lent перевод 3 формы

pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓


Мои примеры



I will lend you my car pi v3

Я одолжу тебе мою машину.

She lent the money to him. pi v3

Она дала эти деньги ему взаймы.

Could you lend me 50p, please? pi v3

Не могли бы вы одолжить мне 50 пенсов?

Have a heart and lend me some money. pi v3

Будь добр, одолжи мне денег.

He lends himself to illusory hopes. pi v3

Он тешит себя пустыми надеждами.

I am skint. Can you lend me a tenner? pi v3

Я банкрот. Ты не одолжишь десятку?

Come on — be a pal and lend me the money. pi v3

Ну давай, будь другом и одолжи мне деньги.

I lent our ladder to the neighbors. pi v3

Я одолжил нашу лестницу соседям.

If you need money, I can lend you some. pi v3

Если нужны деньги, я могу вам немного занять.

Be a sport and lend me your bike. pi v3

Будь другом, одолжи мне свой велосипед.

He’s always prepared to lend a sympathetic ear. pi v3

Он всегда готов сочувственно выслушать.

This topic lends itself admirably to class discussion. pi v3

Эта тема идеально подходит для обсуждения в классе.

Can you lend me a hand with this? pi v3

Ты не мог бы мне с этим помочь /подсобить/?

Can you lend me a tenner? pi v3

Можешь одолжить мне десятку?

Banks create money and lend it at interest. pi v3

Банки создают деньги и ссужают их под процент.

The sound effects lend realism to the scene. pi v3

Звуковые эффекты прибавляют сцене реализма.

I think I can get round my father to lend us the car. pi v3

Я думаю, мне удастся уговорить отца дать нам автомобиль.

Lend me a fiver, mate? pi v3

Друг, одолжишь мне пятёрку?

Could you lend me twenty quid, mate? pi v3

Приятель, ты не одолжишь мне 20 фунтов?

— Можешь одолжить мне десять долларов? — Фиг тебе, ни за что.

Banks will only lend out money at a high rate of interest. pi v3

Банки выдают кредиты только под высокие проценты.

When you’re through with that book, will you lend it to me? pi v3

Когда прочитаешь эту книгу, дашь мне почитать?

Surely no one would be foolish enough to lend him the money? pi v3

Надеюсь, ни у кого не хватило ума одолжить ему деньги?

Could you lend me some money? pi v3

Не мог бы ты одолжить мне немного денег? / Ты не мог бы мне немного одолжить?

The bank wouldn’t lend us the money. pi v3

В банке отказались одолжить нам эти деньги.

Don’t sweat it, I’ll lend you the money. pi v3

Не волнуйся, я одолжу тебе эти деньги.

Those who refused to lend were pressed into the army. pi v3

Тех, кто отказался дать ссуду, заставили служить в армии.

I’m buggered if I’m going to lend him any more money. pi v3

Ни за что на свете я не дам ему денег в долг.

Can you lend me £10 until tomorrow? pi v3

Можешь одолжить мне до завтра десять фунтов?

Have you ever a shilling as you could lend me? pi v3

У тебя есть хотя бы шиллинг, который ты мог бы мне одолжить?

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The DNA results lend credence to Hausmann’s claims of innocence. pi v3

Go on, lend me the car, just this once. pi v3

‘Your dad might lend you the car.’ ‘Some hope!’ pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to lend» (Английский язык)

Глагол to lend – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: давать взаймы; одалживать; ссужать; давать, сообщать, придавать; давать, предоставлять.

Infinitive to lend
Simple past lent
Past participle lent
-s lends
-ing lending

Lend in present simple



He does not lend
She does not lend
It does not lend


Does he lend?
Does she lend?
Does it lend?

Lend in present continuous


He is lending
She is lending
It is lending


You are not lending

He is not lending
She is not lending
It is not lending

We are not lending

You are not lending

They are not lending


Is he lending?
Is she lending?
Is it lending?

Lend in present perfect


He has lent
She has lent
It has lent


He has not lent
She has not lent
It has not lent

They have not lent


Has he lent?
Has she lent?
Has it lent?

Lend in present perfect continuous


I have been lending

You have been lending

He has been lending
She has been lending
It has been lending

We have been lending

You have been lending

They have been lending


I have not been lending

You have not been lending

He has not been lending
She has not been lending
It has not been lending

We have not been lending

You have not been lending

They have not been lending


Have I been lending?

Have you been lending?

Has he been lending?
Has she been lending?
Has it been lending?

Have we been lending?

Have you been lending?

Have they been lending?

Lend in past simple



He did not lend
She did not lend
It did not lend


Did he lend?
Did she lend?
Did it lend?

Lend in past continuous


He was lending
She was lending
It was lending


You were not lending

He was not lending
She was not lending
It was not lending

We were not lending

You were not lending

They were not lending


Was he lending?
Was she lending?
Was it lending?

Lend in past perfect


He had lent
She had lent
It had lent


He had not lent
She had not lent
It had not lent


Had he lent?
Had she lent?
Had it lent?

Lend in past perfect continuous


I had been lending

You had been lending

He had been lending
She had been lending
It had been lending

We had been lending

You had been lending

They had been lending


I had not been lending

You had not been lending

He had not been lending
She had not been lending
It had not been lending

We had not been lending

You had not been lending

They had not been lending


Had I been lending?

Had you been lending?

Had he been lending?
Had she been lending?
Had it been lending?

Had we been lending?

Had you been lending?

Had they been lending?

Lend in future simple


He will lend
She will lend
It will lend


He will not lend
She will not lend
It will not lend

They will not lend


Will he lend?
Will she lend?
Will it lend?

Lend in future continuous


You will be lending

He will be lending
She will be lending
It will be lending

We will be lending

You will be lending

They will be lending


I will not be lending

You will not be lending

He will not be lending
She will not be lending
It will not be lending

We will not be lending

You will not be lending

They will not be lending


Will you be lending?

Will he be lending?
Will she be lending?
Will it be lending?

Will we be lending?

Will you be lending?

Will they be lending?

Lend in future perfect


You will have lent

He will have lent
She will have lent
It will have lent

You will have lent

They will have lent


I will not have lent

You will not have lent

He will not have lent
She will not have lent
It will not have lent

We will not have lent

You will not have lent

They will not have lent


Will you have lent?

Will he have lent?
Will she have lent?
Will it have lent?

Will you have lent?

Will they have lent?

Lend in future perfect continuous


I will have been lending

You will have been lending

He will have been lending
She will have been lending
It will have been lending

We will have been lending

You will have been lending

They will have been lending


I will not have been lending

You will not have been lending

He will not have been lending
She will not have been lending
It will not have been lending

We will not have been lending

You will not have been lending

They will not have been lending


Will I have been lending?

Will you have been lending?

Will he have been lending?
Will she have been lending?
Will it have been lending?

Will we have been lending?

Will you have been lending?

Will they have been lending?

Lend in conditional present


He would lend
She would lend
It would lend


You would not lend

He would not lend
She would not lend
It would not lend

You would not lend

They would not lend


Would he lend?
Would she lend?
Would it lend?

Lend in conditional present progressive


I would be lending

You would be lending

He would be lending
She would be lending
It would be lending

We would be lending

You would be lending

They would be lending


I would not be lending

You would not be lending

He would not be lending
She would not be lending
It would not be lending

We would not be lending

You would not be lending

They would not be lending


Would I be lending?

Would you be lending?

Would he be lending?
Would she be lending?
Would it be lending?

Would we be lending?

Would you be lending?

Would they be lending?

Lend in conditional perfect


You would have lent

He would have lent
She would have lent
It would have lent

We would have lent

You would have lent

They would have lent


I would not have lent

You would not have lent

He would not have lent
She would not have lent
It would not have lent

We would not have lent

You would not have lent

They would not have lent


Would you have lent?

Would he have lent?
Would she have lent?
Would it have lent?

Would we have lent?

Would you have lent?

Would they have lent?

Lend in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been lending

You would have been lending

He would have been lending
She would have been lending
It would have been lending

We would have been lending

You would have been lending

They would have been lending


I would not have been lending

You would not have been lending

He would not have been lending
She would not have been lending
It would not have been lending

We would not have been lending

You would not have been lending

They would not have been lending


Would I have been lending?

Would you have been lending?

Would he have been lending?
Would she have been lending?
Would it have been lending?


pi0 v3 pd 00

неправильный глагол

Мои примеры



She lent the money to him. pi v3

Она дала эти деньги ему взаймы.

Catholics sometimes fast during Lent pi v3

Католики иногда постятся во время Великого поста

I lent our ladder to the neighbors. pi v3

Я одолжил нашу лестницу соседям.

Here’s the money you lent me. pi v3

Вот деньги, которые ты мне одолжил.

I lent him several books, but he hasn’t read any of them. pi v3

Я одолжил ему несколько книг, но он ещё не прочёл ни одной из них.

I felt that if I had pressed him he would have lent me the money. pi v3

Мне показалось, что если бы я на него надавила, то он одолжил бы мне эти деньги.

I lent my CD player to Dave and I haven’t got it back yet. pi v3

Я одолжил свой CD-плеер Дэйву, и пока что не получил его обратно.

William lent me some of his Beatles tapes. pi v3

Уильям одолжил мне несколько плёнок с записями «Битлз».

I’ll repay you the money you lent me next week. pi v3

Я верну деньги, которые вы мне одолжили, на следующей неделе.

Dad lent me the money. He was very good about it. pi v3

Папа был так добр, что одолжил мне эти деньги.

I lent him the money, against my better judgment. pi v3

Скрепя сердце, я одолжил ему эти деньги.

You lent him all that money? You must be crackers! pi v3

И ты одолжил ему все эти деньги? Да ты, наверное, спятил!

Dave caught me at a weak moment and I lent him £10. pi v3

Дэйв застал меня врасплох, и я одолжил ему десять фунтов.

If you lent me £5, it would save me a trip to the bank. pi v3

Если ты одолжишь мне пять фунтов стерлингов, это спасёт меня от поездки в банк.

The government has now lent its support to the campaign. pi v3

В настоящее время правительство оказало свою поддержку кампании.

They lent us the money with the assurance that they would be repaid soon. pi v3

Они одолжили нам эти деньги в уверенности, что мы их скоро вернём.

Jack lent Sarah the money on the understanding that she would pay it back next month. pi v3

Джек одолжил Саре деньги, исходя из того, что в следующем месяце она их вернёт обратно.

Her southern accent lent authority to her performance. pi v3

Южный акцент придал её игре достоверности.

There was nothing the matter with it (=it was all right) when I lent it to him. pi v3

В том, что я ему это одолжил, не было ничего такого (т.е. это было нормально).

The presence of members of the royal family lent a certain dignity to the ceremony. pi v3

Присутствие членов королевской семьи придало церемонии определённое достоинство.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Desperation lent an edge to her voice. pi v3

The French prime minister has now lent his name to the protest. pi v3


Глагол lend в английском языке

lend 3 forms

Перевод lend с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
lend lent lent lending
[lend] [lent] [lent] [ˈlendɪŋ]
[lend] [lent] [lent] [ˈlendɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение lend в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


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