star wars the old republic романтические отношения

Star wars the old republic романтические отношения

Новости The Old Republic

Свежие новости о Star Wars: The Old Republic



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Романтические отношения в сюжете это неотъемлемая часть игр Bioware. Так было в Baldur’s Gate II, так будет в Mass Effect 3, и Star Wars: The Old Republic тоже отходить от этого не собирается. Преподнося нашим компаньонам подарки и выбирая соответствующие варианты в диалогах, мы можем достаточно повлиять на них, чтобы начать роман. Это также ведет к дополнительным квестам, и дает нам возможность лучше понять характер своего компаньона. Конечно же, по поводу этой системы возникают споры, особенно насчет романтических отношений у Джедаев Рыцарей и Консулов.

Чтобы разобраться в в этом, Alesul открыл тему пару месяцев назад. «Романы. Особое значения для BioWare…» уже насчитывает 92 страницы. Вот с чего он начинает:

Взято прямо из KOTOR 1. И насколько я помню, в какой-то момент игры он рассказывает нам, что у него была жена (насчет этого не уверен), или по крайней мере любил. Разве он Темный Джедай? Нет.

BioWare, пожалуйста, разберитесь в этом, потому что я не хочу остаться в стороне от этой части этой изумительной игры, только потому, что хочу быть Светлым Джедаем.

Он замечает, что в Knights of the Old Republic BioWare дали Джедаю возможность романтических отношений, но в то же время сопротивляться привязанностям. Хотя, жена Джоли Биндо пала на темную сторону, но это уже другая история. В ответ на пост DavidForce, Alesul приводит еще один пример:

Сообщение от DavidForce:
Я полностью согласен с вами, однако, как например в KOTOR если вы получите некоторое количество очков тёмной стороны, у вас всё ещё предостаточно возможностей получить очки светлой стороны, чтобы восполнить этот момент, поэтому я считаю, что вы сможете завести роман и по прежнему оставаться светлым.

Энакин не мог контролировать свой гнев, и не смогу смириться с потерей своей матери и потерей Падме, но именно любовь к своему сыну спасла его и вернула на светлую сторону силы.

Совершенно верно! То же касается и Номи Санрайдер, которая влюбилась, но не перешла на тёмную сторону силы.

Я знаю, что скорее всего, можно вернуть эти очки светлой стороны, но при этом нарушается вся концепция. А что если вы не сможете вернуть их обратно? Мягко говоря, это очень плохая идея.

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Номи Санрайдер не только вышла замуж за Джедая до своего обучения, но также любила свою дочь и влюбилась в Улик Кел-Дрома. Улик перешёл на тёмную сторону силы, но не из-за отношений с Номи. Фактически к этому привели как эта любовь, так и вина за убийство собственного брата Кей Кел-Дрома, который вернул его обратно к свету. Однако Blackmun выступает в защиту решения BioWare:

Нет никаких «возвращений». Вы получаете как очки светлой, так и тёмной стороны. Их соотношение определяет вашу «репутацию». Если у вас много очков светлой стороны и мало тёмной, то вы будете принадлежать свету и наоборот.

В игре нет таких решений которые в одиночку могут увести вас слишком далеко по какому либо пути. Для того чтобы поднять «репутацию» на максимум вам придется приложить немало усилий и потратить ощутимое количество времени. Вы будете получать очки обеих сторон в процессе игры, исключая тот случай, если вы играете совершенно не реалистично.

Это открывает замечательные возможности. Если завести роман, играя Джедаем, то сколько очков тёмной стороны это может принести? Также вы можете получить пользу от командного навыка Дипломатия. Вы можете эффективно противодействовать накоплению очков тёмной стороны в процессе романа, посылая своих компаньонов на дипломатические миссии. Grimhand говорит насколько бессмысленно ссылаться на персонажа, который больше не связан с Орденом джедаев и как роман может медленно привести вас на путь тёмной стороны:

Взгляды Биндо не соответствуют духу Ордена.

Вы являетесь членом Ордена Джедаев…

Цитировать Биндо бессмысленно, вы не учились у Биндо. Кроме того это личный взгляд Биндо на суть Силы.

Это не является противоречием, фактически это логично.

Так или иначе, должно вы должны получить некоторое количество очков тёмной стороны. Вы состоите в Ордене и знаете, что это неправильно, и вы охотно идёте против него, по большей части по своим эгоистичным причинам. Это не сделает вас сразу же тёмным, но решения, направленные против Ордена, могут медленно вести вас по этому пути, невзирая на их или ваши намерения.

Кроме того мы не знаем истории скрытой за романтическими отношениями в сюжете для Джедая. Поэтому помните, что Джедай, поддавшийся тёмной стороне силы, это не Ситх и не чистое зло в SWTOR. Я считаю, что все мы должны подождать, чтобы посмотреть, как авторы реализуют всё это, прежде чем начинать жаловаться.

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Grimhand приводит очень весомый аргумент. До сих пор мы знаем очень немного касательно романтических отношений и их связей с историей в целом. Далеко не каждый джедай, у которого есть романтические отношения, обращается на тёмную сторону, однако это именно так в отношении Энакина Скайоукера. Его любовь к Падме Амидала и пренебрежение к Совету Джедаев привели к его перерождению в Дарта Вейдера. Кажется, именно на таких взглядах BioWare основывают романтические отношения джедаев в игре. Infir высказывает аргументы против этого:

Несомненно, в этом есть доля правды. То, что общество олицетворяет со злом, не всегда является таковым, всё зависит от обстоятельств. Светлая сторона силы это только то, что Орден Джедаев желает видеть. Будет интересно взглянуть, играет ли эта философия какую то роль в сюжетной линии джедаев или даже ситхов. Действительно ли, что если романтические отношения джедаев дают очки тёмной стороны, то за Ситхов они дадут очки светлой? Империя ситхов пропагандирует Евгенику (учение о наследственном здоровье человека и путях улучшения его наследственных свойств, о возможных методах активного влияния на эволюцию человечества в целях дальнейшего совершенствования его природы, об условиях и законах наследования одаренности и таланта, о возможном ограничении передачи наследственных болезней будущим поколениям) и распространение вида. Влюблённость противоречит самой сути имперской доктрины.

Чтобы понять, почему вокруг этой темы возникло столько шума, мы должны рассмотреть притягательность Джедаев. С Джедаями связано немало загадочного. Они олицетворяют собой всё лучшее в Star Wars. Сияющий свет в тёмной, мрачной галактике полной негодяев и преступников. Следовательно джедаи должны соответствовать более высокому стандарту. Джедай должен быть непогрешимым, непоколебимым, неукротимым и бессмертным. Но факт в том, что они не соответствуют такой огромной популярности. Любовь – одна из основных и наиболее сильных эмоций и Джедая борьба с любовью, при знании того, чем он рискует, поддавшись ей, приводит к дихотомии (делению целого на две части), что делает их очень интересными. Нет никаких эмоций, есть только покой.




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Looking for love in all wrong places in Star Wars: The Old Republic? Don’t fret, here’s a list of all the best romance options for each class!

Love Across the Stars is arguably one of the best musical scores in the Star Wars universe.

A booming, soaring crescendo beautifully paints the picture of love that spans lightyears, intergalactic wars, and even fate itself.

Love is an integral part of the space opera motif, so it is only natural that in large scale Star Wars MMORPG like Star Wars: The Old Republic that romance and love are integral story options for all player characters.

Not all companions have romance options and of the ones that do, there are some clear winners. In no particular order, here are the best romances for each class.

8. Smuggler

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A Smuggler and a Princess: A perfect romance option for those looking to recreate some Star Wars magic.

Republic privateer, smuggler, and overall a loveable, scruffy-looking scoundrel, the smuggler is one of the most lighthearted of the class stories. With a range of fairly likable misfits joining your crew, you will have a few options for your romance. From fellow smugglers to mercenaries, your crew will join you from galaxy-spanning treasure hunting to the heights of sanctioned piracy for the Republic.

Best Romance Option: Risha Drayen

2nd best Romance Option: Akaavi Spar

7. Imperial Agent

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A Secret Someone: In a world of espionage and secrets, finding someone you can trust is a tall task.

Spy, assassin, agent. The Imperial Agent, or Cipher Nine, is by far one of the most interesting characters in SWTOR. Your character will infiltrate terrorist cells, uncover plots to take over the galaxy, discover shadowy governments lurking behind the scenes, struggle with your own identity as a weapon of the Empire, and in the end become master of the greatest secrets in both the Empire and the Republic. Along the way, you’ll be joined by a number of equally mysterious and shadowy figures as your companions. Of these characters, perhaps a few will win over the player in a world of secrets and betrayals.

Best Romance Option: Vector Hyllus

2nd best Romance Option: Raina Temple

6. Republic Trooper

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Can Love Bloom on the Battlefield?: Find out the answer to the question so often asked in another one of my favorite series.

Loyalty, duty, and honor define the Republic Trooper. Faced with betrayals, superweapons, and military campaigns to free worlds from Imperial control, the Trooper storyline is one that unfolds on the battlefields. Along the way, the Trooper builds a new squad that can bring the old one to justice and fight for the people of the Republic, defeating the Empire by any means necessary. While one might not think that “love can bloom on the battlefield”, there are several options for romances to take shape in the midst of war.

Best Romance Option: Elara Dorne

2nd best Romance Option: Aric Jorgan

5. Bounty Hunter

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Us vs the Galaxy: Take your loyal and loving companion by your side and stand against a galaxy.

As the Bounty Hunter, you hunt your query throughout the galaxy for glory, honor, and plenty of credits. From facing down competitors on the Great Hunt to capturing high level targets for the Empire to attempting to take down the head of the Republic itself, the Bounty Hunter is always on the move and in need of a reliable team. Enter your companions, who range from loyal slicers, fellow Mandalorians, and even pure scum that you wish you could jettison out of the airlock.

Best Romance Option: Mako

2nd best Romance Option: Torian Cadera

4. Jedi Consular

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Love Heals All Things: While relationships are forbidden to Jedi, one could say they are encouraged to love through their compassion.

As a Jedi Consular, the player will venture across the stars to heal the wounds of war, both visible and invisible. From healing ancient galactic plagues to foiling an Imperial plot to destroy the Jedi Order from the inside, the Consular is a classic Jedi hero worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order itself. Along the way, the Consular will need a team of fellow heroes to save the galaxy.

Best Romance Option: Nadia Grell

2nd best Romance Option: Felix Iresso

3. Sith Inquisitor

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Peace is a Lie, There is Only Passion: Passion is key to a Sith, so find your favorite companion for a little bit of hands on learning.

Unlimited power and knowledge are the primary goals of the Sith Inquisitor. As the Inquisitor, you will do whatever is necessary to delve into the darkest secrets of the Dark Side, from acquiring Sith ghosts to personal wars against Dark Council members. Along the way, you’ll pick up a rather peculiar crew of partners to join you on your quest. While romance doesn’t seem to be a Sith’s strong suit, there is certainly room for passion.

Best Romance Option: Andronikos Revel

2nd best Romance Option: Ashara Zavros

2. Jedi Knight

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Forbidden Love: While technically not allowed to love according the Jedi, when facing off against the evils of the galaxy you naturally look for someone to be there with you by your side.

The Jedi Knight fights for the fate of the galaxy itself. From one plot to the next, the player will slowly make their way through the galaxy facing down the Dark Side in every form until they face off with the Sith Emperor himself. A classic Star Wars story means classic companions are there to join you along the way.

Best Romance Option: Kira Carson

2nd best Romance Option: Doc

1. Sith Warrior

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Tainted Love: As the Sith Warrior, your romances will come from vastly different places on the spectrum, from slave to apprentice.

The Emperor’s Wrath in the flesh, the Sith Warrior is all about conquest and power. Dominating the enemies of the Empire, including the ones within their own borders, the Warrior carves a path of destruction and death with the Force and lightsaber in hand. To accompany the Warrior on these rampages are a number of loyal companions that offer some variety in personal views and personalities.

Best Romance Option: Vette

2nd best Romance Option: Jaesa Willsaam

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SWTOR Romance Guide

There are many romances available in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Some are limited to specific classes or genders, and more are unlocked later in the storylines and expansions. This guide covers all the romances that end in a long term relationship, a kiss, or some quality time spent together, as there are many options to [FLIRT] in conversations in the game that do not go anywhere. Some romances are easy to follow and enter, while others require that you make specific choices in the story that keep the recipient alive or aligns with the character’s ideals.

How to use this guide: Find your class and gender on the list below. There will be a list of all possible romances for your character – near the top are true romances that last over a longer period of time, the ones near the bottom are short flings. You can then choose to click the links in the list to learn more about the romance.

Republic Romances

jedi consularJedi Consular (Female)

jedi knightJedi Knight (Female)

trooperTrooper (Female)

smugglerSmuggler (Female)

jedi consularJedi Consular (Male)

jedi knightJedi Knight (Male)

trooperTrooper (Male)

smugglerSmuggler (Male)

Imperial Romances

sith warriorSith Warrior (Female)

sith inquisitorSith Inquisitor (Female)

imperial agentImperial Agent (Female)

bounty hunterBounty Hunter (Female)

sith warriorSith Warrior (Male)

sith inquisitorSith Inquisitor (Male)

imperial agentImperial Agent (Male)

bounty hunterBounty Hunter (Male)

All Characters

lana beniko

Lana Beniko


Romanceable by: All characters

About: With her serene and considerate manner, one might mistake Lana Beniko for a Jedi. She is, however, a Sith Lord of great wisdom and strength who has impressed many of her peers in a considerably short period of time with her keen insights into the nature of the Force. It was Beniko’s treatise on the perceived moral parallels of Jedi and Sith in battlefield settings — as well as her passion for unraveling the truths and secrets behind the Jedi — that brought her to the attention of Darth Arkous of the Dark Council. She has since become his most trusted advisor.


How to start romance: Lana Beniko is first introduced to the player in the Prelude to Shadow of Revan storyline, which can be started at level 53 or higher, Republic players will speak to T3-G2 located near the mission departures elevator to the east on the fleet, and Imperial players will speak to A7-M1, located near the mission departures elevator to the west on the fleet.

Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Lana Beniko in the expansions. However, if you start or renew a romance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, or Onslaught, Lana Beniko will speak with you and consider your relationship over. This includes renewing your existing romance with any of your returning companions.


theron shan

Theron Shan

theron romance

Romanceable by: All characters

About: Some are driven to follow in their parents’ footsteps, while others loathe the very concept. For Theron Shan, it’s a moot point. In keeping with Jedi strictures against attachment, Theron’s mother, Grand Master Satele Shan, sent her infant son to be raised by the Jedi who trained her, Master Ngani Zho. Over time, as it became evident that Theron was not Force sensitive like his mother, he abandoned any notion of becoming a Jedi. Eventually, he joined the Strategic Information Service, using his adventurous nature and unique skillset to become a trusted field agent for the Republic.

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How to start romance: Theron Shan is first introduced to the player in the Prelude to Shadow of Revan storyline, which can be started at level 53 or higher, Republic players will speak to T3-G2 located near the mission departures elevator to the east on the fleet, and Imperial players will speak to A7-M1, located near the mission departures elevator to the west on the fleet.

Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Theron Shan in the expansions. However, if you start or renew a romance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, or Onslaught, Theron Shan will speak with you and consider your relationship over. This includes renewing your existing romance with any of your returning companions.


koth vortena

Koth Vortena


Romanceable by: All characters, depending on story choices

About: Koth Vortena is a former captain in the Zakuulan military who defected with his crew when he was ordered to kill civilians. While on the run from Zakuul Knights, he met Lana Beniko, and the two began plotting to dethrone Emperor Arcann. With Lana’s prowess as a Sith Lord and Koth’s skills in the pilot seat, the two became a formidable thorn in the Eternal Empire’s side–eventually breaking out the legendary Outlander accused of assassinating Valkorion. A proud Zakuulan, Koth has high hopes for the future of his homeworld and longs for the days of peace and prosperity under Valkorion’s reign.

How to start romance: Koth Vortena is first introduced to the player in the second chapter of the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline, which can be started at level 60 or higher from your ship. Koth does not like it when you sacrifice civilians or leave innocent people behind and may leave your party or decline your romance depending on what choices you make.

Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Koth in the expansions. However, if you start or renew a romance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, or Onslaught, Koth will speak with you and consider your relationship over. This includes renewing your existing romance with any of your returning companions.



arcann kiss

Romanceable by: All characters, depending on story choices

About: Son of Emperor Valkorion, Arcann dreamed of a grander, more exciting future than the privileged life his father gave him. With his older twin brother, Thexan, he joined the Zakuul Knights at a young age, eager to prove himself. In an attempt to gain their father’s respect, the brothers proposed a plan to test the strength of the border worlds between Zakuul and the holdings of the Republic and Sith Empire. Valkorion sanctioned the assault, but allowed only Thexan to lead the Eternal Fleet. Defying his father’s orders to remain on Zakuul, Arcann joined his brother at the front. Together, they were victorious, but Arcann suffered a serious injury in battle. Valkorion’s indifference to their accomplishments pushed him over the edge–he attacked his father, only to be stopped by Thexan. Despite his deep love for his brother, Arcann turned on him and murdered him. Then he set his sights on the Eternal Throne itself….

arcann romance

How to start romance: Arcann is first introduced to the player in the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline as an enemy, which can be started at level 60 or higher from your ship. There are choices you can make that will either continue keeping him as an enemy, or turning him to an ally. If you choose to make him an ally, he may be romanced, but his romance does not start until very late in the story.



Romanceable by: Imperial male characters

About: A tactical advisor loyal to the Empire, Lord Cytharat is a Sith Pureblood who was brought out of the Academy by Darth Malgus, and is looking for a chance at redemption after Malgus became a traitor on Ilum.

How to start romance: Cytharat can be romanced by male Imperial characters as part of the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion which can be started from the player’s ship at level 50. After the player captures Gravity Hook Seven, they will meet Lord Cytharat, Katha Niar and the rest of the ground support team. The chance to romance Cytharat will only come after the player runs more of the Makeb campaign.

Romance continuation: None.

lemda avesta

Lemda Avesta

lemda romance

Romanceable by: All Republic characters

About: Lemda Avesta is a young respected geophysicist who joined the Makeb resistance to prove there was a link between the groundquakes and the Hutt’s deep-core mining, who received her doctorate eight years ago at age 16. (Fun fact, Lemda Avesta is the same voice actor Catherine Taber who voices Vette in Star Wars: The Old republic, Mission Vao in Knights of the Old Republic, and Amidala in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.)

How to start romance: Lemda Avesta can be romanced by Republic characters as part of the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion which can be started from the player’s ship at level 50.

Romance continuation: None.

Eva Kayz romance

Eva Kaayz

Romanceable by: All Imperial characters

About: Eva Kaayz is Chief Operations officer for the Czerka Weapons Division, who works for the premiere droid and weapons manufacturer, which has been taken over by the Republic.

How to start romance: Lemda Avesta can be romanced by Imperial characters as part of the CZ-198 storyline, which takes place after the Rise of the Hutt Cartel storyline, and requires two group flashpoinst to complete. To start the CZ-198 storyline at level 55 or higher, Republic players can talk to RK-C3 located in the Galactic Trade Market section of the fleet, and Imperial players will speak to a droid named C-E29, also located in the Galactic Trade Market section of the fleet.

Romance continuation: None.

deera ulyetter romance

Deera Ulyette

Romanceable by: Male Republic Characters

How to start single-planet romance: After completing the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa, the player can invite Deera Ulyette the questgiver off for some private time. Although the player will leave afterwards and the romance can not be continued, she says, “Maybe someday we’ll finish what we started, take care of yourself.”

How to continue romance: None.

darth lachris

Darth Lachris

romance darth lachris

Romanceable by: Male Imperial Characters

How to start single-planet romance: During the main planetary quest Balmorra, the player has quite a few chances to [FLIRT] with Darth Lachris. Eventually, the player has the option to “[Kiss her]” after some success on Balmorra. This will lead to them spending private time together. Later, the player can pick up the Balmorra Bonus series to interact with her again, including some [FLIRT] options, and at the end she will will whisper some secrets of what she wants to do with the player in their ear. Unfortunately, Darth Lachris is later defeated by the Jedi Consular during their time on Balmorra, and the romance can not be continued.

How to continue romance: None.

Lord Zavrasha

Lord Zavrasha

Romanceable by: Male Imperial Characters

How to start single-planet romance: During the bonus series quest on Nar Shaddaa, the player has the opportunity to [FLIRT] with Sith Pureblood Lord Zavrasha, Apprentice to Darth Mortis of the Dark Council. They can flirt again when the player returns, and invite Lord Zavrasha out to celebrate, where she will join the player on her ship for some private time. Lord Zavrasha relationship does not specifically end, but she says they will have to wait for another time, and the romance is not continued. (Fun Fact, Lord Zavrasha has the same voice actor as Lana Beniko!)

How to continue romance: None.


Colonel Harok

Romanceable by: Female Imperial Characters

How to start single-planet romance: During the bonus series quest on Nar Shaddaa, the player meets Colonel Harok, and the player can [FLIRT] with him before they leave and he agrees to celebrate with them later. When the player returns after successfully completing the Nar Shaddaa bonus series, the player can [FLIRT] with the Colonel again, and the player and Harok go off for some relax, respite, and spend some private time together. The Colonel says farewell afterewards as he must complete his report, and the romance is not continued. [[There may be some pre-requisites for these options, but I am unclear if they exist or what they might be, some players speculate it might be a light/dark choice or species related.]]

How to continue romance: None.

Jedi Consular


Nadia Grell

Romanceable by: jedi consularJedi Consular male characters

About: Young, wide-eyed and eternally curious about her surroundings, Nadia Grell is eager to see everything that the galaxy has to offer. Growing up on the remote forest world of Sarkhai, the Senator’s daughter was always treated differently by the other children. But as Nadia aged, strange things began to happen in her life, and soon rumors began to spread among the population that the girl had strange, mystic-like abilities which were rarely spoken of and seen even less so amongst her people. Shunned by her friends and silently feared by her people, Nadia became shielded by her father. While many would have lashed out, Nadia saw it as an opportunity to learn about the intricacies of diplomacy. Before long, Nadia was serving as her father’s personal assistant during trade negotiations. When her father left Sarkhai to meet with Republic representatives, Nadia was insistent that she accompany him. While this was a golden opportunity for Nadia to satiate her endless curiosity, her father hopes that by bringing Nadia with him, he may find a way for her to control her incredible abilities.

nadia romance original

How to start romance: The male Jedi Consular can romance Nadia during the Jedi Consular story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Jedi Consular storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

How to continue romance: Nadia’s romance is continued on Ossus, see below.

nada grell jedi knight

Nadia Grell, post-Ossus


Romanceable by: jedi consularJedi Consular male characters & Jedi Consular female characters (Male characters who had already started a romance with Nadia can continue it when they re-unite with her after Ossus, female characters can start a new romance with Nadia.)

nadia return romance

About Nadia: Since the evacuation of Ossus has been completed, Nadia has left Master Gnost-Dural and hopes to reconnect with you and find a place in the Alliance.

How to start romance: Nadia Grell as a Jedi Knight’s romance can be started on the planet of Ossus, at level 70 or over, as part of the Jedi Under Siege quest started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship. You will first encounter Nadia through the Republic Ossus storyline, but her romance can only be started after you’ve completed the Ossus storyline.

To start her romance new, after you finish Ossus, you will get a Companion Alert called “The Padawan and Her Master” in your Companions & Contacts window. During the mission, Nadia will express she wants to join the alliance. To start a romance with her, after she asks that you take on the galaxy together like old times, choose the dialogue option “[Flirt] I want more.” which will have your character say “I want to be more than your teacher, or your partner, Nadia.” To confirm the romance, during the next dialogue option, choose “[Kiss Nadia]” (or choose “No, we shouldn’t do this.” to change your mind). Nadia will reply, and then a box will pop up that says “This choice will start your romance with Nadia Grell. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click “Continue” to start your romance with Nadia, or “Cancel” to return to the two dialogue options. Choosing “No, we shouldn’t do this,” Nadia walk away sadly but will still want to be a member of the Alliance. If you simple want to be friends with Nadia, instead of choosing the “[Flirt] I want more.” option, choose “Sounds good to me.” to continue the friendship you had before Ossus.

To continue her romance if you had already romanced her as a male Jedi Consular, you will get a Companion Alert called “The Padawan and Her Master” in your Companions & Contacts window. During the mission, Nadia will express how excited she is to be a part of the alliance. To start a romance with her, after she says she will go get her things and settle in, the male Jedi Knight will automatically ask her “And… what about us?” She will ask you how you feel, choose the dialogue option “I still love you.” and then a box will pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Nadia Grell. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click “Continue” to continue your romance with Nadia, or “Cancel” to return to the two dialogue options. The Jedi Knight and Nadia will then share a romantic moment. If you do not want to continue your romance with Nadia, choose the “I don’t. We should move on.” dialogue option instead. If you choose to break up with her, she will stay on as a part of the alliance and be available for missions.

Felix Iresso

felix iresso

Romanceable by: jedi consularJedi Consular female characters

About: The son of refugees made homeless during the Great War, Lieutenant Felix Iresso has been a career soldier for many years. His file shows participation in several notable battles, including the so-called Eight-Hour Invasion of Dubrillion where Republic forces repelled an Imperial invasion force with minimal reinforcements. Since then, Lieutenant Iresso has earned excellent technical scores and commendations for exemplary service. However, his file also contains some discrepancies. Lieutenant Iresso has one of the highest transfer rates in the Republic military, serving under almost a dozen commanders across the galaxy in two years. The lieutenant has also been overlooked for promotion several times. The only explanation from his superiors is a reference to an incident on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by the Empire, but no details are given.

romance iresso

How to start romance: The female Jedi Consular can romance Felix during the Jedi Consular story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Jedi Consular storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Felix after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and before the Onslaught expansion. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that alliance alert up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert Jail Broken will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will have a reunion on Odessan, and during the conversation Felix will promise to love you for this rest of his days and the player can choose “I love you, too” or “It’s not right, Felix” to end the romance. If you choose the love option a box will pop up that says “This choice will start your romance with Felix Iresso. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click Continue will lead to a kiss.



romance zenith

romance zenith

Romanceable by: jedi consularJedi Consular male characters [not tested, assumed] & Jedi Consular female characters

About: “Zenith” is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra’s oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces.

How to start romance: To start Zenith’s romance on a Jedi Consular character, you need to play the Relentless Ambition Quest and be on a Jedi Consular. Relentless Ambition takes place after you compete Spirit of Vengeance which is after the Onslaught expansion, then the two small short quests Conflicting Priorities (also related to Zenith), then Relentless Ambitions. If you are a Jedi Consular you will be able to invite him to join the Alliance as a friend or Flirt with him and have him join the Alliance and join as a companion. Non-Consular Republic characters will still meet with Zenith, but Zenith says he will not work with the Alliance as they are aligned with Imperial. Later, however, players will receive a letter saying Zenith will consider working with them in the future, but will not have him as a companion. You’ll get two different letters depending on if you had him join the Alliance or not. This is not a full romance start, instead it is just a [FLIRT] “I want you to stay” option, with a true romance possibly later in the story updates. There is no kiss or hug, but a touching discussion about why the Jedi Consular wants Zenith to stay.

Romance continuation: None yet.

Pronunciation: “Zenith” is pronounced Zee-nith, not “Zeh-nith”. See video.

tharan cedrax romance

Tharan Cedrax

Romanceable by: jedi consularJedi Consular female characters

About: Although not a household name, Tharan Cedrax is well known in several circles. In the casinos of Nar Shaddaa, he is cursed as a card-counting mathematical genius. To the eligible women of the galaxy, he is a famous charmer who sees rejection as an intriguing challenge. Among technologists, he earned accolades for solving a technical paradox that revolutionized computer slicing; despite his achievements, however, Tharan isn’t taken seriously by the galaxy’s scientific community, which looks down on him as a playboy rather than a serious researcher. In recent years, Tharan has taken an interest in “exo-technology,” an almost unknown field involving esoteric alien sciences, and gone into business making custom gadgets for wealthy clients. Often accompanied by his lovely holographic companion, Holiday, Tharan has spent his credits freely, enjoying the very best Nar Shaddaa has to offer while staying just shy of its dangers.

tharan romance

How to start minor romance: The female Jedi Consular can romance Tharan during the Jedi Consular story as well as the companion conversations with Tharan – the Jedi Consular can flirt and spend some private time with Tharan Cedrax after he receives a mysterious package, but Tharan will break off the relationship on good terms shortly afterwards. Although the romance is not continued, there are some very touching lines from both Tharan and Holiday in the final companion conversation. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Jedi Consular storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

How to continue minor non-romance: Players can NOT resume their romance with Tharan Cedrax in the Onslaught expansion, but will meet him during the course of the storyline.

Jedi Knight

kira carsen

Kira Carsen

kira carsens romance

Romanceable by: jedi knightJedi Knight male characters

About: Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy’s most unpleasant worlds. Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi–and a world-weary sophisticate’s attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path. Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira’s sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.

kira romance original

How to start romance: The male Jedi Knight can romance Kira during the Jedi Knight story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Jedi Knight storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: The Kira romance can be continued near the end of the Onslaught expansion, see below.

kira carsen post onslaught

Kira Carsen, post-Onslaught

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Romanceable by: jedi knightJedi Knight male characters & Jedi Knight female characters (Male characters who had already started a romance with Kira can continue it when they re-unite with her after Onslaught, female characters can start a new romance.)

About: Kira has been on an important mission for the good of the galaxy after the Outlander disappeared, and has made a powerful Sith ally.

How to start romance: Kira Carsen as a Jedi Knight’s romance can be started near the end of the Onslaught expansion, at level 70 or over, started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship.

To start her romance, after the Flashpoint on Corellia in the Onslaught expansions storyline, Kira will reveal herself, but you will have no romance dialogue options. Later in the storyline, the Jedi Knight will meet her again. She will ask you not to worry her again, choose the dialogue option “[Flirt] Is that really all?” your character will say “It sounds like there’s more you want to say, Kira.” but you will then continue discussing the important mission and meet with her later in your base on Odessan. [[not an alliance alert, right?]] She will tell you about how she has always cared about you, and when she confesses her love and asks “Cards on the table. What do you think?” choose the option “I love you too.” and then a box will pop up that says “This choice will start your romance with Kira Carsen. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click “Continue” to continue your romance with Kira, or “Cancel” to return to the two dialogue options. If you do not want to continue your romance, instead of kissing her, choose the “This isn’t right.” dialogue option.


To continue her romance if you had already romanced her as a male Jedi Knight, after the Flashpoint on Corellia in the Onslaught expansions storyline, Kira will reveal herself and hug the Jedi Knight, but you will have no dialogue options.

Romance continuation: After Onslaught, after the Hearts and Minds quest, the player will meet up with Kira and Scourge again. If the player has romanced Kira, the player will have a few minutes alone with her and find somewhere to “disappear for a while” together.

lord scourge onslaught

Lord Scourge, post-Onslaught


Romanceable by: jedi knightJedi Knight male characters & Jedi Knight female characters

About: As the Sith Emperor’s personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi–and ten times as many Sith. Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoid offending the man bearing the title “the Emperor’s Wrath.” Lord Scourge has dutifully served the Empire for over three hundred years, his life unnaturally prolonged by perverse technology and his master’s dark side powers. Centuries spent watching his fellow Sith Lords rise and fall has given Lord Scourge a unique perspective on people. He can analyze someone’s flaws after only brief observation, and freely shares his perceptions (whether they’re wanted or not).

scourge romance

How to start romance: Lord Scourge as a Jedi Knight’s romance can be started near the end of the Onslaught expansion, at level 70 or over, started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship. Lord Scourge’s romance option comes immediately after Kira’s romance arc, so if you want you can romance Kira, then romance Scourge, leaving Kira. After the Flashpoint on Corellia in the Onslaught expansions storyline, Scourge will reveal herself, but you will have no romance dialogue options. Later in the storyline, the Jedi Knight will meet privately outside Odessan. Lord Scourge will explain that his emotions have taken hold of him, and when he says “But… I would do anything to keep you safe. Do you understand?”, choose the dialogue option “[Flirt] I think I do.” and your character will say “I feel the same way Scourge. I have, for a long time.” He will express how much you mean to him, and then to confirm the romance choose “Of course. [Romance Scourge]” and then a box will pop up that says “This choice will start your romance with Lord Scourge. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click “Continue” to continue your romance with Kira, or “Cancel” to return to the two dialogue options. If you do not want to continue your romance, instead of choosing the romance option, choose the “This isn’t a good idea.” dialogue option. Lord Scourge will remain in the alliance and says he will remain by your side. If you would like to remain friends and crew members, instead of choosing the [Flirt] option, choose the “It’s called friendship.” option where your Jedi Knight will say “The most important part of life is the bonds we form.”

Romance continuation: After Onslaught, after the Hearts and Minds quest, the player will meet up with Kira and Scourge again. If the player has romanced Scourge, the player will go for a walk with Scourge “some place quiet”.

doc romance

doc kiss

Romanceable by: jedi knightJedi Knight female characters

About: The brilliant medtech known simply as “Doc” is driven to bring quality health care to underserved star systems. This has led Doc to keep some unusual company: pathosis-riddled crime lord Fashaka Four-Toes, the Red Band Rebels of Cadinth and even the Imperial military during a brief stint impersonating a member of the Imperial Medical Corps on the conquered planet Sullust. Doc has a talent for using bad people to save good lives–a fact he emphasizes to anyone within earshot. Some characterize Doc as a blowhard and scoundrel, but these individuals have never required his impressive surgical skills. Doc has visited every major galactic battleground over the past five years and saved more lives than even he can count.

How to start romance: The female Jedi Knight can romance Doc during the Jedi Knight story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Jedi Knight storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

doc cintinue romance

How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Doc on Ossus (Jedi Under Seige), after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and before the Onslaught expansion.

Ranna TaoVen

Ranna Tao’Ven

Romanceable by: jedi knightJedi Knight male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Tython, the Jedi Knight can flirt with the green Twi’lek Ranna Tao’Ven in the Twi’lek village, and at the conclusion of that story can [FLIRT] with her, admit how much he cares for her, kiss her, and have private time with her, as a dark side option. It must be kept a secret from the Padawan’s master and due to later events in the village, the romance can not be continued. Although the female Jedi Knight can not romance Ranna, they can become “sisters”, and go through a Twi’lek ritual for friends to become family, which is also a dark side option.

How to continue romance: None.

Sith Warrior

jaesa willsaam

Jaesa Willsaam, Dark Side

jaesa dark romance kiss

Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior dark-side male characters

About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr. But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Through the machinations of Darth Baras, Jaesa was drawn away from the protection of the order and confronted by Baras’s own apprentice–and with the emotional instability of her Master. Having finally witnessed the Jedi Order’s weakness and the dark side’s true power, Jaesa embraces the Sith path with reckless abandon. She now knows that the only truth-inducing force in the galaxy is fear.

jaesa dark romance

How to start romance: The dark-side male Sith Warrior can romance dark-side Jaesa during the Sith Warrior story as well as the companion conversations with her. To turn Jaesa to the dark side requires the player to be Dark I alignment or darker, and choose the dark side options in the “The Padawan Exposed” Sith Warrior quest during Chapter 1. Here is a dark side Jaesa guide, and how to make sure you got the Jaesa you wanted. Dark side Jaesa is quite aggressive about having a relationship with the Sith Warrior and she makes it very clear that she wants the Sith Warrior’s attention. One important thing to know is that light-side Jaesa is quite different, and much less interested in a romantic relationship. Dark side Jaesa will eventually lead to a marriage proposal and Jaesa requesting to populate the galaxy with powerful Sith children.

These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Warrior storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance conflicts: If the player chooses to romance dark side Jaesa and Vette, Vette will eventually confront the player, while Jaesa says she is open to sharing on multiple occasions. Vette will ask the player to choose if they want to be with her or Jaesa. If the player chooses Vette, he will send Jaesa away, and Jaeasa will be angry. If the player chooses Jaesa, Vette will be angry. If the player says they want both, Vette will be angry and leave and the plyer will remain with Jaesa.

Romance continuation: The Jaesa romance can be continued after Ossus, see below.

jaesa willsaam

Jaesa Willsaam, Light Side

jaesa light old

Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior light-side male characters

About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr. But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Through the machinations of Darth Baras, Jaesa was drawn away from the protection of the order and confronted by Baras’s own apprentice–and with the emotional instability of her Master. Having now seen the darkness within the Jedi Order, Jaesa has left its corruption behind completely to help transform the Empire from within. She has searched her whole life for something to believe in, and her new teacher has provided the answer.

jaesa light side romance

How to start romance: The light-side male Sith Warrior can romance light-side Jaesa during the Sith Warrior story as well as the companion conversations with her. One important thing to know is that light-side Jaesa is not receptive to a true relationship – she will offer to bear your children, but she considers it an honor, and not part of a romance, and there are no [FLIRT] options. If you romance Vette or are on a female character, you will not receive the line about procreating with lightside Jaesa, and the option will be about her own children, and the Sith Warrior encourages her to have children and that they will train and guide her family as his own. Here is a dark side Jaesa guide, and how to make sure you got the Jaesa you wanted.

These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Warrior storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance conflicts: If you romance Vette, you will not receive the line about procreating with lightside Jaesa, and the option will be about her own children and not yours.

Romance continuation: The Jaesa romance can be continued after Ossus, see below, and a true love-based romance can be started at that point.

jaesa willsaam

Jaesa Willsaam, post-Ossus

jeasa dark2 1

Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior male characters & Sith Warrior female characters (Male characters who had already started a romance with Jaesa can continue it when they re-unite with her after Ossus, female characters can start a new romance with Jaesa.)

About: Originally from Alderaan, Jaesa was a former Jedi Padawan who possessed tremendous strength in the Force, including the unique ability to discern a person’s true nature and intentions. She was a firm believer in the Jedi Order until she met the Emperor’s Wrath, after which the flaws and shortcomings of the Jedi were finally exposed to her. She joined the Emperor’s Wrath as their Sith Apprentice and embraced the dark side, travelling the galaxy to carry out the Emperor’s will. After the disappearance of her master and the Eternal Empire’s subsequent invasion, Jaesa carried on alone, her power in the dark side growing as her hatred and feelings of abandonment festered.

How to start romance: Jaesa Willsaam can be romanced after the Ossus Imperial storyline. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that alliance alert up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert called Feel the Wrath dark side or Back in the Fold light side will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Ossus.

The first conversation with Jaesa will have Jaesa request to join the alliance. If the player refuses her and sends her away, they will not be able to romance her in the second conversation.

jaesa dark1 1

To continue her romance with a dark side character male character, the cutscene will be very similar to the normal dark side cutscene, except Jaesa will express more anger in the player for leaving her, and that she still loves them. The player can then choose “I love you too.” or “This isn’t like you.” If the player says they love her, a box will pop up that says, “This choice will start your romance with Jaesa Willsaam. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and pressing continue will lead to a kiss. Although there is not a marriage proposal, Jaesa offers to spend the rest of her life with the player.

Romance continuation: None yet.

quinn malavai romance

Malavai Quinn

quinn romance

Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior female characters

About: An officer in the Imperial military, Malavai Quinn is loyal to the Empire and everything it stands for: order, the glory of the Sith and the conquest of the Republic. Following his mysterious disgrace at the Battle of Druckenwell, he was stationed on Balmorra where he occasionally carried out small missions for Darth Baras (to whom he owes much of his career’s early success). Duty-bound and honorable, Quinn is not afraid to express earned admiration for his superiors, but he is neither a bootlicker nor a mindless servant. He values competence alongside loyalty and will do whatever is necessary to thwart the enemies of the Empire as a whole and Darth Baras personally.

How to start romance: The Sith Warrior can romance Quinn during the Sith Warrior story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Warrior storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)


How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Quinn on Iokath after the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

vette romance



Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior male characters

About: A Twi’lek born into slavery on the planet Ryloth, Vette escaped a life of servitude to become an accomplished rogue and treasure hunter. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining entry into the most sacred Sith tombs before being caught. Years of travel and close calls have made Vette quick with a blaster. Outspoken, uppity and unfiltered, she can be fiercely loyal or relentlessly taxing, making her a source of annoyance to some and of great amusement to others.

How to start romance: The male Sith Warrior can romance Vette during the Sith Warrior story as well as the companion conversations with Vette. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Warrior storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)


How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Vette in Chapter 13 of Knights of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

Romance conflicts: If the player chooses to romance dark side Jaesa and Vette, Vette will eventually confront the player, while Jaesa says she is open to sharing on multiple occasions. Vette will ask the player to choose if they want to be with her or Jaesa. If the player chooses Vette, he will send Jaesa away, and Jaeasa will be angry. If the player chooses Jaesa, Vette will be angry. If the player says they want both, Vette will be angry and leave and the plyer will remain with Jaesa.

vetter romantic

lt pierce romance

Lieutenant Pierce

Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior female characters

About: While few who are not Force sensitive in the Empire have any choice but to join the military, Lieutenant Pierce joined eagerly–not out of a sense of duty but out of a lust for action. In fact, although his soldiering and his bravery are beyond question, Pierce has faced resistance and scrutiny throughout his military career due to his occasionally reckless attitude and his disdain for authority. Fortunately, Pierce’s years in military black operations groups kept him away from the stuffier elements of the military hierarchy. Very often, Pierce is assigned to the most dangerous and far-flung worlds, where the Empire’s primary goal is destruction–which suits the lieutenant just fine.

romance pierce

How to start minor romance: The female Sith Warrior can romance Pierce very briefly during companion conversations with him – their fling only takes place near the end of the conversations, after Pierce completes and important companion mission, and the player has the option to say “[FLIRT] Show me.” which leads to an enthusiastic kiss and some private time. Although the player can express they want to continue spending private time with Pierce in the future, the romance is never revisited ever again apart from Pierce confirming that he wants to stay on the Warrior’s crew as long as she’ll have him.

These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Warrior storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance non-continuation: Players can re-unite with Pierce through an alliance alert called Forgotten Trophy, but it is incredibly brief, and the player’s lines are not even voiced. There is no mention of the player’s relationship with Pierce. The entire scene is less than a minute long.

lady grathan

Lady Grathan

Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Dromund Kaas, the Sith Warrior will be sent to Lord Grathan’s estate. There he will fight Lady Grathan, Sith, and her son. Lady Grathan will make a wicked offer to the Sith warrior, to kill Lord Grathan and have Lady Grathan’s son take his place. If the player chooses to do this, when they return to Lady Grathan, a [FLIRT] option will appear and Lady Grathan can show her appreciation in private, with or without Vette watching the party. Lady Grathan tells the Sith Warrior they are always welcome in her chamber, but they never return, so the romance is not continued. This does not cause any issues with a Vette romance.

How to continue romance: None.

taunt twilek


Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Sith Warrior will meet up with Twi’lek friends of Vette, and one of them is Taunt, a red Twi’lek, who invites the Sith Warrior off for some private time alone. As they leave, Taunt tells the Sith Warrior to be well and that she’ll miss them. The romance is not continued later. This does not cause any issues with a Vette romance.

How to continue romance: None.

tivva vettes sister


Romanceable by: sith warriorSith Warrior male characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: *MAJOR VETTE SPOILERS* On Nar Shaddaa, the Sith Warrior can meet with Tivva, Vette’s sister, working at a private establishment as an exotic dancer. Vette asks her how she’s doing, and she says she’s been working there two years an that it’s killing her, and that she has been sold in to working there. Vette requests that the Sith Warrior buy her sister’s freedom, and one of the dark side choices is “First she entertains me.” and the Sith Warrior wants to “sample the wares to make sure she’s worth it”. If the Sith Warrior is female, they do not have the option to be “entertained”, but they can send Tivva to go “entertain the crew”. Even worse, the Sith Warrior can choose not to free her afterwards. This is the most messed up “romance” in the entire list, and it is not continued. This does not cause any issues with a Vette romance.

How to continue romance: None.

Sith Inquisitor

ashara zavros romance

Ashara Zavros

asharas romance

Romanceable by: sith inquisitorSith Inquisitor male characters

About: A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force users. From an early age, she has aspired to study the Force and become one of the best Jedi the order has to offer. Ashara came to Taris to train under Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera, whose philosophy is that Padawans best learn the travails of using the Force through firsthand experience of the galaxy. In Ashara’s case, the Masters brought her to Taris for two reasons: First, to teach her compassion amidst the destruction that had occurred there and warn against the dangers of pride and the dark side. Second, to complete her trials by helping to drive a dark ghost from the ruins of a Jedi enclave.

ashara kiss

How to start romance: The male Sith Inquisitor can romance Ashara during the Sith Inquisitor story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Inquisitor storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)


How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Ashara after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert A Padawan No More will becoame available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will have a touching reunion, and Ashara will ask if they can start over, with the options “I would love nothing more.” or “No. We can’t go back.” If the player chooses the love option a box will pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Ashara Zavros. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click Continue will lead to a kiss cutscene.

andronikos revel romance

Andronikos Revel

andronikos love

Romanceable by: sith inquisitorSith Inquisitor female characters

About: For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot. His piracy career was cut short by a strange mutiny, however, and he was abandoned to the Imperials who had been hunting him since he’d raided a ship carrying valuable artifacts. After a year in Imperial prison, Andronikos Revel was let loose. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since.

andronikos romance

How to start romance: The female Sith Inquisitor can romance Andronikos during the Sith Inquisitor story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Sith Inquisitor storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Andronikos after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert Pirate’s Life will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player can have a brief but touching reunion scene with Andronikos, where he will promise never to abandon the Inquisitor and that they are forever, and the player can reply “You’re damn right we are.” to resume the romance or “We can’t rekindle this.” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Andronikos Revel. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to a kiss. Breaking up with Andronikos will lead him to still be in the alliance, or the player can have him rot in a cell.

khem val

Khem Val, Ossus

khem vals

Romanceable by: sith inquisitorAll Sith Inquisitors, depending on story choices

About: Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past. Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin. After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear. Although once pledged to a life of service, with his original master gone, it is uncertain where Khem Val’s true loyalties now lie. A near-perfect killing machine, he could prove a valuable weapon for anyone willing to take him on… though he is a weapon that can cut both ways.

khem val romance

How to start romance: Players can start a romance with Khem Val on Ossus, after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and before the Onslaught expansion, depending on whether or not they preserved Khem Val’s spirit in the original story. The Sith Inquisitor will come across Khem Val hunting on the farms of Ossus, and can continue speaking through an alliance alert, after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert A Long Lost hunger will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will have a reunion on Odessan, and during the conversation an option “[FLIRT] You’re never alone” will appear. The player must choose the second “[FLIRT] You smell delicious, too.” that comes up, and lastly, when Khem Val asks to be bonded, the player must choose “Yes. I’m in.” instead of “I can’t.” A box will pop up that says “This choice will start your romance with Khem Val. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” click Continue will lead to Khem Val leaving to prepare the rituals, and the player tries to kiss him, but Khem Val does not want to kiss.


Rylee Dray

Romanceable by: sith inquisitorSith Inquisitor male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Sith Inquisitor will start a cult, and Rylee is one of Paladius’s former cult members. They go off for a “tour of the compound” together through a [FLIRT] option as she is working on a computer. Later, after the Inquisitor defeats Paladius, Rylee asks what will happen to them, and the Inquisitor can promise to visit often, and she gives him a kiss on the cheek. The Inquisitor does not return so the romance can not be continued.

How to continue romance: None.

Urtel Moren

Urtel Moren

Romanceable by: sith inquisitorSith Inquisitor female characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Alderaan, the Sith Inquisitor will meet up with House Thul, and Urtel Moren is Elana Thul’s personal Sith guard. He opens his remarks to the Inquisitor with a compliment. Afterwards, the Inquisitor will meet up with Urtel alone in a hallway, and Urtel is impressed by the Inquisitor’s accomplishments, and eventually there is a [FLIRT] option available, and another afterwards. Before the Inquisitor is sent to House Rist, the House of Assassins, Urtel will meet with the player alone for a few minutes, and a [FLIRT] option will have them head off to his very comfortable rooms nearby, with some food, wine, and enthusiastic kiss, and private time together. Unfortunately, Urtel is mortally wounded, and the romance can not be continued. Interestingly, Urtel can show up during the Voss storyline, as part of a vision, where he will tells the Inqusitior he loves them, then tries to kill the Inqusitor.

How to continue romance: None.


corso riggs romance

Corso Riggs

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler female characters

About: Corso Riggs is a cheerful, disarmingly optimistic mercenary soldier. Raised as a rancher’s son on the rough frontier of Ord Mantell, Corso developed a mixture of naive innocence and primitive toughness, wrapped with old-fashioned chivalry. In addition to his gung-ho enjoyment of a good, dirty fight and his encyclopedic knowledge of weapons, Corso remains a ray of sunshine in even the worst circumstances. He has no sense of his own mortality and is absolutely convinced he’s going to live forever. Corso also has a soft spot for damsels in distress, even when it’s clear they’re up to no good.

corso romance

How to start romance: The female Smuggler can romance Corso Riggs during the Smuggler story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Smuggler storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Corso after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert Unhappy Returns will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will reunite with both Risha and Corso, and the player can invite one or both of them to join the alliance crew. Afterwards, Corso will say he’ll do anything to win the Smuggler’s heart again, and asks to come back to them. The player can reply “I love you, too” to resume the romance or “I’m sorry” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Corso Riggs. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to an enthusiastic kiss. Breaking up with Corso will lead him to be sad but understanding and keep him in the alliance and part of your crew.

risha romance



Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

About: Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crime lord Nok Drayen. Considering her upbringing as a violent gangster’s child, it’s a wonder Risha turned out remotely normal. Wise and experienced beyond her years, she has led an adventurous life containing some extremely dark chapters. Despite her biting sarcasm and general selfishness, one can never shake the feeling that Risha would be a better person if only she knew how. Years spent among the galaxy’s dregs have fostered layers of personal self-defense mechanisms and a cynical shell around her. Only the most persistent friend has any hope of meeting the “real” Risha hiding beneath the surface.

risha romance

How to start romance: The male Smuggler can romance Risha during the Smuggler story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Smuggler storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Risha after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert Unhappy Returns will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will reunite with both Risha and Corso, and the player can invite one or both of them to join the alliance crew. Afterwards, Risha will confront the player about abandoning her. The player can reply “I love you, too” to resume the romance or “You’re right. Let’s end it” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Risha Drayen. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to a kiss and some banter.

Romance conflict: If the smuggler attempts to romance Risha and Akaaavi, his companions, eventually both Akaavi and Risha will confront him together and demand he chooses. If the player reaches this conversation, and does not specifically choose Akaavi or Risha, Risha will walk out disgusted and the player will remain with Akaavi. This cutscene can be triggered in two different ways – either spending some private time with Risha or spending private time with Akaavi, and the two cutscenes are different.

akaavi romance

Akaavi Spar


Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

About: Akaavi Spar was born into a respected Mandalorian clan and became one of its finest warriors. She killed her first foe–an abusive Abyssin mercenary–at the age of eight using an improvised flamethrower. This victory earned her the nickname “firehand” among her clan and marked the beginning of an impressive career as an Imperial bounty hunter. Akaavi captured and killed all manner of targets in her youth, from career criminals to Jedi. When her entire clan was framed for crimes against the Empire and executed, Akaavi alone survived the brutal purge — but her outlook on the galaxy changed forever. With no connection to her Mandalorian heritage, she became a wandering mercenary loyal to no one.

akaavis romance

How to start romance: The male Smuggler can romance Akaavi during the Smuggler story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Smuggler storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Akaavi after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert The Tatooine Rundown will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will reunite with both Mako and Akaavi as a team. Akaavi will ask the player if they still love her. The player can reply “I love you, Akaavi” to resume the romance or “I’ve moved on.” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Akaavi Spar. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to the Smuggler saying “ni kar’tayli gar darasuum” in Mandalorian and a kiss. Akaavi will then ask if Mako can also join the crew, but the player can not truly refuse. If the player chooses to break up, Akaavi says she would have waited a life time, but asks to still be a part of the crew along with Mako, and the player can not refuse.

“How do I tell Darman in Mandalorian that I love him?”
“Try…ni kar’tayli gar darasuum. It’s the same word as ‘to know,’ ‘to hold in the heart,’ kar’taylir. But you add darasuum, forever, and it becomes something rather different.“―Etain Tur-Mukan and Bardan Jusik

Romance conflict: If the smuggler attempts to romance Risha and Akaaavi, his companions, eventually both Akaavi and Risha will confront him together and demand he chooses. If the player reaches this conversation, and does not specifically choose Akaavi or Risha, Risha will walk out disgusted and the player will remain with Akaavi. This cutscene can be triggered in two different ways – either spending some private time with Risha or spending private time with Akaavi, and the two cutscenes are different.

beryl thorne

Beryl Thorne

Romanceable by:smuggler Smuggler male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Taris, the Smuggler will meet with Beryl Thorne, and have many opportunities to [FLIRT] with her in cutscenes. At the end of Taris, the final [FLIRT] option with her and the Smuggler spend some private time together. They will meet up again later on Quesh, but Beryl is not interested in reigniting their romance.

How to continue short romance: They player will met her again on Rishi and there’s another [FLIRT] option in the holocall with her, and when they meet up in person. Sadly, the mission does not pan out, and the agent and Beryl are not able to run off together so the Agent leaves her behind on Rishi.

Cedonia Teraan

Cedonia Teraan

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Alderaan, the Smuggler will visit the Teraans with a droid. The Smuggler will have a chance to [FLIRT] with her right away, and the Smuggler will have more options to talk to her alone throughout the Alderaan Smuggler story. Her romance is quite long for being a single-planet romance, and Cedonia arranges a special meal in the parlor and invites the Smuggler for some private time afterwards. Unfortunately, Cedonia will not run off with the Smuggler due to her ties on Alderaan. Later, the Smuggler will return to Alderaan for a duel, but she does not want to continue her romance then. The female smuggler can romance her brother.

How to continue romance: None.

seantor dodonna

Senator Dodonna

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

How to start single-planet romance: During the Smuggler storyline, the player will rescue Senator Dodonna, and a [FLIRT] option will show up, and if the player chooses it, the Senator will invite the Smuggler for some private time and give the Smuggler a kiss. The romance can not be continued later.

How to continue romance: None.



Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Hoth, the Smuggler will work with a red twi’lek named Alilia, and there are quite a few [FLIRT] options during the Hoth storyline, and you can actually romance Alilia away from her slaver partner. The Smuggler can invite make her his “Pirate Queen” and making her the leader of their own personal pirate fleet. [[As far as I can tell this flirting chain does not end in a kiss or private time together, but hey, making someone your queen counts for something, right?]]

How to continue romance: None.



Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler will run in to Azalie multiple times and will be able to [FLIRT] with her each time they see her. and she’ll invite the Smuggler to her room for private time. Unfortunately, the Smuggler treats their time together as a fling, and she’ll become angry after the Smuggler goes to leave in their ship and she confronts them before they go. This romance can not be continued as the smuggler breaks it off with her, lies to her and abandons her, or dumps her.

How to continue romance: None.

Vaverene Zare

Vaverone Zare

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters (possibly female?)

How to start single-planet romance: On Tatooine, the Smuggler will speak with the Sith Vaverone Zare, while trying to get a meeting with Diago. In return for help, Vaverone will offer the pleasure of her company. While there aren’t [FLIRT] options as you complete the missions, you can accept her offer and help her. Amusingly, you can [FLIRT] with the Jedi who shows up, and [FLIRT] with Risha, who shows up on holocall. After a fight, then you can [FLIRT] with Vavarone to claim your “compensation” and the second [FLIRT] option will lead to some private time together and a swim in the cave’s pools. Afterwards, Vaverone concludes her business and leaves, and the romance can not be continued. (Fun fact, you get a mail later after collaborating with her and she becomes Darth Allures.)

*** I found some rumours that it is possible to do this romance scene with a female smuggler character but I could not find any video proof.

How to continue romance: None.

marshall cavarat

Marshall Cavarat

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Belsavis, the Smuggler can romance Marshall Cavarat, and the Smuggler can flirt with her throughout the storyline and via holocall. Cavarat protests highly about the flirtation, but in the end slaps the Smuggler, kisses him, and tells him to get in the cell because they have “things to discuss” and they share some private time together. The Smuggler wakes up to a note that says “Leave Belsavis now. I’m getting a warrant. If I see your face again, expect me to arrest you.” and the romance is not continued.

How to continue romance: None.

lokir ka


Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler female characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Voss, the Smuggler has the opportunity to [FLIRT] with a Voss named Lokir-Ka, their chaperone while on the planet. The smuggler can continue to flirt with him via holocall, but he does not seem very receptive. However, when the Smuggler meets with him again in person in a tent, he speaks to the Smuggler about poetry and love, and he will share a romantic poem with the Smuggler, and he tells her that he has a wife. but that having a wife allows him to feel romantic feelings towards the Smuggler. At the end of the Voss story, the Smuggler can instruct Lokir-Ka to return to his wife, or share a kiss and some private time together in a cave. This romance can not be continued, and the Voss promises he will go to the grave with the memory of their time together.

How to continue romance: None.



Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler female characters

How to start short-lived romance: Skavac is the Smuggler’s rival, but when they meet up later on, the Smuggler has a chance to [FLIRT] with Skavak, kiss, and spend some private time together, before fighting.

How to continue romance: None.

lenn taraan

Lenn Teraan

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler female characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Alderaan, the Smuggler will visit the Teraans with a droid. The Smuggler will have a chance to [FLIRT] with Lenn right away. Later, when the Smuggler completes the mission, Lenn invites the Smuggler for a private dinner with musicians and dancing, and some private time afterwards. The Smuggler jokingly mentions a marriage proposal and Lenn gets very flustered, and the romance can not be continued later as his family duties are not yet fulfilled, but he says maybe one day they will meet among the stars. The male smuggler can romance his sister.

How to continue romance: None.

Darmas Pollaran

Darmas Pollaran

Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler female characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler will speak with Darmas Pollaran, and information broker who plays Sabacc. He invites the Smuggler to his private cantina booth, and there the Smuggler can flirt with him. When the player returns to him later, Darmas invites the Smuggler to “play Sabacc” and choosing the [FLIRT] option leads to some private time together and a kiss. The player can continue to [FLIRT] with him in later conversations, but later he will betray the Smuggler and the romance can not continue.

How to continue romance: None.

Numen Brock

Numen Brock


Romanceable by: smugglerSmuggler female characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Balmorra, the Smuggler will work with Numen Brock and can [FLIRT] with him throughout the Balmorra story. At the end of the Balmorra storyline, the Smuggler can [FLIRT] and share a kiss with Numen, and he will invite the Smuggler back to his place for some private time. Afterwards, Numen admits that Balmorra is not a good place to drag the Smuggler to, but that they may work in the same circles again in the future. (Fun Fact, Numen Brock has the same voice actor as Hunter does in the Agent story!)

How to continue romance: None.


aric jorgan

Aric Jorgan


Romanceable by: trooperTrooper female characters

About: A born leader, Aric Jorgan is one of the Republic’s most capable field officers. He enlisted in the military at an early age and quickly distinguished himself as a talented marksman. His impeccable service record earned him a spot in the Republic’s top sniper squad, where he successfully carried out over a dozen missions against high-ranking Imperial targets. Since his transfer to Fort Garnik, Jorgan has earned a reputation as a hard and demanding taskmaster. However, few realize his surly demeanor belies a genuine concern for the well-being of his troops. While those under his command may not particularly like the brooding Cathar, they almost always respect him.


How to start romance: The Trooper can romance Jorgan during the Trooper story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Trooper storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

aric romance kotfe

How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Aric Jorgan in Chapter 11 of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. After the player speaks with Aric Jorgan about dreams and nightmares, an important dialogue option will show up, and the player can choose either “[FLIRT] Time for a better dream” or “Our time is past, Jorgan.” Choosing the [FLIRT] option will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Aric Jorgan. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to a kiss. The other option will lead to a box that says “This choice will end your romance with Aric Jorgan. Are you sure you want to proceed?” which will lead to a break up. Aric Jorgan’s romance can be continued at the end of the player’s speech in Chapter 16, and there is also a few romance lines in Knights of the Eternal Throne.

elara dorne romance

Elara Dorne

Romanceable by: trooperTrooper male characters

About: A highly talented field medic, Elara Dorne was born Imperial and served in the Empire’s military for two years before defecting to the Republic. She has since served with distinction as a search-and-rescue squad leader, earning several commendations for aiding wounded men under direct enemy fire. Her operational record is flawless. What no record can show is that Dorne’s background, combined with her strict adherence to regulations and rigid, uncompromising personality, has made her fairly unpopular with her fellow soldiers. In truth, she’s widely regarded as a cold, asocial killjoy, an unfortunate side effect of her dedication to embodying the laws and ideals of the Republic.

elara romance

How to start romance: The male Trooper can romance Elara during the Trooper story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Trooper storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Elara Dorne on Iokath, which takes place after the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

*** After the Onslaught expansion, the Female Trooper will have a [FLIRT] option available when they meets up with Elara for a short discussion. The flirt option will lead to them having drinks in the cantina together, but not a true romance yet. There is a good chance this will lead to future romance down the road.


Seargent Jaxo

Romanceable by: trooperTrooper male characters

How to start romance: *MAJOR TROOPER SPOILERS* Seargent Jaxo is a key character in the Trooper story, and the player will meet up with her many times throughout the story for information. The male Trooper can [FLIRT] with her, and eventually she will invite the Trooper back to her place on Coruscant, where they can spend some time talking together, kiss enthusiastically, then spend some private time together. They can also spend a second night together. Later in the Trooper story on Station A77, the Trooper must make a very hard choices between saving Jaxo (dark side) and saving three hundred Republic prisoners (light side). If the player chooses save the prisoners, Jaxo dies and the romance can not be continued. If the Trooper saves Jaxo, they do not share a romance scene when they find her, but she holocalls the Trooper later. Unfortunately, she no longer wants to have a romance due to her guilt, and the romance is not continued even if she is alive. The female Trooper can instead become good friends with her, and have a ladies night together and hang out with some other female military personnel and do a cantina crawl together.

Romance conflict: If the player is in a relationship with Elara Dorne, on the second night they can choose to tell Jaxo about their relationship. If the trooper tells, Jaxo will send him home.

Romance continuation: None.

Bounty Hunter

mako romance

Romanceable by: bounty hunterBounty Hunter male characters

About: At first glance, Mako’s relationship with Braden seems more like that of a father and daughter than members of a team of professional bounty hunters — and that assessment wouldn’t be too far off the mark. Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa’s underbelly… until the day Braden pulled the girl bleeding out of an alley, and paid a street surgeon to patch her blaster burns. Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. But while Mako loves the old man more than anything, her independent nature is beginning to chafe under Braden’s protectiveness.

How to start romance: The male Bounty Hunter can romance Mako during the Bounty Hunter story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Bounty Hunter storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Mako after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert The Tatooine Rundown will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. The player will reunite with both Mako and Akaavi as a team. Mako will ask the player if they still feel love for her. The player can reply “Of course I do.” to resume the romance or “I’m sorry, Mako.” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Mako. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to a kiss and then Mako will request that she and Akaavi join the Bounty Hunter’s crew. If the player chooses to break up, Mako will understand, but still request that she and Akaavi join the Bounty Hunter’s crew.

torian romance


EcmQbw2WkAAlv x

Romanceable by: bounty hunterBounty Hunter female characters

About: It is the Mandalorian ideal that a warrior be judged by his or her own actions, not by those of his or her ancestors–but reality rarely lives up to ideals. Torian Cadera has spent his entire short life trying to overcome the stigma of being a traitor’s son–a shame he has seldom been allowed to forget in the company of his peers. But Torian long ago learned to armor himself against contempt, and others’ doubts regarding his loyalty have only driven him to strive harder to prove his worth. Because of this, Torian adheres to the codes and traditions of the Mandalorians with more devotion than many twice his age. Upholding honor and enduring adversity are the cornerstones of his existence.

How to start romance: The Bounty Hunter can romance Torian during the Bounty Hunter story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Bounty Hunter storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)


Romance continuation:

“How do I tell Darman in Mandalorian that I love him?”
“Try…ni kar’tayli gar darasuum. It’s the same word as ‘to know,’ ‘to hold in the heart,’ kar’taylir. But you add darasuum, forever, and it becomes something rather different.“―Etain Tur-Mukan and Bardan Jusik

Lady Aitalla

Lady Aitalla

Romanceable by: bounty hunterBounty Hunter male characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Alderaan, the Bounty Hunter can be insulted by Lady Aitalla and attempt to [FLIRT] with her in front of her father. Later, the Bounty Hunter saves her from another unwanted suitor, and offers to have an affair with her through a [FLIRT] option to make her less desirable. They spend some not-so-private time together strolling around and being seen having an affair, and then share a kiss when they return. Later, the Bounty Hunter can choose who becomes the Baron of House Girard, and the Bounty Hunter can name her the successor of the house. If the Bounty Hunter chooses her, she will reward him for his services with a kiss and some private time together. Afterwards, she asks the Bounty Hunter to show themself out, but sends them a letter in the mail saying they are welcome back on Alderaan on the future and the letter is signed XOXO.

How to continue romance: None.



Romanceable by: bounty hunterBounty Hunter female characters

How to start single-planet romance: On Alderaan, the Bounty Hunter can be insulted by a noble family, and the Bounty Hunter can [FLIRT] with Raffid right away, and he does not insult the Bounty Hunter. Later, the Bounty Hunter can choose who becomes the Baron of House Girard, and the Bounty Hunter can name him the successor of the house. If the Bounty Hunter chooses him, Raffid offers to make the Bounty Hunter a Baroness, and invites her to become to lady of the house with no obligation towards fidelity. If the Bounty Hunter accepts the offer, he will call her dear, skip the nuptials and go straight to the honeymoon for some private time. The Bounty Hunter promises to make conjugal visits and leaves Raffid, who looks forward to their eventual return. If the Bounty Hunter accepts the offer to become the lady of the house, they will receive the actual Baroness title ingame.

How to continue romance: None.

Imperial Agent

imperial agent kaliyo


Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

About: Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices. Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates (agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction). As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be — if only temporarily.

akaavi romance custom

How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Kaliyo during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Imperial Agent storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Kaliyo in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

Romance conflict: If the player chooses to romance Kaliyo, Ensign will eventually confront the Imperial Agent about his and Kaliyo’s relationship. The Agent must then choose between Kaliyo and Ensign. If the player chooses Ensign, he will then go break up with Kaliyo, who will be angry. If the player chooses Kaliyo, Ensign will be disappointed.

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

About: Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices. Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates (agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction). As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be — if only temporarily.

akaavi romance custom

How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Kaliyo during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Imperial Agent storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Kaliyo in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

Romance conflict: If the player chooses to romance Kaliyo, Ensign will eventually confront the Imperial Agent about his and Kaliyo’s relationship. The Agent must then choose between Kaliyo and Ensign. If the player chooses Ensign, he will then go break up with Kaliyo, who will be angry. If the player chooses Kaliyo, Ensign will be disappointed.

imperial agent raina temple

Raina Temple


Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

About: Personable and bright Imperial military cadets don’t end up embedded with aliens at the far edge of the galaxy without good reason. Temple could be a plant, but it’s just as likely she’s been intentionally forced out of the picture. Best-guess personality profile suggests she’s a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial military–a true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.

temple romance

How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Raina during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Imperial Agent storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Temple after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, during the A Traitor Among the Chiss storyline. This Chiss expansionary forces will land on Odessan, bringing Temple with them. Afterwards, Raina Temple will meet with the Agent, and admit she had been looking for the Agent for years and asks if the Agent still loves her after all this time. The player can reply “Of course I do.” to resume the romance or “I’m sorry. I’ve moved on.” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Raina Temple. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to a kiss. If the player chooses to break up, Raina will be sad but understand, and would like to stay and continued working with the alliance.

Romance conflict: If the player chooses to romance Kaliyo, Ensign will eventually confront the Imperial Agent about his and Kaliyo’s relationship. The Agent must then choose between Kaliyo and Ensign. If the player chooses Ensign, he will then go break up with Kaliyo, who will be angry. If the player chooses Kaliyo, Ensign will be disappointed.

imperial agent vector


vector romance

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent female characters

About: Vector Hyllus has repeatedly expressed admiration for Imperial accomplishments while indicating a desire to spread Imperial influence through diplomatic channels. His attitudes were likely shaped by the Imperial reconstruction of his homeworld and are appropriate for a Diplomatic Service member. Hyllus is obedient, intelligent, charismatic and effective. He is unlikely to advance further within diplomatic or military hierarchies.

How to start romance: The female Imperial Agent can romance Vector during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with him. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Imperial Agent storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion’s head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander’s Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master’s Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

vector romance 1

How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Vector after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that one up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert Vector’s Vector will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Knights of the Eternal Throne. Vector will pledge the Killik’s allegience to the Agent, and that he wants to return to Agent, and the he loves the Agent. The player can reply “I love you, too.” to resume the romance or “I’m sorry, Vector.” to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Vector Hyllus. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?” and will lead to a kiss. If the player chooses to break up, Vector will devote himself to making life better for the Killiks.

Romance continuation: After Onslaught, after the Hearts and Minds quest, the player will meet up with Kira and Scourge again. Later, the player can meet with Vector one on one, and discuss Darth Rivix, and they can share a kiss with a [ROMANCE] option and they spend some quality time together.

watcher two romance

Watcher Two

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

About: Watcher Two is the Imperial Agent’s liason to Imperial Intelligence and provides them with mission details. She is the product of six generations of selective breeding and can plot hyperspace routes in her head, and is not easily charmed.

How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Watcher Two during the Imperial Agent storylines when [FLIRT] options show up. The player should not criticize her, even if they disagree with her. The player will have the chance to spend some private time with Watcher Two between missions on Dromund Kaas, during the mission Darth Zhorrid Arrives. [[I swear I saw a video where I saw the Agent kiss Watcher Two right before entering the Star Cabal. But I can’t find proof of this anywhere now.]]

Romance conflicts: If you romance Kaliyo or Raina Temple at all, Watcher Two will eventually stop her romance. If you would like to romance Watcher Two it’s recommended not to talk to Kaliyo in her companion conversations as even something like going for a drink with Kaliyo can trigger her romance flag. Although many players believe only human males can romance Watcher Two, this is untrue, and there are videos of Chiss also romancing her online. Many players have difficulty properly triggering Watcher Two’s small romance.

Romance continuation:

voss romance male


phu ton romance

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent female characters

How to start romance: *Major Voss Imperial Agent Spoilers* Near the end of the Voss Imperial Agent storyline, the Agent must go to the Nightmare lands, and demands helps from the Voss family they are staying with. The Agent requires sacred carvings which are locked away in the Voss capital building, but they an only be seen by Voss. As long as the player does not choose dark side options while talking to the Voss family about the sacred texts, the family will offer their son or daughter’s hand in marriage to the Agent. If the Agent accepts the proposal, they will go through the Voss marriage ceremony, and the male Agent will marry Phi-Ton. Later, the player will receive a letter from Phi-Ton in the mail.

Romance continuation: None.

voss romance female


Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

How to start romance: *Major Voss Imperial Agent Spoilers* Near the end of the Voss Imperial Agent storyline, the Agent must go to the Nightmare lands, and demands helps from the Voss family they are staying with. The Agent requires sacred carvings which are locked away in the Voss capital building, but they an only be seen by Voss. As long as the player does not choose dark side options while talking to the Voss family about the sacred texts, the family will offer their son or daughter’s hand in marriage to the Agent. If the Agent accepts the proposal, they will go through the Voss marriage ceremony, and the male Agent will marry Yana-Ton. If probed too far, Yana-Ton makes it clear that this is not a true marriage, but that she is doing it for her family. Later, the player will receive a letter from Yana-Ton in the mail.

Romance continuation: None.

samara mindak

Samara Mindak

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: When the player gets a chance to speak with Samara Mindak on Dromund Kaas, the Agent and [FLIRT], and Mindak will invite him to dance and then go off in private, and the romance ends with a short peck on the cheek.

Romance continuation: None.

baroness cortess

Baroness Cortess

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

How to start single-planet romance: When the player gets a chance to speak with Baroness Chay Cortess alone on Alderaan, she will invite him back to her chambers and they will share a kiss.

Romance continuation: None.

ki syzen

Ki Sazen

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: When the player gets a chance to speak with Ki Sazen in person on Taris, he will fight her, and when she is defeated he can invite her to join the Sith. If you do so, there’s a [FLIRT] option with a second [FLIRT] option after it, which can end in a kiss and some private time, and then she leaves to go become Darth Sazen.

Romance continuation: None.

natula pahn

Natula Pahn

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent male characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: When the player gets a chance to speak with Natual Pahn at the lounge, a blue twi’lek on Nar Shaddaa, they can flirt with her and take her out on a short date at the cantina. There is no kiss and you don’t get to see the date.

Romance continuation: None.

Aristoca Saganu

Aristocra Saganu


Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent female characters

How to start single-planet romance: During the mission on Hoth, the Imperial Agent will have multiple chances to [FLIRT] with Aristocra Saganu in person and via holocall. Before the agent leaves for the final part of the mission, they will have a minute alone with Aristocra, and a [FLIRT] option that leads to a kiss. Although he does not see the Agent off Hoth, he does holocall the Agent’s ship, and admits that although they can not spend their days and nights together, he gives the Agent the gift of being adopted in to his Chiss house, House Miurani.

How to continue non-romance: Players can resume their short romance with Aristocra after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, as part of the Copero / Traitor Among the Chiss storyline. Although there is no romantic dialogue, they do get to reunite for a brief time.


Dheno Rey

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent female characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: On Hutta, the Imperial Agent will meet up with “an old friend” of the person they are trying to impersonate, who recognizes that they are not who they’re supposed to be. While Dheno Rey trys to shake up the Agent for money, the female Agent can [FLIRT] with him to get out of paying up, and he’ll invite the Agent over for private time.

How to continue romance: None.

Jordel Tlan

Jordel Tlan

Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent female characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Agent will arrange a meeting with Master Tlan in his lounge and a [FLIRT] option comes up. The Agent can continue to [FLIRT] to get the information they’re looking for and Jordel will invite the Agent to stick around. If the Agent accepts, they spend some private time with Jordel in his lounge.

How to continue romance: None.



Romanceable by: imperial agentImperial Agent female characters

How to start single-cutscene romance: On Balmorra, the Imperial Agent will work with the terrorist cell with Sanju as their operative. to romance Sanju, the Imperial Agent must keep him alive, and they can meet up after the mission for a kiss and a small romance. The Agent invites him to join their crew, but Sanju feels Balmorra is his home, and the romance is not continued.

Here is some advice from another player found in the comments of a video about keeping Sanju alive,

“ After messing things up, I wondered which choices trigger Sanjus death and which one the romance and after a lot of research I think I finaly figured it out. It’s the conversation with Kaliyo when she says he’s cute and stupid. If you choose ”Go for it” or ”Enough, Kaliyo”, there will be no romance at the end. Instead, go for ”He’s not so bad”. Later, when you talk to Kaliyo again, don’t say ”He’s not my type”, but go for the second option. If you don’t do this, going 2 times for light side (Sabotage Chemishs plan, protect whoever you can) will not get you the romance. Also I think you have to choose at least one light side option, otherwise I think Chemish will kill him, because you’re better. If you sabotage Chemishs plan (light side), later refuse to get involved (dark side), he will not die and you can still romance him if you followed my instructions of how to speak with Kaliyo. Not sure what happens if you the first time go dark, later light. If you want him dead, go both times for the dark side. Hopefully this helps! – Rosenbleu “

How to continue romance: None.


How to start romance: There is an extremely spoiler-heavy romance at the very end of the romance storyline that can culminate in a kiss, but the romance can not be continued after.

Incomplete Romances

There are some other “romances” available in the game that are not continued or completed. This is far from a complete list.

Thana Vesh

Thana Vesh, a Sith who is a part of the Taris bonus series, can be flirted with many times, but is not interested in a relationship.

Colonel Surab

Although Surab does not have a kiss scene, the player’s final [FLIRT] with her during the Taris bonus series says that he epxects a call next time she’s on leave, and she says she’ll keep that in mind.

Halidrell Setsyn

Halidrell Setsyn. a female NPC who is part of the Sith Warrior’s storyline on Nar Shaddaa, does not have a kiss scene, but when the player goes to leave, she will invite the player to get to know her better after everything is over, and the player can agree.

Jonas Balkar

Jonas Balkar, a male NPXC who is a big part of the Trooper story, has many options to flirt with the female Trooper, but it never follows through to anything. The player does get to reunite with him in the Jedi Under Siege storyline for Ossus and he says he’d love to take her on a drink once the mission is over, but it never happens. It seems he might want to take Theron on a night out as well.

mini ROMANCES guide

giant chart of romances and number of flirts

swtoristaQuestions or comments? Feel free to send me a message on Twitter @swtorista, Reddit /u/swtorista, Youtube Swtorista channel or by e-mail at the same name with at the end. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you.


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