forecast 3 формы глагола

Спряжение глагола «to forecast» (Английский язык)

Глагол to forecast – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: прогнозировать, предсказывать, предвидеть.

Infinitive to forecast
Simple past forecast
Past participle forecast
-s forecasts
-ing forecasting

Forecast in present simple


He forecasts
She forecasts
It forecasts


You do not forecast

He does not forecast
She does not forecast
It does not forecast

We do not forecast

You do not forecast

They do not forecast


Does he forecast?
Does she forecast?
Does it forecast?

Forecast in present continuous


You are forecasting

He is forecasting
She is forecasting
It is forecasting

We are forecasting

You are forecasting

They are forecasting


I am not forecasting

You are not forecasting

He is not forecasting
She is not forecasting
It is not forecasting

We are not forecasting

You are not forecasting

They are not forecasting


Are you forecasting?

Is he forecasting?
Is she forecasting?
Is it forecasting?

Are we forecasting?

Are you forecasting?

Are they forecasting?

Forecast in present perfect


He has forecast
She has forecast
It has forecast

They have forecast


I have not forecast

You have not forecast

He has not forecast
She has not forecast
It has not forecast

We have not forecast

You have not forecast

They have not forecast


Has he forecast?
Has she forecast?
Has it forecast?

Have they forecast?

Forecast in present perfect continuous


I have been forecasting

You have been forecasting

He has been forecasting
She has been forecasting
It has been forecasting

We have been forecasting

You have been forecasting

They have been forecasting


I have not been forecasting

You have not been forecasting

He has not been forecasting
She has not been forecasting
It has not been forecasting

We have not been forecasting

You have not been forecasting

They have not been forecasting


Have I been forecasting?

Have you been forecasting?

Has he been forecasting?
Has she been forecasting?
Has it been forecasting?

Have we been forecasting?

Have you been forecasting?

Have they been forecasting?

Forecast in past simple


He forecast
She forecast
It forecast


I did not forecast

You did not forecast

He did not forecast
She did not forecast
It did not forecast

We did not forecast

You did not forecast

They did not forecast


Did he forecast?
Did she forecast?
Did it forecast?

Forecast in past continuous


You were forecasting

He was forecasting
She was forecasting
It was forecasting

We were forecasting

You were forecasting

They were forecasting


I was not forecasting

You were not forecasting

He was not forecasting
She was not forecasting
It was not forecasting

We were not forecasting

You were not forecasting

They were not forecasting


Were you forecasting?

Was he forecasting?
Was she forecasting?
Was it forecasting?

Were we forecasting?

Were you forecasting?

Were they forecasting?

Forecast in past perfect


He had forecast
She had forecast
It had forecast


I had not forecast

You had not forecast

He had not forecast
She had not forecast
It had not forecast

We had not forecast

You had not forecast

They had not forecast


Had he forecast?
Had she forecast?
Had it forecast?

Forecast in past perfect continuous


I had been forecasting

You had been forecasting

He had been forecasting
She had been forecasting
It had been forecasting

We had been forecasting

You had been forecasting

They had been forecasting


I had not been forecasting

You had not been forecasting

He had not been forecasting
She had not been forecasting
It had not been forecasting

We had not been forecasting

You had not been forecasting

They had not been forecasting


Had I been forecasting?

Had you been forecasting?

Had he been forecasting?
Had she been forecasting?
Had it been forecasting?

Had we been forecasting?

Had you been forecasting?

Had they been forecasting?

Forecast in future simple


He will forecast
She will forecast
It will forecast

They will forecast


I will not forecast

You will not forecast

He will not forecast
She will not forecast
It will not forecast

We will not forecast

You will not forecast

They will not forecast


Will he forecast?
Will she forecast?
Will it forecast?

Will they forecast?

Forecast in future continuous


I will be forecasting

You will be forecasting

He will be forecasting
She will be forecasting
It will be forecasting

We will be forecasting

You will be forecasting

They will be forecasting


I will not be forecasting

You will not be forecasting

He will not be forecasting
She will not be forecasting
It will not be forecasting

We will not be forecasting

You will not be forecasting

They will not be forecasting


Will I be forecasting?

Will you be forecasting?

Will he be forecasting?
Will she be forecasting?
Will it be forecasting?

Will we be forecasting?

Will you be forecasting?

Will they be forecasting?

Forecast in future perfect


I will have forecast

You will have forecast

He will have forecast
She will have forecast
It will have forecast

We will have forecast

You will have forecast

They will have forecast


I will not have forecast

You will not have forecast

He will not have forecast
She will not have forecast
It will not have forecast

We will not have forecast

You will not have forecast

They will not have forecast


Will I have forecast?

Will you have forecast?

Will he have forecast?
Will she have forecast?
Will it have forecast?

Will we have forecast?

Will you have forecast?

Will they have forecast?

Forecast in future perfect continuous


I will have been forecasting

You will have been forecasting

He will have been forecasting
She will have been forecasting
It will have been forecasting

We will have been forecasting

You will have been forecasting

They will have been forecasting


I will not have been forecasting

You will not have been forecasting

He will not have been forecasting
She will not have been forecasting
It will not have been forecasting

We will not have been forecasting

You will not have been forecasting

They will not have been forecasting


Will I have been forecasting?

Will you have been forecasting?

Will he have been forecasting?
Will she have been forecasting?
Will it have been forecasting?

Will we have been forecasting?

Will you have been forecasting?

Will they have been forecasting?

Forecast in conditional present


You would forecast

He would forecast
She would forecast
It would forecast

You would forecast

They would forecast


I would not forecast

You would not forecast

He would not forecast
She would not forecast
It would not forecast

We would not forecast

You would not forecast

They would not forecast


Would you forecast?

Would he forecast?
Would she forecast?
Would it forecast?

Would you forecast?

Would they forecast?

Forecast in conditional present progressive


I would be forecasting

You would be forecasting

He would be forecasting
She would be forecasting
It would be forecasting

We would be forecasting

You would be forecasting

They would be forecasting


I would not be forecasting

You would not be forecasting

He would not be forecasting
She would not be forecasting
It would not be forecasting

We would not be forecasting

You would not be forecasting

They would not be forecasting


Would I be forecasting?

Would you be forecasting?

Would he be forecasting?
Would she be forecasting?
Would it be forecasting?

Would we be forecasting?

Would you be forecasting?

Would they be forecasting?

Forecast in conditional perfect


I would have forecast

You would have forecast

He would have forecast
She would have forecast
It would have forecast

We would have forecast

You would have forecast

They would have forecast


I would not have forecast

You would not have forecast

He would not have forecast
She would not have forecast
It would not have forecast

We would not have forecast

You would not have forecast

They would not have forecast


Would I have forecast?

Would you have forecast?

Would he have forecast?
Would she have forecast?
Would it have forecast?

Would we have forecast?

Would you have forecast?

Would they have forecast?

Forecast in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been forecasting

You would have been forecasting

He would have been forecasting
She would have been forecasting
It would have been forecasting

We would have been forecasting

You would have been forecasting

They would have been forecasting


I would not have been forecasting

You would not have been forecasting

He would not have been forecasting
She would not have been forecasting
It would not have been forecasting

We would not have been forecasting

You would not have been forecasting

They would not have been forecasting


Would I have been forecasting?

Would you have been forecasting?

Would he have been forecasting?
Would she have been forecasting?
Would it have been forecasting?


pi0 v3 pd 00

существительное ↓

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



The weather forecast is pretty grim. pi v3

Прогноз погоды довольно мрачен.

The weather forecast is good for tomorrow. pi v3

Прогноз погоды на завтра хороший.

They’re forecasting rain for this weekend. pi v3

Они прогнозируют дождь на эти выходные.

Rain was forecast for the weekend. pi v3

На выходные обещали дождь.

She forecast that an earthquake would occur. pi v3

Она предсказала, что произойдёт землетрясение.

The forecast calls for more rain. pi v3

Согласно прогнозу, дожди, вероятно, продолжатся.

Today’s forecast calls for sunshine. pi v3

Сегодняшний прогноз обещает солнце.

The company is forecasting reduced profits. pi v3

Компания прогнозирует снижение прибыли.

Their forecast was way out. pi v3

Их прогноз был очень неточен.

Coen’s economic forecast assumes a 3.5% growth rate. pi v3

Экономический прогноз Коэна предполагает прирост в три с половиной процента.

There are thunderstorms in the forecast. pi v3

Прогноз погоды обещает грозы.

The forecast is for strong winds and heavy rain. pi v3

Прогноз обещает сильный ветер и ливень.

It’s going to snow tomorrow, or that’s what the forecast says. pi v3

Завтра будет снег, — по крайней мере, так говорит прогноз.

The forecast is for intermittent rain. pi v3

Прогноз обещает кратковременный дождь.

Experts forecast that the economy will slow in the coming months. pi v3

По прогнозам экспертов, в ближайшие месяцы рост экономики будет замедляться.

The Federal Reserve Bank forecasts that the economy will grow by 2% this year. pi v3

Согласно прогнозам Федерального Резервного банка, в этом году экономика вырастет на два процента.

The forecast is for sunny skies tomorrow. pi v3

По прогнозу завтра будет ясно и солнечно.

More heavy showers are forecast for tonight. pi v3

Вечером и ночью вновь ожидаются сильные ливни.

It doesn’t seem to worry him that rain is in the forecast. pi v3

Его, кажется, не волнует, что по прогнозу обещают дождь.

The weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers. pi v3

Погода ожидается солнечная, с кратковременными дождями.

I want to catch the weather forecast so I’ll know what kind of clothes to pack for the trip tomorrow. pi v3

Я хочу посмотреть прогноз погоды, чтобы знать, какую одежду взять с собой завтра в дорогу.

Fresh falls of snow were forecast. pi v3

Недавние снегопады были спрогнозированы.

Thundershowers are forecast for tomorrow. pi v3

На завтра обещают ливни с грозами.

The forecast is for strong winds at lower elevations. pi v3

Прогноз обещает сильный ветер на небольших высотах.

Pretest market forecasting allow managers to forecast a new product’s sales volume. pi v3

Предварительное прогнозирование рынка помогает предвидеть объем продаж нового продукта.

The forecast is for showers with highs in the 70s. pi v3

По прогнозу ожидаются ливневые дожди, максимум температуры превысит семьдесят градусов Фаренгейта. (чуть больше 20 градусов Цельсия)

The forecast calls for winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour. pi v3

Согласно прогнозам, порывы ветра будут достигать до сорока миль в час.

The bad weather forecast only reinforces our decision to leave early tomorrow. pi v3

Плохой прогноз погоды только подкрепляет наше решение уехать завтра пораньше.

Our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast. pi v3

Наши планы на выходные были в состоянии неопределенности, пока мы не узнали прогноз погоды.

The weather forecast calls for some sort of frozen precipitation tomorrow — either snow or sleet. pi v3

Прогноз погоды обещает на завтра какие-то твёрдые осадки: то ли снег, то ли мокрый снег.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There is little promise of relief in the forecast. pi v3

The weather forecast said it would be fine all day. pi v3


Топ 100 неправильных глаголов в английском языке

Нет времени? Сохрани в

Дамы и господа, настало время бессовестной и дерзкой зубрежки! Именно так можно запомнить самые употребляемые неправильные глаголы (irregular verbs) с произношением, которые мы внимательнейшим образом отобрали для вас, подобно тому как отбирают листья лучших сортов чая. Заваривайте чаек и пробежимся с вами по 3 формам неправильных глаголов. Let’s go!

Good to know that у некоторых из таких глаголов по написанию и произношению совпадают все 3 формы, но есть, и коварный глагол read, 2 и 3 форма которого читается [red]. So pay attention! And don’t screw this up!

Основные неправильные глаголы с одинаковыми формами

Итак, сперва будет гораздо проще запомнить вышеупомянутые неправильные глаголы английского языка, чем зубрить все подряд. Вот они:

bet [bet] держать пари
burst [bɜ:st] взрывать(ся)
cast [kɑ:st] бросать тень, ронять
cost [kɔst] стоить, оценивать
cut [kʌt] резать
fit [fɪt] подходить (об одежде)
hit [hɪt] ударять, поражать
hurt [hɜ:t] ранить, причинять боль, повредить
let [let] допускать, позволять
put [put] класть, ставить
quit [kwɪt] оставлять, покидать
rid [rɪd] избавлять
set [set] устанавливать, ставить, настраивать
shed [ʃed] проливать (слезы)
shit [shɪt] гадить
shut [ʃʌt] закрывать
slit [slɪt] разрезать
split [splɪt] разделять, раскалывать, расщеплять
spread [spred] распространять(ся)
wet [wet] мочить

Еще 3 глагола, 1 и 3 форма которых одинаковые:

come [kʌm] came [keɪm] come [kʌm] приходить
become [bɪ’kʌm] became [bɪ’keɪm] become [bɪ’kʌm] становиться
run [rʌn] ran [ræn] run [rʌn] бежать

Победа над финансами — как получить сертификат ICFE

Способы образования неправильных глаголов

So, easy! Если глагол в Past Simple и Past Participle не имеет окончания «–ed» (I felt / she has forgiven) — то он неправильный, то бишь, глаголы образующие форму Past Simple и Past Participle не прибавляют окончание «–ed» к форме инфинитива, а образовываются другими чудными способами.

Вот такими, например:

break [ breɪk ] broke [brəuk] broken [‘brəuk(ə)n] (с)ломать
choose [tʃu:z] chose [tʃəuz] chosen [‘tʃəuz(ə)n] выбирать
forget [fə’get] forgot [fə’gɔt] forgotten [fə’gɔt(ə)n] забывать
freeze [fri:z] froze [frəuz] frozen [frəuz(ə)n] замерзать, замораживать
get [get] got [gɔt] gotten [‘gɔtn] получать
speak [spi:k] spoke [spəuk] spoken [‘spəuk(ə)n] разговаривать
steal [sti:l] stole [stəul] stolen [‘stəulən] красть
tear [teə] tore [tɔ:] torn [tɔ:n] разрывать
wake [weɪk] woke [wəuk] woken [‘wəuk(ə)n] будить
wear [weə] wore [wɔ:] worn [wɔ:n] надевать

drive [draɪv] drove [drəuv] driven [‘drɪv(ə)n] вести машину
ride [raɪd] rode [rəud] ridden [‘rɪd(ə)n] ехать верхом
rise [raɪz] rose [rəuz] risen [‘rɪz(ə)n] подниматься
write [raɪt] wrote [rəut] written [‘rɪt(ə)n] писать

blow [bləu] blew [blu:] blown [blu:] дуть
fly [flaɪ] flew [flu:] flown [fləun] летать
grow [grəu] grew [gru:] grown [grəun] расти, выращивать
know [nəu] knew [nju:] known [nəun] знать
throw [θrəu] threw [θru:] thrown [θrəun] бросать

bring [brɪŋ] brought [brɔ:t] brought [brɔ:t] принести
buy [baɪ] bought [bɔ:t] bought [bɔ:t] купить
catch [kætʃ] caught [kɔ:t] caught [kɔ:t] ловить
fight [faɪt] fought [fɔ:t] fought [fɔ:t] бороться
seek [si:k] sought [sɔ:t] sought [sɔ:t] искать
teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] обучать
think [θɪŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] думать

keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] держать
sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] спать
feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать
bleed [bli:d] bled [bled] bled [bled] кровоточить
feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] кормить(ся)
meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] встретить
lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] вести

begin [bɪ’gɪn] began [bɪ’gæn] begun [bɪ’gʌn] начинать(ся)
drink [drɪŋk] drank [dræŋk] drunk [drʌŋk] пить
ring [rɪŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] звонить
shrink [ʃrɪŋk] shrank [ʃræŋk] shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] сжиматься
sing [sɪŋ] sang [sæŋ] sung [sʌŋ] петь
sink [sɪŋk] sank [sæŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] погружаться, тонуть
spring [sprɪŋ] sprang [spræŋ] sprung [sprʌŋ] возникать, выпрыгивать
swim [swɪm] swam [swæm] swum [swʌm] плыть

be [bi:] was/were [wɔz/wɜ:] been [bi:n] быть, находиться
do [du:] did [dɪd] done [dʌn] делать
go [gəu] went [went] gone [gʌn] идти
have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] иметь
make [meɪk] made [meɪd] made [meɪd] делать, изготавливать

bereave [bɪ’ri:v] bereft/bereaved [bɪ’reft/bɪ’ri:vd] bereft/bereaved [bɪ’reft/bɪ’ri:vd] лишать
bet [bet] bet/betted [bet/beted] bet/betted [bet/beted] держать пари
broadcast [‘brɔ:dkɑ:st] broadcast/broadcasted
вещать, передавать
burn [bɜ:n] burned/burnt
жечь, гореть
bust [bʌst] busted/bust
устроить облаву
chide [tʃaɪd] chided/chid
clothe [kləuð] clothed/clad
crow [krəu] crew/crowed
crowed [krəud] кукарекать, радостно кричать
каркать, насмехаться
dive [daɪv] dived/dove
dived [daɪvd] нырять
dream [dri:m] dreamed/dreamt
видеть сны, мечтать
forecast [‘fɔ:kɑ:st] forecast/forecasted
предсказывать (погоду)
делать прогноз
gild [gɪld] gild/gilded
покрывать позолотой
gird [gɜ:d] girt/girded [gɜ:d/gɜ:dɪd] girt/girded [gɜ:d/gɜ:dɪd] окружать, затягивать (пояс)
прикреплять меч к поясу
hamstring [‘hæmstrɪŋ] hamstringed/hamstrung
подрезать, калечить
lean [li:n] leaned/leant
leap [li:p] leapt/leaped
прыгать, скакать
learn [lɜ:n] learned/learnt
light [laɪt] lit/lighted
зажигать, освещать
shrive [ʃraɪv] shrove/shrived
spell [spel] spelt/spelled
произносить или писать по буквам
околдовывать, заговаривать
spill [spɪl] spilt/spilled
проливать, разливать
проливать, расплескать
spoilv [spoɪl] spoiled/spoilt
thrive [θraɪv] throve/thrived
wake [weɪk] woke/waked

Мы рекомендуем запоминать ту форму, которая больше на слуху. Ведь даже глагол «work» имеет неправильные формы Past Indefinite и Past Participle (в обоих случаях wrought), но она устаревшая и практически не употребляется. Создавайте свои списки неправильных глаголов и распределяйте их по категориям, удобным вам для запоминания. И все будет just fine!

Советуем воспользоваться нашим онлайн-курсом по изучению неправильных глаголов в английском языке! Только проверенная методика эффективного изучения! Для начала обучения перейди по ссылке.

100 самых популярных неправильных глаголов в английском

Таблица неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
be was/were been быть, являться
beat beat beaten бить, колотить
become became become становиться
be was/were been быть, являться
begin began begun начинать
bend bent bent гнуть
bet bet bet держать пари
bite bit bitten кусать
blow blew blown дуть, выдыхать
break broke broken ломать, разбивать
bring brought brought приносить, привозить
build built built строить, сооружать
buy bought bought покупать, приобретать
catch caught caught ловить, поймать
choose chose chosen выбирать, избирать
come came come приходить, подходить
cost cost cost стоить, обходиться
cut cut cut резать, разрезать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело, распределять
dig dug dug копать, рыть
do did done делать, выполнять
draw drew drawn рисовать, чертить
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven ездить, подвозить
eat ate eaten есть, поглощать
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать, ощущать
fight fought fought драться, сражаться
find found found находить, обнаруживать
fly flew flown летать
forget forgot forgotten забывать о (чём-либо)
be was/were been быть, являться
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
freeze froze frozen замерзать, замирать
get got got получать, добираться
give gave given дать, подать, дарить
go went gone идти, двигаться
grow grew grown расти, вырастать
hang hung hung вешать, развешивать
have had had иметь, обладать
hear heard heard слышать, услышать
hide hid hidden прятать, скрывать
hit hit hit ударять, поражать
hold held held держать, удерживать
hurt hurt hurt ранить, ушибить
причинять боль
keep kept kept хранить, сохранять
know knew known знать, иметь представление
lay laid laid класть, положить
lead led led вести за собой, сопровождать
leave left left покидать, уходить
уезжать, оставлять
lend lent lent одалживать
давать взаймы (в долг)
let let let позволять, разрешать
lie lay lain лежать
light lit lit зажигать, светиться
lose lost lost терять, лишаться
make made made делать, создавать
mean meant meant значить, иметь в виду
meet met met встречать, знакомиться
pay paid paid платить, оплачивать
put put put ставить, помещать
read read read читать, прочитать
ride rode ridden ехать верхом, кататься
ring rang rung звенеть, звонить
rise rose risen восходить, вставать
run ran run бежать, бегать
say said said говорить, сказать
see saw seen видеть
seek sought sought искать, разыскивать
sell sold sold продавать, торговать
send sent sent посылать, отправлять
set set set устанавливать, задавать
shake shook shaken трясти, встряхивать
shine shone shone светить, сиять, озарять
shoot shot shot стрелять
show showed shown/showed показывать

Бонус: Редкие глаголы, которые вы, скорее всего, не учили

Редкие неправильные глаголы

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
abide abode abidden быть, являться
alight alit alit бить, колотить
arise arose arisen становиться
behold beheld beheld быть, являться
bid bade bidden начинать
burst burst burst гнуть
cast cast cast держать пари
dweli dwelt dwelt кусать
flee fled fled дуть, выдыхать
fling flung flung ломать, разбивать
forbid forbade forbidden приносить, привозить
forecast forecast forecast строить, сооружать
foresee foresaw foreseen покупать, приобретать
foretell foretold foretold ловить, поймать
forsake foresook foresaken выбирать, избирать
inlay inlaid inlaid приходить, подходить
interlay interlaid interlaid стоить, обходиться
leap leapt leapt резать, разрезать
mow mowed mown иметь дело, распределять
shed shed shed копать, рыть
slay slew slain делать, выполнять
slink slunk slunk рисовать, чертить
sow sowed sown пить
stink stank stunk ездить, подвозить
stride strode stridden есть, поглощать
strive strove striven падать
swell swelled swollen кормить
thrust thrust thrust чувствовать, ощущать
undergo underwent undergone драться, сражаться
vex vext vext находить, обнаруживать
weave wove woven летать
weep wept wept забывать о (чём-либо)
withdraw withdrew withdrawn быть, являться

Уровень Upper-Intermediate — продвинутый уровень владения английским B2

Игра на запоминание

Речь идет об аналогия карточного «дурака». На карточках пишутся неправильные глаголы в английском языке, каждая форма на отдельной карточке. В одну колоду примерно 20 глаголов, это 60 карт. Раздается игрокам по 6 карт. Первый ходит тот, у кого есть начальная форма глагола. Следующий должен положить первую либо вторую форму этого глагола, или другой глагол в начальной форме. Например: первый игрок делает ход с «go», второй должен положить «went» или «gone», либо другой глагол в начальной форме, например, «come». Дальше — по аналогии. Есть еще джокер — это глагол, у которого все формы совпадают, например «hit–hit–hit». Джокером можно поменять верхнюю карту, то есть заказать ту форму глагола, какая нужна владельцу Джокера. Если подходящих карт нет, то нужно брать из колоды, пока не попадется. Колода разбирается до конца, и выигрывает тот, у кого не останется ни одной карты. Игра идет на «ура»! Try it!

Кроме этого, можете почитать вместе с этим весельчаком под его супер–хит о неправильных глаголах. Возможно, этот мега–рэп сделает свое дело. Check it!

Надеемся, учить неправильные глаголы английского теперь станет легче! А чтобы у вас не оставалось сомнений, приглашаем вас пройти пробный урок! Don’t be shy ;)

EnglishDom #вдохновляемвыучить


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