obey 3 формы глагола

Глагол obey в английском языке

obey 3 forms

Перевод obey с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
obey obeyed obeyed obeying
[əˈbeɪ] [əˈbeɪ] [əˈbeɪ] [əˈbeɪɪŋ]
[əˈbeɪ] [əˈbeɪ] [əˈbeɪ] [əˈbeɪɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение obey в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


3 формы глагола obey

? Глагол obey имеет значения: подчиняться, повиноваться, выполнять приказание, слушаться, следовать, послушно выполнять.

Формы глагола obey в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола obey в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет obey в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола obey

Как поставить obey во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол obey в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить obey в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для obey нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: obey в past simple — obeyed.

What is the past tense of obey?

The past tense of obey is obeyed.
The past participle of obey is obeyed.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — obey в past simple, будет obeyed. (V2)
Future simple — obey в future simple будет obey. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — obey в present perfect будет obeyed. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — obey в past perfect будет obeyed. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол obey?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол obey это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола obey

Вместе с obey, часто смотрят глаголы insist and turn away.


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



He always obeys his parents. pi v3

Он всегда слушается родителей.

The children must obey the rules. pi v3

Дети должны соблюдать правила.

You are required to obey. pi v3

Ты обязан подчиниться. / От вас требуют подчинения.

The children must learn to obey. pi v3

Дети должны научиться слушаться.

‘Sit!’ he said, and the dog obeyed him instantly. pi v3

There is no ifs or buts. He has to obey. pi v3

Никаких «если» и «но». Ему придётся подчиниться.

I obey your requisition and inquire the purpose of it. pi v3

Я подчиняюсь вашему требованию, но хотел бы знать ваши цели.

We just obey orders from above. pi v3

Мы всего лишь выполняем приказы сверху.

His dog has learned to obey several commands. pi v3

Его собака научилась выполнять несколько команд.

The little boy made no effort to obey. pi v3

Мальчик и не подумал слушаться.

Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them. pi v3

От солдат, ожидается подчинение приказам, без лишних вопросов.

Henceforth I obey and you control. pi v3

Отныне я подчиняюсь, а ты командуешь.

Failure to obey the law can lead to a large fine. pi v3

Несоблюдение законов может привести к крупному штрафу.

We are expected to obey his commands. pi v3

Мы обязаны подчиняться его приказам.

A man has a moral duty to obey the law. pi v3

У человека есть моральная обязанность подчиняться закону.

He belonged to the class whose business was to order rather than obey. pi v3

Он принадлежал к тому классу людей, которые командуют, а не подчиняются.

I have sworn to obey the laws, and I cannot forswear myself. pi v3

Я поклялся подчиняться законам, и не могу нарушить свою клятву.

They refused to obey the court’s order to call off the strike. pi v3

Они отказались выполнять постановление суда о прекращении забастовки.

He made a studious effort to obey the rules. pi v3

Он старательно пытался соблюдать правила.

No subjects more obsequiously obey. pi v3

Никакие другие подданные не подчиняются более раболепно.

Elected officials ought to obey the law. pi v3

Выборные должностные лица должны подчиняться закону.

I must obey his words and thine. (P. B. Shelley) pi v3

Я должен подчиняться его словам и твоим.

All counsel are expected to obey the rules of the court. pi v3

Все адвокаты обязаны подчиняться правилам суда.

Obey the laws and use common sense when operating your boat. pi v3

Управляя лодкой, следует соблюдать законы и подчиняться здравому смыслу.

The despotic coach demands that his players obey him without question. pi v3

Этот деспотичный тренер требует, чтобы его игроки беспрекословно ему подчинялись.

With the proper conditioning, the horse will learn to trust and obey its handler. pi v3

При правильном обращении лошадь научится доверять и повиноваться своему тренеру.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

. expected her son to grow a little more rebellious as he got older, but she knew he understood when to kick and when to obey. pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to obey» (Английский язык)

Глагол to obey – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: повиноваться, подчиняться; слушаться; выполнять приказание; удовлетворять условиям уравнения.

Infinitive to obey
Simple past obeyed
Past participle obeyed
-s obeys
-ing obeying

Obey in present simple



He does not obey
She does not obey
It does not obey


Does he obey?
Does she obey?
Does it obey?

Obey in present continuous


He is obeying
She is obeying
It is obeying


You are not obeying

He is not obeying
She is not obeying
It is not obeying

We are not obeying

You are not obeying

They are not obeying


Is he obeying?
Is she obeying?
Is it obeying?

Obey in present perfect


He has obeyed
She has obeyed
It has obeyed


You have not obeyed

He has not obeyed
She has not obeyed
It has not obeyed

We have not obeyed

You have not obeyed

They have not obeyed


Has he obeyed?
Has she obeyed?
Has it obeyed?

Obey in present perfect continuous


I have been obeying

You have been obeying

He has been obeying
She has been obeying
It has been obeying

We have been obeying

You have been obeying

They have been obeying


I have not been obeying

You have not been obeying

He has not been obeying
She has not been obeying
It has not been obeying

We have not been obeying

You have not been obeying

They have not been obeying


Have I been obeying?

Have you been obeying?

Has he been obeying?
Has she been obeying?
Has it been obeying?

Have we been obeying?

Have you been obeying?

Have they been obeying?

Obey in past simple



He did not obey
She did not obey
It did not obey


Did he obey?
Did she obey?
Did it obey?

Obey in past continuous


He was obeying
She was obeying
It was obeying


You were not obeying

He was not obeying
She was not obeying
It was not obeying

We were not obeying

You were not obeying

They were not obeying


Was he obeying?
Was she obeying?
Was it obeying?

Obey in past perfect


He had obeyed
She had obeyed
It had obeyed


You had not obeyed

He had not obeyed
She had not obeyed
It had not obeyed

You had not obeyed

They had not obeyed


Had he obeyed?
Had she obeyed?
Had it obeyed?

Obey in past perfect continuous


I had been obeying

You had been obeying

He had been obeying
She had been obeying
It had been obeying

We had been obeying

You had been obeying

They had been obeying


I had not been obeying

You had not been obeying

He had not been obeying
She had not been obeying
It had not been obeying

We had not been obeying

You had not been obeying

They had not been obeying


Had I been obeying?

Had you been obeying?

Had he been obeying?
Had she been obeying?
Had it been obeying?

Had we been obeying?

Had you been obeying?

Had they been obeying?

Obey in future simple


He will obey
She will obey
It will obey


He will not obey
She will not obey
It will not obey

They will not obey


Will he obey?
Will she obey?
Will it obey?

Obey in future continuous


You will be obeying

He will be obeying
She will be obeying
It will be obeying

We will be obeying

You will be obeying

They will be obeying


I will not be obeying

You will not be obeying

He will not be obeying
She will not be obeying
It will not be obeying

We will not be obeying

You will not be obeying

They will not be obeying


Will you be obeying?

Will he be obeying?
Will she be obeying?
Will it be obeying?

Will we be obeying?

Will you be obeying?

Will they be obeying?

Obey in future perfect


I will have obeyed

You will have obeyed

He will have obeyed
She will have obeyed
It will have obeyed

We will have obeyed

You will have obeyed

They will have obeyed


I will not have obeyed

You will not have obeyed

He will not have obeyed
She will not have obeyed
It will not have obeyed

We will not have obeyed

You will not have obeyed

They will not have obeyed


Will I have obeyed?

Will you have obeyed?

Will he have obeyed?
Will she have obeyed?
Will it have obeyed?

Will we have obeyed?

Will you have obeyed?

Will they have obeyed?

Obey in future perfect continuous


I will have been obeying

You will have been obeying

He will have been obeying
She will have been obeying
It will have been obeying

We will have been obeying

You will have been obeying

They will have been obeying


I will not have been obeying

You will not have been obeying

He will not have been obeying
She will not have been obeying
It will not have been obeying

We will not have been obeying

You will not have been obeying

They will not have been obeying


Will I have been obeying?

Will you have been obeying?

Will he have been obeying?
Will she have been obeying?
Will it have been obeying?

Will we have been obeying?

Will you have been obeying?

Will they have been obeying?

Obey in conditional present


He would obey
She would obey
It would obey


You would not obey

He would not obey
She would not obey
It would not obey

You would not obey

They would not obey


Would he obey?
Would she obey?
Would it obey?

Obey in conditional present progressive


I would be obeying

You would be obeying

He would be obeying
She would be obeying
It would be obeying

We would be obeying

You would be obeying

They would be obeying


I would not be obeying

You would not be obeying

He would not be obeying
She would not be obeying
It would not be obeying

We would not be obeying

You would not be obeying

They would not be obeying


Would I be obeying?

Would you be obeying?

Would he be obeying?
Would she be obeying?
Would it be obeying?

Would we be obeying?

Would you be obeying?

Would they be obeying?

Obey in conditional perfect


I would have obeyed

You would have obeyed

He would have obeyed
She would have obeyed
It would have obeyed

We would have obeyed

You would have obeyed

They would have obeyed


I would not have obeyed

You would not have obeyed

He would not have obeyed
She would not have obeyed
It would not have obeyed

We would not have obeyed

You would not have obeyed

They would not have obeyed


Would I have obeyed?

Would you have obeyed?

Would he have obeyed?
Would she have obeyed?
Would it have obeyed?

Would we have obeyed?

Would you have obeyed?

Would they have obeyed?

Obey in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been obeying

You would have been obeying

He would have been obeying
She would have been obeying
It would have been obeying

We would have been obeying

You would have been obeying

They would have been obeying


I would not have been obeying

You would not have been obeying

He would not have been obeying
She would not have been obeying
It would not have been obeying

We would not have been obeying

You would not have been obeying

They would not have been obeying


Would I have been obeying?

Would you have been obeying?

Would he have been obeying?
Would she have been obeying?
Would it have been obeying?


Obey 3 формы глагола

Добавить в закладки Удалить из закладок



Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I obey We obey
You obey You obey
He/She/It obeys They obey
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I obeyed We obeyed
You obeyed You obeyed
He/She/It obeyed They obeyed


obey the Lord
повиноваться Господу

obey orders
слушать приказы

obey the law
следовать закону

obey God
покоряться Богу

obey the state
подчиняться государству

obey the father
подчиниться отцу

obey the commandments
соблюдать заповеди

obey the doctor
слушаться доктора

obey laws
исполнять законы

obey a command
выполнить команду


All drivers should obey the rules of the road.
Все водители должны соблюдать правила дорожного движения.

Don’t obey your boss blindly.
Не подчиняйся слепо своему начальнику.

Police dogs are trained to obey without hesitation.
Полицейские собаки обучены подчиняться беспрекословно.

I obey only reason.
Я подчиняюсь только разуму.

We have to obey orders.
Мы должны подчиняться приказам.

The troops refused to obey the command.
Войска отказались подчиняться приказу.

I must obey Tom.
Я должен подчиниться Тому.

You have to obey your parents.
Ты должен слушаться своих родителей.

I can’t do anything but obey him.
Придётся мне ему подчиниться.

We should always obey laws.
Мы должны всегда соблюдать законы.

She obeys him.
Она его слушается.

They obeyed orders.
Они подчинялись приказам.

I obeyed the rules.
Я подчинился правилам.

We obeyed the rules.
Мы подчинились правилам.

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На данной странице следует оставлять комментарии, относящиеся к слову obey. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.


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