restore 3 формы глагола

Глагол restore в английском языке

restore 3 forms

Перевод restore с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
restore restored restored restoring
[rɪˈstɔːr] [rəˈstɔːrd] [rəˈstɔːrd] [rəˈstɔːrɪŋ]
[rɪˈstɔː] [rɪˈstɔːd] [rɪˈstɔːd] [rɪˈstɔːrɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение restore в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



The police restored law and order. pi v3

Полиция восстановила законность и порядок.

The cream will restore youth and vitality to your skin. pi v3

Этот крем вернёт вашей коже молодость и жизненную силу.

The week at the spa restored me. pi v3

После недели в санатории я восстановился.

It was some hours before the police could restore calm. pi v3

Прошло несколько часов, прежде чем полиция восстановила порядок.

The city council has voted money to help restore some older buildings. pi v3

Городской совет проголосовал за выделение денег на реставрацию старых зданий.

After his trial, the captain’s command was restored to him. pi v3

После трибунала капитану вернули его полномочия.

The army was called in to restore order. pi v3

За восстановлением порядка обратились к армии.

The church was carefully restored after the war. pi v3

После войны церковь была тщательно восстановлена.

It’s really helped restore my faith in human nature. pi v3

Это очень помогло восстановить мою веру в человеческую природу.

The UN must act now to restore democracy. pi v3

ООН должна действовать без промедления, чтобы восстановить демократию.

Police tried to restore calm after the riot. pi v3

После беспорядков полиция попыталась восстановить спокойствие.

The presence of soldiers helped restore calm. pi v3

Присутствие солдат помогло восстановить спокойствие.

The senator promised to restore the economic vitality of the region. pi v3

Сенатор пообещал восстановить экономическую жизнеспособность региона.

The town hopes to restore the old theater rather than have it demolished. pi v3

Городские власти надеются отреставрировать старый театр, а не сносить его.

The government promises to restore the economy to full strength. pi v3

Правительство обещает полноценно восстановить экономику.

The military had to intervene to restore order. pi v3

Военным пришлось вмешаться и восстановить порядок.

The treaty restored Okinawa to Japan. pi v3

По договору Окинава вернулась к Японии.

The Bank immediately took action to restore confidence. pi v3

Английский Банк немедленно принял меры для восстановления доверия.

She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would restore her to full health. pi v3

Она надеялась, что средиземноморский климат поможет ей полностью восстановить здоровье.

The home buyers had to covenant that they would restore and keep the house for at least 10 years in exchange for a low mortgage rate. pi v3

Покупателям жилья пришлось пообещать, что они отремонтируют и сохранят дом в течение, по крайней мере, десяти лет в обмен на низкие ставки по ипотеке.

The government needs to restore confidence in the economy. pi v3

Правительству необходимо восстановить доверие к экономике.

Vietnam restored diplomatic relations with South Korea on December 22. pi v3

Двадцать второго декабря Вьетнам восстановил дипломатические отношения с Южной Кореей.

The paramount goal is to restore the colonial-era house with complete historical accuracy. pi v3

Главной задачей является восстановление этого дома эпохи колониализма с полной исторической достоверностью.

The city worked to quickly restore postal service. pi v3

Городские власти приложили усилия, чтобы быстро восстановить работу почты.

Negotiators are working to restore full diplomatic relations. pi v3

Переговорщики работают над восстановлением полноценных дипломатических отношений.

The National Guard was called in to restore order (=make people stop fighting and breaking the law) when riots broke out. pi v3

Когда вспыхнули волнения, для восстановления порядка (т.е. чтобы заставить людей прекратить боевые действия и нарушения закона) призвали Национальную Гвардию.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They must restore normal services without delay. pi v3

The new owners are trying to restore the company to its former glory. pi v3

. new legislation to help small businesses and restore the vibrance of the local economy. pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to restore» (Английский язык)

Глагол to restore – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: восстанавливать; возвращать в прежнее состояние; возвращать; отдавать обратно; возвращать.

Infinitive to restore
Simple past restored
Past participle restored
-s restores
-ing restoring

Restore in present simple


He restores
She restores
It restores


You do not restore

He does not restore
She does not restore
It does not restore

You do not restore

They do not restore


Does he restore?
Does she restore?
Does it restore?

Restore in present continuous


He is restoring
She is restoring
It is restoring

They are restoring


I am not restoring

You are not restoring

He is not restoring
She is not restoring
It is not restoring

We are not restoring

You are not restoring

They are not restoring


Is he restoring?
Is she restoring?
Is it restoring?

Are they restoring?

Restore in present perfect


He has restored
She has restored
It has restored

They have restored


I have not restored

You have not restored

He has not restored
She has not restored
It has not restored

We have not restored

You have not restored

They have not restored


Has he restored?
Has she restored?
Has it restored?

Have they restored?

Restore in present perfect continuous


I have been restoring

You have been restoring

He has been restoring
She has been restoring
It has been restoring

We have been restoring

You have been restoring

They have been restoring


I have not been restoring

You have not been restoring

He has not been restoring
She has not been restoring
It has not been restoring

We have not been restoring

You have not been restoring

They have not been restoring


Have I been restoring?

Have you been restoring?

Has he been restoring?
Has she been restoring?
Has it been restoring?

Have we been restoring?

Have you been restoring?

Have they been restoring?

Restore in past simple


He restored
She restored
It restored


You did not restore

He did not restore
She did not restore
It did not restore

We did not restore

You did not restore

They did not restore


Did he restore?
Did she restore?
Did it restore?

Restore in past continuous


You were restoring

He was restoring
She was restoring
It was restoring

You were restoring

They were restoring


I was not restoring

You were not restoring

He was not restoring
She was not restoring
It was not restoring

We were not restoring

You were not restoring

They were not restoring


Were you restoring?

Was he restoring?
Was she restoring?
Was it restoring?

Were you restoring?

Were they restoring?

Restore in past perfect


He had restored
She had restored
It had restored


I had not restored

You had not restored

He had not restored
She had not restored
It had not restored

We had not restored

You had not restored

They had not restored


Had he restored?
Had she restored?
Had it restored?

Restore in past perfect continuous


I had been restoring

You had been restoring

He had been restoring
She had been restoring
It had been restoring

We had been restoring

You had been restoring

They had been restoring


I had not been restoring

You had not been restoring

He had not been restoring
She had not been restoring
It had not been restoring

We had not been restoring

You had not been restoring

They had not been restoring


Had I been restoring?

Had you been restoring?

Had he been restoring?
Had she been restoring?
Had it been restoring?

Had we been restoring?

Had you been restoring?

Had they been restoring?

Restore in future simple


He will restore
She will restore
It will restore


I will not restore

You will not restore

He will not restore
She will not restore
It will not restore

We will not restore

You will not restore

They will not restore


Will he restore?
Will she restore?
Will it restore?

Restore in future continuous


I will be restoring

You will be restoring

He will be restoring
She will be restoring
It will be restoring

We will be restoring

You will be restoring

They will be restoring


I will not be restoring

You will not be restoring

He will not be restoring
She will not be restoring
It will not be restoring

We will not be restoring

You will not be restoring

They will not be restoring


Will I be restoring?

Will you be restoring?

Will he be restoring?
Will she be restoring?
Will it be restoring?

Will we be restoring?

Will you be restoring?

Will they be restoring?

Restore in future perfect


I will have restored

You will have restored

He will have restored
She will have restored
It will have restored

We will have restored

You will have restored

They will have restored


I will not have restored

You will not have restored

He will not have restored
She will not have restored
It will not have restored

We will not have restored

You will not have restored

They will not have restored


Will I have restored?

Will you have restored?

Will he have restored?
Will she have restored?
Will it have restored?

Will we have restored?

Will you have restored?

Will they have restored?

Restore in future perfect continuous


I will have been restoring

You will have been restoring

He will have been restoring
She will have been restoring
It will have been restoring

We will have been restoring

You will have been restoring

They will have been restoring


I will not have been restoring

You will not have been restoring

He will not have been restoring
She will not have been restoring
It will not have been restoring

We will not have been restoring

You will not have been restoring

They will not have been restoring


Will I have been restoring?

Will you have been restoring?

Will he have been restoring?
Will she have been restoring?
Will it have been restoring?

Will we have been restoring?

Will you have been restoring?

Will they have been restoring?

Restore in conditional present


He would restore
She would restore
It would restore

They would restore


I would not restore

You would not restore

He would not restore
She would not restore
It would not restore

We would not restore

You would not restore

They would not restore


Would he restore?
Would she restore?
Would it restore?

Would they restore?

Restore in conditional present progressive


I would be restoring

You would be restoring

He would be restoring
She would be restoring
It would be restoring

We would be restoring

You would be restoring

They would be restoring


I would not be restoring

You would not be restoring

He would not be restoring
She would not be restoring
It would not be restoring

We would not be restoring

You would not be restoring

They would not be restoring


Would I be restoring?

Would you be restoring?

Would he be restoring?
Would she be restoring?
Would it be restoring?

Would we be restoring?

Would you be restoring?

Would they be restoring?

Restore in conditional perfect


I would have restored

You would have restored

He would have restored
She would have restored
It would have restored

We would have restored

You would have restored

They would have restored


I would not have restored

You would not have restored

He would not have restored
She would not have restored
It would not have restored

We would not have restored

You would not have restored

They would not have restored


Would I have restored?

Would you have restored?

Would he have restored?
Would she have restored?
Would it have restored?

Would we have restored?

Would you have restored?

Would they have restored?

Restore in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been restoring

You would have been restoring

He would have been restoring
She would have been restoring
It would have been restoring

We would have been restoring

You would have been restoring

They would have been restoring


I would not have been restoring

You would not have been restoring

He would not have been restoring
She would not have been restoring
It would not have been restoring

We would not have been restoring

You would not have been restoring

They would not have been restoring


Would I have been restoring?

Would you have been restoring?

Would he have been restoring?
Would she have been restoring?
Would it have been restoring?


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