recommend 3 формы глагола

Глагол recommend в английском языке

recommend 3 forms

Перевод recommend с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
recommend recommended recommended recommending
[ˌrekəˈmend] [ˌrekəˈmendəd] [ˌrekəˈmendəd] [ˌrekəˈmendɪŋ]
[rekəˈmend] [ˌrekəˈmendɪd] [ˌrekəˈmendɪd] [ˌrekəˈmendɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение recommend в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



He recommended waiting. pi v3

Он посоветовал подождать.

A friend recommended this restaurant. pi v3

Этот ресторан порекомендовал один из моих друзей.

I recommend you to buy this book. pi v3

Рекомендую вам приобрести эту книгу.

Your behaviour will not recommend you. pi v3

Твоим поведением не стоит гордиться.

She was recommended as a suitable candidate for the job. pi v3

О ней говорили как о подходящей кандидатуре на эту должность.

Sleeping tablets are not recommended in this case. pi v3

В этом случае принимать /назначать/ снотворное не рекомендуется.

I can recommend this material; it’s everlasting wear. pi v3

Я могу порекомендовать этот материал: он практически не изнашивается.

Honesty recommends any person. pi v3

Честность красит любого человека.

Who would you recommend for the chairmanship? pi v3

Кого бы ты выдвинул на должность председателя?

It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose. pi v3

Превышать рекомендуемую дозу опасно.

She recommended to us that our trip be / should be postponed. pi v3

Она рекомендовала нам отложить поездку.

Can you recommend a good lawyer? pi v3

Вы можете порекомендовать хорошего юриста?

She recommended me a good dictionary. pi v3

Она порекомендовала мне хороший словарь.

The town itself has little to recommend it. pi v3

В пользу самого городка мало что можно сказать.

Which type of oil do you recommend for my car? pi v3

Какой тип масла вы рекомендуете для моего автомобиля?

I’d recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in jazz. pi v3

Я бы рекомендовал эту книгу всем, кто интересуется джазом.

I can’t decide between the lasagna and the salmon. Which do you recommend? pi v3

Я не могу выбрать между лазаньей и лососем. Что вы порекомендуете?

The hotel is highly recommended. pi v3

Эта гостиница заслуживает самые высокие рекомендации.

I recommend that you get some professional advice. pi v3

Рекомендую вам обратиться за профессиональной консультацией.

Most doctors recommend sleeping on a firm mattress. pi v3

Большинство врачей рекомендует спать на жёстком матрасе.

I’d recommend upgrading to at least 768 MB of memory. pi v3

Я бы порекомендовал расширить память до как минимум до 768 мегабайт.

What foods do you recommend as good sources of fiber? pi v3

Какие продукты вы рекомендуете в качестве хороших источников клетчатки?

We asked one of the locals to recommend a restaurant. pi v3

Мы попросили одного из местных посоветовать какой-нибудь ресторан.

This is a book I heartily recommend to all hill walkers. pi v3

Это книга, которую я от всей души рекомендую всем любителям горного туризма.

I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis. pi v3

Я бы никогда не порекомендовал пользоваться солярием на регулярной основе.

I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in chemistry. pi v3

Я рекомендую эту книгу для всех, кто интересуется химией.

The film is recommended to anyone who liked her earlier movies. pi v3

Фильм рекомендуется всем, кому понравились её прежние картины.

Being forced to leave, the woman recommended her child to my care. pi v3

Поскольку ей пришлось уехать, она поручила мне заботу о своём ребёнке.

A committee was appointed to recommend terminological standardization. pi v3

Для рекомендации терминологической стандартизации была назначена комиссия.

If he is gouty, obese, and nervous, we strongly recommend him to bant. pi v3

Если он страдает подагрой, ожирением и неврозами, мы усиленно рекомендуем ему заняться голоданием.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I heartily recommend the movie. pi v3

I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant! pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to recommend» (Английский язык)

Глагол to recommend – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: рекомендовать, советовать; рекомендовать, давать рекомендацию; хвалить; отзываться положительно; представлять; выдвигать.

Infinitive to recommend
Simple past recommended
Past participle recommended
-s recommends
-ing recommending

Recommend in present simple


He recommends
She recommends
It recommends


I do not recommend

You do not recommend

He does not recommend
She does not recommend
It does not recommend

We do not recommend

You do not recommend

They do not recommend


Does he recommend?
Does she recommend?
Does it recommend?

Recommend in present continuous


You are recommending

He is recommending
She is recommending
It is recommending

We are recommending

You are recommending

They are recommending


I am not recommending

You are not recommending

He is not recommending
She is not recommending
It is not recommending

We are not recommending

You are not recommending

They are not recommending


Are you recommending?

Is he recommending?
Is she recommending?
Is it recommending?

Are we recommending?

Are you recommending?

Are they recommending?

Recommend in present perfect


I have recommended

You have recommended

He has recommended
She has recommended
It has recommended

We have recommended

You have recommended

They have recommended


I have not recommended

You have not recommended

He has not recommended
She has not recommended
It has not recommended

We have not recommended

You have not recommended

They have not recommended


Have I recommended?

Have you recommended?

Has he recommended?
Has she recommended?
Has it recommended?

Have we recommended?

Have you recommended?

Have they recommended?

Recommend in present perfect continuous


I have been recommending

You have been recommending

He has been recommending
She has been recommending
It has been recommending

We have been recommending

You have been recommending

They have been recommending


I have not been recommending

You have not been recommending

He has not been recommending
She has not been recommending
It has not been recommending

We have not been recommending

You have not been recommending

They have not been recommending


Have I been recommending?

Have you been recommending?

Has he been recommending?
Has she been recommending?
Has it been recommending?

Have we been recommending?

Have you been recommending?

Have they been recommending?

Recommend in past simple


He recommended
She recommended
It recommended


I did not recommend

You did not recommend

He did not recommend
She did not recommend
It did not recommend

We did not recommend

You did not recommend

They did not recommend


Did he recommend?
Did she recommend?
Did it recommend?

Did they recommend?

Recommend in past continuous


I was recommending

You were recommending

He was recommending
She was recommending
It was recommending

We were recommending

You were recommending

They were recommending


I was not recommending

You were not recommending

He was not recommending
She was not recommending
It was not recommending

We were not recommending

You were not recommending

They were not recommending


Was I recommending?

Were you recommending?

Was he recommending?
Was she recommending?
Was it recommending?

Were we recommending?

Were you recommending?

Were they recommending?

Recommend in past perfect


You had recommended

He had recommended
She had recommended
It had recommended

We had recommended

You had recommended

They had recommended


I had not recommended

You had not recommended

He had not recommended
She had not recommended
It had not recommended

We had not recommended

You had not recommended

They had not recommended


Had you recommended?

Had he recommended?
Had she recommended?
Had it recommended?

Had we recommended?

Had you recommended?

Had they recommended?

Recommend in past perfect continuous


I had been recommending

You had been recommending

He had been recommending
She had been recommending
It had been recommending

We had been recommending

You had been recommending

They had been recommending


I had not been recommending

You had not been recommending

He had not been recommending
She had not been recommending
It had not been recommending

We had not been recommending

You had not been recommending

They had not been recommending


Had I been recommending?

Had you been recommending?

Had he been recommending?
Had she been recommending?
Had it been recommending?

Had we been recommending?

Had you been recommending?

Had they been recommending?

Recommend in future simple


You will recommend

He will recommend
She will recommend
It will recommend

You will recommend

They will recommend


I will not recommend

You will not recommend

He will not recommend
She will not recommend
It will not recommend

We will not recommend

You will not recommend

They will not recommend


Will you recommend?

Will he recommend?
Will she recommend?
Will it recommend?

Will you recommend?

Will they recommend?

Recommend in future continuous


I will be recommending

You will be recommending

He will be recommending
She will be recommending
It will be recommending

We will be recommending

You will be recommending

They will be recommending


I will not be recommending

You will not be recommending

He will not be recommending
She will not be recommending
It will not be recommending

We will not be recommending

You will not be recommending

They will not be recommending


Will I be recommending?

Will you be recommending?

Will he be recommending?
Will she be recommending?
Will it be recommending?

Will we be recommending?

Will you be recommending?

Will they be recommending?

Recommend in future perfect


I will have recommended

You will have recommended

He will have recommended
She will have recommended
It will have recommended

We will have recommended

You will have recommended

They will have recommended


I will not have recommended

You will not have recommended

He will not have recommended
She will not have recommended
It will not have recommended

We will not have recommended

You will not have recommended

They will not have recommended


Will I have recommended?

Will you have recommended?

Will he have recommended?
Will she have recommended?
Will it have recommended?

Will we have recommended?

Will you have recommended?

Will they have recommended?

Recommend in future perfect continuous


I will have been recommending

You will have been recommending

He will have been recommending
She will have been recommending
It will have been recommending

We will have been recommending

You will have been recommending

They will have been recommending


I will not have been recommending

You will not have been recommending

He will not have been recommending
She will not have been recommending
It will not have been recommending

We will not have been recommending

You will not have been recommending

They will not have been recommending


Will I have been recommending?

Will you have been recommending?

Will he have been recommending?
Will she have been recommending?
Will it have been recommending?

Will we have been recommending?

Will you have been recommending?

Will they have been recommending?

Recommend in conditional present


You would recommend

He would recommend
She would recommend
It would recommend

We would recommend

You would recommend

They would recommend


I would not recommend

You would not recommend

He would not recommend
She would not recommend
It would not recommend

We would not recommend

You would not recommend

They would not recommend


Would you recommend?

Would he recommend?
Would she recommend?
Would it recommend?

Would we recommend?

Would you recommend?

Would they recommend?

Recommend in conditional present progressive


I would be recommending

You would be recommending

He would be recommending
She would be recommending
It would be recommending

We would be recommending

You would be recommending

They would be recommending


I would not be recommending

You would not be recommending

He would not be recommending
She would not be recommending
It would not be recommending

We would not be recommending

You would not be recommending

They would not be recommending


Would I be recommending?

Would you be recommending?

Would he be recommending?
Would she be recommending?
Would it be recommending?

Would we be recommending?

Would you be recommending?

Would they be recommending?

Recommend in conditional perfect


I would have recommended

You would have recommended

He would have recommended
She would have recommended
It would have recommended

We would have recommended

You would have recommended

They would have recommended


I would not have recommended

You would not have recommended

He would not have recommended
She would not have recommended
It would not have recommended

We would not have recommended

You would not have recommended

They would not have recommended


Would I have recommended?

Would you have recommended?

Would he have recommended?
Would she have recommended?
Would it have recommended?

Would we have recommended?

Would you have recommended?

Would they have recommended?

Recommend in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been recommending

You would have been recommending

He would have been recommending
She would have been recommending
It would have been recommending

We would have been recommending

You would have been recommending

They would have been recommending


I would not have been recommending

You would not have been recommending

He would not have been recommending
She would not have been recommending
It would not have been recommending

We would not have been recommending

You would not have been recommending

They would not have been recommending


Would I have been recommending?

Would you have been recommending?

Would he have been recommending?
Would she have been recommending?
Would it have been recommending?


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