suppose три формы глагола

pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓


Мои примеры



I suppose you’re right. pi v3

Я полагаю, вы правы.

I supposed him to be abroad. pi v3

Я предполагал, что он за границей.

He was supposed to work today. pi v3

Он должен был работать сегодня.

We suppose that the situation will improve. pi v3

Мы полагаем, что ситуация улучшится.

Suppose we go to the cinema! pi v3

А что, если нам пойти в кино?

What makes you suppose we’re going to sell the house? pi v3

Почему вы думаете, что мы собираемся продать дом?

Just suppose for a moment that you agreed with me. pi v3

Просто представьте на минутку, что вы со мной согласились.

He is not so simple as you suppose. pi v3

Он не так прост (наивен), как вы думаете.

How do you suppose he got here? pi v3

Как, по-вашему, он сюда попал?

Let us suppose that what you say is true. pi v3

Предположим, что вы говорите правду.

А что, если пойдет дождь?

I suppose we may as well get started. pi v3

Полагаю, мы можем начинать.

She looked about 50, I suppose. pi v3

На вид ей было лет, наверное, пятьдесят.

That’s not how it is supposed to be done. pi v3

Это делается не так.

Suppose there was a disruption in the food supply. pi v3

Предположим, произошло нарушение поставок продовольствия.

I suppose I should be forced to meet him. pi v3

Полагаю, я буду вынужден драться с ним на дуэли.

Where’s Jim? I suppose he has hived off again. pi v3

Где Джим? Думаю, он опять смылся.

Do you suppose this is the exact spot? pi v3

Ты думаешь, что это то самое место?

Let’s suppose X knows what Y is doing. pi v3

Предположим, что икс знает, чем занимается игрек в данную минуту.

‘I suppose so,’ she said heavily. pi v3

— Думаю, что да, — с трудом сказала она.

In one way you’re right, I suppose. pi v3

В одном ты права, я полагаю.

If he hits you first, I suppose it’s all right to hit him back. pi v3

Если он ударит первым, мне кажется, правильно дать ему сдачи.

I suppose the shock had addled his poor old brain. pi v3

Я полагаю, что шок повлиял на его бедную старую голову.

I don’t suppose I’ll ever see her again. pi v3

Вряд ли я её когда-нибудь снова увижу.

I don’t suppose the little blighters will go off to sleep. pi v3

Не думаю, что эти паршивцы уснут.

There was some reason to suppose that all the mortgaged houses would speedily let. pi v3

Были причины полагать, что все заложенные дома будут быстро сданы.

I suppose her mother is still rabbiting on as usual. pi v3

Я думаю, ее мать опять долго беседует, как обычно.

Suppose a chemical firm discharges a pollutant into a river. pi v3

Предположим, что химическое предприятие сбрасывает в реку загрязняющее вещество.

I suppose in every atom two poles in its superficies, and a Central point within its substance, which I call its Bias. pi v3

Я полагаю, что у каждого атома на поверхности есть два полюса и некая центральная точка внутри него, которую я называю центром гравитации.

This step presupposes two prior ones. pi v3

Этот шаг предполагает два предыдущих.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

So things worked out for the best, I suppose. pi v3

‘Aren’t you pleased?’ ‘Yes, I suppose so.’ pi v3

‘Can we come with you?’ ‘Oh, I suppose so.’ pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to suppose» (Английский язык)

Глагол to suppose – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: предполагать, полагать, допускать, думать; подразумевать в качестве условия.

Infinitive to suppose
Simple past supposed
Past participle supposed
-s supposes
-ing supposing

Suppose in present simple


He supposes
She supposes
It supposes


You do not suppose

He does not suppose
She does not suppose
It does not suppose

You do not suppose

They do not suppose


Does he suppose?
Does she suppose?
Does it suppose?

Suppose in present continuous


He is supposing
She is supposing
It is supposing

They are supposing


I am not supposing

You are not supposing

He is not supposing
She is not supposing
It is not supposing

We are not supposing

You are not supposing

They are not supposing


Is he supposing?
Is she supposing?
Is it supposing?

Are they supposing?

Suppose in present perfect


He has supposed
She has supposed
It has supposed

They have supposed


I have not supposed

You have not supposed

He has not supposed
She has not supposed
It has not supposed

We have not supposed

You have not supposed

They have not supposed


Has he supposed?
Has she supposed?
Has it supposed?

Have they supposed?

Suppose in present perfect continuous


I have been supposing

You have been supposing

He has been supposing
She has been supposing
It has been supposing

We have been supposing

You have been supposing

They have been supposing


I have not been supposing

You have not been supposing

He has not been supposing
She has not been supposing
It has not been supposing

We have not been supposing

You have not been supposing

They have not been supposing


Have I been supposing?

Have you been supposing?

Has he been supposing?
Has she been supposing?
Has it been supposing?

Have we been supposing?

Have you been supposing?

Have they been supposing?

Suppose in past simple


He supposed
She supposed
It supposed


You did not suppose

He did not suppose
She did not suppose
It did not suppose

We did not suppose

You did not suppose

They did not suppose


Did he suppose?
Did she suppose?
Did it suppose?

Suppose in past continuous


You were supposing

He was supposing
She was supposing
It was supposing

You were supposing

They were supposing


I was not supposing

You were not supposing

He was not supposing
She was not supposing
It was not supposing

We were not supposing

You were not supposing

They were not supposing


Were you supposing?

Was he supposing?
Was she supposing?
Was it supposing?

Were you supposing?

Were they supposing?

Suppose in past perfect


He had supposed
She had supposed
It had supposed


I had not supposed

You had not supposed

He had not supposed
She had not supposed
It had not supposed

We had not supposed

You had not supposed

They had not supposed


Had he supposed?
Had she supposed?
Had it supposed?

Suppose in past perfect continuous


I had been supposing

You had been supposing

He had been supposing
She had been supposing
It had been supposing

We had been supposing

You had been supposing

They had been supposing


I had not been supposing

You had not been supposing

He had not been supposing
She had not been supposing
It had not been supposing

We had not been supposing

You had not been supposing

They had not been supposing


Had I been supposing?

Had you been supposing?

Had he been supposing?
Had she been supposing?
Had it been supposing?

Had we been supposing?

Had you been supposing?

Had they been supposing?

Suppose in future simple


He will suppose
She will suppose
It will suppose


I will not suppose

You will not suppose

He will not suppose
She will not suppose
It will not suppose

We will not suppose

You will not suppose

They will not suppose


Will he suppose?
Will she suppose?
Will it suppose?

Suppose in future continuous


I will be supposing

You will be supposing

He will be supposing
She will be supposing
It will be supposing

We will be supposing

You will be supposing

They will be supposing


I will not be supposing

You will not be supposing

He will not be supposing
She will not be supposing
It will not be supposing

We will not be supposing

You will not be supposing

They will not be supposing


Will I be supposing?

Will you be supposing?

Will he be supposing?
Will she be supposing?
Will it be supposing?

Will we be supposing?

Will you be supposing?

Will they be supposing?

Suppose in future perfect


I will have supposed

You will have supposed

He will have supposed
She will have supposed
It will have supposed

We will have supposed

You will have supposed

They will have supposed


I will not have supposed

You will not have supposed

He will not have supposed
She will not have supposed
It will not have supposed

We will not have supposed

You will not have supposed

They will not have supposed


Will I have supposed?

Will you have supposed?

Will he have supposed?
Will she have supposed?
Will it have supposed?

Will we have supposed?

Will you have supposed?

Will they have supposed?

Suppose in future perfect continuous


I will have been supposing

You will have been supposing

He will have been supposing
She will have been supposing
It will have been supposing

We will have been supposing

You will have been supposing

They will have been supposing


I will not have been supposing

You will not have been supposing

He will not have been supposing
She will not have been supposing
It will not have been supposing

We will not have been supposing

You will not have been supposing

They will not have been supposing


Will I have been supposing?

Will you have been supposing?

Will he have been supposing?
Will she have been supposing?
Will it have been supposing?

Will we have been supposing?

Will you have been supposing?

Will they have been supposing?

Suppose in conditional present


He would suppose
She would suppose
It would suppose

They would suppose


I would not suppose

You would not suppose

He would not suppose
She would not suppose
It would not suppose

We would not suppose

You would not suppose

They would not suppose


Would he suppose?
Would she suppose?
Would it suppose?

Would they suppose?

Suppose in conditional present progressive


I would be supposing

You would be supposing

He would be supposing
She would be supposing
It would be supposing

We would be supposing

You would be supposing

They would be supposing


I would not be supposing

You would not be supposing

He would not be supposing
She would not be supposing
It would not be supposing

We would not be supposing

You would not be supposing

They would not be supposing


Would I be supposing?

Would you be supposing?

Would he be supposing?
Would she be supposing?
Would it be supposing?

Would we be supposing?

Would you be supposing?

Would they be supposing?

Suppose in conditional perfect


I would have supposed

You would have supposed

He would have supposed
She would have supposed
It would have supposed

We would have supposed

You would have supposed

They would have supposed


I would not have supposed

You would not have supposed

He would not have supposed
She would not have supposed
It would not have supposed

We would not have supposed

You would not have supposed

They would not have supposed


Would I have supposed?

Would you have supposed?

Would he have supposed?
Would she have supposed?
Would it have supposed?

Would we have supposed?

Would you have supposed?

Would they have supposed?

Suppose in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been supposing

You would have been supposing

He would have been supposing
She would have been supposing
It would have been supposing

We would have been supposing

You would have been supposing

They would have been supposing


I would not have been supposing

You would not have been supposing

He would not have been supposing
She would not have been supposing
It would not have been supposing

We would not have been supposing

You would not have been supposing

They would not have been supposing


Would I have been supposing?

Would you have been supposing?

Would he have been supposing?
Would she have been supposing?
Would it have been supposing?


Глагол Suppose в английском языке

I suppose you`ll be meeting Nadine when you go to Moscow?
— Я полагаю, что вы встретитесь с Надин, когда вы поедете в Москву.

When you weren`t there, I supposed you must have been in the office.— Поскольку тебя не было там, я подумал, что ты был в офисе.

Обратите внимание, что глагол “suppose” не употребляется в продолжительной форме. Форма “I am supposing” не употребляется.

Now I suppose we`ll have to do something else.- Думаю сейчас нам нужно заняться чем-то другим.

We`re waiting for Сlark and I suppose he must be stuck in traffic.- Мы ждем Кларка, и я думаю, что он застрял в пробке.

At this moment I suppose it doesn`t matter.- На данный момент это уже не важно.

Обратите внимание на использование данного глагола в отрицательных предложениях.

I don`t suppose you know where Lili is?- Не думаю, что вы знаете, где находится Лили.

We don`t suppose he`ll do anything.- Не думаем, что он что-нибудь предпримет.

You don`t suppose I have a Samsung phone charger here?— Ты же не думаешь, что у меня есть зарядочное устройство для телефона Самсунг поблизости?

Отвечая на некий комментарий или вопрос, вы можете использовать “so”, чтобы не повторять ранее озвученную мысль.

Is Sandra coming to this meeting?

Сандра придет на это собрание?

Конструкция “supposed to be” может быть использована в значении “говорят, бытует мнение”.

The new Harry Potter movie is supposed to be excellent. – Говорят, новый фильм о Гарри Поттере очень хороший.

She is supposed to have been nice to Tim but I don`t believe it.- Говорят, она был вежлива с Тимом, но я не верю в это.

It is supposed to be the best cafe in town.- Говорят, это лучшее кафе в городе.

“Supposed to be” может также использоваться в значении “should”, когда речь идет об обязательстве или о какой-то договоренности.

I`m supposed to get to work by 10.- Мне нужно быть на работе к 10 часам.

Lisa is supposed to turn off all the lights when she leaves.- Уходя, Лиза должна выключить свет.

You are supposed to know the laws of your own country.- Необходимо знать законы своей страны.

You are not supposed to be here.- Тебе нельзя находиться здесь.

He is supposed to be washing the car.- Он сейчас должен мыть машину.

Часто данная конструкция используется в том случае, если ожидаемое действие не происходит.

I`m supposed to be at work before 9 but I`m often late.- Мне нужно быть на работе до 9, но я часто опаздываю.

You were supposed to phone her.- Ты должен был позвонить ей.

А вот конструкция “not supposed to” часто предполагает, что что-то запрещено и этого делать нельзя.

You`re not supposed to walk here.- Здесь нельзя ходить.

I`m not supposed to tell mom.- Я не должен рассказывать об этом маме.

“Suppose” может также использоваться в значении “что если”. Обратите внимание, что смысловой глагол в этом случае иногда может стоять в прошедшем времени.

Suppose I took the plane instead? That would give me even more time.

А что если я полечу на самолете? Так я сэкономлю еще больше времени.

I`m going to ask him for promotion.

Suppose he said `no`? What would you do?

Я попрошу у него повышения.

А если он откажется? Что ты сделаешь тогда?


3 формы глагола suppose

? Глагол suppose имеет значения: предполагать, допускать, полагать, думать, считать.

Формы глагола suppose в прошедшем времени

? Формы глагола suppose в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет suppose в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола suppose

Как поставить suppose во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

? Как поставить глагол suppose в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить suppose в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для suppose нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: suppose в past simple — supposed.

What is the past tense of suppose?

The past tense of suppose is supposed.
The past participle of suppose is supposed.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — suppose в past simple, будет supposed. (V2)
Future simple — suppose в future simple будет suppose. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — suppose в present perfect будет supposed. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — suppose в past perfect будет supposed. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол suppose?

? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол suppose это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола suppose

Вместе с suppose, часто смотрят глаголы flash and interpret.


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