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Meeting Minutes Templates and Examples

resources meeting minutes

Whether for business, club, or sports events, meeting minutes can be a key part of keeping the entire team up-to-date on what happened. And it doesn’t have to be an arduous task.

Below are some example templates as well as tips and ideas to help you get started with writing and preparing effective meeting minutes.

What are meeting minutes for?

Meeting minutes are the notes that capture what happened at a meeting! Different than a meeting agenda, it records the decisions made and actions requested by the group. Despite the team, they are not a minute-by-minute record but include the key details that the team will want to know. It’s important in meeting minutes to capture information such as:

Minutes are the record of who was there and what happened. They are an important source of information for people who were unable to attend or looking back to reflect on what happened. They’re also an incredibly effective tool to notify or remind people of tasks assigned to them or timelines to keep everyone on track.

What should go into meeting minutes?

Here are some of the details that you should into the meeting minutes.

Example of meeting minutes

Below is an example from an informal meeting which captures only the most relevant facts.

Sign up for a free Notejoy account so you can start taking notes with your entire team.

Informal team meeting minutes template

Below is an example from a more formal board meeting.

Sign up for a free Notejoy account so you can start taking notes with your entire team.

Formal board meeting minutes template

DATE: Date of the meeting

PRESENT: First and last names of all those present at the meeting

ABSENT: First and last names of Committee members who are unable to attend the meeting.









Notejoy is a more effective way to manage your meetings

Notejoy is an effective solution for teams that want to manage their meeting agendas and notes to get and stay on the same page. It fundamentally changes the way that work is done.

notejoy hero

Managing meetings in Notejoy is different for three reasons:


28 Handy Meeting Minutes & Meeting Notes Templates

Meetings provide an opportunity for issues to be discussed either briefly or at length. Lots of ideas which could help in solving a problem being addressed are normally verbally expressed. It could help to note these points down for future use or they could alternatively serve as evidence in a given agreement. It will also be good to keep a record of those who are in attendance as well as those members who could not make it for the meeting. A lot of people refrain from taking meeting minutes, a work that has been formally made to be for the secretaries.

Minutes can be defined as the official records kept by an organization. It is paramount that these records are taken accurately since they are a legal record of the actions as well as the proceedings of a given organization.

If you find yourself in a situation which requires you to take minutes you don’t need to be so worked up about this. Our site provides a convenient way of going about this by providing you with meeting minutes templates, feel free to use them. Whether it is an official meeting or an informal one we got your back with our meeting notes templates that simplify the whole process.

Meeting Minutes Templates

There are various types of meeting Minutes templates which are categorized depending on the type of meeting to be held. These are formal meeting minutes template, basic meeting minutes template as well as detailed meeting minutes template.

The formal meeting minutes template

This template has been designed in a way that is in line with recommendations of the 11 th edition of the R0bert’s Rules of Order. It’s a manual that is mostly used in governing the interactions of members of parliamentary organizations. It provides an easier way of including all the key information that ought to be preserved in each minute that is held.

The basic meeting minutes template

This template is quite a useful tool for those who want to have a guide on how to take minutes for an informal meeting as opposed to the strict rules that are applied for a formal meeting. As such you will not encounter any special table-based formatting. It is designed in a way that makes it to be easily customized to meet a given client’s needs.

Detailed meeting minutes template

Some tips to help you keep meeting minutes using the Robert’s Rules:

How to effectively write and keep meeting minutes

Annual meetings and Convention minutes

The minutes of an annual meeting or a convention should be taken by the secretary with the help of the Minutes Approval Committee members. A skeleton of the meetings should be prepared by the secretary before the annual meeting. Some items that might be useful in this are the agenda, a program, the previous minutes as well as the script. What is to be expected in the meeting acts as a guide of how the skeleton should be like. It is prudent to leave as many spaces in the skeleton as possible in anticipation of the additional motions to be recorded or any corrections that will have to be made.

Copies of the skeletal minutes are supposed to be given to the secretary, the members of the Minutes Approval Committee as well as the parliamentarian. These people will then use the skeletal minutes during the minutes and they will have to fill in the empty spaces as seems fit. Immediately after each business meeting the secretary and the Minutes Approval Committee will have to meet and agree upon the minutes for that meeting. After the last business meeting of a given convention the secretary will then make a final copy of the minutes, this being based on what was agreed upon by the committee. This final copy will then have to be reviewed by other members of the minute’s approval committee. In the event that everyone is in agreement with the final copy, they will append their signatures to the original copy and the approval of the meeting will have been done.

In case there is a transcript for a given meeting, the secretary is the one who is tasked with the job of reviewing the transcript to make sure that the minutes are accurate. In case the minutes have to be changed, all members of the Minutes Approval Committee should be in agreement with this and upon the changes that have to be made.

This site offer you with the best meeting Minutes template that you could use to simplify your work in a meticulous way. Follow the tips and guidelines recommended above and you will be amazed at how easy and perfect minute taking can turn out to be.

Some tips to help you keep meeting minutes using the Robert’s Rules:


A meeting notes template that’s impactful and effective

Getting the right people «in the room» is only half of making a meeting worthwhile. The notes you take and share are the other half.

They capture the most important aspects of every meeting — the decisions made, who attended, the context, and everything meeting attendees (and remote teams!) need to stay in the loop and execute on what was discussed.

But most meeting notes are gobbledygook, disconnected thoughts and ideas that, after the meeting, become pretty useless in 90% of cases.

Let’s explore each aspect of great meeting notes (traditionally called «meeting minutes») and techniques for capturing them so that they actually make a difference for your team.

Why meeting notes are usually ineffective

After meetings, it’s like notes sail into the Bermuda Triangle, never to be heard from again. If this is happening after your meetings, those dutifully-taken notes are pretty pointless.

Marie Poulin is a digital strategist and designer who helps businesses create systems for their work. Sometimes, she has up to 18 meetings a week — from internal team syncs to consultations with clients. With so many meetings, Marie’s always looking out for inefficiencies in her meeting and meeting notes process.

Here are some common mistakes she has identified:

Not using custom templates — each meeting has its own needs. Depending on the meeting type, Marie can quickly spin up a template instead of worrying about what she needs to cover. Everything’s already in the template. Weekly wins and kudos in the team sync template. Goals, needs and timeline in the client consultation template. Not only does this streamline everything, it creates a process she and her growing team can follow for every meeting.

Meeting notes aren’t connected to other deliverables — most meetings are related to some kind of deliverable. But usually, notes only point you to the work. A link here, a screenshot there. Software that connects the work at hand with your discussions about it makes those conversations more meaningful.

There’s no follow up — participants leaving the meeting should know what next steps are. «What do you do with the information you’ve collected?» asks Marie. «It should be actionable.» She’s right. And making sure attendees know who’s responsible for what is key. Whether it’s by tagging them in your meeting notes software or communicating via Slack, what’s next for everyone involved should be clear. To further make these actionable, you can set reminders so you get notifications that prompt you to revisit notes or act on certain things.

Our goal with this piece is to tackle these inefficients by recommending new, better practices.


Meeting Minutes Templates and Examples

resources meeting minutes

Whether for business, club, or sports events, meeting minutes can be a key part of keeping the entire team up-to-date on what happened. And it doesn’t have to be an arduous task.

Below are some example templates as well as tips and ideas to help you get started with writing and preparing effective meeting minutes.

What are meeting minutes for?

Meeting minutes are the notes that capture what happened at a meeting! Different than a meeting agenda, it records the decisions made and actions requested by the group. Despite the team, they are not a minute-by-minute record but include the key details that the team will want to know. It’s important in meeting minutes to capture information such as:

Minutes are the record of who was there and what happened. They are an important source of information for people who were unable to attend or looking back to reflect on what happened. They’re also an incredibly effective tool to notify or remind people of tasks assigned to them or timelines to keep everyone on track.

What should go into meeting minutes?

Here are some of the details that you should into the meeting minutes.

Example of meeting minutes

Below is an example from an informal meeting which captures only the most relevant facts.

Sign up for a free Notejoy account so you can start taking notes with your entire team.

Informal team meeting minutes template

Below is an example from a more formal board meeting.

Sign up for a free Notejoy account so you can start taking notes with your entire team.

Formal board meeting minutes template

DATE: Date of the meeting

PRESENT: First and last names of all those present at the meeting

ABSENT: First and last names of Committee members who are unable to attend the meeting.









Notejoy is a more effective way to manage your meetings

Notejoy is an effective solution for teams that want to manage their meeting agendas and notes to get and stay on the same page. It fundamentally changes the way that work is done.

notejoy hero

Managing meetings in Notejoy is different for three reasons:


Образец протокола собрания

Уже вошли в аккаунт? Получить шаблон

meeting notes hero 495x400

Организуйте эффективную общую работу

Просто добавьте ваше содержимое

Используйте готовый текст этого бесплатного шаблона для заполнения даты, участников, повестки дня, обсуждения и решений, как только начнется совещание.

Пригласите вашу рабочую группу в документ

Выполняйте совместное редактирование в режиме реального времени

Участники рабочей группы, которых вы пригласите в документ, смогут ознакомиться с протоколом и комментировать его. При наличии доступа с правом редактирования можно даже внести изменения в текст или добавить снимок с интерактивной доски.

4 совета по улучшению ваших заметок для совещаний

meeting notes

1. Подготовьте документ для ведения протокола до начала совещания

Будь то официальный или неофициальный характер совещания, этот шаблон помогает эффективно организовать работу всех участников на одной странице еще до утверждения повестки дня. Поскольку документ создан в Dropbox Paper, его можно привязать к календарю и использовать горячие клавиши для экономии времени.

2. Добавьте ссылки для контекста

Если у вас есть дополнительные документы, вы можете вставить ссылки на них, чтобы рабочая группа могла с ними ознакомиться. Перед началом совещания предоставьте доступ к документу с повесткой дня другим участникам.

3. Выделите основные моменты

Для наглядности к протоколу можно добавить изображения или файлы Dropbox с доказательствами и примерами. Через мобильное приложение Paper можно сделать снимок интерактивной доски или стикера, который автоматически будет добавлен в протокол.

4. Отметьте решения и задачи

В шаблоне есть раздел решений, в котором отражается то, что вы и ваша рабочая группа должны будете сделать. Эта информация помогает контролировать ход исполнения к следующему совещанию. Чтобы создать пункт для отметки галочкой, наберите квадратные скобки — [] — и поставьте пробел. Для назначения исполнителей просто наберите имя коллеги с символом @ перед ним.

Создавайте и делитесь
первоначальными идеями

Этот шаблон повесток дня создан в Dropbox Paper, совместном рабочем пространстве, в котором рабочие группы могут создавать и делиться первоначальными идеями. Paper позволяет легко делать заметки для совещаний, назначать задачи, развивать творческие идеи и управлять проектами. Используя Paper в качестве центрального узла для создания проекта, вам не нужно находиться в одной комнате с остальными участниками, чтобы эффективно организовать общую работу.

idea sharing

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Как делать заметки во время совещания?

Чтобы сделать заметки на совещании, надо сначала сконцентрироваться на его самых важных вопросах, а затем определиться со способами передачи данной информации остальным коллегам. Эффективное ведение протокола совещания позволяет каждому участнику ознакомиться с обсуждаемыми вопросами и оставаться в курсе последних событий. Чтобы максимально эффективно делать заметки во время совещания, надо заранее продумать его схему. Для этого просто запустите данный шаблон протокола совещания в Dropbox и создайте собственный документ с повесткой дня и списком участников совещания. Во время совещания вы можете записывать, что именно обсуждается и кто что говорит. В конце можно указать список задач и сроки выполнения, добавив @упоминания и необходимые ссылки для контекста. И в завершение, предоставьте общий доступ к документу всем участникам совещания.

Как можно создать шаблон протокола совещания?

Чтобы создать шаблон протокола совещания в Dropbox, просто воспользуйтесь Dropbox Paper. Можно просто использовать имеющийся шаблон протокола совещания в Paper. Или же можно настроить свой собственный шаблон протокола совещания или повестки дня, создав абсолютно новый документ Paper. В правом верхнем углу документа Paper вы увидите три точки, которые позволяют выбирать различные параметры. Нажмите три точки и перейдите к параметру «Преобразовать в шаблон». Здесь ваш документ Paper превращается в специальный шаблон, который можно постоянно использовать для систематизации заметок совещания, что избавит вас от необходимости каждый раз создавать шаблон с нуля.

Как отслеживать заметки для совещания?

Отслеживание заметок для совещания в Dropbox — это обычный процесс, который позволяет мгновенно систематизировать всю информацию. Одним из лучших способов отслеживания заметок для совещания является создание упорядоченной системы учета всех заметок и других критически важных документов, благодаря которой вы и ваша рабочая группа сможете без особых усилий просматривать и обмениваться файлами. Создание системы учета заметок для совещания также является одним из способов повышения эффективности совместной работы в рабочей группе. Участники рабочей группы могут свободно добавлять комментарии к заметкам для совещания, чтобы прояснить некоторых из них или добавить список важных задач.

Как систематизировать заметки для совещания?

Чтобы систематизировать заметки для совещания, их можно выделить по темам совещаний. Скорее всего, у вас на работе проводятся совещания разных типов. Например, совещания совета директоров раз в полгода, ежемесячные или ежеквартальные совещания для проведения мозгового штурма, еженедельные личные встречи, собеседования при принятии на работу или даже учебные занятия, для которых нужны подробные заметки. Создайте в Dropbox папку «Совещания», а затем создайте подсистему для типов совещаний, чтобы вы всегда знали, где можно найти важные заметки для совещаний любого типа.


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