готовые формы регистрации html css

22 лучших формы входа и регистрации на сайте в HTML&CSS!

22 luchshih formyi vhoda i registratsii na sayte v HTMLCSS

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В этой статье у нас есть для Вас специальная коллекция лучших форм: форма входа и форма регистрации для сайта, созданные с помощью CSS3 и HTML5 технологий, в современном стиле и некоторыми классными эффектами на JavaScript. Смотрите одну из лучших и современных форм входа с эффектами JQuery.

На сегодняшнее время, формы html css, очень популярны, так как всё больше сайтов имеют свою регистрацию пользователей, а это означает, что им нужна будет форма для регистрации пользователей и их входа в личный кабинет (или ещё куда-то).

Чтобы помочь Вам, я подготовил для Вас подборку лучших, на моё мнение, форм, с различным расположением полей ввода, разными цветовыми оттенками и так далее. Некоторые имеют эффекты JavaScript, с 3D переворотами, эффектным появлением.

Я считаю, что веб-дизайн играет важную роль в создании подобных форм, и ему нужно уделить должное внимание. В принципе, форма входа имеет 3 стандартных поля: логин или имя пользователя, пароль, а также кнопка “Войти”.

1 → Темная форма входа

1 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Простая форма темная входа, со стандартными полями, и креативной кнопкой синего цвета.

2 → Светлая форма входа

2 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Светлая форма входа с прозрачной рамочкой и четкой структурой.

3 → Эффектная форма с эффектом появления

3 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Элегантная форма, светлого тона, с красивым эффектом появления “изнутри”.

4 → Простая форма с эффектом появления

4 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Простая форма, всего 3 стандартных элемента, но с приятным эффектом появления “снизу” с прозрачностью.

5 → Красивая форма с логотипом Apple

5 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Продуманная форма на сайт с интересным дизайном и логотипом apple.

6 → Маленькая форма в розовом стиле

6 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Маленькая и простая, в розовом стиле, и интересным дизайном.

7 → Светлая форма

7 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Светлая, в выдержанном стиле и дизайне, ничего лишнего.

8 → Супер форма входа и восстановления пароля

8 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Форма входа + обратная сторона – восстановление пароля. Эффект 3D переворота, при переключении между формами.

9 → Приятная дизайнерская форма с эффектом

9 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Приятная на вид, красивый эффект появления иконок при активации поля ввода.

10 → Форма серого цвета

10 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Серый оттенок, в виде друг на друга наложенных листочков.

11 → Крупная форма с дополнительным элементом

11 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Красивая, с крупными полями ввода данных, и дополнительной выпадающей кнопкой при наведении (её можно использовать для любых, задуманных целей).

12 → Дизайн в виде блокнота

12 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Дизайн формы в виде блокнота, с простыми полями, но выдержанным стилем.

13 → Красочная, прозрачная форма

13 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Красочная, прозрачная и цветная форма, с дополнительными кнопками входа через социальные сети, а также красивым чекбоксом “Запомнить меня”.

14 → Apple Iphone форма

14 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Форма входа для любителей Apple, с формами ввода, кнопкой “Запомнить” – в общем мне понравилось!

15 → Чёткая форма с заголовком

15 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Четкая и простая форма, без никаких отвлекающих элементов, и заметным черным заголовком.

16 → Тёмная форма

16 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Тёмная форма с красивой и заметной кнопкой отправки данных.

17 → Черная форма

17 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Черная форма входа с белыми полями – хорошее сочетание цветов.

18 → Горизонтальная форма входа и регистрации

18 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Горизонтальная форма входа и регистрации пользователя, с эффектом 3D переключения между формами.

19 → Темная форма с дополнительными элементами

19 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Темная форма с кнопками входа через социальные сети и красивыми полями.

20 → Форма входа на сайт + регистрация

20 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Регистрация + форма входа, с 3D эффектом переключения между формами и социальными кнопками входа.

21 → Белая форма с красным заголовком

21 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Светлая форма, с бросающимся в глаза заголовком, и простыми полями ввода текста.

22 → Форма входа, регистрации и восстановление пароля

22 sbornik 22 luchshix form

Тройная форма: регистрация, вход на сайт и восстановления пароля. Переключение между формами на Javascript.


Вот они и есть, все формы html css! Надеюсь, какая-то из них Вам точно подошла.

Данный урок подготовлен для вас командой сайта /
Подготовил: Владислав Бондаренко


Форма регистрации на сайте: 60 бесплатных HTML5 и CSS3 шаблонов

Вам нужна форма регистрации на сайте? Мы составили список, состоящий из 60 бесплатных форм авторизации, которые вы можете использовать на своем WordPress-сайте, в блоге, на форуме и т.д. Каждая форма тщательно протестирована, чтобы можно было гарантировать ее работоспособность и доступность исходного кода.

WordPress Login Customizer

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Формы из этого списка созданы с помощью HTML / CSS. Но в данном случае речь идет о лучшем плагине для настройки пользовательского интерфейса WordPress. Он поставляется с несколькими шаблонами, которые можно дополнительно настроить в соответствии с дизайном сайта. С помощью этого плагина вы сможете избавиться от скучной страницы входа в WordPress.

Creative Login Form

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Простая, но креативная форма входа, созданная с помощью HTML и CSS3. Ее также можно использовать и как форму регистрации. Это наш любимый шаблон из представленных в этом списке.

Мы поискали в интернете действительно крутые формы авторизации, но найти такие оказалось непросто. Поэтому решили представить вам собственные. Вот 20 форм входа, разработанных нашей командой.

Форма авторизации №1

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Простая, креативная и яркая форма входа с градиентным фоном. Вы можете использовать ее для любых целей, таких как авторизация в веб-сервисе, мобильном или десктопном приложении.

Форма авторизации №2

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Минималистичная и изысканная форма входа с кнопкой, градиентной заливкой, а также с анимацией и логотипом. Используйте ее, изменив необходимые элементы.

Форма авторизации №3

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Страница входа с фоновым изображением, тенью и эффектом наведения для кнопки входа в систему.

Форма авторизации №4

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Вы можете скачать эту веб-форму и использовать по своему усмотрению. Она является полностью адаптивной.

Форма авторизации №5

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Прекрасная и современная форма с опциями входа через Facebook или Google. Ее кнопки имеют красивые эффекты наведения, что позволяет предоставить пользователям прекрасный опыт взаимодействия.

Форма авторизации №6

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Если веб-страница аккуратная и красивая, форма входа не должна отличаться от ее дизайна. Вот форма, которая точно оправдает ваши ожидания.

Форма авторизации №7

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Форма с тремя вариантами входа в учетную запись: Facebook, Twitter или адрес электронной почты. А если у пользователя еще нет учетной записи, можно связать форму со страницей регистрации.

Форма авторизации №8

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Еще одна современная, модная и красивая форма входа в систему. Она особенно хорошо смотрится на мобильных устройствах.

Форма авторизации №9

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Если хотите уйти от чисто белого или одноцветного дизайна, вам стоит обратить внимание на эту форму. Она поддерживает добавления фонового изображения или наложения градиента. Также есть опция входа через Facebook или Google.

Форма авторизации №10

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Это полная противоположность предыдущему варианту. Она выглядит минималистично, но в то же время очень аккуратно.

Форма авторизации №11

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Вместо того чтобы создавать форму с нуля, вы можете использовать готовый к использованию великолепный шаблон — такой как этот.

Форма авторизации №12

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Фоновое изображение с наложением синей тени, имя с аватаром и поля ввода — это форма авторизации №12. Для кнопки входа в систему добавлен эффект наведения.

Форма авторизации №13

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Шаблон с разделением экрана, в котором одна половина предназначена для изображения, а другая — для формы.

Форма авторизации №14

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В этой подборке есть и простые, и более сложные формы входа. А шаблон №14 — из числа минималистичных.

Форма авторизации №15

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Довольно минималистичная форма, но в ее верхней части можно добавить баннер. Благодаря этой небольшой опции можно сделать форму более привлекательной.

Форма авторизации №16

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Это форма входа с полноэкранным изображением, поверх которого размещаются поля для ввода логина и пароля, а также кнопка с эффектом наведения.

Форма авторизации №17

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Чтобы сделать форму более персонализированной, можно использовать этот шаблон. Он включает в себя изображение, расположенное сбоку.

Форма авторизации №18

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Если хотите выделиться и сохранить оригинальность, используйте форму входа №18. Кому-то нравятся простые страницы входа, в то время как другие хотят иметь дополнительные преимущества.

Форма авторизации №19

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Яркая, энергичная и захватывающая — это все о данной форме входа. Она полностью адаптивная, оптимизирована под мобильные устройства и совместима со всеми основными веб-браузерами.

Форма авторизации №20

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Градиентный фон, черная кнопка с эффектом наведения, поля для ввода логина и пароля, а также раздел «Забыли пароль?» Все это есть в форме авторизации №20.

Выпадающая форма авторизации

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Форма скрыта, если не нажата ссылка «Войти». Отличная функция для сайтов, которые хотят обойтись без отдельной страницы для входа. Вы можете отобразить форму в любом месте сайта с помощью этого мощного инструмента.

Floating Sign Up Form

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Разработано для форм подписки с использованием вкладок и меток.

Простая форма авторизации

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Flat Login – Sign Up Form

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Когда вы нажмете кнопку “Click me”, расположенную в правом верхнем углу, с помощью анимации форма входа будет преобразована в форму регистрации.

Login With Self-Contained SCSS Form

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Это форма, созданная с использованием SCSS. Расширение CSS, которое добавляет базовому языку новые возможности и элегантность. Оно позволяет использовать переменные, вложенные правила, встроенный импорт и многое другое.

Animated Login Form

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Это анимированная форма входа, а верхняя часть “Hey you, Login already” преобразуется в форму при нажатии кнопки.

Login Form Using CSS3 And HTML5

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Пример того, как создать простую форму входа в систему с помощью HTML5 и CSS3. В ней применяются псевдо элементы (:after и :before) для создания эффекта нескольких страниц. Эта форма использует HTML5, чтобы упростить валидацию и представление данных.

Login With Shake Effect

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Если вы ввели неправильный пароль, то будете уведомлены об этом с помощью красивого эффекта дрожания. Простое и эффективное решение.

Boxy Login Form

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Блочная форма авторизации — это небольшой сюрприз.Попробуйте ввести имя пользователя “admin” и пароль “1234”, чтобы увидеть ее в действии.

Animated Login Form

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Аккуратная небольшая форма входа.Когда вы нажмете кнопку “LOGIN”, расположенную слева, будет отображена форма авторизации.


55 Best Free Bootstrap Registration Forms (All Sites) 2021

Our (insanely) long collection of high-quality, easy-to-use and reliable free Bootstrap registration forms gets you a design that’s specific to your project.

What’s even better, we made sure the code is entirely beginner-friendly for (almost) instant customizations.

You’ll find the RIGHT ONE quickly.

Creative, minimal, advanced, event registration, job application, education appointment – you name it, we deliver it!

A registration form for everyone.

You can integrate the one you DIG to your web project with basic coding knowledge.

Every free registration form template is also 100% responsive by default.

Save time and energy but achieve a remarkable result.

Best Free Bootstrap Registration Forms

WordPress Login Customizer

The rest of the list and HTML/CSS powered login forms but here you can see the best login customizer plugin for WordPress.

It comes with several predefined templates that you can further tweak to match the design of your website.

Thanks to this plugin you can finally get rid of the BORING WordPress wp-admin pages and create a unique experience for yourself and your users.

Creative Signup Form

free creative colorlib signup form

Creative signup form is an interactive template with a lovely background. The transparent form uses dark shade to differentiate itself from the colorful background.

Calm soothing background animation effects give a pleasant experience to the users. With this registration form template, you get a username, email address, create a password, and confirm password options.

You also get the option to include a checkbox for terms and conditions. At the footer, you have the option to take the users to the login page if they are already a member of your website.

It will be easy for you to integrate this FLEXIBLE form into your mobile responsive website template.

Colorlib Reg Form v4

colorlib registration form 4

A simple white form with a blue call-to-action button and gradient background, that’s what we treat you to next.

When searching for a registration form, you first need to make sure that it is fully mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible.

To your luck, all our free Bootstrap registration forms follow the LATEST trends and regulations, making sure they work smoothly and seamlessly across all devices and platforms all the time.

Besides, they are also editable to acclimatize to your theme without hassle. This form also has a date picker included in the layout for your convenience.

Make good use of it and WELCOME new students and users on board.

Colorlib Reg Form v7

colorlib registration form 7

First, they use the registration form to create an account and later they use the sign up to quickly access their profile. This free Bootstrap registration form template is actually a two-in-one product.

How cool does that sound?

Light, creative look with an image and all the required fields they need to fill out to enter your world of amazingness. You can also let them log in with their social media accounts to speed up the process further.

This free layout is harmonious and will be EASY TO ADJUST according to your needs and wants. For some, you can use it out of the box, and you are ready to rock.

Creative Login Form

creative colorlib login form

A simple and quick to implement login form for pretty much any website or even an application you run or plan to build.

If you are creating a community or want to let your users create an account to keep control of their orders and downloads, have them enter their space through a login form.

Download this free Bootstrap Framework form now and put it to use right away. Change colors, text, and FINE-TUNE it according to your needs and regulations.

Before you know it, the outcome is ready to shine on your page in a cool and trendy way.

Colorlib Reg Form v1

colorlib registration form 1

We bring you a wide collection of different free Bootstrap registration forms that you can use for just about any project or business you run.

If you aim to sell products, services or offer your potential users access to your downloadable items, have them create an account first and go from there.

This neat form is packed with different sections for name, birth date, gender, and other fields, which you can customize entirely.

The tool also features an image at the top to spice up the experience and branding purposes. Add your logo or keep an enticing image or even a solid color if that’s what you fancy.

Colorlib Reg Form v2

colorlib registration form 2

Whether you run a blog with recipes, a restaurant or any other food-related project, we have a free Bootstrap registration form for you.

Bear in mind, if the style resonates with you, you can use this layout for any other project you want. There is no need to feel LIMITED in any way, shape or form.

Go against the norm and create a spectacular registration form that will follow your needs and regulations to a T.

It has rounded edges, EXCLUSIVE space for an image on the left side and preset fields that are required to enter your member’s area.

Colorlib Reg Form v3

colorlib registration form 3

If you run a music project or manage and maintain an artist’s page, we have a special, elegant and trendy registration form for you. The layout and preset color scheme will take everyone’s breath away.

Of course, you can alter the background gradient color, and the split registration form to your wants. Change the image, improve fields and update the color and text of the call-to-action button.

With this free layout, you can ACHIEVE great results and keep the entire experience of the user flow intact. Keep things simple or add a touch of stylishness, the outcome is guaranteed to be outstanding.

Colorlib Reg Form v5

colorlib registration form 5

As an event host, you would want to offer all your attendees to register to the upcoming gathering through a form on your website.

To save you all the hassle of CREATING one from scratch, here is a free Bootstrap registration form that you can put to use straight away.

Besides, once you start working with this form, you will notice that you can change colors and text, too. That said, make it display the exact content you want and have it live on your page in little to no time.

Colorlib Reg Form v6

colorlib registration form 6

This free registration form template is exclusive to job listing portals and even companies offering employment. Potential employees can now apply for the job position you offer in a few simple steps.

Ask for their name, email, cover letter, and let them upload their CV, too. Clean and sophisticated white form on a black background is all you need.

Sometimes, you want to KEEP THINGS SIMPLE and to the point, avoiding the extra animations and other distractions. That is exactly what you are treated to once you gain access to our template.

Colorlib Reg Form v8

colorlib registration form 8

To add an additional touch of gorgeousness to the registration form, introduce an image background with a gradient overlay and spice up the experience.

Other than that, this free Bootstrap Framework registration form is simple to use, mobile-ready and flexible. It will work fluently on mobile, tablet, desktop devices, and popular web browsers.

They can turn on the see/hide passwords function and check the box showing they agree with your terms of service.

You can even avoid using some of the default settings and SIMPLIFY the form according to your taste.

Colorlib Reg Form v9

colorlib registration form 9

This is undoubtedly the one free registration form template that you would want to use with your gaming project. Whether you run a clan or a gaming review page, chances are, you would want to start a loyal community.

Allow them to enter your member’s area and get the most out of your online platform. By introducing this contemporary layout to your existing webspace, you can have a sign up form up and running SOONER rather than later.

There is no need to build one from the ground up when you can use one of our free layouts and have it sorted out.

Colorlib Reg Form v10

colorlib registration form 10

Simplicity with a touch of creativity is all you need to CAPTURE their ATTENTION and win them over. This free Bootstrap registration form template meets the last statement to a T. It is light, appealing to the eye and simple to use.

When signing up new users, this is the form that will do the trick for you. Introduce it to your online platform now and start building your user base sooner rather than later.

Due to the Bootstrap Framework, you know that the template is also responsive, adapting to all devices instantly.

Colorlib Reg Form v12

colorlib registration form 12

Like we mentioned it already, we have a free Bootstrap registration form readily available for you regardless of your project. When it comes to schools, colleges and universities, this particular template is the RIGHT SOLUTION for your needs.

It is a free education appointment form with preset fields for your convenience. Of course, you can alter and adjust the template and add or remove fields.

The layout also includes a drop-down that helps them select the appropriate course or even how they would want to be contacted.

The icing on the cake is an image background that keeps the theme of your online presence in harmony.

Colorlib Reg Form v13

colorlib registration form 13

For restaurant owners and other special food gatherings, like dinner events, a registration form keeps things organized and automated.

That said, let your customers fill out the form and you will know exactly how many folks are coming. For this occasion, here is a free Bootstrap registration form that will get things going.

It rocks a ROUNDED box with an image on the left side and the form on the right side. They can share name, phone number, when they will come, and what food they are interested in. And the number of people they will bring with them.

Colorlib Reg Form v14

colorlib registration form 14

You need to invest little time and effort to have a registration form on your page when you decide to pick any of these forms we have here for you.

If you do not know which to choose, go with the one with the cleanest and niftiest look, and you are good to go. There is no need to complicate with a form. In fact, the more you confuse, chances are, they won’t even sign up.

But that’s NOT TO WORRY about with any of our layouts.

What’s cool about this particular tool is that it includes the additional info section, which expands more fields they can fill out.

Colorlib Reg Form v15

colorlib registration form 15

Whoever out there is in need of a free student registration form, you came to the right place. Not only do we have one free Bootstrap registration template here for you, but we have a few!

This particular one follows all the LATEST standards in the web and tech world, making sure it works great and seamlessly on all devices, from desktops and down to smartphones.

It is a gem that will adjust to it all without a hitch, even when it comes to retina displays and web browsers. Colorlib Reg Form v15 sports a split layout where one part is dedicated to an image and the other to a solid form.

Colorlib Reg Form v16

colorlib registration form 16

Conferences, events, meeting, forums and any type of gatherings are welcome to take this free registration form to their advantage. From now on, you can fully automatize your registrations and have it all under full control.

Not only that, but you can sell tickets, accept payments and fill the conference room quicker than you could imagine.

What’s cool about the tool is that you CAN MODIFY it according to your needs, change the image, text, update fields and other whatnots. Have a registration form up and running in little to no time.

Colorlib Reg Form v17

colorlib registration form 17

As an online fashion store owner, you will want to let your shoppers access their account where they can manage and maintain their orders.

With a neat and straightforward free Bootstrap registration form template, you can speed things up and have one up in a few. The layout features an image background and the registration form is made of two sections; the image and the form.

You should have your entire web platform in tune, even the registration from. That said, if it does not fit out of the box, alter it accordingly and it will SOON MEET your expectations.

For the most part, all you would want to do is change the images and ready to roll.

Colorlib Reg Form v18

colorlib registration form 18

Another great, trendy and fashionable free registration form for apparel brands. Even if you run online store selling shoes, accessories, bags, sunglasses, whatever, this form will work great.

It is versatile enough to cater to entirely different projects and industries.

To achieve such AMAZING results, Colorlib Reg Form v18 keeps things relatively simple and clean with a touch of creativity and modernism.

First and last name, email, password and password confirmation along with terms and privacy policy checkbox, CTA and image, these are the main goodies of the layout.

Signup Form 1 by Colorlib

login form v1

After they fill out the registration form, they will confirm it via email and they can head over and use the signup form right away. We bring you loads of ready-to-use layouts to add a working signup form for your loyal members, too.

Gradient background, rounded edges, image or icons, username, password and call-to-action button, that’s what’s up when you get your hands on Signup Form 1.

If you feel like EDITING and ADJUSTING the look slightly, by all means, go ahead and tweak it however you see it fit your needs best.

Attach it to your page and you are done.

Signup Form 2 by Colorlib

login form v2

With our second form, we aim more toward SIMPLICITY with a great attention to detail. Whether you run a website or an application, this skin is great for both.

Signup Form 3 by Colorlib

login form v3

Gradient color, image background, logo, rounded edges, you name it, this free signup form has it all. It is also based on the popular Bootstrap Framework what gives it flexibility and extendability.

Keeping your entire webspace of the highest performance is crucial in this day and age. Especially with the HUGE amounts of mobile traffic! Signup Form 3 works on all devices and web browsers like a dream.

This layout also includes a cool animation after you hit the login button. You better see it yourself by heading over to the live preview page and getting the gist of it.

Signup Form 4 by Colorlib

login form v4

Spice things up with a sign up form page that features a gradient background with a contemporary pattern. Moreover, the form itself is white with shaped corners, gradient call-to-action button and social media icons.

If you can let your users sign up using their social accounts, now is an excellent chance to let them speed up the login. In just a few clicks, they are doing what they need to do in the member’s area.

And if they have not yet created their accounts, link this form to the registration form and save them time jumping back and forth.

Signup Form 5 by Colorlib

login form v5

Your users can log in to your platform in utilizing different options. They can use thier social media profiles or they can use email. Ensure multiple choices so you cover a broader range of users.

While some like the old-school approach, others solely rely on social media. Whatever the case, this free signup form offers both options for your and their convenience.

It has a gradient background, white form, and black CTA (call-to-action) button. Change colors and text and perform other light improvements if necessary.

Signup Form 6 by Colorlib

login form v6

Simplicity is key to success, so they say. If you like the minimalistic approach in web design, this is the perfect signup form that you need. After all, why would you even want to overcomplicate with a simple thing as a login form is?

We all have different tastes, so we made sure that there was SOMETHING for everyone. This one is packed with a white background, title, profile image, username, password, and a CTA.

Besides, it also has an option to link it to your registration page and recover their passwords in case they forget it.

Signup Form 7 by Colorlib

login form v7

You can let your users access their profiles with Facebook or Twitter or with their email. Whatever their preference is, you can now have it available on your page with Signup Form 7 free template.

It s a super basic-looking layout that will cater to numerous different projects and businesses.

Whether you sell online courses, run an eCommerce page or offer EXCLUSIVE content only to members, they can have access to it by filling out the login form.

Sure, they first need to create an account and register by filling out a form that you can pick from this collection.

Signup Form 8 by Colorlib

login form v8

Signup forms not need to be complicated. In fact, the simpler and cleaner it is the better. Of course, you can make your own adjustments and introduce animations and other special effects if that’s part of your branding.

If you are in a hurry, you should not be wasting much time on the sign-in page. Pick from our extensive list of free templates and get it sorted out in a small breeze.

If a combination of green and white is your thing, you have a SUPERB layout right in front of you, ready to use.

Signup Form 9 by Colorlib

login form v9

Image background with a gradient overlay and a modern, neat sign in form on top, that’s what you get with Signup Form 9. It even sports hover effects, social media icons and a congruent call-to-action button.

You can alter it with ease since Signup Form 9 is well-structured, making sure all levels of users get the most out of it. Keep your online presence intact across all segments even when it comes to registration and sign up forms.

But that is something you can succeed at effortlessly if you pick any of these schemes.

Whether you are finishing your website or you plan to expand your existing webspace, implement a signup form HASSLE-FREE.

Signup Form 10 by Colorlib

login form v10

Keeping things as minimal as you possibly could is not that easy actually. This approach prevents distractions and makes sure that the outcome is very appealing to the eye.

You can achieve such a result WITHOUT breaking a single drop of sweet. All you need to do is pick the right free signup form template and ready for action.

Signup Form 10 also has a remember me check box, a forgot button, and a vivid CTA. While you might want to change the color of the call-to-action button, you would not need to make any other improvements – it simply fits.

Signup Form 11 by Colorlib

login form v11

Let’s be honest, you would not want a single detail of your online presence go against the norm and distract your branding.

Even if it is the smallest icon down at the bottom of your page, it still needs to follow your branding regulations. The same goes for registration and signup forms.

Keep them intact, and you will build loyalty and trust in your users. We have you covered with tens upon tens of READY-MADE designs that will surely suit even the pickiest ones.

As a result, you can speed up the process of establishing your spectacular online appearance and start grabbing their attention.

Signup Form 12 by Colorlib

login form v12

Image background with a blue overlay, profile image, name, username, password and a dark call-to-action button that’s what this layout treats you to.

There are also buttons to link them to registration and in case of a lost password. Other than that, that’s it. It sounds effortless and basic, but you immediately sense its power when you see it.

Simplicity with a touch of creativity, and you have them engaged all the time.

Signup Form 13 by Colorlib

login form v13

Are you looking for a full-screen signup page? If that is the case, you came to the right place. Besides, if you dig image with a gradient overlay on one side and a working form on the other, drop everything and download the template now.

Signup Form 13 works great on mobile, tablet and desktop devices and acclimatizes to all popular web browsers. Deliver an extraordinary experience across your entire website and make them happy to come back.

This free Bootstrap registration form is equipped with all the NECESSARY and then some. Make it yours and fine-tune it according to your requirements.

Signup Form 14 by Colorlib

login form v14

You really need just a box with two fields for information and a call-to-action button to call it a signup form. Well, it is easier said than done. We have a solution for you. Instead of building your own design, you can now pick a free Bootstrap registration or signup form template and you are ready to roll. It is as simple as it sounds.

On top of that, with the MASSIVE collection of layouts we have here for you, there is a good chance you will find one that best resonates with you out of the box.

Or you will maybe need to change the color only and you are prepared for the launch.

Signup Form 15 by Colorlib

login form v15

If the previous free signup form template is too clean and simple for you, this next one might come ideal. It adds a touch of creativity in form of a top image that will spark your interest.

The form also has rounded corners what gives it this modern and mobile-friendly look. Speaking of mobile-friendly, it is a Bootstrap Framework template the works on all devices, retina screens and web browsers.

The form practices all the latest trends and regulations, making sure it STANDS the test of time. Make it yours and shine online.

Signup Form 16 by Colorlib

login form v16

You can use a simple signup form add an image as a background and you win the game. It actually can be that easy. However, we have a solution that is even quicker and more straightforward than that.

Guess what?

Indeed, a free signup form template with a picture and a basic form with a gradient call-to-action button and hover effect. They fill the username and password fields and they are in. Signup Form 16 is also powered by Bootstrap Framework and practices all the latest web and tech regulations.

It will seamlessly ACCOMMODATE to your website’s theme and make it feel like it was there from the very beginning.

Signup Form 17 by Colorlib

login form v17

You can take your project to an entirely NEW DEGREE once you start building a community. You can let them access their accounts and manage their contents at all times.

Whether it is a member’s area on a blog, an online store, or an application, you need to offer your users to create an account where they can do their thing further.

With our free Bootstrap registration and signup forms, you can quickly sort things out and add a new layer of sophistication to your already remarkable webspace.

You also have immediate access to all these users and scale your business through the roof.

Signup Form 18 by Colorlib

login form v18

Do your thing with a signup page but do it in a way you save yourself time and energy. With a ready-to-use template, you can kick it off and appear on the web like a pro from the start.

The web design is ready and set for you to take to your advantage. Here is an impressive free Bootstrap form with a split-screen.

You can add an image on the left, and on the right, there is where the functional form is.

This layout also includes Facebook and Twitter buttons for when you would like to utilize different EXTENSIONS to allow your users to sign up using nothing but their social media profiles.

Signup Form 19 by Colorlib

login form v19

You do not really need to hire someone to add a signup/login form to your page. You can do it all by yourself thanks to all these free form templates that we have available and fully ready for you to employ.

Take action now, download the tool you fancy most, and you can have it up and running in a breeze. Find the one that suits your project best, or simply pick one you dig and alter it.

These layouts are easy to use, mobile-ready, flexible, and cross-browser compatible. In short, they will work seamlessly across all devices and browsers to ensure a consistently SMOOTH signup EXPERIENCE.

Colorlib Reg Form V19

colorlib reg form 19

This convenient and free online registration form is an excellent alternative that caters to anything food-related flawlessly.

Still, there’s no need to stick only to the food industry, as you can quickly alter it and fine-tune it to your needs and regulations.

The free snippet features MULTIPLE sections for name, email, password, country, and gender. It also supports a drop-down and sports a 100% mobile-friendly layout.

Another excellent amenity of the template is the full-screen image background, which only spices things up. Additionally, there’s also a checkmark that can work for agreeing to your terms.

Colorlib Reg Form v20

colorlib registration form 20

A feminine looking free Bootstrap registration form which WORKS GREAT with beauty-related projects as well as personal blogs.

Your passionate readers and returning customers can now create an account to see their transactions or access members’ area only content. It is a beautiful web design that will cater to your requirements without hassle.

You can also tweak it if needed or use it entirely as-is.

Whatever the case, the final look will surely knock everyone’s socks off. And if they already have an account, you can take them to the login form in just one click.

Colorlib Reg Form v21

colorlib registration form 21

If you are hosting an event in your local area, make sure you market it in style with a COMPELLING website. There, you can feature all about the artists, speakers and the gathering that is happening.

On top of that, you can also sell tickets and let attendees register. With a stunning free Bootstrap registration form, you can quickly add an extra layout to your page where they can complete the process and reserve the seat.

The template features a gradient background, hover effect, call-to-action button, drop-down, and additional comments and personal information fields.

Colorlib Reg Form v22

colorlib registration form 22

Fitnesses, gyms, CrossFit facilities, personal trainers and yoga studios, you can now let your potential customers get in touch with you via an appointment form.

This way, you can have all your contacts fully organized and never run into any issues. This free-form template has a trendy look that is responsive and in tune with all popular web browsers.

They fill out their name, mail, phone number, pick class, and type in any message they might have for you.

From then on, you take over and get them on board. It is easy to START the interaction with your students and customers and bring your business to a whole new degree.

Colorlib Reg Form v24

colorlib registration form 24

If you own an online kids store, here is a cool and adorable free Bootstrap registration form template. It comes with an image and a form, bright colors and awesome details.

On larger screens, the positioning is: image on the left and form on the right. Meanwhile, on smaller devices, the image moves on top, and the form is right below.

Telling you all this shows you that the form is entirely responsive and mobile-ready. Social media buttons are included in case you would like to offer your users to sign up with their social media accounts.

It is a QUICKER process indeed, but some still prefer to sign up with an email.

Colorlib Reg Form v25

colorlib registration form 25

For a hotel, resort, or pretty much any accommodation business, you should feature a booking form on your website. Doing booking via email or phone is so old-school.

Go with the modern flow and append a NICE-LOOKING form to your page and simplify things for both the end-user and yourself. With this neat form, you can allow them to find a room almost instantly.

All they need is to fill in their name, date, and how many folks are coming. The design also features an image background and date pickers for your convenience.

Colorlib Reg Form v26

colorlib registration form 26

This next free Bootstrap registration form can work with many different projects. Utilize it exactly as is and it suits education and online course websites almost ideally.

Of course, you can also make improvements and fine-tune the look, so it matches your web platform like a dream. Username, phone number, email, password, and password confirmation are the necessary default fields.

On top of that, the call-to-action button has a nifty hover effect to spice up the experience a little bit more.

Get them to CREATE an account and finally enter your world of awesome and highly beneficial content.

Colorlib Reg Form v27

colorlib registration form 27

When personal and bank account information are needed, you better look into this free form template. It has a three-step process of completing the information. First, the user gets to fill out his or her personal information.

Secondly, they get to connect their account to their banks which you can help them pick by having the popular ones linked below. And thirdly, that’s when they set up their financial goals.

Of course, you can utilize this tool for something ENTIRELY different, all it takes is switching the text and the purpose changes.

Colorlib Reg Form v28

colorlib registration form 28

A free Bootstrap registration form template can save you all the additional time and effort you can instead invest in building your brand.

Regardless of what project you need to build a registration form for, we have you covered with all and EVERYTHING that you can imagine.

If you are running a music subscription-based business, this particular layout is more than ideal for you. It works out of the box like a charm, but you can make adjustments as well.

Either way, it guarantees that the final product will appear beautifully on all devices and web browsing platforms.

Colorlib Reg Form v29

colorlib registration form 29

Event organizers, cinemas, museums and all the rest that plan to sell tickets online, we have a special treat for you. This free registration form for booking tickets will match an assortment of different projects.

Sure, out of the box might be best for museums and art galleries, but you can shift the image the story changes instantly.

This Bootstrap Framework tool features two fields for name and email, as well as a date picker. You can even create a little slideshow that will encourage even more attendees to take action.

SMALL details can increase the conversion rate, so it is sure worth giving it a try.

Colorlib Reg Form v30

colorlib registration form 30

This free Bootstrap registration form template is for all of you who would like to add some additional information about the service or application they are signing up for.

It features a simplistic layout where you can feature the info on the left side and even link it to the login form if your users already have an account.

All the rest who are new can fill out the required fields and get access immediately. While it keeps the look simple, the form still boasts SOPHISTICATION.

Colorlib Reg Form v31

colorlib registration form 31

While some website owners want to keep their creativity across all segments of their online presence, others like to keep some of the pages as simple as possible.

And a registration page is a perfect example. While you can, there is no real need for adding all these different effects and animations, even images, and add text to it. Let it go straight to the point and keep the user distraction-free.

This way, the conversion rate might IMPROVE, and you can welcome even more users on board.

However, it is always worth testing different variations out, after all, you have loads to choose from. And they are free!

Colorlib Reg Form v32

colorlib registration form 32

We have a free Bootstrap registration form for this and we have one for that. In short, we have templates for all your needs and requirements.

And if you do not find it fit a T, feel free to improve it accordingly and match it to your branding. All web designs are free of charge, easy to use, responsive, and compatible with web browsers and retina screens.

People can now register their accounts on your online store, software, blog, or any other service you offer.

Pick this one if you want to keep them engaged with an image and save yourself all the hassle.

Colorlib Reg Form v33

colorlib registration form 33

Cool and funky design with positive vibes and great energy, yes, we are still talking about free Bootstrap registration forms. Gradient background, and a two-part form: an image and necessary fields to fill out.

But if they are already registered with your website or application, you can link your registration page to the login section as well.

You can also add text over the image and, for instance, add a link to your privacy policy page. The OPTIONS ARE MANY, so make sure you utilize this nifty form to its full potential.

Colorlib Reg Form v34

colorlib registration form 34

A fantastic and convenient free registration form based on Bootstrap Framework that caters to different ideas with ease.

What’s great about this particular template is that a user can switch between sign up and a sign in form in just a click.

That said, you can have one form that takes care of new registrations and those who are already your trustworthy users.

Add an image, utilize the gradient background, and have a WINNING combo that you can append to your existing online space.

Colorlib Reg Form v35

colorlib registration form 35

If you host shows, gigs and events, let your attendees create an account and buy tickets online to secure their spots.

With a free registration form template, you can skip the process of building one from scratch and quickly sort things out for yourself and your users.

A form with rounded edges on a solid color background with four fields to stuff with details is all that is necessary.

For an additional touch of CREATIVITY, the form also features an image that can spice up the experience and get them excited for the event even more.

Colorlib Reg Form v36

colorlib registration form 36

For everyone who needs extra information from their users, the form that we have here is ideal for you. This free Bootstrap registration form features two segments; one for general information and the other for contact details.

One has a white background and a blue one, while the entire form is decorated with a gradient page background.

It is an extended form with all these additional fields that every user will get to supply the exact information needed promptly.

Bonus: Make efficient registration form quickly

Let’s see how to make an effective registration form that helps you get more subscribers or registration.

Thank you for visiting Colorlib and reading this article! We highly appreciate it! Now you might want to learn how to make a website using our free WordPress themes.

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Aigars Silkalns

Frontend web developer and web designer specialized in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BBA he self-though frontend web development. Currently, has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript (React, Vue, Angular) and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience and simplicity.

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