suggest 3 формы глагола

pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



What does this shape suggest to you? pi v3

Это что-нибудь вам напоминает?

I suggested waiting. pi v3

Я предложил подождать.

Who would you suggest for the job? pi v3

Кого бы вы предложили на эту работу?

He suggested a visit to the gallery. pi v3

Он посоветовал посетить галерею.

An idea suggested itself to me. pi v3

Мне пришла в голову мысль.

Who suggested his taking part? pi v3

Кто предложил, чтобы он принял участие?

She suggested a compromise to us. pi v3

Она предложила нам компромиссное решение.

Does the name suggest nothing to you? pi v3

Разве это имя вам ничего не говорит?

I’m sorry, the lamb is off, may I suggest some chicken? pi v3

Простите, баранина уже кончилась, может быть, вы попробуете цыпленка?

Did she suggest where we should meet? pi v3

Она сказала, где мы должны встретиться?

At this juncture, I suggest we take a short break. pi v3

В данный момент я предлагаю сделать небольшой перерыв.

I venture to suggest that your whole idea is unworkable. pi v3

Позволю себе заметить, что ваш план неосуществим.

The architect suggested restoring the building. pi v3

Архитектор предложил восстановить здание.

Which part of the States would you suggest I visit? pi v3

Какую часть Штатов вы предложили бы мне посетить?

The circumstances suggest murder. pi v3

Обстоятельства позволяют предположить, что это было убийство.

I suggest that you abort the project. pi v3

Советую вам отменить /прекратить/ этот проект.

Results suggest that diet is very important. pi v3

Результаты показывают, что диета очень важна.

I suggest caution in a situation like this. pi v3

В подобных ситуациях я предлагаю действовать осторожно.

I suggest we skip over the details and get to the point. pi v3

Я предлагаю опустить подробности и перейти к сути дела.

He could not suggest a viable alternative. pi v3

Он не смог предложить реальной альтернативы.

We suggest replacing the present chairman with a younger person. pi v3

Мы предлагаем заменить действующего председателя человеком помоложе.

She never found an occasion to suggest her ideas. pi v3

Она так и не нашла возможности предложить свои идеи.

He had the audacity to suggest that it was all my fault. pi v3

Он имел наглость намекнуть, что я сама во всём этом виновата.

There is nothing to suggest that the two events are connected. pi v3

Нет никаких оснований предполагать, что эти два события связаны.

Economic indicators suggest that prices will go up. pi v3

Экономические показатели позволяют предположить, что цены пойдут вверх.

I suggest that you keep off religion while the priest is here. pi v3

Не говори о религии, пока у нас в гостях священник.

All the main economic indicators suggest that trade is improving. pi v3

Все основные экономические показатели свидетельствуют об улучшении торговли.

All of your classmates have begun their projects, and I suggest you do the same. pi v3

Все ваши одноклассники уже начали свои проекты, и я предлагаю вам сделать то же самое.

She suggested (to us) that an exception be / should be made. pi v3

Она пыталась нас убедить в том, что должно быть сделано исключение.

It is pure hokum to suggest that all authors are always interesting. pi v3

Предположение о том, что все авторы всегда интересны, полный вздор.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

. despite what his athletic leanings might suggest, he was actually a very lazy kid. pi v3

. the package’s directions seem to suggest that anyone who would buy such a product is a bonehead. pi v3

. movie scenes set in heaven often suggest that harps are the favored instruments for empyrean music. pi v3


3 формы глагола suggest

? Глагол suggest имеет значения: предлагать, означать, говорить о, советовать, выдвигать, подсказывать, внушать, наводить на мысль, намекать.

Формы глагола suggest в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола suggest в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет suggest в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола suggest

Как поставить suggest во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол suggest в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить suggest в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для suggest нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: suggest в past simple — suggested.

What is the past tense of suggest?

The past tense of suggest is suggested.
The past participle of suggest is suggested.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — suggest в past simple, будет suggested. (V2)
Future simple — suggest в future simple будет suggest. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — suggest в present perfect будет suggested. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — suggest в past perfect будет suggested. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол suggest?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол suggest это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола suggest

Вместе с suggest, часто смотрят глаголы crow and don.


Глагол suggest в английском языке

suggest 3 forms

Перевод suggest с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
suggest suggested suggested suggesting
[səˈdʒest] [səɡˈdʒestəd] [səɡˈdʒestəd] [səɡˈdʒestɪŋ]
[səˈdʒest] [səˈdʒestɪd] [səˈdʒestɪd] [səˈdʒestɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение suggest в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to suggest» (Английский язык)

Глагол to suggest – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: предлагать, советовать; внушать, вызывать; подсказывать; намекать; наводить на мысль; говорить о, означать.

Infinitive to suggest
Simple past suggested
Past participle suggested
-s suggests
-ing suggesting

Suggest in present simple


He suggests
She suggests
It suggests


You do not suggest

He does not suggest
She does not suggest
It does not suggest

You do not suggest

They do not suggest


Does he suggest?
Does she suggest?
Does it suggest?

Suggest in present continuous


You are suggesting

He is suggesting
She is suggesting
It is suggesting

You are suggesting

They are suggesting


I am not suggesting

You are not suggesting

He is not suggesting
She is not suggesting
It is not suggesting

We are not suggesting

You are not suggesting

They are not suggesting


Are you suggesting?

Is he suggesting?
Is she suggesting?
Is it suggesting?

Are you suggesting?

Are they suggesting?

Suggest in present perfect


You have suggested

He has suggested
She has suggested
It has suggested

You have suggested

They have suggested


I have not suggested

You have not suggested

He has not suggested
She has not suggested
It has not suggested

We have not suggested

You have not suggested

They have not suggested


Have you suggested?

Has he suggested?
Has she suggested?
Has it suggested?

Have you suggested?

Have they suggested?

Suggest in present perfect continuous


I have been suggesting

You have been suggesting

He has been suggesting
She has been suggesting
It has been suggesting

We have been suggesting

You have been suggesting

They have been suggesting


I have not been suggesting

You have not been suggesting

He has not been suggesting
She has not been suggesting
It has not been suggesting

We have not been suggesting

You have not been suggesting

They have not been suggesting


Have I been suggesting?

Have you been suggesting?

Has he been suggesting?
Has she been suggesting?
Has it been suggesting?

Have we been suggesting?

Have you been suggesting?

Have they been suggesting?

Suggest in past simple


He suggested
She suggested
It suggested


You did not suggest

He did not suggest
She did not suggest
It did not suggest

We did not suggest

You did not suggest

They did not suggest


Did he suggest?
Did she suggest?
Did it suggest?

Suggest in past continuous


You were suggesting

He was suggesting
She was suggesting
It was suggesting

We were suggesting

You were suggesting

They were suggesting


I was not suggesting

You were not suggesting

He was not suggesting
She was not suggesting
It was not suggesting

We were not suggesting

You were not suggesting

They were not suggesting


Were you suggesting?

Was he suggesting?
Was she suggesting?
Was it suggesting?

Were we suggesting?

Were you suggesting?

Were they suggesting?

Suggest in past perfect


He had suggested
She had suggested
It had suggested

They had suggested


I had not suggested

You had not suggested

He had not suggested
She had not suggested
It had not suggested

We had not suggested

You had not suggested

They had not suggested


Had he suggested?
Had she suggested?
Had it suggested?

Had they suggested?

Suggest in past perfect continuous


I had been suggesting

You had been suggesting

He had been suggesting
She had been suggesting
It had been suggesting

We had been suggesting

You had been suggesting

They had been suggesting


I had not been suggesting

You had not been suggesting

He had not been suggesting
She had not been suggesting
It had not been suggesting

We had not been suggesting

You had not been suggesting

They had not been suggesting


Had I been suggesting?

Had you been suggesting?

Had he been suggesting?
Had she been suggesting?
Had it been suggesting?

Had we been suggesting?

Had you been suggesting?

Had they been suggesting?

Suggest in future simple


He will suggest
She will suggest
It will suggest


I will not suggest

You will not suggest

He will not suggest
She will not suggest
It will not suggest

We will not suggest

You will not suggest

They will not suggest


Will he suggest?
Will she suggest?
Will it suggest?

Suggest in future continuous


I will be suggesting

You will be suggesting

He will be suggesting
She will be suggesting
It will be suggesting

We will be suggesting

You will be suggesting

They will be suggesting


I will not be suggesting

You will not be suggesting

He will not be suggesting
She will not be suggesting
It will not be suggesting

We will not be suggesting

You will not be suggesting

They will not be suggesting


Will I be suggesting?

Will you be suggesting?

Will he be suggesting?
Will she be suggesting?
Will it be suggesting?

Will we be suggesting?

Will you be suggesting?

Will they be suggesting?

Suggest in future perfect


I will have suggested

You will have suggested

He will have suggested
She will have suggested
It will have suggested

We will have suggested

You will have suggested

They will have suggested


I will not have suggested

You will not have suggested

He will not have suggested
She will not have suggested
It will not have suggested

We will not have suggested

You will not have suggested

They will not have suggested


Will I have suggested?

Will you have suggested?

Will he have suggested?
Will she have suggested?
Will it have suggested?

Will we have suggested?

Will you have suggested?

Will they have suggested?

Suggest in future perfect continuous


I will have been suggesting

You will have been suggesting

He will have been suggesting
She will have been suggesting
It will have been suggesting

We will have been suggesting

You will have been suggesting

They will have been suggesting


I will not have been suggesting

You will not have been suggesting

He will not have been suggesting
She will not have been suggesting
It will not have been suggesting

We will not have been suggesting

You will not have been suggesting

They will not have been suggesting


Will I have been suggesting?

Will you have been suggesting?

Will he have been suggesting?
Will she have been suggesting?
Will it have been suggesting?

Will we have been suggesting?

Will you have been suggesting?

Will they have been suggesting?

Suggest in conditional present


He would suggest
She would suggest
It would suggest

They would suggest


I would not suggest

You would not suggest

He would not suggest
She would not suggest
It would not suggest

We would not suggest

You would not suggest

They would not suggest


Would he suggest?
Would she suggest?
Would it suggest?

Would they suggest?

Suggest in conditional present progressive


I would be suggesting

You would be suggesting

He would be suggesting
She would be suggesting
It would be suggesting

We would be suggesting

You would be suggesting

They would be suggesting


I would not be suggesting

You would not be suggesting

He would not be suggesting
She would not be suggesting
It would not be suggesting

We would not be suggesting

You would not be suggesting

They would not be suggesting


Would I be suggesting?

Would you be suggesting?

Would he be suggesting?
Would she be suggesting?
Would it be suggesting?

Would we be suggesting?

Would you be suggesting?

Would they be suggesting?

Suggest in conditional perfect


I would have suggested

You would have suggested

He would have suggested
She would have suggested
It would have suggested

We would have suggested

You would have suggested

They would have suggested


I would not have suggested

You would not have suggested

He would not have suggested
She would not have suggested
It would not have suggested

We would not have suggested

You would not have suggested

They would not have suggested


Would I have suggested?

Would you have suggested?

Would he have suggested?
Would she have suggested?
Would it have suggested?

Would we have suggested?

Would you have suggested?

Would they have suggested?

Suggest in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been suggesting

You would have been suggesting

He would have been suggesting
She would have been suggesting
It would have been suggesting

We would have been suggesting

You would have been suggesting

They would have been suggesting


I would not have been suggesting

You would not have been suggesting

He would not have been suggesting
She would not have been suggesting
It would not have been suggesting

We would not have been suggesting

You would not have been suggesting

They would not have been suggesting


Would I have been suggesting?

Would you have been suggesting?

Would he have been suggesting?
Would she have been suggesting?
Would it have been suggesting?


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