flowkey приложение для чего

Научитесь играть на пианино любимую музыку

Исполните свою мечту научиться играть на пианино с flowkey и сыграйте первую мелодию уже сегодня.

Новый метод обучения игре на пианино

flowkey показывает, как играть на пианино, и автоматически определяет, правильно ли вы это делаете. Поэтому с flowkey интереснее и легче изучать ноты и аккорды.

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Видео и ноты

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Замедленный темп

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Разучивайте партии отдельно каждой рукой, а потом соединяйте их вместе

Научитесь играть любимые композиции

Откройте для себя новые аранжировки популярных мелодий, адаптированные под ваш уровень.
Начните сейчас, и уже через несколько минут вы сможете исполнить первое произведение.

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Почему пользователи любят flowkey

Более 4 миллионов пользователей, от новичков до профессионалов, наслаждаются обучением игре на пианино с нами

«Очень Классное приложение если вы начинающий пианист. Всё рассказано понятно и занятно, русификация есть. Всё прекрасно!»

«Очень, очень полезное приложение!! ?Без проводов, удобно, понятно и классноо.. Спасибо вам большое за такое суперское приложение. Вы просто супер. Всё работает. Классно объесняют.))»

«Отличное приложение! Я не потратил на него ни копейки, и в нем нет рекламы, в отличие от других. Хотя я установил приложение недавно, мне уже удалось много чему научиться. Однозначно пять звезд!»

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Начните учиться играть на пианино бесплатно

Воспользуйтесь бесплатным пробным периодом, установитеflowkeyи сыграйте свою первую мелодию уже через несколько минут.


flowkey – обучение пианин‪о‬ 4+

фортепиано уроки и песн‪и‬

flowkey GmbH

Снимки экрана

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Научиться играть на пианино не так уж сложно! Исполняйте любимые песни и
узнайте всё о нотах, аккордах и правильной технике игры. Приложение удобно
использовать с клавиатурой акустического или цифрового пианино. Идеально и
для новичков, и для опытных музыкантов.


— Исполняйте любимые произведения: сотни композиций и песен на ваш выбор, от классики до поп-музыки
— Пусть практика приносит плоды: отслеживайте свой прогресс с помощью микрофона и MIDI подключения
— Достигайте новых высот с интерактивными инструкциями по чтению нотной грамоты, исполнению аккордов, импровизации, изучении техники и т. д.
— Развивайте правильную технику исполнения с видео уроками высокого
качества от профессиональных пианистов

Приложение flowkey рекомендуют известные YouTube-пианисты, преподаватели и музыканты по всему миру. Присоединяйтесь к миллиону исполнителей, которые уже пользуются flowkey, и возьмите несколько бесплатных уроков игры на пианино, а также научитесь играть 8 известных произведений.


Приложение flowkey – бесплатное, сразу после установки вы получите доступ к
отдельным композициям и урокам.

Для получения доступа ко всем урокам, песням и композициям, необходимо приобрести Premium подписку flowkey.
Premium контент будет доступен на всех устройствах.

Варианты Premium подписок:

Premium подписка flowkey на 1 месяц за 899 руб.
Premium подписка flowkey на 6 месяцев за 3590 руб.
Premium подписка flowkey на 12 месяцев за 5350 руб.
(Цены указаны для России и могут различаться в зависимости от страны.)

Мы с нетерпением ждем ваших отзывов! Присылайте вопросы и комментарии на feedback@flowkey.com или напрямую в приложении в разделе Обратная связь.

Успехов в творчестве!
Ваша команда flowkey


flowkey – обучение пианин‪о‬ 4+

фортепиано уроки и песн‪и‬

flowkey GmbH

Снимки экрана

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Научиться играть на пианино не так уж сложно! Исполняйте любимые песни и
узнайте всё о нотах, аккордах и правильной технике игры. Приложение удобно
использовать с клавиатурой акустического или цифрового пианино. Идеально и
для новичков, и для опытных музыкантов.


— Исполняйте любимые произведения: сотни композиций и песен на ваш выбор, от классики до поп-музыки
— Пусть практика приносит плоды: отслеживайте свой прогресс с помощью микрофона и MIDI подключения
— Достигайте новых высот с интерактивными инструкциями по чтению нотной грамоты, исполнению аккордов, импровизации, изучении техники и т. д.
— Развивайте правильную технику исполнения с видео уроками высокого
качества от профессиональных пианистов

Приложение flowkey рекомендуют известные YouTube-пианисты, преподаватели и музыканты по всему миру. Присоединяйтесь к миллиону исполнителей, которые уже пользуются flowkey, и возьмите несколько бесплатных уроков игры на пианино, а также научитесь играть 8 известных произведений.


Приложение flowkey – бесплатное, сразу после установки вы получите доступ к
отдельным композициям и урокам.

Для получения доступа ко всем урокам, песням и композициям, необходимо приобрести Premium подписку flowkey.
Premium контент будет доступен на всех устройствах.

Варианты Premium подписок:

Premium подписка flowkey на 1 месяц за 899 руб.
Premium подписка flowkey на 6 месяцев за 3590 руб.
Premium подписка flowkey на 12 месяцев за 5350 руб.
(Цены указаны для России и могут различаться в зависимости от страны.)

Мы с нетерпением ждем ваших отзывов! Присылайте вопросы и комментарии на feedback@flowkey.com или напрямую в приложении в разделе Обратная связь.

Успехов в творчестве!
Ваша команда flowkey

Политика конфиденциальности: https://www.flowkey.com/ru/privacy
условия обслуживания: https://www.flowkey.com/en/terms-of-service

Что нового

Откройте для себя прелесть игры на пианино уже сегодня!
Ваша команда flowkey

Оценки и отзывы

Great alternative for self learner pianist wannabe

My son private piano lesson close down their physical location activities due to pandemic. In the meantime, we are trying to find alternative so he can continue learning and improve his piano skill. There are few products available for self learning but we pick flowkey. The software feature collection of songs from different genres and levels, various self learning tools such as wait mode, speed adjustment, rollback/repetition, and live recording action of the actual person playing on the piano. He was able to master 2 songs so far at the pro level within less than 2 months and his level at private lesson was just the beginner. All it takes is steady and persistent learning. His side reading skills definitely improved vastly. This software isn’t perfect. Wait mode sometime skipped and there was no way to print out the sheet perhaps due to copyright issue. Price wise seems to be expensive @$120 yearly but if you think of how much you’re paying for private tutor, this is actually cheap. I dare you to try.

Tentative 4 Stars

I give this app a tentative 4 stars. I tried Flowkey and another piano app together for the 7 day trial and found that, overall, Flowkey worked better for me. I played an instrument in grade school and had unsuccessful private piano lessons as a kid and was definitely in need of a refresher on reading music. I think this app does a nice job introducing the elements of reading music (though I do sort of wish there was a written element where a note would appear and you had to name it by letter, like a written pop quiz) It also allows you to practice a piece as needed before moving on. Another small gripe is how many times you have to push play or OK to start the activity. I wish this could be a voice command so that you can get your hands situated and then say “OK” to start the exercise. My tentative 4 stars is based on the fact that shortly after starting to play more than one note at a time, the app has a hard time determining if you are playing the correct note. This make practicing extremely frustrating having to play the same note many, many times until it hears it correctly to move on, ruining any flow you had going and making it hard to actually learn a piece of music. I have a cable coming so that I can plug my iPad into my keyboard and hope this improves the experience. If this works, it will solidify my 4 stars.

Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback. Nice to hear that our app helps you to refresh your piano skills.
And you definitely have a point regarding the clicks in the courses. The good news is that we are already working on improving this. Our goal is to remove all unnecessary clicks in the courses so you can keep your hands on the keys.
Sorry to hear that the note detection seems to have problems when multiple notes are played. This issue will definitely disappear with the cable connection. It’s a game changer for sure. So I hope you enjoy practicing even more then.

Probably a good tool for beginners

I’ve been playing piano for almost 20 years- I started when I was five. After I moved to my own apartment, I decided to buy a Yamaha digital piano with weighted keys to best mimic the true touch of a real piano. I noticed this App from Yamaha’s website and decided to give it a try. After tried playing several pieces, I think this app is really ideal for beginners who do not know anything about pedal, dynamics, and the flow of music. The only thing this app cares about is wether you played a note right or wrong. While playing the note correctly is an essential part for beginners, for more advanced players, there are certainty room for improvements. This App did help me correct some notes that I unintentionally played wrong, but I had to stop and correct the wrong note before I can move on. Imaging you’re playing some beautiful pieces in front of your friends, this app keep yelling at you for one note and will not show the rest of the sheets before you correct it. More ideally (at least for me) is that after I finish playing the whole piece, this app can tell me the locations of notes or chords I played wrong in this piece. But I think it is still a quite powerful tool for beginners who just want to press the key and play some music.


flowkey – Learn Piano 4+

Piano songs and lessons

flowkey GmbH

Снимки экрана

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Learning piano has never been easier! Play your favorite songs and learn all there is to know about notes, chords, and the proper technique. Works with your real piano or keyboard, acoustic as well as electric. Ideal for beginners and advanced pianists.


— Play your favorite songs – hundreds of songs, from classical to pop, at your disposal
— Practice effectively with learning monitoring via microphone or MIDI connection
— Reach your goals with interactive step-by-step instructions on reading music, chords, improv, technique, and more
— Develop the correct playing technique with high-quality video tutorials of professional pianists

flowkey is endorsed by some of the most famous YouTube pianists as well as teachers and musicians worldwide. Join the movement now and become one of over a million pianists and experience flowkey through 8 songs and selected courses, free of charge.


You can download the flowkey app for free and immediately gain free access to selected songs and course content.

For full access to all songs and course content, you will need to purchase a flowkey Premium subscription. You can access flowkey Premium content on all your devices.

Your subscription options are:

1 month flowkey Premium subscription for £18.99
6 months flowkey Premium subscription for £76.99
12 months flowkey Premium subscription for £109.99

Your payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
Once your subscription is renewed, you will be charged the same amount as during the first purchase through your iTunes account. Your membership renews itself automatically unless you cancel no later than 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. You can manage your subscription in your iTunes Account Settings after purchase. This is also where you can cancel your subscription and turn off the auto-renewal option.

If you cancel your subscription, your access to the full library of flowkey content will expire at the end of the subscription period.


flowkey – Learn Piano 4+

Piano songs and lessons

flowkey GmbH

Снимки экрана

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Learning piano has never been easier! Play your favorite songs and learn all there is to know about notes, chords, and the proper technique. Works with your real piano or keyboard, acoustic as well as electric. Ideal for beginners and advanced pianists.


— Play your favorite songs – hundreds of songs, from classical to pop, at your disposal
— Practice effectively with learning monitoring via microphone or MIDI connection
— Reach your goals with interactive step-by-step instructions on reading music, chords, improv, technique, and more
— Develop the correct playing technique with high-quality video tutorials of professional pianists

flowkey is endorsed by some of the most famous YouTube pianists as well as teachers and musicians worldwide. Join the movement now and become one of over a million pianists and experience flowkey through 8 songs and selected courses, free of charge.


You can download the flowkey app for free and immediately gain free access to selected songs and course content.

For full access to all songs and course content, you will need to purchase a flowkey Premium subscription. You can access flowkey Premium content on all your devices.

Your subscription options are:

1 month flowkey Premium subscription for £18.99
6 months flowkey Premium subscription for £76.99
12 months flowkey Premium subscription for £109.99

Your payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
Once your subscription is renewed, you will be charged the same amount as during the first purchase through your iTunes account. Your membership renews itself automatically unless you cancel no later than 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. You can manage your subscription in your iTunes Account Settings after purchase. This is also where you can cancel your subscription and turn off the auto-renewal option.

If you cancel your subscription, your access to the full library of flowkey content will expire at the end of the subscription period.

We look forward to your feedback! Contact us with your questions, comments, or concerns through: feedback@flowkey.com or directly within the app under “Support & Feedback”.

Have fun learning piano!

Terms of service: http://www.flowkey.com/en/terms-of-service
Privacy policy: http://www.flowkey.com/en/privacy-policy

Что нового

Discover the joy of playing piano today!
Your flowkey team

Оценки и отзывы

I’m a complete novice and have enjoyed this app immensely. There’s a wide variety of pieces available to learn, many of which have been excellently arranged.

My only criticism is the app does not always pick up when the correct note has been played when using “wait mode”. I appreciate this will be a very difficult thing to get right every time, particularly if a piano is slightly out of tune. However, a simple mitigant to the problem would be to introduce a voice command (e.g. “next”) which would move the app to the next note. For novices like myself, this would improve the learning experience enormously, as I’m heavily reliant on the wait mode to learn the pieces. Having to manually move the notation along by scrolling left / right is frustrating. It also means I lose my hand position on the keys (probably not an issue for a good player but difficult for a beginner).

That said, I absolutely love this app.

Fantastic way to learn!

Gentle Pace

My first introduction to the keyboard, thanks to my complementary course courtesy of Keyflow, allowed me to experience and remember certain key positions.
I found the tutorial selection of music pieces to be memorable and having a memory of the teaching piece allowed me to try harder to mimic the melody.
If I had a complaint about the method of teaching then it would be the waiting for the green tick to acknowledge my progress. Some of the periods which left me waiting for the tick seemed to go on for quite a long time and this had the effect of loosing my concentration even whilst I was very eager to learn. If my enthusiasm to learn led me to go too quickly through the tutorial and my iPad had difficulty in keeping up then I apologise, but at the same time I would urge you to extend the program so that the course can take account of faster pupils.
Kind regards Ray.

Thanks for your feedback. It’s great that you like learning with our app so far and we’re sorry to hear that the note recognition via microphone so far didn’t let you practice as smoothly as you’d wish to. If you’re playing on an acoustic piano, there are some adjustments that can sometimes help to improve. the tone recognition. However, in case you’re playing on an electronic piano, you might be able to connect directly via cable, which would resolve these issues immediately and let you practice with a fast and precise note recognition via MIDI/USB.

Many electronic instruments provide either a «USB to Host» port for connecting via a normal USB printer cable (Type B to Type A) and in combination with a «Camera Connection Kit» from Apple you can connect your instrument with your iOS device. Some electronic pianos have an older MIDI 5-pin port instead. For this you’ll need a «MIDI to USB» cable, which you can find online or in your local music shop. Again, in combination with a «Camera Connection Kit» you can connect to your iPad or iPhone.


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