divert 3 формы глагола

pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



He lied to divert attention from the real situation. pi v3

Он лгал, чтобы отвлечь внимание от того что происходило на самом деле.

Police diverted traffic to a side street. pi v3

Полиция направила автомобильный поток на соседнюю улицу.

He’d been trying to divert suspicion away from himself. pi v3

Он пытался отвести от себя подозрения.

The stream was diverted toward the farmland. pi v3

Ручей направили к сельскохозяйственным землям.

To prevent flooding, we shall have to divert the river from its course. pi v3

Чтобы устранить опасность затопления, нам придётся отвести реку в другое русло.

The company should divert more resources into research. pi v3

Компании следовало бы направить больше средств на исследования.

Traffic is being diverted (on)to a side road because of the accident. pi v3

Из-за аварии движение направляют по боковой дороге.

The high street is closed and traffic is being diverted. pi v3

Главная улица перекрыта, и транспорт направляется в обход.

They were charged with illegally diverting public funds for private use. pi v3

Их обвинили в незаконной передаче государственных средств для личного использования.

The crime crackdown is an attempt to divert attention from social problems. pi v3

Суровое наказание преступлений — это попытка отвлечь внимание от общественных проблем.

They’re only proposing the law to divert attention from important issues. pi v3

Они выдвигают этот законопроект лишь для того, чтобы отвлечь внимание от важных вопросов.

Canals divert water from the Truckee River into the lake. pi v3

Каналы отводят воду из реки Траки в озеро.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office. pi v3

Officials diverted revenue from arms sales to the rebels. pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to divert» (Английский язык)

Глагол to divert – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: отводить; отклонять; отвлекать; забавлять, развлекать.

Infinitive to divert
Simple past diverted
Past participle diverted
-s diverts
-ing diverting

Divert in present simple


He diverts
She diverts
It diverts


He does not divert
She does not divert
It does not divert

They do not divert


Does he divert?
Does she divert?
Does it divert?

Divert in present continuous


He is diverting
She is diverting
It is diverting

They are diverting


I am not diverting

You are not diverting

He is not diverting
She is not diverting
It is not diverting

We are not diverting

You are not diverting

They are not diverting


Is he diverting?
Is she diverting?
Is it diverting?

Are they diverting?

Divert in present perfect


He has diverted
She has diverted
It has diverted

They have diverted


I have not diverted

You have not diverted

He has not diverted
She has not diverted
It has not diverted

We have not diverted

You have not diverted

They have not diverted


Has he diverted?
Has she diverted?
Has it diverted?

Have they diverted?

Divert in present perfect continuous


I have been diverting

You have been diverting

He has been diverting
She has been diverting
It has been diverting

We have been diverting

You have been diverting

They have been diverting


I have not been diverting

You have not been diverting

He has not been diverting
She has not been diverting
It has not been diverting

We have not been diverting

You have not been diverting

They have not been diverting


Have I been diverting?

Have you been diverting?

Has he been diverting?
Has she been diverting?
Has it been diverting?

Have we been diverting?

Have you been diverting?

Have they been diverting?

Divert in past simple


He diverted
She diverted
It diverted


You did not divert

He did not divert
She did not divert
It did not divert

You did not divert

They did not divert


Did he divert?
Did she divert?
Did it divert?

Divert in past continuous


You were diverting

He was diverting
She was diverting
It was diverting

You were diverting

They were diverting


I was not diverting

You were not diverting

He was not diverting
She was not diverting
It was not diverting

We were not diverting

You were not diverting

They were not diverting


Were you diverting?

Was he diverting?
Was she diverting?
Was it diverting?

Were you diverting?

Were they diverting?

Divert in past perfect


He had diverted
She had diverted
It had diverted


I had not diverted

You had not diverted

He had not diverted
She had not diverted
It had not diverted

We had not diverted

You had not diverted

They had not diverted


Had he diverted?
Had she diverted?
Had it diverted?

Divert in past perfect continuous


I had been diverting

You had been diverting

He had been diverting
She had been diverting
It had been diverting

We had been diverting

You had been diverting

They had been diverting


I had not been diverting

You had not been diverting

He had not been diverting
She had not been diverting
It had not been diverting

We had not been diverting

You had not been diverting

They had not been diverting


Had I been diverting?

Had you been diverting?

Had he been diverting?
Had she been diverting?
Had it been diverting?

Had we been diverting?

Had you been diverting?

Had they been diverting?

Divert in future simple


He will divert
She will divert
It will divert


You will not divert

He will not divert
She will not divert
It will not divert

We will not divert

You will not divert

They will not divert


Will he divert?
Will she divert?
Will it divert?

Divert in future continuous


I will be diverting

You will be diverting

He will be diverting
She will be diverting
It will be diverting

We will be diverting

You will be diverting

They will be diverting


I will not be diverting

You will not be diverting

He will not be diverting
She will not be diverting
It will not be diverting

We will not be diverting

You will not be diverting

They will not be diverting


Will I be diverting?

Will you be diverting?

Will he be diverting?
Will she be diverting?
Will it be diverting?

Will we be diverting?

Will you be diverting?

Will they be diverting?

Divert in future perfect


I will have diverted

You will have diverted

He will have diverted
She will have diverted
It will have diverted

We will have diverted

You will have diverted

They will have diverted


I will not have diverted

You will not have diverted

He will not have diverted
She will not have diverted
It will not have diverted

We will not have diverted

You will not have diverted

They will not have diverted


Will I have diverted?

Will you have diverted?

Will he have diverted?
Will she have diverted?
Will it have diverted?

Will we have diverted?

Will you have diverted?

Will they have diverted?

Divert in future perfect continuous


I will have been diverting

You will have been diverting

He will have been diverting
She will have been diverting
It will have been diverting

We will have been diverting

You will have been diverting

They will have been diverting


I will not have been diverting

You will not have been diverting

He will not have been diverting
She will not have been diverting
It will not have been diverting

We will not have been diverting

You will not have been diverting

They will not have been diverting


Will I have been diverting?

Will you have been diverting?

Will he have been diverting?
Will she have been diverting?
Will it have been diverting?

Will we have been diverting?

Will you have been diverting?

Will they have been diverting?

Divert in conditional present


He would divert
She would divert
It would divert


I would not divert

You would not divert

He would not divert
She would not divert
It would not divert

We would not divert

You would not divert

They would not divert


Would he divert?
Would she divert?
Would it divert?

Divert in conditional present progressive


I would be diverting

You would be diverting

He would be diverting
She would be diverting
It would be diverting

We would be diverting

You would be diverting

They would be diverting


I would not be diverting

You would not be diverting

He would not be diverting
She would not be diverting
It would not be diverting

We would not be diverting

You would not be diverting

They would not be diverting


Would I be diverting?

Would you be diverting?

Would he be diverting?
Would she be diverting?
Would it be diverting?

Would we be diverting?

Would you be diverting?

Would they be diverting?

Divert in conditional perfect


I would have diverted

You would have diverted

He would have diverted
She would have diverted
It would have diverted

We would have diverted

You would have diverted

They would have diverted


I would not have diverted

You would not have diverted

He would not have diverted
She would not have diverted
It would not have diverted

We would not have diverted

You would not have diverted

They would not have diverted


Would I have diverted?

Would you have diverted?

Would he have diverted?
Would she have diverted?
Would it have diverted?

Would we have diverted?

Would you have diverted?

Would they have diverted?

Divert in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been diverting

You would have been diverting

He would have been diverting
She would have been diverting
It would have been diverting

We would have been diverting

You would have been diverting

They would have been diverting


I would not have been diverting

You would not have been diverting

He would not have been diverting
She would not have been diverting
It would not have been diverting

We would not have been diverting

You would not have been diverting

They would not have been diverting


Would I have been diverting?

Would you have been diverting?

Would he have been diverting?
Would she have been diverting?
Would it have been diverting?


Divert 3 формы глагола

ПЕЧАЛЬКО. В словарях Яндекса перевод отсутствует или при вводе была совершена ошибка

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I divert
you divert
he diverts
we divert
you divert
they divert

Present continuous

Past simple

I have diverted
you have diverted
he has diverted
we have diverted
you have diverted
they have diverted

Past continuous

I have been diverting
you have been diverting
he has been diverting
we have been diverting
you have been diverting
they have been diverting

Present perfect

I will divert
you will divert
he will divert
we will divert
you will divert
they will divert

Present perfect continuous

I will be diverting
you will be diverting
he will be diverting
we will be diverting
you will be diverting
they will be diverting

Past perfect

I will have diverted
you will have diverted
he will have diverted
we will have diverted
you will have diverted
they will have diverted

Past perfect continuous

I will have been diverting
you will have been diverting
he will have been diverting
we will have been diverting
you will have been diverting
they will have been diverting


Future continuous

I had diverted
you had diverted
he had diverted
we had diverted
you had diverted
they had diverted

Future perfect

I had been diverting
you had been diverting
he had been diverting
we had been diverting
you had been diverting
they had been diverting

Future perfect continuous


I would divert
you would divert
he would divert
we would divert
you would divert
they would divert

Present continuous

I would be diverting
you would be diverting
he would be diverting
we would be diverting
you would be diverting
they would be diverting

I would have diverted
you would have diverted
he would have diverted
we would have diverted
you would have diverted
they would have diverted

Past continuous

I would have been diverting
you would have been diverting
he would have been diverting
we would have been diverting
you would have been diverting
they would have been diverting


Глагол divert в английском языке

divert 3 forms

Перевод divert с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
divert diverted diverted diverting
[daɪˈvɜːrt] [daɪˈvɜːtəd] [daɪˈvɜːtəd] [daɪˈvɜːtɪŋ]
[daɪˈvɜːt] [daɪˈvɜːtɪd] [daɪˈvɜːtɪd] [daɪˈvɜːtɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение divert в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение



1 divert

2 divert

3 divert

to divert the conversation — переменить тему разговора; перевести разговор на другое

4 divert

5 divert

направлять по другому пути

6 divert

7 divert

To prevent flooding, we shall have to divert the river from its course. — Чтобы устранить опасность затопления, нам придётся отвести реку в другое русло.

Traffic is being diverted (on)to a side road because of the accident. — Из-за аварии движение направляют по боковой дороге.

If you can divert the policeman’s attention from the shop door for a moment, I shall be able to get in. — Если ты сможешь отвлечь внимание полицейского от двери магазина на пару мгновений, я сумею туда проникнуть.

8 divert




[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999]



[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999]


9 divert

10 divert

11 divert

12 divert

13 divert

14 divert

15 divert

16 divert

17 divert

18 divert

19 divert

20 divert

См. также в других словарях:

divert — di‧vert [daɪˈvɜːt, d ǁ ɜːrt] verb [transitive] COMMERCE to spend money or make an effort in a new area of business or a new product: divert something into • The company should divert more resources into research. * * * divert UK US /daɪˈvɜːt/… … Financial and business terms

divert — di·vert /də vərt, dī / vt 1: to turn from one course or use to another funds illegally divert ed 2: to place (a defendant) under a diversion di·vert·er n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary

divert — [v1] turn a different direction alter, avert, change, deflect, modify, pivot, redirect, sheer, swerve, switch, turn aside, veer, volte face, wheel, whip, whirl; concepts 187,213 Ant. be direct, keep to, maintain, stay divert [v2] amuse, entertain … New thesaurus

divert — early 15c., from M.Fr. divertir (14c.), from L. divertere to turn in different directions, blended with devertere turn aside, from dis aside and de from + vertere to turn (see VERSUS (Cf. versus)). Related: Diverted; diverting … Etymology dictionary

divert — 1 *turn, deflect, avert, sheer Analogous words: bend, *curve, twist: deviate, digress, diverge, *swerve, veer: *change, alter, modify Contrasted words: fix, *set, settle: absorb, engross, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms

divert — ► VERB 1) cause to change course or take a different route. 2) reallocate (a resource) to a different purpose. 3) draw the attention of; distract or entertain. DERIVATIVES diverting adjective. ORIGIN Latin divertere turn in separate ways … English terms dictionary

divert — [də vʉrt′, dīvʉrt′] vt. [ME diverten < OFr divertir < L divertere: see DIVERSE] 1. to turn (a person or thing) aside from a course, direction, etc. into another; deflect 2. to distract the attention of 3. to amuse; entertain SYN. AMUSE … English World dictionary

divert — di|vert [daıˈvə:t, dı US ə:rt] v [T] [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: divertir, from Latin divertere, from vertere to turn ] 1.) to change the use of something such as time or money divert sth into/to/(away) from etc sth ▪ The company… … Dictionary of contemporary English

divert */ — UK [daɪˈvɜː(r)t] / US [dɪˈvɜrt] / US [daɪˈvɜrt] verb [transitive] Word forms divert : present tense I/you/we/they divert he/she/it diverts present participle diverting past tense diverted past participle diverted 1) to make something move or… … English dictionary


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