recitals перевод в договоре


1 recitals

2 recitals

декларативная часть документа narrative

констатирующая часть документа recitals декларативная часть документа

констатирующая часть документа

3 recitals

4 recitals

5 recitals

6 recitals

7 recitals

8 recitals

9 recitals

См. также в других словарях:

récitals — ● récital, récitals nom masculin (anglais recital, de to recite) Concert où se fait entendre un seul exécutant. Séance artistique donnée par un seul interprète ou consacrée à un seul genre. Prestation exceptionnelle de quelqu un ; série d actes… … Encyclopédie Universelle

recitals — re·cit·al || rɪ saɪtl n. musical or artistic performance (often by one performer); recitation, act of telling, act of recounting … English contemporary dictionary

recitals — articles … Anagrams dictionary

articles — recitals … Anagrams dictionary

except right of way — Recitals less the right of way and except right of way in granting clause of deed have well defined accepted certain and unambiguous meaning by which grantor conveys entire interest in servient estate and at same time expressly recognizes and… … Black’s law dictionary

except right of way — Recitals less the right of way and except right of way in granting clause of deed have well defined accepted certain and unambiguous meaning by which grantor conveys entire interest in servient estate and at same time expressly recognizes and… … Black’s law dictionary

Organ recital — 1924 organ recital poster An organ recital is a concert at which music specially written for the organ is played. The music played at such recitals was typically written for pipe organ, which includes church organs, and symphonic organs (also… … Wikipedia

Bruno Laplante — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Laplante. Bruno Laplante Naissance 1er août 1938 (1938 08 01) (73 ans) Beauharnois … Wikipédia en Français

Dance recital — A dance recital is a performance of art where dancers performed cheoregraphed maneuvers in front of a silent audience. Dance recitals are usually done in opera houses or places of performing art and people usually dress up in either dress clothes … Wikipedia

Leonard Borwick — (b. Walthamstow, Essex, 26 February 1868, d. Le Mans, 15 September 1925) was an English concert pianist especially associated with the music of Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms. Early training and debuts Born in Essex of a Staffordshire family … Wikipedia

Clavier-Übung III — Johann Sebastian Bach, 1746 The Clavier Übung III, sometimes referred to as the German Organ Mass, is a collection of compositions for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, started in 1735–6 and published in 1739. It is considered to be Bach s most… … Wikipedia



Смотреть что такое «recitals» в других словарях:

récitals — ● récital, récitals nom masculin (anglais recital, de to recite) Concert où se fait entendre un seul exécutant. Séance artistique donnée par un seul interprète ou consacrée à un seul genre. Prestation exceptionnelle de quelqu un ; série d actes… … Encyclopédie Universelle

recitals — re·cit·al || rɪ saɪtl n. musical or artistic performance (often by one performer); recitation, act of telling, act of recounting … English contemporary dictionary

recitals — articles … Anagrams dictionary

articles — recitals … Anagrams dictionary

except right of way — Recitals less the right of way and except right of way in granting clause of deed have well defined accepted certain and unambiguous meaning by which grantor conveys entire interest in servient estate and at same time expressly recognizes and… … Black’s law dictionary

except right of way — Recitals less the right of way and except right of way in granting clause of deed have well defined accepted certain and unambiguous meaning by which grantor conveys entire interest in servient estate and at same time expressly recognizes and… … Black’s law dictionary

Organ recital — 1924 organ recital poster An organ recital is a concert at which music specially written for the organ is played. The music played at such recitals was typically written for pipe organ, which includes church organs, and symphonic organs (also… … Wikipedia

Bruno Laplante — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Laplante. Bruno Laplante Naissance 1er août 1938 (1938 08 01) (73 ans) Beauharnois … Wikipédia en Français

Dance recital — A dance recital is a performance of art where dancers performed cheoregraphed maneuvers in front of a silent audience. Dance recitals are usually done in opera houses or places of performing art and people usually dress up in either dress clothes … Wikipedia

Leonard Borwick — (b. Walthamstow, Essex, 26 February 1868, d. Le Mans, 15 September 1925) was an English concert pianist especially associated with the music of Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms. Early training and debuts Born in Essex of a Staffordshire family … Wikipedia

Clavier-Übung III — Johann Sebastian Bach, 1746 The Clavier Übung III, sometimes referred to as the German Organ Mass, is a collection of compositions for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, started in 1735–6 and published in 1739. It is considered to be Bach s most… … Wikipedia


декларативная часть договора

1 narrative recitals

2 the whereases

3 recitals

4 whereas clause

5 whereases

6 whereas clause

7 whereases

8 declaratory

9 premise

pl помещение, дом (с прилегающими пристройками и участком) ;
to be consumed (или drunk) on the premises продается распивочно to be drunk to the premises = допиться до чертиков;
to see (smb.) off the premises выпроводить, спровадить (кого-л.) premise pl юр. вступительная часть документа premiss: premiss = premise

pl помещение, дом (с прилегающими пристройками и участком) ;
to be consumed (или drunk) on the premises продается распивочно

предпосылка to be drunk to the premises = допиться до чертиков;
to see (smb.) off the premises выпроводить, спровадить (кого-л.) see: to

(smb.) off at the station проводить (кого-л.) на вокзал;
to see (smb.) off the premises выпроводить (кого-л.)

10 premiss

11 recital

перечисление фактов (во вводной части документа, в констатирующей части искового заявления) ;
декларативная часть (документа)

подробное перечисление фактов

сольный концерт;
концерт из произведений одного композитора

12 recitals

декларативная часть документа narrative

констатирующая часть документа recitals декларативная часть документа

констатирующая часть документа

13 general term(s)

14 premises

15 premise



декларативная часть документа narrative

констатирующая часть документа recitals декларативная часть документа

констатирующая часть документа

Смотреть что такое «recitals» в других словарях:

récitals — ● récital, récitals nom masculin (anglais recital, de to recite) Concert où se fait entendre un seul exécutant. Séance artistique donnée par un seul interprète ou consacrée à un seul genre. Prestation exceptionnelle de quelqu un ; série d actes… … Encyclopédie Universelle

recitals — re·cit·al || rɪ saɪtl n. musical or artistic performance (often by one performer); recitation, act of telling, act of recounting … English contemporary dictionary

recitals — articles … Anagrams dictionary

articles — recitals … Anagrams dictionary

except right of way — Recitals less the right of way and except right of way in granting clause of deed have well defined accepted certain and unambiguous meaning by which grantor conveys entire interest in servient estate and at same time expressly recognizes and… … Black’s law dictionary

except right of way — Recitals less the right of way and except right of way in granting clause of deed have well defined accepted certain and unambiguous meaning by which grantor conveys entire interest in servient estate and at same time expressly recognizes and… … Black’s law dictionary

Organ recital — 1924 organ recital poster An organ recital is a concert at which music specially written for the organ is played. The music played at such recitals was typically written for pipe organ, which includes church organs, and symphonic organs (also… … Wikipedia

Bruno Laplante — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Laplante. Bruno Laplante Naissance 1er août 1938 (1938 08 01) (73 ans) Beauharnois … Wikipédia en Français

Dance recital — A dance recital is a performance of art where dancers performed cheoregraphed maneuvers in front of a silent audience. Dance recitals are usually done in opera houses or places of performing art and people usually dress up in either dress clothes … Wikipedia

Leonard Borwick — (b. Walthamstow, Essex, 26 February 1868, d. Le Mans, 15 September 1925) was an English concert pianist especially associated with the music of Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms. Early training and debuts Born in Essex of a Staffordshire family … Wikipedia

Clavier-Übung III — Johann Sebastian Bach, 1746 The Clavier Übung III, sometimes referred to as the German Organ Mass, is a collection of compositions for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach, started in 1735–6 and published in 1739. It is considered to be Bach s most… … Wikipedia



1 recital

2 recital

3 recital

перечисление фактов (во вводной части документа, в констатирующей части искового заявления) ;
декларативная часть (документа)

подробное перечисление фактов

сольный концерт;
концерт из произведений одного композитора

4 recital

5 recital

organ / piano / violin recital — органный, фортепьянный, скрипичный концерт

6 recital

7 recital

8 recital

9 recital

10 recital

the recital of one’s adventures — повествова́ние о свои́х приключе́ниях

11 recital

12 recital

13 recital

14 recital

15 recital

16 recital

17 recital(s)

18 recital(s)

19 recital

20 recital(s)

См. также в других словарях:

récital — [ resital ] n. m. • 1884; comme mot angl. 1872; angl. recital, de to recite, du fr. réciter ♦ Séance musicale au cours de laquelle un seul artiste se fait entendre. ⇒aussi concert. Récital d orgue, de piano, de violon. Chanteur qui donne des… … Encyclopédie Universelle

recital — RECITÁL, recitaluri, s.n. Concert al cărui program este susţinut de un singur solist; p. ext. (adesea fig.) manifestare artistică susţinută de un singur interpret (sau de câţiva). – Din fr. récital. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 01.07.2004. Sursa: DEX… … Dicționar Român

recital — re·ci·tal /ri sīt əl/ n: a formal statement or setting forth of some relevant matter of fact in a deed or other document a recital of a factual reason for a transaction ◇ A recital is often preceded by whereas. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary

recital — sustantivo masculino 1. Concierto, instrumental o cantado, de un solista: un recital de canto, un recital de piano. 2. Lectura o recitación de poemas por un recitador: un recital de poemas de Alberti. Frases y locuciones 1. dar un recital … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

Recital — Récital Un récital est un concert donné en public ou de façon privée, le plus souvent par un ou deux musiciens, centré autour des œuvres d un compositeur ou d un ou des interprètes. Franz Liszt est connu pour avoir été le précurseur du récital.… … Wikipédia en Français

Recital — Re*cit al (r[ e]*s[imac]t al), n. [From .] 1. The act of reciting; the repetition of the words of another, or of a document; rehearsal; as, the recital of testimony. [1913 Webster] 2. A telling in detail and due order of the particulars… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Recital ’73 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Recital 73 fue un espectáculo del grupo humorístico Les Luthiers. Se estrenó el viernes, 6 de abril de 1973 en Teatro Lasalle (Buenos Aires, Argentina) y su última representación fue el domingo, 30 de junio de 1974… … Wikipedia Español

Recital ’72 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Recital 72 fue un espectáculo de Les Luthiers. Se estrenó el lunes, 29 de mayo de 1972 en Teatro Astral (Buenos Aires, Argentina) y posteriormente se representó varias veces en el Café Concert La Cebolla y en el… … Wikipedia Español

Recital ’74 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Recital 74 fue un espectáculo del grupo de humor e instrumentos informales Les Luthiers. Se estrenó el viernes, 23 de agosto de 1974 en Teatro Lasalle (Buenos Aires, Argentina) y su última representación fue el… … Wikipedia Español

Recital ’75 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Recital 75 fue un espectáculo del grupo humorístico de instrumentos informales Les Luthiers. Se estrenó el miércoles, 2 de julio de 1975 en Teatro Odeón (Buenos Aires, Argentina) y su última representación fue el… … Wikipedia Español

recital — <><>[wym. reczital] <><>rz. mnż III, D. u; lm D. i, muz. <><> występ koncertowy jednego wykonawcy, np. muzyka, śpiewaka : <><>Recital skrzypcowy, fortepianowy. Wybrać się na recital… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień


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