stardew valley моды на отношения с робин

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The Robin Romance Mod

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About this mod

Makes Robin datable and able to be married. This is done by making her a Custom NPC. Requires Content Patcher & TMX Loader (for festivals & the spouse room).

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File credits

TMXLoader SpouseRoomTemplate was used to assist in the design of Robin’s Spouse room.

Shadowfire1223: Created Veronica’s new portraits and sprites, as well as Robin’s alternate spritesheet.

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Translations available on the Nexus

Version 1.0

This mod makes Robin datable and able to be married. It does so through making her a Custom NPC. There are various flavors for this mod. The first and main version of this mod will see Robin divorced and living with Leah. Her sister Veronica will replace Robin at the carpentry shop. Veronica has a very small amount of custom dialogue, as well as a semi-unique sprite & a recolored Robin portrait. I’m a terrible artist however, so I can understand if people can’t stand Veronica’s sprites/portraits. Courtesy of Shadowfire1223, Veronica now has nice sprite/portrait artwork. She still has a small amount of custom dialogue, although she will hopefully have a little more in the next update.

If Veronica is a dealbreaker, you have option 2 (the optional download): This will simply add Robin as above but without Veronica. This means the normal Robin will continue to appear in the game aside the new Robin with no mention of each other. The datable Robin’s birthday will be shifted by 1 day (Fall 22).

Forgive me for my formatting, this is my first time posting a mod here.

The 1.3.1 Update

Relevant 1.3.1 News

I’ve tested this version and it should work, but I’m expecting there are a few bugs at the very least. Please let me know if you see any.

After various requests, preliminary support for various mods have been added. Robin Romance events should now be fully functional when using Stardew Valley Expanded. I’ve also adjusted Robin’s schedule to be compatible as well. I’m not sure if or what else Expanded may affect in regards to Robin, thus it’s not fully compatible from a story sense. MissCoriel’s Unique Courtship mod has now been supported. Veronica’s is mostly just a copy of the Robin portion from the Unique Courtship mod, but changed regardless in some ways. Attempts to make Seasonal Outfits compatible on my own failed miserably. Compatibility is up in the air depending on my desire to work further on the mod in the next few weeks.

Further compatibility planned in the future: Let me know if there’s any mods you’d ideally like to be compatible with this one. Would you like added dialogue or other things (events for instance) for other custom NPCs, in particular Stardew Valley Expanded? Seasonal Outfits is probably one of the most requested ones, but I am unsure of if or when it will be compatible. I’ve also been thinking of adding support for gender bending mods (I know there’s Sebastian > Sabrina; I believe there’s a male Maru floating about as well).

So apparently I’ve been playing Stardew Valley incorrectly for years. My window was too zoomed in, which when finally getting to the correct resolution gave me a bit of a shock. With this new knowledge (obtained after complaints about event positioning), I have completely redone all of the events. Characters should now properly walk off screen and not randomly appear elsewhere on the map (if you played at my resolution, it all looked perfectly fine, which is why I never realized it was an issue). If you notice issues with the events in this regard, please let me know. The 14 heart event in particular is rather large so it’s possible I missed some.

Other significant changes: Added more dialogue for Sebastian and Maru. Movie data has been added for Robin and Veronica, although there’s a significant chance that it will cause bugs. I haven’t accessed that part of the game and consequently can’t test it. Robin now has a marriage schedule as well. Various updates to add breaks in text to make it flow better. Fixed lore incorrect dialogue about Maru’s crush. And the spouse room has been fixed to no longer have Robin standing in a chair. Also fixed Ram no Veronica version for having an incorrect mod id.

I’m also currently updating the pictures for this mod. The original is old. If you have Veronica, she’ll appear at the wedding, not Robin.

I noticed a few errors while doing some playthroughs, though they could have been due to other mods I was using: At one point Veronica referred to Sebastian as her son from a previous marriage, and dancing in the bar with Demetrius also referred to her as Robin. Using Lookup Anything in certain places referred to Robin as Ram and Veronica as Robin. If you see Ram when using that mod, it is talking about the datable Robin.

I am also planning on making a miniguide to show Robin’s schedule, likes, etc. for those who want to know. No clue when I’ll get it done however.

1.3 Update Info

After failing to update this mod for so long (sorry), it’s finally here. Veronica now has custom dialogue and is no longer a slightly better than basic replacement for Robin. Other characters talk about Veronica. Other NPCs talk about Robin. Some NPCs may even change their dialogue depending on events with Robin. For the additional NPCs, these aren’t huge additions, just a few lines, but Veronica now has far more dialogue.

But wait, that’s not all! Veronica now has a 4 heart event. She also gets an 8 heart event if you’re married to Robin.

Various fixes have been added to this version of the mod. Robin should no longer be referred to as your husband (why that’s even happening I’ve got no clue; she is set to be female in the code). Her dialogue should hopefully be fixed for the completion of the community center. Issues with differing dialogue based off of the player’s gender have now been fixed.

The user Warhorse went over virtually the entirety of the mod and helped to correct various spelling, grammar, and wording issues. Hopefully the dialogue looks cleaner and flows better.

I’ve done some minor touchup to existing events. Music has now been added more aggressively. I’m not much of a music aficionado, but hopefully I picked some decent tracks for the mood of the events. I’ve cleaned up the flow of the dialogue (adding extra breaks, etc.). The 8 heart event no longer requires you to enter the area on a certain day and the 10 heart event no longer requires you to not be married to Robin (though it’s highly suggested you do it before marrying Robin). The 10 heart event now has a glow affect around the campfire. It’s not perfect, but hopefully it helps a bit.

Oh and Robin now has a 14 heart event. With tons of paths. Like, a lot. Probably not as much as some other mod out there, but it’s a lot. You even have to loop through all of your possible options because, well, I couldn’t find a way for the events to handle more than 2 branching choices at a time. Please be warned it has crashed on occasion while looping through those options. You should be safe on your first loop, but it does crash upon entering the third loop after the *hold hand* path. I will put how to trigger the event under Further Plans for those who are having a hard time (it’s really simple, but just in case people don’t want to be spoiled).

1.3.1 should be on its way soon. There are still a few issues I want to fix. Robin still needs her movie data. If any bugs are reported that I can fix, then obviously those need to be dealt with. I simply wanted to push out the mod seeing as though it’s playable and I thought people may appreciate it today of all days.

I should also note that I’ve been told a couple of Maru’s lines aren’t accurate to her character. I will be fixing those as of 1.3.1. Aside from that, hopefully I didn’t write Maru or Sebastian too terribly. I know Sebastian at the very least is a challenge for me. I tend to make him too edgy. Please forgive me if I butchered them in some way or another. And that brings me to the 5th folder now appearing within the mod, [CP] R_Romance Additional Dialogue. That contains a lot of changes to the NPCs aside from Veronica and Robin. If you really hate some of the things I’ve added, you can delete that folder or go in and manually disable what you don’t like. It doesn’t contain everything that affects those NPCs, but it has most of it.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Shadowfire1223 created the new Veronica portraits and sprites, as well as an alternate spritesheet for Robin complete with a unique wedding dress. Check out their profile here.

Warhorse for proofreading the mod and helping with not only testing events for me, but spelling, grammar, and wording errors.

Before You Install

This mod requires Content Patcher & TMXLoader (needed to add Robin to the festivals and to add her spouse room).

Before You Install: Backup your save files! Save files with Custom NPCs (which this mod is) will not load without the Custom NPC. Note so long as you don’t use this mod on your existing save files, those files should be safe, but once a save file has added this mod, it will require this mod in order to load. I believe you can use save edits to remove them, but I’m unsure of how and if this can be done. Please take caution and consider starting a new save file if you are concerned about this.

Other Languages

A Chinese Translation is available courtesy of erinyang.

A Russian Translation is available courtesy of Ghost3lboom

There are no current plans for other translations, but if anyone does want to translate the mod to another language then feel free to contact me about it. I’d be more than happy to add as many translations as possible for the mod. Please make sure to send a PM, as I’m not often checking the Nexus page, but will be emailed if I get a PM.

More Mod Info

There are parts of this mod that aren’t complete: Unique Spouse Patio (the outside area that the spouses have). This isn’t likely to be finished, but if I can figure it out I might go ahead and do it.

Robin has 4 events. 1 at 4 Hearts, 1 at 6 Hearts, 1 at 8 Hearts, & 1 at 10 Hearts. Currently nothing in the game notifies you that you are eligible for these events nor how to trigger them.

The 4 heart event doesn’t start perfectly, but I’ve done my best to make it work as it should. Robin’s outfit should be different from the start, but it takes a second for her to change into it.

The 6 Heart event has been changed as of version 1.1.0, I believe it to be a bit more in-line with the characters. However, it is possible to access the old event if you go into the content.json and enable it.

The 8 Heart event now is one event! Aside from a slight dimming issue when switching scenes, it should otherwise work just fine. If there’s any issues, let me know.

The 10 Heart event mostly works, unfortunately there’s supposed to be a fire but I’ve failed to actually find how to animate the fire. Again not likely to be corrected as I’ve got no clue how to and my testing failed to make it work.

Hate Veronica’s artwork? If you disable her Sprites/Portraits, then you can use your favorite Robin sprite/portrait mods instead for Veronica.

Robin’s Portraits: If you target «Ram», how the game refers to Robin in this mod, it should be possible to use your favorite Robin portrait mods. However Robin does have 3 portraits that were added, so anytime those 3 portraits are called it will instead feature a Robin with no portrait. Note you can’t change sprites, otherwise Robin won’t do the right animations.

Collaborations: I’m willing to work with other modders to make this mod better. If someone wants to create Robin’s Patio.

Use of this mod: Please make sure to give credit if you use this mod’s content. Please also ask permission if you want to include this mod or a significant part of this mod in one of your mods, especially for anything to do with a Robin romance mod.

You can find this mod on the Stardew Valley forums as well. Only download from the Official Stardew Valley forums or Nexusmods, no other site has my permission to distribute this mod.

Bugs/Known Issues

2/14/2020: Please continue to report bugs. I know of a few I’m still working on and I’m sure I introduced plenty with this update.

Spouse Room Issues: 1.2.1 and later versions should have a corrected spouse room. Please make sure that if you’re upgrading from an earlier version that you have deleted the [TMX]SpouseRoomRam from within the 1.2 or earlier versions of [CP] Ram w Veronica or [CP] Ram no Veronica folder within your mod folder. If it’s not showing up, that’s because of an issue with Exit to Title. Please exit the game and restart it with the proper save. The spouse room should appear.

Further Plans
These are things I plan, however they may or may not be finished.

To trigger the 14 heart event, enter the beach on a sunny day between 600 & 1800 hours.

As of 2/13/2020: There is a very strong possibility of a 1.3.1 version coming soon. The main thing I’m needing to add is the movie data for Robin, but due to the way you have to unpack the XNB files, my lack of knowledge on that part of the game, and me having a mac, it takes a little longer and I wanted this update out as quick as possible. I still have a couple minor dialogue things I might add, and I also have some issues I’m already aware of and trying to fix (in particular an issue with some of Maru’s dialogue that was pointed out to me).

There are possible plans to further flesh out Veronica and change some of her schedule/festival data, but as of now it is what it is. Also to change other character’s data to reflect these changes.

There is currently no Marriage Schedule for Robin. I’d ideally like to add it, but at the moment I don’t know how.

Possible plans to add some more unique dialogue for Robin, namely more options for her asking questions of the farmer, as well as unique pregnancy/adoption dialogue. Possible addition of additional quests or mail. And ideally an outdoor spouse area for Robin, though I haven’t looked into how to do it.

The mod is mostly done, while I may continue to update it, it’s unlikely that I’ll be doing much anytime soon, if ever at all. I will at least try to continue fixing bugs however.

Installation Instructions

Read «Before You Install» above. Make sure you have SMAPI, Content Patcher, & TMXLoader. Unzip this mod and put it in your mod folder.

Mod Compatibility

This mod should work with most mods. If using Veronica, then other mods that affect Robin will cause interference. Nothing should crash the game however. If you have custom dialogue for various NPCs (Demetrius, Maru, etc.) and this mod seems to be interfering, try deleting the [CP] R_Romance Additional Dialogue folder within your [CP] Ram w Veronica or [CP] Ram no Veronica within your mod folder. Most of the other NPCs are being altered through the use of that part of the mod, though there are a few stray lines in the various content.json in the Robin Romance and Veronica folders.


Please let me know of any bugs or errors. This is my first Stardew Valley mod and I’m not particularly knowledgeable about modding, but I’ll do my best to fix any issues. I may or may not be continuing to try to update this mod, but as of right now I’m pretty satisfied with it, though I do intend to fix any bugs that I can. Hope you enjoy!

A very big thanks to all the modders on Discord, who are the entire reason this mod exists. It’s due to them that I was able to put this together and actually make it work, as well as to those on the Stardew forums who helped me.

Another big thanks to Warhorse who took the time to help test my event fixes and proofread the vast majority of the mod for me.

TMXLoader’s SpouseRoomTemplate was used to help design Robin’s spouse room, thanks to the authors of those mods.



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The Robin Romance Mod

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Main files

The Robin Romance Mod

Please be warned that the 14 heart event can crash if looping through all of the options for a third time. If downgrading to 1.2.1 or earlier, delete [CP] R_Romance Additional Dialogue within the [CP] Ram w Veronica folder in your mod folder.

Optional files

Please be warned that the 14 heart event can crash if looping through all of the options for a third time. If downgrading to 1.2.1 or earlier, delete [CP] R_Romance Additional Dialogue within the [CP] Ram no Veronica folder in your mod folder.

Old files

The Robin Romance Mod

If updating from 1.2 or earlier, please go into your mod folder, into [CP] Ram w Veronica, and delete [TMX]SpouseRoomRam before installing 1.2.1. Note: Do not delete that folder from the 1.2.1 release.

The Robin Romance Mod

Adds a datable Robin and her sister Veronica to the game.

The Robin Romance Mod

Please be warned that the 14 heart event can crash if looping through all of the options for a third time. If downgrading to 1.2.1 or earlier, delete [CP] R_Romance Additional Dialogue within the [CP] Ram w Veronica folder in your mod folder.

The Robin Romance Mod

Updated to have an update manifest, as well as fixing Veronica not appearing.

The Robin Romance Mod

Robin Romance 1.2.0 adds new portraits/sprites for Veronica as well as an alternate spritesheet for Robin. Various events have been fixed to add Robin over Veronica and the 8 heart event has been fixed to be only one event rather than two.

The Robin Romance Mod

Robin Romance 1.1.0 adds Mail, a Quest, a revamped 6 heart event, & a spouse room.
Also fixes Veronica calling herself Robin in the intro to Stardew Valley as well as adding Robin into one of Sebastian’s event instead of Veronica.

If updating from 1.2 or earlier, please go into your mod folder, into [CP] Ram no Veronica, and delete [TMX]SpouseRoomRam before installing 1.2.1. Note: Do not delete that folder from the 1.2.1 release.

This adds a datable Robin without adding Veronica to the game.

Updated the manifest with an update key.

Please be warned that the 14 heart event can crash if looping through all of the options for a third time. If downgrading to 1.2.1 or earlier, delete [CP] R_Romance Additional Dialogue within the [CP] Ram no Veronica folder in your mod folder.

Robin Romance 1.2.0 adds an alternate spritesheet for Robin (the one you can romance) and fixes the 8 heart event to be only one event rather than two separate events.


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This author has not credited anyone else in this file

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This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Примечание: за основу взят перевод от SenyaAleks. Так как автор давно не появлялась в сети, наша команда решила обновить перевод до последней версии.

Как и сказано выше, мод предоставляет возможность парочкам Долины встречаться, жениться, заводить детей и не только!

Dating версия: В этой версии пары чаще общаются с друг другом и узнают друг друга получше. (Доступна для всех пар)

Married версия: После того как посмотрите все сердечные события пары, можете смело переключаться на эту версию! Здесь вы сможете увидеть их свадьбу! (На данный момент доступны только Харви-Мару, Пенни-Сэм, Лея-Хэйли и Абигейл-Себастиан)

Информация о сердечных событиях:

Абигейл и Себастиан:
2 сердца: Должно быть 2 сердца с Абигейл и Себастианом. Войдите в город между 11 и 12 часами.
4 сердца: Должно быть 4 сердца с Абигейл и Себастианом, и вы видели событие с 2 сердцами. Войдите в гору в выходные дни с 6 до 8 вечера. Должно быть солнечно и лето.
6 сердец: Должно быть 6 сердец с Абигейл и Себастианом, и вы видели событие с 4 сердцами. Войдите в лес в солнечное воскресенье между 4 и 7 вечера. Это событие не появится, если вы состоите в браке с Абигейл или Себастианом.
8 сердец: у тебя должно быть 8 сердец с Абигейл и Себастианом, и вы видели событие с 6 сердцами. Войдите в гору в солнечный день между 8 и 9 вечера. Это событие не будет отображаться, если вы состоите в браке с Абигейл или Себастианом.
Свадьба: Вы должны посмотреть все сердечные события. 3-го года или позже, зимой 12, у вас будет 70% шанс получить приглашение на свадьбу (в солнечный день). Вы не получите письмо, если вы встречаетесь или женаты на Абигейл или Себастиане. Получив письмо, войдите в город между 4 и 5:30 вечера.

Эмили и Клинт:
6 сердец : Должно быть 6 сердец с Эмили и Клинтом, и вы видели событие 6 сердец Клинта. Войдите в железную дорогу между 7 и 9 вечера. Должно быть солнечно и не пятница. НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ НЕ СМОТРИТЕ СОБЫТИЕ НА 8 СЕРДЕЦ С ЭМИЛИ ПЕРЕД ЭТИМ СОБЫТИЕМ, ИНАЧЕ ОНО НИКОГДА НЕ ЗАПУСТИТСЯ.
7 сердец : Должно быть 7 сердец с Эмили и Клинтом и вы видели событие с 6 сердцами. Войдите в дом Эмили между 7 и 8 вечера. Это событие не появится, если вы состоите в браке с Эмили. НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ НЕ СМОТРИТЕ СОБЫТИЕ НА 8 СЕРДЕЦ С ЭМИЛИ ПЕРЕД ЭТИМ СОБЫТИЕМ, ИНАЧЕ ОНО НИКОГДА НЕ ЗАПУСТИТСЯ.
8 сердец : Должно быть 8 сердец с Эмили и 10 сердец с Клинтом, и вы видели событие с 7 сердцами и событие с 8 сердцами Эмили. Войдите в Секретный лес между 3 и 5 вечера в солнечный день. Это событие не будет отображаться, если вы состоите в браке с Эмили.

Эмили и Шейн:
2 сердца: Должно быть 2 сердца с Эмили и Шейном. Войдите в салун в любой день, кроме воскресенья, с 6 до 8 часов вечера.
4 сердца: Должно быть 4 сердца с Эмили и Шейном, вы видели событие 2 сердца и событие 4 сердца Шейна. Войдите в салун в любой день, кроме воскресенья, с 5 до 6 часов вечера.
6 сердец: Должно быть 6 сердец с Эмили и Шейном, вы видели событие 4 сердца и событие 6 сердец Шейна. Войдите в дом Эмили между 12 и 1 часом дня.
8 сердец: Должно быть 8 сердец с Эмили и Шейном, вы видели событие 6 сердец и событие 7 сердец Шейна. Войдите в больницу во вторник или четверг между 11 и 12 часами. Это событие не появится, если вы женаты на Эмили или Шейне.

Хэйли и Алекс:
2 сердца: Должно быть 2 сердца с Алексом и Хэйли. Войдите в город в солнечный день между 5 и 6 вечера.
4 сердца: Должно быть 4 сердца с Алексом и Хэйли, и вы видели событие с 2 сердцами. Войдите на автобусную остановку в пятницу или субботу между 6 и 7 вечера.
6 сердец: Должно быть 6 сердец с Алексом и Хэйли, и вы видели событие с 4 сердцами. Войдите в дом Алекса между 7 и 8 вечера. Это событие не появится, если вы состоите в браке с Хэйли
8 сердец: Должно быть 8 сердец с Алексом и Хэйли, и вы видели событие с 6 сердцами. Войдите на пляж в солнечный летний день между 11 часами утра и 1 часом дня. Это событие не появится, если вы состоите в браке с Алексом или Хэйли.

Марни и Льюис:
4 сердца : Должно быть 4 сердца с Марни и Льюисом. Войдите в город в солнечный день с 9 до 12 часов. Если вы играете с новым сохранением, обязательно запустите это событие, прежде чем вы достигнете 6 сердец с Марни и Льюисом. В противном случае запуститься оригинальное событие.
6 сердец: Должно быть 6 сердец с Марни и Льюисом, и вы видели событие с 4 сердцами. Войдите на ранчо Марни с 4 до 6 вечера.
8 сердец: Должно быть 8 сердец с Марни и Льюисом, 6 сердец с Шейном, и вы видели событие с 6 сердцами Шейна и видели событие с 6 сердцами. Войдите в салун в пятницу с 7 до 9 вечера.
10 сердец: Должно быть 10 сердец с Марни и Льюисом, и вы видели событие с 8 сердцами. Войдите в лес в солнечный день между 6 и 7 вечера.

Эллиот и Лея:
2 сердца: Д олжно быть 2 сердца с Эллиотом и Леей. Войдите в салун в пятницу или в воскресенье между 5 и 7 часами вечера.
4 сердца: Д олжно быть 4 сердца с Эллиотом и Леей и вы видели событие 2 сердца. Войдите на пляж в солнечный летний день между 1 и 3 часами дня.
6 сердец: Д олжно быть 6 сердец с Эллиотом и Леей и вы видели событие 4 сердца. Войдите в дом Леи между 1 и 2 часами дня. Это событие не появится, если вы женаты на Эллиоте или Леи.
8 сердец: Д олжно быть 8 сердец с Эллиотом и Леей и вы видели событие 6 сердец. Войдите на пляж в солнечный день между 8 и 9 часами вечера. Это событие не появится, если вы женаты на Эллиоте или Леи.

Если найдёте ошибку в переводе, пожалуйста, напишите об этом!
Приятной игры!


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