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Формы глагола
Ед. число | Множ. число |
Present Simple (Настоящее время) | |
I survive | We survive |
You survive | You survive |
He/She/It survives | They survive |
Past Simple (Прошедшее время) | |
I survived | We survived |
You survived | You survived |
He/She/It survived | They survived |
survive almost
выжить почти
survive only
уцелеть только
survive here
выживать здесь
survive longer
прожить дольше
survive the night
пережить ночь
survive the fall
выдержать падение
survive the operation
перенести операцию
She was the only one to survive the crash.
Она — единственная, кто пережил катастрофу.
I don’t know how I’d survive on my own.
Не знаю, как бы я выжила одна.
We will survive with God’s help!
Спасёмся с божьей помощью!
We can’t survive on this island unless we find some drinking water.
Нам не выжить на этом острове, если мы не найдём питьевой воды.
Tom may not survive the night.
Вероятно, Том не переживет эту ночь.
A poet can survive everything but a misprint.
Поэт может вынести всё, кроме опечатки.
Oh dear, this pain is so unbearable I can hardly take it. I wonder if I will survive the night.
Боже, боль так невыносима, что я едва её переношу. Не знаю, доживу ли до утра.
One cannot survive without money.
Без денег нельзя выжить.
I can survive alone.
Я умею выживать в одиночку.
Tom’s squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don’t think that he would survive without Tom.
Белочка Тома слепая, боится высоты, и у неё аллергия на орехи. Не будь Тома, она бы, наверное, не выжила.
He survived his wife for many years.
Он пережил свою жену на много лет.
Only two people survived the earthquake.
Только два человека выжили в землетрясении.
It’s a miracle that he survived the accident.
Просто чудо, что он выжил в катастрофе.
Unfortunately, few passengers survived the catastrophe.
К сожалению, малая часть пассажиров пережила катастрофу.
Few passengers survived the accident.
Немногие пассажиры выжили в аварии.
Their company survived the crisis.
Их компания пережила кризис.
We survived by sheer luck.
Мы выжили по чистой случайности.
No one survived the plane crash.
Никто не выжил при крушении самолёта.
He survived his wife.
Он пережил свою жену.
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Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.
глагол ↓
Мои примеры
Only his son survived him.
Только его сын пережил его.
The company survived the recession.
Компания пережила спад.
Nothing can destroy the instinct to survive.
Ничто не может разрушить инстинкт выживания.
Her body died, her fame survives.
Её тело умерло, а слава живёт и поныне.
Only cynics survive.
Выживают одни циники.
She survived five surgeries.
Ей было сделано пять операций.
It was a challenge just to survive.
Даже просто выжить было подвигом.
‘I’ll survive,’ he said with a grim smile.
— Я переживу, — с мрачной усмешкой сказал он.
Plants need light in order to survive.
Для выживания растениям необходим свет.
Some of the original bridges survive.
Некоторые оригинальные мосты уцелели.
The president was fighting to survive.
Президент боролся за выживание.
She survived her husband by only a few years.
Она пережила своего мужа всего на пару лет.
You’ve got to face facts. You can’t survive on a salary that low.
Посмотри правде в глаза: на такую низкую зарплату не проживёшь.
It astonished us that they were able to survive.
Мы были поражены, что они сумели выжить.
Few living creatures can survive without water.
Немногие живые существа могут выжить без воды.
He survived the cancer against all odds.
Он победил рак, несмотря на то, что все шансы были против него.
He is survived by his wife and two children.
Он (покойный) оставил после себя жену и двоих детей.
The table should be strong enough to survive the trip.
Стол должен быть достаточно прочным, чтобы выдержать эту поездку.
She struggled for years to survive without welfare.
Она годами пыталась прожить без пособия по социальному обеспечению.
You can’t survive in the army without a sense of humor.
В армии не выжить без чувства юмора.
Many plants are unable to survive in such a harsh environment.
Многие растения не в состоянии выжить в таких суровых условиях.
The bank is solid and will survive this attack.
Этот банк — солидный, и это нападение он переживёт.
We have to change the corporate structure to survive.
Мы должны изменить корпоративную структуру, чтобы выжить.
Many businesses are struggling to survive in today’s economy.
Многие предприятия пытаются выжить в условиях современной экономики.
They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter.
Они зарезали единственную козу, чтобы пережить эту зиму.
The people are turning back to natural resources to survive.
Чтобы выжить, эти люди возвращаются к природным ресурсам.
All of us will struggle fairly hard to survive if we are in danger.
Мы все активно боремся за жизнь, когда мы в опасности.
As noted above most people survive the disease.
Как отмечалось выше, после данной болезни большинство людей выживает.
The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild.
Эта птица слишком привыкла к человеку, чтобы выжить в естественных условиях.
It’s a great pity that none of his poems survive.
Очень жаль, что не сохранилось ни одного из его стихотворений.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Could these animals survive in the wild?
Only a few written records survive from those times.
These ancient practices still survive in some regions.
Спряжение глагола «to survive» (Английский язык)
Глагол to survive – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: пережить; пережить, выдержать, перенести; остаться в живых; продолжать существовать; уцелеть.
Infinitive | to survive |
Simple past | survived |
Past participle | survived |
-s | survives |
-ing | surviving |
Survive in present simple
He survives
She survives
It survives
You do not survive
He does not survive
She does not survive
It does not survive
You do not survive
They do not survive
Does he survive?
Does she survive?
Does it survive?
Survive in present continuous
He is surviving
She is surviving
It is surviving
They are surviving
I am not surviving
You are not surviving
He is not surviving
She is not surviving
It is not surviving
We are not surviving
You are not surviving
They are not surviving
Is he surviving?
Is she surviving?
Is it surviving?
Are they surviving?
Survive in present perfect
He has survived
She has survived
It has survived
They have survived
I have not survived
You have not survived
He has not survived
She has not survived
It has not survived
We have not survived
You have not survived
They have not survived
Has he survived?
Has she survived?
Has it survived?
Have they survived?
Survive in present perfect continuous
I have been surviving
You have been surviving
He has been surviving
She has been surviving
It has been surviving
We have been surviving
You have been surviving
They have been surviving
I have not been surviving
You have not been surviving
He has not been surviving
She has not been surviving
It has not been surviving
We have not been surviving
You have not been surviving
They have not been surviving
Have I been surviving?
Have you been surviving?
Has he been surviving?
Has she been surviving?
Has it been surviving?
Have we been surviving?
Have you been surviving?
Have they been surviving?
Survive in past simple
He survived
She survived
It survived
You did not survive
He did not survive
She did not survive
It did not survive
We did not survive
You did not survive
They did not survive
Did he survive?
Did she survive?
Did it survive?
Survive in past continuous
You were surviving
He was surviving
She was surviving
It was surviving
You were surviving
They were surviving
I was not surviving
You were not surviving
He was not surviving
She was not surviving
It was not surviving
We were not surviving
You were not surviving
They were not surviving
Were you surviving?
Was he surviving?
Was she surviving?
Was it surviving?
Were you surviving?
Were they surviving?
Survive in past perfect
He had survived
She had survived
It had survived
I had not survived
You had not survived
He had not survived
She had not survived
It had not survived
We had not survived
You had not survived
They had not survived
Had he survived?
Had she survived?
Had it survived?
Survive in past perfect continuous
I had been surviving
You had been surviving
He had been surviving
She had been surviving
It had been surviving
We had been surviving
You had been surviving
They had been surviving
I had not been surviving
You had not been surviving
He had not been surviving
She had not been surviving
It had not been surviving
We had not been surviving
You had not been surviving
They had not been surviving
Had I been surviving?
Had you been surviving?
Had he been surviving?
Had she been surviving?
Had it been surviving?
Had we been surviving?
Had you been surviving?
Had they been surviving?
Survive in future simple
He will survive
She will survive
It will survive
I will not survive
You will not survive
He will not survive
She will not survive
It will not survive
We will not survive
You will not survive
They will not survive
Will he survive?
Will she survive?
Will it survive?
Survive in future continuous
I will be surviving
You will be surviving
He will be surviving
She will be surviving
It will be surviving
We will be surviving
You will be surviving
They will be surviving
I will not be surviving
You will not be surviving
He will not be surviving
She will not be surviving
It will not be surviving
We will not be surviving
You will not be surviving
They will not be surviving
Will I be surviving?
Will you be surviving?
Will he be surviving?
Will she be surviving?
Will it be surviving?
Will we be surviving?
Will you be surviving?
Will they be surviving?
Survive in future perfect
I will have survived
You will have survived
He will have survived
She will have survived
It will have survived
We will have survived
You will have survived
They will have survived
I will not have survived
You will not have survived
He will not have survived
She will not have survived
It will not have survived
We will not have survived
You will not have survived
They will not have survived
Will I have survived?
Will you have survived?
Will he have survived?
Will she have survived?
Will it have survived?
Will we have survived?
Will you have survived?
Will they have survived?
Survive in future perfect continuous
I will have been surviving
You will have been surviving
He will have been surviving
She will have been surviving
It will have been surviving
We will have been surviving
You will have been surviving
They will have been surviving
I will not have been surviving
You will not have been surviving
He will not have been surviving
She will not have been surviving
It will not have been surviving
We will not have been surviving
You will not have been surviving
They will not have been surviving
Will I have been surviving?
Will you have been surviving?
Will he have been surviving?
Will she have been surviving?
Will it have been surviving?
Will we have been surviving?
Will you have been surviving?
Will they have been surviving?
Survive in conditional present
He would survive
She would survive
It would survive
They would survive
I would not survive
You would not survive
He would not survive
She would not survive
It would not survive
We would not survive
You would not survive
They would not survive
Would he survive?
Would she survive?
Would it survive?
Would they survive?
Survive in conditional present progressive
I would be surviving
You would be surviving
He would be surviving
She would be surviving
It would be surviving
We would be surviving
You would be surviving
They would be surviving
I would not be surviving
You would not be surviving
He would not be surviving
She would not be surviving
It would not be surviving
We would not be surviving
You would not be surviving
They would not be surviving
Would I be surviving?
Would you be surviving?
Would he be surviving?
Would she be surviving?
Would it be surviving?
Would we be surviving?
Would you be surviving?
Would they be surviving?
Survive in conditional perfect
I would have survived
You would have survived
He would have survived
She would have survived
It would have survived
We would have survived
You would have survived
They would have survived
I would not have survived
You would not have survived
He would not have survived
She would not have survived
It would not have survived
We would not have survived
You would not have survived
They would not have survived
Would I have survived?
Would you have survived?
Would he have survived?
Would she have survived?
Would it have survived?
Would we have survived?
Would you have survived?
Would they have survived?
Survive in conditional perfect progressive
I would have been surviving
You would have been surviving
He would have been surviving
She would have been surviving
It would have been surviving
We would have been surviving
You would have been surviving
They would have been surviving
I would not have been surviving
You would not have been surviving
He would not have been surviving
She would not have been surviving
It would not have been surviving
We would not have been surviving
You would not have been surviving
They would not have been surviving
Would I have been surviving?
Would you have been surviving?
Would he have been surviving?
Would she have been surviving?
Would it have been surviving?
3 формы глагола survive
? Глагол survive имеет значения: выживать, пережить, уцелеть, перенести, остаться в живых, выжить, сохраняться, продолжать существовать.
Формы глагола survive в прошедшем времени
? Формы глагола survive в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет survive в прошедшем времени past simple.
Три формы глагола survive
Как поставить survive во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?
? Как поставить глагол survive в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
? Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:
Как поставить survive в past simple?
Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для survive нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: survive в past simple — survived.
What is the past tense of survive?
The past tense of survive is survived.
The past participle of survive is survived.
Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses
Past simple — survive в past simple, будет survived. (V2)
Future simple — survive в future simple будет survive. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — survive в present perfect будет survived. (have\has + V3)
Past Perfect — survive в past perfect будет survived. (had + V3)
Правильный или неправильный глагол survive?
? Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол survive это правильный глагол.
Примеры применения глагола survive
Вместе с survive, часто смотрят глаголы calm and oversee.