elk bledom какое приложение

Question: Q: What is ELK-BLEDOM Bluetooth device?

This question was asked recently and timed out. Nearly 150 people had the same question, but we haven’t had resolution.

What is it? Why do so many people have this listed in Bluetooth under “Other Devices”?

Posted on May 20, 2021 6:47 AM

A Google search yielded this (a light strip):

Posted on May 22, 2021 4:20 PM

Helpful answers

Elk-Bledom not only are they called LED STRIP LIGHTS, it is also a known hidden camera device that is Bluetooth compatible.

Jul 15, 2021 10:15 PM

Anyone figure out how to block it?

Jul 23, 2021 10:28 AM

Why don’t you help people out and give a link to the Elk product page, pointing out which one is a ‘hidden camera’. They all look innocuous.

Jul 22, 2021 6:30 PM

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A Google search yielded this (a light strip):

May 22, 2021 4:20 PM

it seems a bit odd that a neighbor’s device would show up in my Bluetooth selection. But at least I know now it’s legit. Thanks!

May 22, 2021 6:15 PM

Elk-Bledom not only are they called LED STRIP LIGHTS, it is also a known hidden camera device that is Bluetooth compatible.

Jul 15, 2021 10:15 PM

Can you elaborate on the hidden camera device? Like what brand it is or something? Can’t find any information on it, but Elk-Bledom is appearing on «other devices» on my iPhone bluetooth and we don’t have LED strip lights.

Jul 21, 2021 9:05 PM

Why don’t you help people out and give a link to the Elk product page, pointing out which one is a ‘hidden camera’. They all look innocuous.

Jul 22, 2021 6:30 PM

This thing is driving me nuts. We have the Bluetooth led light strips. I’ll find the link in a min. But it interferes w a lot of our other Bluetooth devices. Like I can’t sync my sons Fitbit when they are plugged in and I can’t connect to once of my speakers. The worst part is that there is no option to forget this device. Like I have no control over it.

Jul 22, 2021 6:45 PM

These are the lights we have that Bluetooth connect to everyone’s phone all over our house

Jul 22, 2021 6:46 PM

I’d like to know more about that, too!

Jul 22, 2021 7:21 PM

Anyone figure out how to block it?

Jul 23, 2021 10:28 AM

Any of you guys happen to live in Louisiana?

After searching online for days ( lol ) I am getting basically no where with this.

i’ve come across suggestions of “security” devices linked to a raspberry pi.

hidden recording/cameras that are made to look like smoke alarms/door alarms/regular household decor.

Aug 25, 2021 5:33 PM

Sep 22, 2021 11:04 AM

Kind of creepy. Device sitting on a shelf for a year or two and presumed to have a dead battery, yet advertises itself on Bluetooth.

Sep 22, 2021 1:20 PM

I see elk bledom at my moms and dads and my moms doesn’t have led lights and I can never connect to them

Sep 30, 2021 4:59 PM

Was a link to potential devices ever given? I know for a fact I have had hidden devices in my home before. At least 4 times I’ve found them. I saw an alarm clock camera on Amazon that I recognized was the twin of one in my house. Looking further there were tiny dice looking cameras, and a «smoke alarm,» handheld voice activated recorders behind my silverware, in my car. Twice I have found what looks like a strip with a tiny lens at one end the module on the other. I was shown a picture of myself that was timestamped at a time this person was in the hospital so it most definitely can be controlled remotely. I will try to attach a picture of something similar.

Oct 4, 2021 11:10 AM

See the attached picture. You may have to really search to find if it’s similar. The camera is smaller than a postage stamp. The strip is about 6-7 inches. But, it needs a power source. An outlet or, sneakier still, another electronic device such as a TV or cable box (that’s where I found one plugged in.) Forgive my suspicion but I have found something like this on two separate occasions as well as other surveillance devices at other times. It seems there are enough people that are so distrustful of others they keep the market for these hidden devices going.

ELK-BLEDOM Bluetooth device shows up at seemingly random times on my phone as well. I can’t «forget devive» either. Factory reset of my phone won’t get rid of it. We have no strip lights nor have we ever had strip lights.

Oct 4, 2021 12:01 PM

Question: Q: What is ELK-BLEDOM Bluetooth device? More Less


Контроллер RGBW LED ленты: очередная лажа


Я уже рассказывал про RGBW светодиодную ленту в одном из своих обзоров, теперь пришло время рассмотреть и контроллеры для них. В этом посте – контроллер с Bluetooth. Расчленёнка внутри.


Поставляется контроллер в антистатическом пакете чуть больше него самого по размеру. Кроме устройства в комплекте только гребенка 5×1 с шагом между контактами 2 мм. для подключения ленты, и инструкция с QR кодом для скачивания приложения.


Напряжение питания составляет от 5 до 24 В.


Устройство ничем не примечательно, из корпуса выглядывает только «хвост» с гнездом 5,5×2,1 мм. для подключения блока питания.

Подключение более чем незамысловатое – скачиваем приложение «Happy Lighting», включаем Bluetooth, и подключаемся к устройству. Все, можно работать! И ничего не работает.

Я скачивал приложение на следующие телефоны:
1) Samsung Galaxy A6+;
2) Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime;
3) LG G4s.

Поэтому вывод простой, дело не в телефоне (-ах), а в самом приложении.


Похоже, приложение настолько кривое, что (судя по отзывам) у десятков людей, купивших контроллер, ничего не работает.
Тогда вскрываем?

Вот и обещанная расчлененка:

Рулит всем небезызвестный контроллер ST17H26ES16 китайской компании Lenze Technology, про который я рассказывал в одном из прошлых обзоров. Кстати, с устройством из того обзора тоже были косяки. Совпадение?
Еще раз приведу распиновку микросхемы:

Помимо нее на борту стоит ATtiny45 и линейный стабилизатор HT7133-1 и 4 ключа 3400L.
Судя по плате, изготовлена она 28 мая 2018. Монтаж компонентов производился машиной, претензий к нему нет. Следы неотмытого флюса обнаружены только на проводах питания и у гребенки для подключения ленты.

Естественно, был открыт спор, который я выиграл.

Товар не работает, к покупке не рекомендуется.


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