reduce 3 формы глагола

Глагол reduce в английском языке

reduce 3 forms

Перевод reduce с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
reduce reduced reduced reducing
[rɪˈduːs] [rəˈduːst] [rəˈduːst] [rəˈduːsɪŋ]
[rɪˈdjuːs] [rɪˈdjuːst] [rɪˈdjuːst] [rɪˈdjuːsɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение reduce в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to reduce» (Английский язык)

Глагол to reduce – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: понижать, ослаблять, уменьшать, сокращать; превращать, обращать; переводить; понижать в должности и т. п.

Infinitive to reduce
Simple past reduced
Past participle reduced
-s reduces
-ing reducing

Reduce in present simple


He reduces
She reduces
It reduces


He does not reduce
She does not reduce
It does not reduce

They do not reduce


Does he reduce?
Does she reduce?
Does it reduce?

Reduce in present continuous


He is reducing
She is reducing
It is reducing


You are not reducing

He is not reducing
She is not reducing
It is not reducing

We are not reducing

You are not reducing

They are not reducing


Is he reducing?
Is she reducing?
Is it reducing?

Reduce in present perfect


He has reduced
She has reduced
It has reduced


I have not reduced

You have not reduced

He has not reduced
She has not reduced
It has not reduced

We have not reduced

You have not reduced

They have not reduced


Has he reduced?
Has she reduced?
Has it reduced?

Reduce in present perfect continuous


I have been reducing

You have been reducing

He has been reducing
She has been reducing
It has been reducing

We have been reducing

You have been reducing

They have been reducing


I have not been reducing

You have not been reducing

He has not been reducing
She has not been reducing
It has not been reducing

We have not been reducing

You have not been reducing

They have not been reducing


Have I been reducing?

Have you been reducing?

Has he been reducing?
Has she been reducing?
Has it been reducing?

Have we been reducing?

Have you been reducing?

Have they been reducing?

Reduce in past simple


He reduced
She reduced
It reduced


You did not reduce

He did not reduce
She did not reduce
It did not reduce

You did not reduce

They did not reduce


Did he reduce?
Did she reduce?
Did it reduce?

Reduce in past continuous


He was reducing
She was reducing
It was reducing

They were reducing


I was not reducing

You were not reducing

He was not reducing
She was not reducing
It was not reducing

We were not reducing

You were not reducing

They were not reducing


Was he reducing?
Was she reducing?
Was it reducing?

Were they reducing?

Reduce in past perfect


He had reduced
She had reduced
It had reduced


You had not reduced

He had not reduced
She had not reduced
It had not reduced

We had not reduced

You had not reduced

They had not reduced


Had he reduced?
Had she reduced?
Had it reduced?

Reduce in past perfect continuous


I had been reducing

You had been reducing

He had been reducing
She had been reducing
It had been reducing

We had been reducing

You had been reducing

They had been reducing


I had not been reducing

You had not been reducing

He had not been reducing
She had not been reducing
It had not been reducing

We had not been reducing

You had not been reducing

They had not been reducing


Had I been reducing?

Had you been reducing?

Had he been reducing?
Had she been reducing?
Had it been reducing?

Had we been reducing?

Had you been reducing?

Had they been reducing?

Reduce in future simple


He will reduce
She will reduce
It will reduce


You will not reduce

He will not reduce
She will not reduce
It will not reduce

We will not reduce

You will not reduce

They will not reduce


Will he reduce?
Will she reduce?
Will it reduce?

Reduce in future continuous


I will be reducing

You will be reducing

He will be reducing
She will be reducing
It will be reducing

We will be reducing

You will be reducing

They will be reducing


I will not be reducing

You will not be reducing

He will not be reducing
She will not be reducing
It will not be reducing

We will not be reducing

You will not be reducing

They will not be reducing


Will I be reducing?

Will you be reducing?

Will he be reducing?
Will she be reducing?
Will it be reducing?

Will we be reducing?

Will you be reducing?

Will they be reducing?

Reduce in future perfect


I will have reduced

You will have reduced

He will have reduced
She will have reduced
It will have reduced

We will have reduced

You will have reduced

They will have reduced


I will not have reduced

You will not have reduced

He will not have reduced
She will not have reduced
It will not have reduced

We will not have reduced

You will not have reduced

They will not have reduced


Will I have reduced?

Will you have reduced?

Will he have reduced?
Will she have reduced?
Will it have reduced?

Will we have reduced?

Will you have reduced?

Will they have reduced?

Reduce in future perfect continuous


I will have been reducing

You will have been reducing

He will have been reducing
She will have been reducing
It will have been reducing

We will have been reducing

You will have been reducing

They will have been reducing


I will not have been reducing

You will not have been reducing

He will not have been reducing
She will not have been reducing
It will not have been reducing

We will not have been reducing

You will not have been reducing

They will not have been reducing


Will I have been reducing?

Will you have been reducing?

Will he have been reducing?
Will she have been reducing?
Will it have been reducing?

Will we have been reducing?

Will you have been reducing?

Will they have been reducing?

Reduce in conditional present


He would reduce
She would reduce
It would reduce


I would not reduce

You would not reduce

He would not reduce
She would not reduce
It would not reduce

We would not reduce

You would not reduce

They would not reduce


Would he reduce?
Would she reduce?
Would it reduce?

Reduce in conditional present progressive


I would be reducing

You would be reducing

He would be reducing
She would be reducing
It would be reducing

We would be reducing

You would be reducing

They would be reducing


I would not be reducing

You would not be reducing

He would not be reducing
She would not be reducing
It would not be reducing

We would not be reducing

You would not be reducing

They would not be reducing


Would I be reducing?

Would you be reducing?

Would he be reducing?
Would she be reducing?
Would it be reducing?

Would we be reducing?

Would you be reducing?

Would they be reducing?

Reduce in conditional perfect


I would have reduced

You would have reduced

He would have reduced
She would have reduced
It would have reduced

We would have reduced

You would have reduced

They would have reduced


I would not have reduced

You would not have reduced

He would not have reduced
She would not have reduced
It would not have reduced

We would not have reduced

You would not have reduced

They would not have reduced


Would I have reduced?

Would you have reduced?

Would he have reduced?
Would she have reduced?
Would it have reduced?

Would we have reduced?

Would you have reduced?

Would they have reduced?

Reduce in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been reducing

You would have been reducing

He would have been reducing
She would have been reducing
It would have been reducing

We would have been reducing

You would have been reducing

They would have been reducing


I would not have been reducing

You would not have been reducing

He would not have been reducing
She would not have been reducing
It would not have been reducing

We would not have been reducing

You would not have been reducing

They would not have been reducing


Would I have been reducing?

Would you have been reducing?

Would he have been reducing?
Would she have been reducing?
Would it have been reducing?


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



He is greatly reduced by illness. pi v3

Во время болезни он очень похудел.

The medicine reduces the risk of infection. pi v3

Это лекарство снижает опасность заражения.

We have been able to reduce our tax bill by 10%. pi v3

Мы сумели уменьшить сумму выплачиваемых налогов на десять процентов.

He reduced the population to slavery. pi v3

Он превратил местное население в рабов.

Hunger had reduced the poor dog to skin and bone. pi v3

От голода несчастный пёс исхудал до костей.

She has been reducing for six weeks. pi v3

Она сидит на диете уже шесть недель.

The facts may all be reduced to three headings. pi v3

Все эти факты можно свести к трём группам.

Try to reduce your stress levels. pi v3

Попробуйте уменьшить уровень стресса.

Try to reduce your intake of fat. pi v3

Постарайтесь сократить потребление жиров.

We are trying to reduce our debt. pi v3

Мы пытаемся уменьшить свою задолженность.

She reduced her niece to a servant. pi v3

Она превратила свою племянницу в служанку.

Now reduce the heat and cover the pan. pi v3

Теперь уменьшите огонь и накройте сковороду.

The police took steps to reduce crime. pi v3

Полиция приняла меры для снижения уровня преступности.

Our aim is to reduce road casualties. pi v3

Наша цель — снизить количество жертв в результате ДТП.

The workforce has been reduced by half. pi v3

Количество работников сократилось наполовину.

After a long siege they reduced the fort. pi v3

После долгой осады они взяли форт.

We must concentrate our efforts on finding ways to reduce costs. pi v3

Мы должны сосредоточить наши усилия и найти способ снизить издержки.

All the shirts were reduced to £10. pi v3

Цены на все рубашки были снижены до десяти фунтов стерлингов.

The committee rejected the proposal to reduce taxes. pi v3

Комитет отверг предложение снизить налоги.

The drug is used to reduce inflammation. pi v3

Данный препарат используется для уменьшения воспалений.

We must reduce costs and shorten turnaround times. pi v3

Мы должны снизить затраты и сократить сроки выполнения заказов.

They are working to reduce the mortality rate to zero. pi v3

Они работают над тем, чтобы свести смертность к нулю.

The cells reduce. pi v3

Клетки подвергаются мейозу.

The new governor pledged to reduce crime. pi v3

Новый губернатор пообещал снизить уровень преступности.

The government decided to reduce the permissive retirement age from 65 to 62. pi v3

Правительство решило снизить пенсионный возраст с 65 до 62 лет.

We will reduce the federal budget deficit. pi v3

Мы сократим дефицит федерального бюджета.

The whole town was reduced to ashes in the bombing. pi v3

Бомбардировка превратила весь город в груду пепла.

The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40%. pi v3

Правительство намерено сократить потребление табачных изделий на сорок процентов.

The mayor made a vow to reduce crime. pi v3

Мэр поклялся снизить уровень преступности.

It is possible to reduce costs if we productionize the item. pi v3

Можно снизить затраты, запустив данный продукт в серийное производство.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

. they have an unlisted number in the hopes that it will reduce the constant annoyance by telemarketers. pi v3

. a nation of levelers, Norway has a tax structure designed to reduce the gap between the richest and the poorest. pi v3


pi0 v3 pd 00

прилагательное ↓

Мои примеры



They reduced the price on many items. pi v3

Они снизили цену на многие товары /позиции/.

She reduced her niece to a servant. pi v3

Она превратила свою племянницу в служанку.

He reduced the population to slavery. pi v3

Он превратил местное население в рабов.

He is greatly reduced by illness. pi v3

Во время болезни он очень похудел.

All the shirts were reduced to £10. pi v3

Цены на все рубашки были снижены до десяти фунтов стерлингов.

They reduced the price on many items. pi v3

Они снизили цены на многие товары.

Noise levels have been reduced by 20%. pi v3

Уровень шума уменьшен на 20%.

The workforce has been reduced by half. pi v3

Количество работников сократилось наполовину.

The facts may all be reduced to three headings. pi v3

Все эти факты можно свести к трём группам.

After a long siege they reduced the fort. pi v3

После долгой осады они взяли форт.

I saw grown men reduced to tears that day. pi v3

В тот день я увидел, как плачут взрослые мужчины.

The company is forecasting reduced profits. pi v3

Компания прогнозирует снижение прибыли.

The disease had reduced Harry to a skeleton. pi v3

Из-за этой болезни Гарри превратился в скелет.

In winter the danger of ambush is much reduced. pi v3

Зимой опасность засады значительно сокращается.

The earthquake reduced the whole town to rubble. pi v3

Землетрясение превратило весь город в руины.

Hunger had reduced the poor dog to skin and bone. pi v3

От голода несчастный пёс исхудал до костей.

The automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips. pi v3

Появление автомобилей привело к падению спроса на кучерские хлысты.

The waterfall was reduced to a miserable trickle. pi v3

Водопад превратился в тоненькую струйку.

The fog reduced visibility to a quarter of a mile. pi v3

Туман ограничил видимость до четверти мили.

The size of the army was reduced during peacetime. pi v3

В мирное время численность армии сократилась.

The whole town was reduced to ashes in the bombing. pi v3

Бомбардировка превратила весь город в груду пепла.

The new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil. pi v3

Благодаря новому станку трудовые издержки снижены почти до нуля.

Planning is an area where lead time can be reduced. pi v3

Планирование — это та область, где можно сократить время выполнения работ.

Their farm has been reduced to half its former size. pi v3

Их хозяйство сократилось до половины своего прежнего размера.

Her prison sentence was reduced from 15 years to 10. pi v3

Срок её тюремного заключения был снижен с пятнадцати лет до десяти.

Reduced spending is our best weapon against inflation. pi v3

The water in the stream had been reduced to a trickle. pi v3

Поток воды в ручье сократился до минимума.

Recent legislation has reduced immigration to a trickle. pi v3

Последние законодательные акты свели иммиграцию к минимуму.

The original scope of the work had been severely reduced. pi v3

Изначальные масштабы работы были жёстко ограничены.

Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half. pi v3

Кипятите 20 минут, пока жидкость не выкипит наполовину.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Government funding for the arts has been reduced. pi v3

The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal. pi v3

Excess noise can be reduced by muting alarms and telephones. pi v3


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