murmur 3 формы глагола

Murmur 3 формы глагола

loading green murmur [ˈmə:mə] murmured / murmured / murmuring / murmurs

I murmur
you murmur
he/she/it murmurs
we murmur
you murmur
they murmur

I have murmured
you have murmured
he/she/it has murmured
we have murmured
you have murmured
they have murmured

I am murmuring
you are murmuring
he/she/it is murmuring
we are murmuring
you are murmuring
they are murmuring

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
he/she/it has been murmuring
we have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
they have been murmuring

I murmured
you murmured
he/she/it murmured
we murmured
you murmured
they murmured

I was murmuring
you were murmuring
he/she/it was murmuring
we were murmuring
you were murmuring
they were murmuring

I had murmured
you had murmured
he/she/it had murmured
we had murmured
you had murmured
they had murmured

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
he/she/it had been murmuring
we had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
they had been murmuring

I will murmur
you will murmur
he/she/it will murmur
we will murmur
you will murmur
they will murmur

I will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
he/she/it will be murmuring
we will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
they will be murmuring

I will have murmured
you will have murmured
he/she/it will have murmured
we will have murmured
you will have murmured
they will have murmured

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
he/she/it will have been murmuring
we will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
they will have been murmuring

I would murmur
you would murmur
he/she/it would murmur
we would murmur
you would murmur
they would murmur

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
he/she/it would be murmuring
we would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
they would be murmuring

I would have murmured
you would have murmured
he/she/it would have murmured
we would have murmured
you would have murmured
they would have murmured

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
he/she/it would have been murmuring
we would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
they would have been murmuring

to murmur
to have murmured
to be murmuring
to have been murmuring


Murmur 3 формы глагола

loading green murmur [ˈmə:mə] murmured / murmured / murmuring / murmurs

I murmur
you murmur
he/she/it murmurs
we murmur
you murmur
they murmur

I have murmured
you have murmured
he/she/it has murmured
we have murmured
you have murmured
they have murmured

I am murmuring
you are murmuring
he/she/it is murmuring
we are murmuring
you are murmuring
they are murmuring

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
he/she/it has been murmuring
we have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
they have been murmuring

I murmured
you murmured
he/she/it murmured
we murmured
you murmured
they murmured

I was murmuring
you were murmuring
he/she/it was murmuring
we were murmuring
you were murmuring
they were murmuring

I had murmured
you had murmured
he/she/it had murmured
we had murmured
you had murmured
they had murmured

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
he/she/it had been murmuring
we had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
they had been murmuring

I will murmur
you will murmur
he/she/it will murmur
we will murmur
you will murmur
they will murmur

I will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
he/she/it will be murmuring
we will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
they will be murmuring

I will have murmured
you will have murmured
he/she/it will have murmured
we will have murmured
you will have murmured
they will have murmured

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
he/she/it will have been murmuring
we will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
they will have been murmuring

I would murmur
you would murmur
he/she/it would murmur
we would murmur
you would murmur
they would murmur

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
he/she/it would be murmuring
we would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
they would be murmuring

I would have murmured
you would have murmured
he/she/it would have murmured
we would have murmured
you would have murmured
they would have murmured

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
he/she/it would have been murmuring
we would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
they would have been murmuring

to murmur
to have murmured
to be murmuring
to have been murmuring


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

существительное ↓

Мои примеры



They spoke to each other in murmurs. pi v3

Они говорили друг с другом шепотом.

She replied in a low murmur. pi v3

Она ответила шепотом.

Julie turned over and murmured in her sleep. pi v3

Джули перевернулась (на другой бок) и пробормотала что то во сне.

‘Well done,’ murmured George. pi v3

The girl murmured something polite, and smiled. pi v3

Девушка прошептала что-то вежливое и улыбнулась.

The breeze murmured in the pines. pi v3

Лёгкий ветерок бормотал в соснах.

He spoke in a murmur. pi v3

Он говорил шёпотом.

A murmur buzzed through the hall. pi v3

По залу прокатился ропот.

The suggestion brought murmurs of disapproval. pi v3

Предложение вызвало гул неодобрения.

“Thank you,” she murmured as she left the room. pi v3

The wind murmured through the trees. pi v3

Ветер прошелестел листвой деревьев.

The murmur of the water provides balm for taut nerves. pi v3

Журчание воды снимает нервное напряжение.

She murmured softly to the baby in her arms. pi v3

Она что-то тихо прошептала ребёнку у неё на руках.

A quiet murmur passed through the classroom. pi v3

По классу пробежал тихий шёпот.

There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd. pi v3

Из толпы поднялся шум одобрения.

The people are beginning to murmur against this additional rise in their taxes. pi v3

Народ начинает роптать против этого добавочного повышения налогов.

He murmured something about having to get home. pi v3

Он пробормотал что-то о том, что ему пора домой.

They signed the form without a murmur. pi v3

Они подписали эту форму без единого звука.

A murmur of approval passed through the crowd. pi v3

По толпе прошёл одобрительный шёпот.

No murmur waked the solemn still, save tinkling of a mountain rill. pi v3

Никакие звуки не будили торжественную тишину, кроме журчания горного ручейка.

There have been murmurs of discontent over the new rules. pi v3

Слышен ропот недовольства новыми правилами.


Murmur 3 формы глагола

loading green murmur [ˈmə:mə] murmured / murmured / murmuring / murmurs

I murmur
you murmur
he/she/it murmurs
we murmur
you murmur
they murmur

I have murmured
you have murmured
he/she/it has murmured
we have murmured
you have murmured
they have murmured

I am murmuring
you are murmuring
he/she/it is murmuring
we are murmuring
you are murmuring
they are murmuring

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
he/she/it has been murmuring
we have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
they have been murmuring

I murmured
you murmured
he/she/it murmured
we murmured
you murmured
they murmured

I was murmuring
you were murmuring
he/she/it was murmuring
we were murmuring
you were murmuring
they were murmuring

I had murmured
you had murmured
he/she/it had murmured
we had murmured
you had murmured
they had murmured

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
he/she/it had been murmuring
we had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
they had been murmuring

I will murmur
you will murmur
he/she/it will murmur
we will murmur
you will murmur
they will murmur

I will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
he/she/it will be murmuring
we will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
they will be murmuring

I will have murmured
you will have murmured
he/she/it will have murmured
we will have murmured
you will have murmured
they will have murmured

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
he/she/it will have been murmuring
we will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
they will have been murmuring

I would murmur
you would murmur
he/she/it would murmur
we would murmur
you would murmur
they would murmur

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
he/she/it would be murmuring
we would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
they would be murmuring

I would have murmured
you would have murmured
he/she/it would have murmured
we would have murmured
you would have murmured
they would have murmured

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
he/she/it would have been murmuring
we would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
they would have been murmuring

to murmur
to have murmured
to be murmuring
to have been murmuring


Murmur 3 формы глагола

loading green murmur [ˈmə:mə] murmured / murmured / murmuring / murmurs

I murmur
you murmur
he/she/it murmurs
we murmur
you murmur
they murmur

I have murmured
you have murmured
he/she/it has murmured
we have murmured
you have murmured
they have murmured

I am murmuring
you are murmuring
he/she/it is murmuring
we are murmuring
you are murmuring
they are murmuring

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
he/she/it has been murmuring
we have been murmuring
you have been murmuring
they have been murmuring

I murmured
you murmured
he/she/it murmured
we murmured
you murmured
they murmured

I was murmuring
you were murmuring
he/she/it was murmuring
we were murmuring
you were murmuring
they were murmuring

I had murmured
you had murmured
he/she/it had murmured
we had murmured
you had murmured
they had murmured

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
he/she/it had been murmuring
we had been murmuring
you had been murmuring
they had been murmuring

I will murmur
you will murmur
he/she/it will murmur
we will murmur
you will murmur
they will murmur

I will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
he/she/it will be murmuring
we will be murmuring
you will be murmuring
they will be murmuring

I will have murmured
you will have murmured
he/she/it will have murmured
we will have murmured
you will have murmured
they will have murmured

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
he/she/it will have been murmuring
we will have been murmuring
you will have been murmuring
they will have been murmuring

I would murmur
you would murmur
he/she/it would murmur
we would murmur
you would murmur
they would murmur

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
he/she/it would be murmuring
we would be murmuring
you would be murmuring
they would be murmuring

I would have murmured
you would have murmured
he/she/it would have murmured
we would have murmured
you would have murmured
they would have murmured

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
he/she/it would have been murmuring
we would have been murmuring
you would have been murmuring
they would have been murmuring

to murmur
to have murmured
to be murmuring
to have been murmuring


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