recycle 3 формы глагола

Recycle 3 формы глагола

ПЕЧАЛЬКО. В словарях Яндекса перевод отсутствует или при вводе была совершена ошибка

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I recycle
you recycle
he recycles
we recycle
you recycle
they recycle

Present continuous

Past simple

I have recycled
you have recycled
he has recycled
we have recycled
you have recycled
they have recycled

Past continuous

I have been recycling
you have been recycling
he has been recycling
we have been recycling
you have been recycling
they have been recycling

Present perfect

I will recycle
you will recycle
he will recycle
we will recycle
you will recycle
they will recycle

Present perfect continuous

I will be recycling
you will be recycling
he will be recycling
we will be recycling
you will be recycling
they will be recycling

Past perfect

I will have recycled
you will have recycled
he will have recycled
we will have recycled
you will have recycled
they will have recycled

Past perfect continuous

I will have been recycling
you will have been recycling
he will have been recycling
we will have been recycling
you will have been recycling
they will have been recycling


Future continuous

I had recycled
you had recycled
he had recycled
we had recycled
you had recycled
they had recycled

Future perfect

I had been recycling
you had been recycling
he had been recycling
we had been recycling
you had been recycling
they had been recycling

Future perfect continuous


I would recycle
you would recycle
he would recycle
we would recycle
you would recycle
they would recycle

Present continuous

I would be recycling
you would be recycling
he would be recycling
we would be recycling
you would be recycling
they would be recycling

I would have recycled
you would have recycled
he would have recycled
we would have recycled
you would have recycled
they would have recycled

Past continuous

I would have been recycling
you would have been recycling
he would have been recycling
we would have been recycling
you would have been recycling
they would have been recycling


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



In an ideal world, we would be able to recycle everything. pi v3

В идеальном мире, мы были бы способны /мы могли бы/ переработать всё, что угодно.

We make efforts to recycle. pi v3

Мы прилагаем все усилия для утилизации отходов.

They’re studying various ways to recycle garbage into fuel. pi v3

Они изучают различные способы переработки мусора в топливо.

The fashion world just keeps recycling old ideas. pi v3

Мир моды по-прежнему только и делает, что заново использует старые идеи.

We take all our bottles to be recycled. pi v3

Все свои бутылки мы отдаём на переработку.

We must recycle the cardboard boxes. pi v3

Эти картонные коробки мы должны утилизировать.

The doormat is made from recycled tires. pi v3

Этот дверной коврик изготовлен из переработанных автопокрышек.

Town residents are required to recycle cans and bottles. pi v3

Жители города обязаны утилизировать консервные банки и бутылки.

The author recycles a familiar story in her latest novel. pi v3

В своём последнем романе автор в который раз пересказывает хорошо знакомый сюжет.


Спряжение глагола «to recycle» (Английский язык)

Глагол to recycle – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: повторно использовать; возвращать в оборот; использовать для др. цели.

Infinitive to recycle
Simple past recycled
Past participle recycled
-s recycles
-ing recycling

Recycle in present simple


He recycles
She recycles
It recycles


You do not recycle

He does not recycle
She does not recycle
It does not recycle

You do not recycle

They do not recycle


Does he recycle?
Does she recycle?
Does it recycle?

Recycle in present continuous


He is recycling
She is recycling
It is recycling

They are recycling


I am not recycling

You are not recycling

He is not recycling
She is not recycling
It is not recycling

We are not recycling

You are not recycling

They are not recycling


Is he recycling?
Is she recycling?
Is it recycling?

Are they recycling?

Recycle in present perfect


He has recycled
She has recycled
It has recycled

They have recycled


I have not recycled

You have not recycled

He has not recycled
She has not recycled
It has not recycled

We have not recycled

You have not recycled

They have not recycled


Has he recycled?
Has she recycled?
Has it recycled?

Have they recycled?

Recycle in present perfect continuous


I have been recycling

You have been recycling

He has been recycling
She has been recycling
It has been recycling

We have been recycling

You have been recycling

They have been recycling


I have not been recycling

You have not been recycling

He has not been recycling
She has not been recycling
It has not been recycling

We have not been recycling

You have not been recycling

They have not been recycling


Have I been recycling?

Have you been recycling?

Has he been recycling?
Has she been recycling?
Has it been recycling?

Have we been recycling?

Have you been recycling?

Have they been recycling?

Recycle in past simple


He recycled
She recycled
It recycled


You did not recycle

He did not recycle
She did not recycle
It did not recycle

We did not recycle

You did not recycle

They did not recycle


Did he recycle?
Did she recycle?
Did it recycle?

Recycle in past continuous


You were recycling

He was recycling
She was recycling
It was recycling

You were recycling

They were recycling


I was not recycling

You were not recycling

He was not recycling
She was not recycling
It was not recycling

We were not recycling

You were not recycling

They were not recycling


Were you recycling?

Was he recycling?
Was she recycling?
Was it recycling?

Were you recycling?

Were they recycling?

Recycle in past perfect


He had recycled
She had recycled
It had recycled


I had not recycled

You had not recycled

He had not recycled
She had not recycled
It had not recycled

We had not recycled

You had not recycled

They had not recycled


Had he recycled?
Had she recycled?
Had it recycled?

Recycle in past perfect continuous


I had been recycling

You had been recycling

He had been recycling
She had been recycling
It had been recycling

We had been recycling

You had been recycling

They had been recycling


I had not been recycling

You had not been recycling

He had not been recycling
She had not been recycling
It had not been recycling

We had not been recycling

You had not been recycling

They had not been recycling


Had I been recycling?

Had you been recycling?

Had he been recycling?
Had she been recycling?
Had it been recycling?

Had we been recycling?

Had you been recycling?

Had they been recycling?

Recycle in future simple


He will recycle
She will recycle
It will recycle


I will not recycle

You will not recycle

He will not recycle
She will not recycle
It will not recycle

We will not recycle

You will not recycle

They will not recycle


Will he recycle?
Will she recycle?
Will it recycle?

Recycle in future continuous


I will be recycling

You will be recycling

He will be recycling
She will be recycling
It will be recycling

We will be recycling

You will be recycling

They will be recycling


I will not be recycling

You will not be recycling

He will not be recycling
She will not be recycling
It will not be recycling

We will not be recycling

You will not be recycling

They will not be recycling


Will I be recycling?

Will you be recycling?

Will he be recycling?
Will she be recycling?
Will it be recycling?

Will we be recycling?

Will you be recycling?

Will they be recycling?

Recycle in future perfect


I will have recycled

You will have recycled

He will have recycled
She will have recycled
It will have recycled

We will have recycled

You will have recycled

They will have recycled


I will not have recycled

You will not have recycled

He will not have recycled
She will not have recycled
It will not have recycled

We will not have recycled

You will not have recycled

They will not have recycled


Will I have recycled?

Will you have recycled?

Will he have recycled?
Will she have recycled?
Will it have recycled?

Will we have recycled?

Will you have recycled?

Will they have recycled?

Recycle in future perfect continuous


I will have been recycling

You will have been recycling

He will have been recycling
She will have been recycling
It will have been recycling

We will have been recycling

You will have been recycling

They will have been recycling


I will not have been recycling

You will not have been recycling

He will not have been recycling
She will not have been recycling
It will not have been recycling

We will not have been recycling

You will not have been recycling

They will not have been recycling


Will I have been recycling?

Will you have been recycling?

Will he have been recycling?
Will she have been recycling?
Will it have been recycling?

Will we have been recycling?

Will you have been recycling?

Will they have been recycling?

Recycle in conditional present


He would recycle
She would recycle
It would recycle

They would recycle


I would not recycle

You would not recycle

He would not recycle
She would not recycle
It would not recycle

We would not recycle

You would not recycle

They would not recycle


Would he recycle?
Would she recycle?
Would it recycle?

Would they recycle?

Recycle in conditional present progressive


I would be recycling

You would be recycling

He would be recycling
She would be recycling
It would be recycling

We would be recycling

You would be recycling

They would be recycling


I would not be recycling

You would not be recycling

He would not be recycling
She would not be recycling
It would not be recycling

We would not be recycling

You would not be recycling

They would not be recycling


Would I be recycling?

Would you be recycling?

Would he be recycling?
Would she be recycling?
Would it be recycling?

Would we be recycling?

Would you be recycling?

Would they be recycling?

Recycle in conditional perfect


I would have recycled

You would have recycled

He would have recycled
She would have recycled
It would have recycled

We would have recycled

You would have recycled

They would have recycled


I would not have recycled

You would not have recycled

He would not have recycled
She would not have recycled
It would not have recycled

We would not have recycled

You would not have recycled

They would not have recycled


Would I have recycled?

Would you have recycled?

Would he have recycled?
Would she have recycled?
Would it have recycled?

Would we have recycled?

Would you have recycled?

Would they have recycled?

Recycle in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been recycling

You would have been recycling

He would have been recycling
She would have been recycling
It would have been recycling

We would have been recycling

You would have been recycling

They would have been recycling


I would not have been recycling

You would not have been recycling

He would not have been recycling
She would not have been recycling
It would not have been recycling

We would not have been recycling

You would not have been recycling

They would not have been recycling


Would I have been recycling?

Would you have been recycling?

Would he have been recycling?
Would she have been recycling?
Would it have been recycling?


Recycle 3 формы глагола

loading green recycle recycled / recycled / recycling / recycles

I recycle
you recycle
he/she/it recycles
we recycle
you recycle
they recycle

I have recycled
you have recycled
he/she/it has recycled
we have recycled
you have recycled
they have recycled

I am recycling
you are recycling
he/she/it is recycling
we are recycling
you are recycling
they are recycling

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been recycling
you have been recycling
he/she/it has been recycling
we have been recycling
you have been recycling
they have been recycling

I recycled
you recycled
he/she/it recycled
we recycled
you recycled
they recycled

I was recycling
you were recycling
he/she/it was recycling
we were recycling
you were recycling
they were recycling

I had recycled
you had recycled
he/she/it had recycled
we had recycled
you had recycled
they had recycled

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been recycling
you had been recycling
he/she/it had been recycling
we had been recycling
you had been recycling
they had been recycling

I will recycle
you will recycle
he/she/it will recycle
we will recycle
you will recycle
they will recycle

I will be recycling
you will be recycling
he/she/it will be recycling
we will be recycling
you will be recycling
they will be recycling

I will have recycled
you will have recycled
he/she/it will have recycled
we will have recycled
you will have recycled
they will have recycled

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been recycling
you will have been recycling
he/she/it will have been recycling
we will have been recycling
you will have been recycling
they will have been recycling

I would recycle
you would recycle
he/she/it would recycle
we would recycle
you would recycle
they would recycle

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be recycling
you would be recycling
he/she/it would be recycling
we would be recycling
you would be recycling
they would be recycling

I would have recycled
you would have recycled
he/she/it would have recycled
we would have recycled
you would have recycled
they would have recycled

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been recycling
you would have been recycling
he/she/it would have been recycling
we would have been recycling
you would have been recycling
they would have been recycling

to recycle
to have recycled
to be recycling
to have been recycling

loading green recycle pl. recycles


3 формы глагола recycle

? Глагол recycle имеет значения: рециркулировать, повторно использовать, возвращать в оборот.

Формы глагола recycle в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола recycle в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет recycle в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола recycle

повторно использовать

Как поставить recycle во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол recycle в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить recycle в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для recycle нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: recycle в past simple — recycled.

What is the past tense of recycle?

The past tense of recycle is recycled.
The past participle of recycle is recycled.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — recycle в past simple, будет recycled. (V2)
Future simple — recycle в future simple будет recycle. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — recycle в present perfect будет recycled. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — recycle в past perfect будет recycled. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол recycle?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол recycle это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола recycle

Вместе с recycle, часто смотрят глаголы correct and impress.


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