через окно.

We climbed over the wall into the orchard. pi v3

Мы перелезли через ограду в сад.

They climbed to second place in the League. pi v3

Они поднялись на второе место в Лиге.

They climbed up into the loft of the old barn. pi v3

Они взобрались на чердак старого амбара.

He climbed the wooden steps and rang the bell. pi v3

Он поднялся по деревянным ступенькам и позвонил в колокольчик.

The song climbed to number 2 in the US charts. pi v3

Песня поднялась на второе место в рейтингах США.

I climbed into bed and pretended to be asleep. pi v3

Я забрался в постель и притворился спящим.

Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view. pi v3

Тим взобрался на дерево, чтобы было лучше видно.

He climbed out of the car with a box in his hands. pi v3

Он вылез из автомобиля с коробкой в руках.

The cat climbed the tree, and then couldn’t get down. pi v3

Кошка забралась на дерево и не могла слезть.

He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro. pi v3

Покоряя Килиманджаро, он выложился, что называется, по полной программе.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The bus pulled in, and we climbed aboard. pi v3

Brendan climbed slowly, gasping for breath. pi v3

Steve climbed rapidly in the sales division. pi v3



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Множ. число: climbs.

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I climb We climb
You climb You climb
He/She/It climbs They climb
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I climbed We climbed
You climbed You climbed
He/She/It climbed They climbed


climb higher
подниматься выше

climb the stairs
подняться по лестнице

climb ladders
взбираться по лестницам

climb the hill
взобраться на холм

climb back
вскарабкаться обратно

climb the walls
лезть на стену

climb inside
залезть внутрь

climb trees
лазать по деревьям

steep climb
крутой подъем

winter climb
зимнее восхождение


Climb down out of that tree immediately!
Слезай с этого дерева немедленно!

Tom is attempting to climb the rock.
Том пытается взобраться на скалу.

Did you climb trees when you were a child?
Ты в детстве забиралась на деревья?

I had to climb over the fence.
Мне пришлось перелезть через ограду.

In the past I used to vote for the Democratic ticket, but from now on I’ll climb on the Republican bandwagon.
В прошлом я голосовал за кандидатов-демократов, но отныне я буду поддерживать республиканцев.

I’m going to climb Mt. Kitadake.
Я собираюсь подняться на Китадакэ.

I had to climb over the wall.
Мне пришлось перелезть через стену.

Monkeys climb trees.
Обезьяны лазят по деревьям.

Tom likes to climb the trees.
Том любит лазить по деревьям.

He climbs trees easily.
Он легко взбирается на деревья.

Tom quickly climbed up the tree.
Том быстро вскарабкался на дерево.

She climbed down from the roof.
Она спустилась с крыши.

He climbed over the fence.
Он перелез через забор.

I’ve climbed Mt. Fuji.
Я взбираюсь на гору Фудзи.

I climbed over the fence.
Я перелез через забор.

The boys climbed up the tree faster than a pack of squirrels.
Мальчики вскарабкались на дерево быстрее стаи белок.

They climbed to the top of a cliff.
Они взобрались на вершину утёса.

The plane climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters.
Самолет поднялся на высоту десять тысяч метров.

He climbed the stairs.
Он поднялся по лестнице.

My brother has never climbed Fuji mountain.
Мой брат никогда не поднимался на гору Фудзи.

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