galaxy store магазин приложений

Galaxy store магазин приложений

We’ve got what you need to dominate. Enjoy the upper hand in your favorite games with exclusive offers, unique skins, plentiful rewards and more.

* Available apps and benefits may vary by device, OS or region/country.


* Available apps and benefits may vary by device, OS or region/country.

Be entirely you

Your Galaxy is entirely yours to adorn. Discover numerous themes, wallpapers, fonts and more to echo your style to your own perfection.

* Available contents may vary by device, OS or region/country.
* Edge apps are available on the models with Edge panel only.
* Visit here to get more information about Galaxy Store’s Themes Contents.


* Available contents may vary by device, OS or region/country.
* Edge apps are available on the models with edge panel only.
* Visit here to get more information about Galaxy Store’s Themes Contents.

Galaxy exclusive

Discover just how much we appreciate our Galaxy family. We’ve prepared a wide array of special deals and additional perks so that you may enjoy your Galaxy even more.

* Available apps and benefits may vary by device, OS or region/country.


Your Watch. Your way

Let your wrist carry a distinct part of who you are. Fine-tune your Galaxy Watch with premium Watch faces and helpful apps to benefit both your style and lifestyle.

* Available apps may vary by device, OS or region/country, and paid apps are available after purchase.
* Gear branded device users can use the service of the Watch tab in Galaxy Store in the same way as before.


* Available apps may vary by device, OS or region/country, and paid apps are available after purchase.
* Gear branded device users can use the service of the Watch tab in Galaxy Store in the same way as before.

* All services, features, functionalities, contents, user interfaces and benefits described herein may change without notice,
and their availability may vary by country/region, device model and OS version. Paid services are available after purchase.
* Device and screen images simulated for illustrative purposes.


Explore your Galaxy





All specifications and descriptions provided herein may be different from the actual specifications and descriptions for the product. Samsung reserves the right to make changes to this document and the product described herein, at anytime, without obligation on Samsung to provide notification of such change. All functionality, features, specifications, GUI and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation. The contents within the screen are simulated images and are for demonstration purposes only. © 2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. ‘Samsung’, ‘Samsung Galaxy’ and all other Samsung Galaxy product series are trademarks of Samsung Electronics. Other trademarks and logos shown are property of their respective owners.


Discover Galaxy Store

Galaxy Store is a premium app store designed specifically for Galaxy device users that offers a boutique store experience. It is where users organically discover amazing games, and exclusive and differentiated applications created by Samsung and third parties. Galaxy Store is focused on providing quality app experiences, app promotions, campaigns, rewards, and exclusive offers.

discover galaxy store 01 games

Marketing and promotions

Available in over 180 countries, market your app to the hundreds of millions of active Galaxy device users who download billions of apps from Galaxy Store. Reach these users with promotions for Android apps and games, Galaxy Watch for Tizen apps, or Galaxy Themes.

You can request to promote your app in Galaxy Store when your app meets the selection criteria. You may qualify for a banner promoting your app or be part of a collection of apps that fit a trending topic.

discover galaxy store 02 marketing promotions v2

Examples of banners in Galaxy Store promoting apps

Samsung also provides marketing resources, such as the Galaxy Store badge, that help you promote your app in social media or other areas outside of Galaxy Store.

discover galaxy store 03 badge

Link users directly to your app in Galaxy Store using the Galaxy Store badge

Positive customer reviews can help you grow sales by influencing users who consider other users’ reviews before downloading an app. Ask your customers to review your app by directly connecting them from your app to your Galaxy Store app review page using a Galaxy Store review link.

discover galaxy store 04 review link

Link your customers directly to your app review page

Galaxy Store is also integrated with Samsung Rewards (U.S. only), a loyalty program allowing users to earn points and access exclusive benefits, promotions, and deals.


Looking for like-minded people who share your passion for creating apps? Connect with other developers in the Samsung Developer Forums by asking or responding to questions or sharing ideas about the Samsung app ecosystem. Read our blogs or listen to POW! Podcasts of Wisdom to learn what Samsung developers have to say about the latest technology and trends.

If you still can’t find the information you’re looking for, contact us by submitting a request to the Developer Support team.

In-App purchase and Samsung Galaxy SDKs

With Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP), Galaxy Store can provide you a new revenue stream and opens the opportunity to diversify your sales. IAP is Samsung’s payment service that makes it possible to sell items, such as virtual goods or subscriptions, in your applications. Samsung provides examples, beta testing, and technical support to help with the integration of the SDK and server APIs, reducing time-to-market.

Samsung also provides a collection of SDKs, services, and tools to help you create and develop your apps for Galaxy devices.

Access to Galaxy devices

If you don’t own a Galaxy device, use the Remote Test Lab service to test your applications on a real device. These are actual devices that you access through the web. Save on hardware costs and test the compatibility of your app on multiple devices.

Performance, metrics, and user attribution

Galaxy Store Statistics (GSS) is a free and exclusive tool that can be used to track and monitor Galaxy Store app performance and metrics like downloads, conversion, subscription, top SEO keywords, attribution channels, and Galaxy Store badge linking. GSS also provides user acquisition reports that measure user attribution and breaks down the numbers by channel, source, keywords, and featured placement (attribution from Galaxy Store banners or icons).

discover galaxy store 05 galaxy store statistics

Track app performance using Galaxy Store Statistics

Additionally, Galaxy Store is integrated with several third-party attribution platforms. App publishers have used platforms such as Adjust, AppsFlyer, Branch, Kochava, and Singular for side-by-side conversion measurement.

Galaxy games

Galaxy Store has its own merchandising and marketing opportunities for game developers. Game developers who meet pre-requisites around quality, downloads, ratings, and reviews can be considered to be featured in Galaxy Store game collections, banners, marketing promotions, and campaigns.

Games are featured in the Samsung app ecosystem. For example, pre-Loaded on most Galaxy devices, Samsung Game Launcher is the high-engagement gaming experience where gamers discover new featured titles resulting in billions of page views. Games are also featured in Galaxy Themes Store, Samsung Pay, Bixby, Samsung Daily, and in regional push notifications, creating a high-engagement premium marketing channel reaching the global Galaxy user base.

discover galaxy store 06 game launcher

Game Launcher provides links to trending and popular games and exclusive offers for Galaxy Store users

Become one of our top sellers and you may qualify for the fast app review process, allowing you to publish your games in Galaxy Store in five minutes after submission.

Learn more about the advantages of selling your game in Galaxy Store and how to get started in Galaxy Store Games.

Galaxy Watch for Tizen and Themes

Have an idea for a watch face or theme for your Galaxy device? Use Galaxy Watch Studio for Tizen or Galaxy Themes Studio to develop your designs without having to learn how to code.

When you’re ready to start selling your designs, you can direct users to your seller brand page, which is a portfolio of all of your offerings. Your loyal customers can check this page often to view your latest creations.

discover galaxy store 07 seller brand pages

Your Galaxy Store seller brand page highlights the newest and most popular designs in your portfolio

Galaxy Store also provides a channel where customers can purchase Galaxy Watch for Tizen apps for a Galaxy Watch synced with a non-Samsung device (the support available in each store channel may differ among countries and between paid apps and free apps).

Get started

Are you ready to include your app to be part of the billions of global downloads? Get started in Galaxy Store now!


Galaxy Store — что это за программа на Андроид и нужна ли она?

191012171726Приветствую друзья! Мне нравится Самсунг — не только стильные и современные телефоны делает или часы, но и софт крутой создает для своих устройств. Да, можно качать приложения из традиционного андроидного маркета Google Play, но можно и из фирменного, где собрано все, что нужно для смартфонов или часов от Самсунг.

Galaxy Store — что это такое?

Фирменный онлайн-магазин приложений и другого контента. Все что нужно устройствам семейства Galaxy — можно загрузить в этом магазине.

Сделаем мини вывод: Galaxy Store это прога, где можно скачать андроидные приложения, игры, темы оформления, там также есть специальный контент только для самсунговских устройств.

Galaxy Store — внешний вид

По этой картинке могу сделать вывод — прога вам может подсказывать самые популярные приложения, рейтинговые, например Топ 3 игр:


Здесь мы видим — магазин предлагает эксклюзивные приложения, они показаны под надписью Exclusive Apps Made for Samsung:



Хорошая опция Auto update apps — Using Wi-Fi only, что означает для обновления приложений использовать только сеть Wi-Fi. Это хорошо, ведь мобильный интернет обычно платный.

Программа покажет и рекомендуемые проги:


Вот темы оформления для часов:


В магазине присутствуют и знакомые нам программы, например Microsoft Word:


Кстати еще показывается рейтинг звездочкой, мелочь, но тоже нужно.


Итак, можно сделать вывод:

Разве что, при сильной необходимости — можно заморозить при помощи Titanium Backup (но нужны root-права).

Удачи и добра, до новых встреч господа!

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Galaxy store магазин приложений

Мы запустили мобильное приложение galaxystore, чтобы вам было еще удобнее покупать электронику и следить за последними разработками компании Samsung.

В приложении galaxystore представлен полный ассортимент мобильной электроники Samsung, горячие новинки и популярные флагманские смартфоны Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy Note и Galaxy Z, огромное семейство смартфонов Samsung Galaxy A и планшеты Samsung Galaxy Tab, наушники Galaxy Buds и смарт-часы Galaxy Watch, акустика, внешние накопители и аккумуляторы — все здесь, под рукой, в приложении Galaxystore.


Чтобы покупка нового гаджета не ударила по карману, прямо в приложении вы можете оформить рассрочку от Сбера.

С помощью приложения galaxystore вы сможете:

Первыми узнавать о скидках, акциях и предзаказах;

Быстро находить нужные товары по названию или категории;

Выбирать технику и аксессуары из удобного каталога с подробным описанием товара и красочными фото;

Сортировать товары по популярности, цене или скидке;

Смотреть похожие товары и знакомиться с рекомендациями;

Откладывать товары в Избранное, чтобы позже не искать их заново;

Делиться товарами в любых приложениях — от электронной почты до мессенджеров и соцсетей;

Узнавать о наличии товара в магазинах;

Оформлять срочную доставку на дом или просто к точному времени;

Оплачивать товар, применяя скидочные акции, акции с подарком и промокоды;

Копить баллы на бонусной карте и всегда знать, сколько там набежало;

Скачивать руководства пользователя;

Читать обзоры новинок, подборки лучших устройств и советы по использованию техники от наших экспертов;

Следить за последними разработками Samsung.

Удобно. Быстро. И безопасно.

Для тех, кто любит пощупать товар перед покупкой, в приложении есть карта фирменных магазинов Samsung. Нужно вспомнить, когда, что и по чем покупали? Посмотрите в истории заказов. Непонятно, как работает доставка день в день? Все детали в приложении.

Скачайте приложение galaxystore, и улучшить жизнь с помощью Samsung станет еще проще!


Get Started in Galaxy Store

The following is a list of tasks (required, recommended, and optional), videos, and recommended reading to help you start selling your apps in Galaxy Store. A link to more detailed information is provided, when available.

The icons represent the following:

gsg required v2Required task

gsg recommendedTask v2Recommended task

gsg optional v2Optional task

gsg videoVideo

gsg recommended v2Recommended reading


Before you do anything, sign up for a Samsung account. Using your Samsung account, you can register with Samsung Developers and Seller Portal and apply for commercial seller status. Then, understand what you need to do if you are submitting your app to more than one app store, and review the online resources provided by Galaxy GameDev.

gsg required v2 Register with Seller Portal (downloadable PDF). Seller Portal is used to manage your applications that are distributed in Galaxy Store. If you want to sell your app in Galaxy Store, you must have a Seller Portal account. The Seller Portal User Guide provides more information about Seller Portal registration. Also, watch the video about how to create a Seller Portal account.
Apply for commercial seller status (downloadable PDF). In Seller Portal, apply for commercial seller status if you are selling in-app items or apps. Commercial seller status is also required if you are testing Samsung IAP integration. The Seller Portal User Guide provides more information about commercial seller status.
Review APK package naming and billing guidelines. When you are submitting a game or app to more than one app store, you need to keep track of the package name and/or version codes you use in your APK for each app store and, if you have in-app purchases, the billing solution used.
gsg recommendedTask v2 Add a Galaxy Store review link. Get feedback from your customers by adding a link from your app to your app’s review page in Galaxy Store. Positive feedback can influence users to purchase your app.
gsg optional v2 Explore the Samsung Developers portal. Samsung Developers portal provides access to SDKs, services, tools, and guides. You can also sign up for a newsletter that keeps you up-to-date with the latest blogs, news, and events. Register using your Samsung account.
gsg video How to create a Seller Portal account. Seller Portal is used to manage your applications that are distributed in Galaxy Store. If you want to sell your app in Galaxy Store, you must have a Seller Portal account.
gsg recommended v2 Learn about Samsung Seller Portal. A basic overview of the major features in Seller Portal.
Learn about Galaxy GameDev. Review technical support options for game developers.


Learn about requirements for in-app items and paid apps.

gsg required v2 Integrate with Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP) (downloadable PDF). If you are selling your app and/or in-app items, you must use Samsung IAP as your billing solution. Samsung IAP includes an SDK, guides, examples, and Unity and Unreal plugins.
gsg video Maximize Your Revenue with Samsung In-App Purchase. Learn about the new features and improvements released in Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP) 6.0.
Monetize Your Games With Samsung In-App Purchase. Introduction to Samsung IAP plug-in functionality for Unity and Unreal game engines.
gsg recommended v2 Learn more about Samsung IAP. Review the online Samsung IAP documentation.
Make the most from your games. Discover different ways to generate revenue in Galaxy Store.


Register your app and in-app items in Seller Portal, test your app, then launch your app in Galaxy Store. All apps must be reviewed and approved by Samsung before they are distributed to Galaxy Store for sale.

Are you a developer of a popular game on Galaxy smartphones? We can help you go live in five minutes in Galaxy Store. Contact us to learn more about our fast app review process.

Level up

After you app is published in Galaxy Store, learn more about tracking performance metrics, promoting your app, and tracking user data.


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