encourage 3 формы глагола

Глагол encourage в английском языке

encourage 3 forms

Перевод encourage с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
encourage encouraged encouraged encouraging
[ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ] [enˈkɜːrɪdʒd] [enˈkɜːrɪdʒd] [ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒɪŋ]
[ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒd] [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒd] [eŋˈkʌrɪdʒɪŋ ɪŋˈkʌrɪdʒɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение encourage в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to encourage» (Английский язык)

Глагол to encourage – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать; потворствовать; подстрекать.

Infinitive to encourage
Simple past encouraged
Past participle encouraged
-s encourages
-ing encouraging

Encourage in present simple


He encourages
She encourages
It encourages


I do not encourage

You do not encourage

He does not encourage
She does not encourage
It does not encourage

We do not encourage

You do not encourage

They do not encourage


Does he encourage?
Does she encourage?
Does it encourage?

Encourage in present continuous


You are encouraging

He is encouraging
She is encouraging
It is encouraging

We are encouraging

You are encouraging

They are encouraging


I am not encouraging

You are not encouraging

He is not encouraging
She is not encouraging
It is not encouraging

We are not encouraging

You are not encouraging

They are not encouraging


Are you encouraging?

Is he encouraging?
Is she encouraging?
Is it encouraging?

Are we encouraging?

Are you encouraging?

Are they encouraging?

Encourage in present perfect


You have encouraged

He has encouraged
She has encouraged
It has encouraged

We have encouraged

You have encouraged

They have encouraged


I have not encouraged

You have not encouraged

He has not encouraged
She has not encouraged
It has not encouraged

We have not encouraged

You have not encouraged

They have not encouraged


Have you encouraged?

Has he encouraged?
Has she encouraged?
Has it encouraged?

Have we encouraged?

Have you encouraged?

Have they encouraged?

Encourage in present perfect continuous


I have been encouraging

You have been encouraging

He has been encouraging
She has been encouraging
It has been encouraging

We have been encouraging

You have been encouraging

They have been encouraging


I have not been encouraging

You have not been encouraging

He has not been encouraging
She has not been encouraging
It has not been encouraging

We have not been encouraging

You have not been encouraging

They have not been encouraging


Have I been encouraging?

Have you been encouraging?

Has he been encouraging?
Has she been encouraging?
Has it been encouraging?

Have we been encouraging?

Have you been encouraging?

Have they been encouraging?

Encourage in past simple


He encouraged
She encouraged
It encouraged


I did not encourage

You did not encourage

He did not encourage
She did not encourage
It did not encourage

We did not encourage

You did not encourage

They did not encourage


Did he encourage?
Did she encourage?
Did it encourage?

Did they encourage?

Encourage in past continuous


You were encouraging

He was encouraging
She was encouraging
It was encouraging

We were encouraging

You were encouraging

They were encouraging


I was not encouraging

You were not encouraging

He was not encouraging
She was not encouraging
It was not encouraging

We were not encouraging

You were not encouraging

They were not encouraging


Were you encouraging?

Was he encouraging?
Was she encouraging?
Was it encouraging?

Were we encouraging?

Were you encouraging?

Were they encouraging?

Encourage in past perfect


You had encouraged

He had encouraged
She had encouraged
It had encouraged

You had encouraged

They had encouraged


I had not encouraged

You had not encouraged

He had not encouraged
She had not encouraged
It had not encouraged

We had not encouraged

You had not encouraged

They had not encouraged


Had you encouraged?

Had he encouraged?
Had she encouraged?
Had it encouraged?

Had you encouraged?

Had they encouraged?

Encourage in past perfect continuous


I had been encouraging

You had been encouraging

He had been encouraging
She had been encouraging
It had been encouraging

We had been encouraging

You had been encouraging

They had been encouraging


I had not been encouraging

You had not been encouraging

He had not been encouraging
She had not been encouraging
It had not been encouraging

We had not been encouraging

You had not been encouraging

They had not been encouraging


Had I been encouraging?

Had you been encouraging?

Had he been encouraging?
Had she been encouraging?
Had it been encouraging?

Had we been encouraging?

Had you been encouraging?

Had they been encouraging?

Encourage in future simple


You will encourage

He will encourage
She will encourage
It will encourage

You will encourage

They will encourage


I will not encourage

You will not encourage

He will not encourage
She will not encourage
It will not encourage

We will not encourage

You will not encourage

They will not encourage


Will you encourage?

Will he encourage?
Will she encourage?
Will it encourage?

Will you encourage?

Will they encourage?

Encourage in future continuous


I will be encouraging

You will be encouraging

He will be encouraging
She will be encouraging
It will be encouraging

We will be encouraging

You will be encouraging

They will be encouraging


I will not be encouraging

You will not be encouraging

He will not be encouraging
She will not be encouraging
It will not be encouraging

We will not be encouraging

You will not be encouraging

They will not be encouraging


Will I be encouraging?

Will you be encouraging?

Will he be encouraging?
Will she be encouraging?
Will it be encouraging?

Will we be encouraging?

Will you be encouraging?

Will they be encouraging?

Encourage in future perfect


I will have encouraged

You will have encouraged

He will have encouraged
She will have encouraged
It will have encouraged

We will have encouraged

You will have encouraged

They will have encouraged


I will not have encouraged

You will not have encouraged

He will not have encouraged
She will not have encouraged
It will not have encouraged

We will not have encouraged

You will not have encouraged

They will not have encouraged


Will I have encouraged?

Will you have encouraged?

Will he have encouraged?
Will she have encouraged?
Will it have encouraged?

Will we have encouraged?

Will you have encouraged?

Will they have encouraged?

Encourage in future perfect continuous


I will have been encouraging

You will have been encouraging

He will have been encouraging
She will have been encouraging
It will have been encouraging

We will have been encouraging

You will have been encouraging

They will have been encouraging


I will not have been encouraging

You will not have been encouraging

He will not have been encouraging
She will not have been encouraging
It will not have been encouraging

We will not have been encouraging

You will not have been encouraging

They will not have been encouraging


Will I have been encouraging?

Will you have been encouraging?

Will he have been encouraging?
Will she have been encouraging?
Will it have been encouraging?

Will we have been encouraging?

Will you have been encouraging?

Will they have been encouraging?

Encourage in conditional present


You would encourage

He would encourage
She would encourage
It would encourage

We would encourage

You would encourage

They would encourage


I would not encourage

You would not encourage

He would not encourage
She would not encourage
It would not encourage

We would not encourage

You would not encourage

They would not encourage


Would you encourage?

Would he encourage?
Would she encourage?
Would it encourage?

Would we encourage?

Would you encourage?

Would they encourage?

Encourage in conditional present progressive


I would be encouraging

You would be encouraging

He would be encouraging
She would be encouraging
It would be encouraging

We would be encouraging

You would be encouraging

They would be encouraging


I would not be encouraging

You would not be encouraging

He would not be encouraging
She would not be encouraging
It would not be encouraging

We would not be encouraging

You would not be encouraging

They would not be encouraging


Would I be encouraging?

Would you be encouraging?

Would he be encouraging?
Would she be encouraging?
Would it be encouraging?

Would we be encouraging?

Would you be encouraging?

Would they be encouraging?

Encourage in conditional perfect


I would have encouraged

You would have encouraged

He would have encouraged
She would have encouraged
It would have encouraged

We would have encouraged

You would have encouraged

They would have encouraged


I would not have encouraged

You would not have encouraged

He would not have encouraged
She would not have encouraged
It would not have encouraged

We would not have encouraged

You would not have encouraged

They would not have encouraged


Would I have encouraged?

Would you have encouraged?

Would he have encouraged?
Would she have encouraged?
Would it have encouraged?

Would we have encouraged?

Would you have encouraged?

Would they have encouraged?

Encourage in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been encouraging

You would have been encouraging

He would have been encouraging
She would have been encouraging
It would have been encouraging

We would have been encouraging

You would have been encouraging

They would have been encouraging


I would not have been encouraging

You would not have been encouraging

He would not have been encouraging
She would not have been encouraging
It would not have been encouraging

We would not have been encouraging

You would not have been encouraging

They would not have been encouraging


Would I have been encouraging?

Would you have been encouraging?

Would he have been encouraging?
Would she have been encouraging?
Would it have been encouraging?


pi0 v3 pd 00


Мои примеры


They encouraged us in our work. pi v3

Они поддерживали нас в работе.

My parents encouraged me to go back to college. pi v3

Родители посоветовали мне вернуться в колледж.

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me. pi v3

Я хочу поблагодарить каждого, кто вдохновил и поддержал меня.

Everyone is encouraged to donate. pi v3

Всем предлагается сделать пожертвование.

They encouraged her to go. pi v3

Они посоветовали ей пойти.

Farmers are encouraged to consider whole herd depopulation. pi v3

Фермерам рекомендуется уничтожить все поголовье.

Patients are encouraged to get fit. pi v3

Больным рекомендуется привести себя в хорошую физическую форму.

We all encouraged him like anything. pi v3

Все мы поддерживали его изо всех сил.

People are encouraged to donate blood. pi v3

Людей призывают сдавать кровь.

Everyone is being encouraged to save energy. pi v3

Всех призывают экономить энергию.

My parents encouraged my interest in science. pi v3

Родители поощряли мой интерес к науке.

She felt encouraged by the many letters of support. pi v3

Многочисленные письма поддержки воодушевили её.

The children were encouraged to explore mathematics. pi v3

Детям рекомендовалось изучать математику.

All students are encouraged to take part in a sport. pi v3

Всех студентов призывают принимать участие в занятиях спортом.

I have been greatly encouraged by the team’s recent form. pi v3

Меня очень воодушевила та форма, в которой в последнее время пребывает команда.

The members encouraged one another in running the Christian course. pi v3

Все члены поддерживали друг друга в следовании христианской религии.

My parents always encouraged me to aim high. pi v3

Мои родители всегда советовали мне ставить самые высокие цели.

The public should not be encouraged to have a go. pi v3

Народ нельзя подстрекать к попыткам самостоятельного задержания преступников.

He encouraged them to organize for social justice. pi v3

Он призвал их к созданию организации в целях социальной справедливости.

I feel very encouraged by the way things are going. pi v3

Меня очень радует то, как идут дела.

His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife. pi v3

Финансовый успех побудил его к поиску жены.

Fleur encouraged Dana in her ambition to become a model. pi v3

Флёр поддерживала Дану в её стремлении стать моделью.

He encouraged moderation and toleration on religious issues. pi v3

Он призвал к сдержанности и терпимости в вопросах религии.

I always encouraged Brian. I didn’t want to stand in his way. pi v3

Я всегда поддерживала Брайана — не хотела стоять на его пути.

Organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives. pi v3

Фермеры, ведущие хозяйство с применением только органических удобрений, должны поощряться финансовыми стимулами.

Cooder was encouraged to begin playing the guitar by his father. pi v3

Заняться игрой на гитаре Кудеру предложил его отец.

Governments should be encouraged to get rid of all nuclear weapons. pi v3

Students are encouraged to consider the way language changes over time. pi v3

Студентам рекомендуется поразмыслить над тем, как язык меняется с течением времени.

They’re encouraged to think positively about themselves and their future. pi v3

Их призывают мыслить положительно о себе и своём будущем.

Anyone who dissented was encouraged to speak out while they had the chance. pi v3

Всех несогласных попросили откровенно высказать свое мнение, пока есть такая возможность.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Workers are being encouraged to take voluntary redundancy. pi v3

He was encouraged by the friendship his coworkers showed him. pi v3

Fathers are encouraged to be more involved with their families. pi v3


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