drunk 3 формы глагола

Глагол drink в английском языке

drink 3 forms

Перевод drink с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
drink drank drunk drinking
[drɪŋk] [dræŋk] [drʌŋk] [ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ]
[drɪŋk] [dræŋk] [drʌŋk] [ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение drink в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


Drunk 3 формы глагола

loading green drink [drɪŋk] drank / drunk / drinking / drinks

I drink
you drink
he/she/it drinks
we drink
you drink
they drink

I have drunk
you have drunk
he/she/it has drunk
we have drunk
you have drunk
they have drunk

I am drinking
you are drinking
he/she/it is drinking
we are drinking
you are drinking
they are drinking

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been drinking
you have been drinking
he/she/it has been drinking
we have been drinking
you have been drinking
they have been drinking

I drank
you drank
he/she/it drank
we drank
you drank
they drank

I was drinking
you were drinking
he/she/it was drinking
we were drinking
you were drinking
they were drinking

I had drunk
you had drunk
he/she/it had drunk
we had drunk
you had drunk
they had drunk

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been drinking
you had been drinking
he/she/it had been drinking
we had been drinking
you had been drinking
they had been drinking

I will drink
you will drink
he/she/it will drink
we will drink
you will drink
they will drink

I will be drinking
you will be drinking
he/she/it will be drinking
we will be drinking
you will be drinking
they will be drinking

I will have drunk
you will have drunk
he/she/it will have drunk
we will have drunk
you will have drunk
they will have drunk

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been drinking
you will have been drinking
he/she/it will have been drinking
we will have been drinking
you will have been drinking
they will have been drinking

I would drink
you would drink
he/she/it would drink
we would drink
you would drink
they would drink

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be drinking
you would be drinking
he/she/it would be drinking
we would be drinking
you would be drinking
they would be drinking

I would have drunk
you would have drunk
he/she/it would have drunk
we would have drunk
you would have drunk
they would have drunk

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been drinking
you would have been drinking
he/she/it would have been drinking
we would have been drinking
you would have been drinking
they would have been drinking

to drink
to have drunk
to be drinking
to have been drinking


Спряжение глагола «to drink» (Английский язык)

Глагол to drink – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: пить, выпивать, вдыхать, пьянствовать, пить за здоровье, впитывать.

Infinitive to drink
Simple past drank
Past participle drunk
-s drinks
-ing drinking

Drink in present simple



He does not drink
She does not drink
It does not drink


Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?

Drink in present continuous


He is drinking
She is drinking
It is drinking


You are not drinking

He is not drinking
She is not drinking
It is not drinking

We are not drinking

You are not drinking

They are not drinking


Is he drinking?
Is she drinking?
Is it drinking?

Drink in present perfect


He has drunk
She has drunk
It has drunk


You have not drunk

He has not drunk
She has not drunk
It has not drunk

You have not drunk

They have not drunk


Has he drunk?
Has she drunk?
Has it drunk?

Drink in present perfect continuous


I have been drinking

You have been drinking

He has been drinking
She has been drinking
It has been drinking

We have been drinking

You have been drinking

They have been drinking


I have not been drinking

You have not been drinking

He has not been drinking
She has not been drinking
It has not been drinking

We have not been drinking

You have not been drinking

They have not been drinking


Have I been drinking?

Have you been drinking?

Has he been drinking?
Has she been drinking?
Has it been drinking?

Have we been drinking?

Have you been drinking?

Have they been drinking?

Drink in past simple



He did not drink
She did not drink
It did not drink

They did not drink


Did he drink?
Did she drink?
Did it drink?

Drink in past continuous


He was drinking
She was drinking
It was drinking

They were drinking


I was not drinking

You were not drinking

He was not drinking
She was not drinking
It was not drinking

We were not drinking

You were not drinking

They were not drinking


Was he drinking?
Was she drinking?
Was it drinking?

Were they drinking?

Drink in past perfect


He had drunk
She had drunk
It had drunk


He had not drunk
She had not drunk
It had not drunk

They had not drunk


Had he drunk?
Had she drunk?
Had it drunk?

Drink in past perfect continuous


I had been drinking

You had been drinking

He had been drinking
She had been drinking
It had been drinking

We had been drinking

You had been drinking

They had been drinking


I had not been drinking

You had not been drinking

He had not been drinking
She had not been drinking
It had not been drinking

We had not been drinking

You had not been drinking

They had not been drinking


Had I been drinking?

Had you been drinking?

Had he been drinking?
Had she been drinking?
Had it been drinking?

Had we been drinking?

Had you been drinking?

Had they been drinking?

Drink in future simple


He will drink
She will drink
It will drink


You will not drink

He will not drink
She will not drink
It will not drink

You will not drink

They will not drink


Will he drink?
Will she drink?
Will it drink?

Drink in future continuous


I will be drinking

You will be drinking

He will be drinking
She will be drinking
It will be drinking

We will be drinking

You will be drinking

They will be drinking


I will not be drinking

You will not be drinking

He will not be drinking
She will not be drinking
It will not be drinking

We will not be drinking

You will not be drinking

They will not be drinking


Will I be drinking?

Will you be drinking?

Will he be drinking?
Will she be drinking?
Will it be drinking?

Will we be drinking?

Will you be drinking?

Will they be drinking?

Drink in future perfect


You will have drunk

He will have drunk
She will have drunk
It will have drunk

We will have drunk

You will have drunk

They will have drunk


I will not have drunk

You will not have drunk

He will not have drunk
She will not have drunk
It will not have drunk

We will not have drunk

You will not have drunk

They will not have drunk


Will you have drunk?

Will he have drunk?
Will she have drunk?
Will it have drunk?

Will we have drunk?

Will you have drunk?

Will they have drunk?

Drink in future perfect continuous


I will have been drinking

You will have been drinking

He will have been drinking
She will have been drinking
It will have been drinking

We will have been drinking

You will have been drinking

They will have been drinking


I will not have been drinking

You will not have been drinking

He will not have been drinking
She will not have been drinking
It will not have been drinking

We will not have been drinking

You will not have been drinking

They will not have been drinking


Will I have been drinking?

Will you have been drinking?

Will he have been drinking?
Will she have been drinking?
Will it have been drinking?

Will we have been drinking?

Will you have been drinking?

Will they have been drinking?

Drink in conditional present


He would drink
She would drink
It would drink


You would not drink

He would not drink
She would not drink
It would not drink

We would not drink

You would not drink

They would not drink


Would he drink?
Would she drink?
Would it drink?

Drink in conditional present progressive


I would be drinking

You would be drinking

He would be drinking
She would be drinking
It would be drinking

We would be drinking

You would be drinking

They would be drinking


I would not be drinking

You would not be drinking

He would not be drinking
She would not be drinking
It would not be drinking

We would not be drinking

You would not be drinking

They would not be drinking


Would I be drinking?

Would you be drinking?

Would he be drinking?
Would she be drinking?
Would it be drinking?

Would we be drinking?

Would you be drinking?

Would they be drinking?

Drink in conditional perfect


I would have drunk

You would have drunk

He would have drunk
She would have drunk
It would have drunk

We would have drunk

You would have drunk

They would have drunk


I would not have drunk

You would not have drunk

He would not have drunk
She would not have drunk
It would not have drunk

We would not have drunk

You would not have drunk

They would not have drunk


Would I have drunk?

Would you have drunk?

Would he have drunk?
Would she have drunk?
Would it have drunk?

Would we have drunk?

Would you have drunk?

Would they have drunk?

Drink in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been drinking

You would have been drinking

He would have been drinking
She would have been drinking
It would have been drinking

We would have been drinking

You would have been drinking

They would have been drinking


I would not have been drinking

You would not have been drinking

He would not have been drinking
She would not have been drinking
It would not have been drinking

We would not have been drinking

You would not have been drinking

They would not have been drinking


Would I have been drinking?

Would you have been drinking?

Would he have been drinking?
Would she have been drinking?
Would it have been drinking?


pi0 v3 pd 00

прилагательное ↓


Мои примеры



Are you drunk? pi v3

We got drunk on wine. pi v3

Мы опьянели от вина.

He was beastly drunk. pi v3

Он напился как скотина.

‘Was Matt drunk?’ ‘And how!’ pi v3

I don’t like being around drunk people. pi v3

Я не люблю, когда вокруг пьяные.

He got drunk on cheap wine. pi v3

Он напился допьяна дешёвым вином.

He was frequently drunk. pi v3

Have you drunk the entire bottle? pi v3

Вы выпили всю бутылку?

He was drunk and belligerent. pi v3

Он был пьян и агрессивно настроен.

It’s obvious that he is drunk. pi v3

He was obviously dead drunk. pi v3

Он был явно мертвецки пьян.

He was sacked for being drunk. pi v3

Он был уволен за пьянство.

It stunned me to see him drunk. pi v3

Я поразился, увидев его пьяным.

He got drunk and had a fight with Jim. pi v3

Он напился и подрался с Джимом.

It is medicinal water, drunk copiously. pi v3

Это целебная вода, которую пьют в большом количестве.

When he finally showed up, he was drunk. pi v3

Когда он наконец-то появился, то был пьян.

The drunk man stumbled about. pi v3

Пьяный мужчина, спотыкаясь, шатался неподалёку.

He felt elated and mildly drunk. pi v3

Он чувствовал восторг и лёгкое опьянение.

He had drunk beyond his capacity. pi v3

Он выпил сверх своей меры. / Он перепил.

‘You’re drunk,’ she said bluntly. pi v3

— Ты пьян, — сказала она напрямик.

He had drunk himself into oblivion. pi v3

Он напился до беспамятства.

Treat the water so it can be drunk. pi v3

Обработайте воду, чтобы её можно было пить.

He was drunk when he crashed the car. pi v3

Он был пьян, когда разбил машину.

He had drunk more than he could carry. pi v3

The airline fired him for being drunk. pi v3

Авиакомпания уволила его за нахождение в нетрезвом виде.

The accused said he got properly drunk. pi v3

Обвиняемый сказал, что он был совершенно пьян.

He was so drunk that he messed the bed. pi v3

Он был настолько пьян, что нагадил прямо в кровать.

The drunk man tottered over to our table pi v3

Пьяный (мужчина), шатаясь, подошёл к нашему столику.

He was drunk and had no business driving. pi v3

Он был пьян, и не имел никакого права садиться за руль.

He was so drunk he fell over in the road. pi v3

Он так напился, что упал прямо на дорогу.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her boyfriend got drunk and beat her up. pi v3

He got drunk and sassed a cop. pi v3

I was drunk and couldn’t think straight. pi v3


3 формы глагола drink

? Глагол drink имеет значения: пить, выпивать, пьянствовать, напаивать, испить, отведать, впитывать, всасывать, поглощать.

Формы глагола drink в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола drink в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет drink в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола drink

Как поставить drink во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол drink в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить drink в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для drink нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: drink в past simple — drank.

What is the past tense of drink?

The past tense of drink is drank.
The past participle of drink is drunk.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — drink в past simple, будет drank. (V2)
Future simple — drink в future simple будет drink. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — drink в present perfect будет drunk. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — drink в past perfect будет drunk. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол drink?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол drink это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола drink

Вместе с drink, часто смотрят глаголы drive and run.


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