suunto для iphone приложение

Suunto 4+

Sports and adventure companion

Amer Sports Digital Services Oy

iPhone Screenshots

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Enable your active life with Suunto app.

Suunto app welcomes Suunto 7!

View key training, activity and sleep summaries as well as overall trends to help keep your life in balance.

Stay connected with notifications

Customize what you want to see on your sports watch during training and adventures by creating your own sport modes

Activity-specific heatmaps in Suunto app show you where the most popular routes are, all around the world.

For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core: Transfer your dive logs easily over Bluetooth to your mobile phone after diving.

Connect to your favorite sports services, such as Strava, Endomondo, TrainingPeaks, Relive and more.

Suunto app keeps you on top of life and your sports or dives. Keep track of key activity details in your workout summaries and trends in your activity, daily steps, calories and sleep. With Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core transfer your dive logs to your mobile phone after diving.

Stay connected with notifications on your sports watch from your mobile phone. For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Ambit3 and Traverse family watches can now sync activities optimize GPS and connect to partner services from the Suunto app.


When you are going for run or ride and want to change the data you see your sports watch during training, you can customize it directly on Suunto app and it will update automatically to your watch.


You can get additional unique benefits by connecting to our partner sport services such as Strava, TrainingPeaks, Endomondo, and Relive.

The Suunto app connects with Apple Health. Go to app settings to start sharing your data.

Learn more about Suunto and our heritage deeply rooted in exploration and adventure since 1936.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life


Suunto 4+

Sports and adventure companion

Amer Sports Digital Services Oy

iPhone Screenshots

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Enable your active life with Suunto app.

Suunto app welcomes Suunto 7!

View key training, activity and sleep summaries as well as overall trends to help keep your life in balance.

Stay connected with notifications

Customize what you want to see on your sports watch during training and adventures by creating your own sport modes

Activity-specific heatmaps in Suunto app show you where the most popular routes are, all around the world.

For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core: Transfer your dive logs easily over Bluetooth to your mobile phone after diving.

Connect to your favorite sports services, such as Strava, Endomondo, TrainingPeaks, Relive and more.

Suunto app keeps you on top of life and your sports or dives. Keep track of key activity details in your workout summaries and trends in your activity, daily steps, calories and sleep. With Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core transfer your dive logs to your mobile phone after diving.

Stay connected with notifications on your sports watch from your mobile phone. For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Ambit3 and Traverse family watches can now sync activities optimize GPS and connect to partner services from the Suunto app.


When you are going for run or ride and want to change the data you see your sports watch during training, you can customize it directly on Suunto app and it will update automatically to your watch.


You can get additional unique benefits by connecting to our partner sport services such as Strava, TrainingPeaks, Endomondo, and Relive.

The Suunto app connects with Apple Health. Go to app settings to start sharing your data.

Learn more about Suunto and our heritage deeply rooted in exploration and adventure since 1936.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life



Основа активной жизни


Скачайте приложение прямо сейчас и узнайте о возможностях, предлагаемых Suunto.

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suunto app key highlights 720x600px 02

Приложение Suunto поможет отследить всю вашу активность, спортивные занятия и погружения. Новый главный экран предлагает единое представление, удобное для слежения за наиболее важной активностью. Погрузитесь в подробные сведения о тренировках, анализируя тренды вашей активности, шагов за день, калорий и качества сна с помощью сводок и личного журнала. Благодаря Suunto D5 и Suunto EON Core вы можете перенести журналы погружений на мобильный телефон и добавить местоположение к каждой точке, где вы погружались.

Для часов Suunto 3, 5, 7, 9 и Spartan вы можете настроить спортивные режимы, которые хотите использовать совместно с часами.

Получайте уведомления с телефона прямо на часы, чтобы быть в курсе событий. На часах Suunto 3 отображается скорость и расстояние, а также ваш маршрут на карте, если вы включите в приложении Suunto режим использования GPS на вашем мобильном телефоне.

Часы семейства Ambit3 и Traverse теперь умеют синхронизировать активность, использовать GPS оптимальным образом и подключаться к партнерским сервисам с помощью приложения Suunto. Устройства Suunto Ambit 1 и 2 теперь могут синхронизировать активность с приложением Suunto при помощи SuuntoLink.


Покоряя горы, исследуя города и осваивая незнакомые тропы, планируйте любимые маршруты в приложении Suunto, синхронизируйте с часами и идите навстречу приключениям во всеоружии!

Ваши маршруты будут показаны в едином представлении с историей ваших приключений. Сравнивайте их с тепловыми картами, чтобы с легкостью находить новые маршруты.

Система предложит вам популярные маршруты, созданные в результате анализа миллионов маршрутов, пройденных другими пользователями. Вы сможете находить новые интересные маршруты легко и быстро. Новая функция – отображение популярных исходных точек – поможет найти новый отправной пункт вашего будущего приключения. Планируя маршрут, вы можете добавлять к нему новые путевые точки.


Получите дополнительные уникальные преимущества, подключившись к всемирно известным спортивным сервисам от наших партнеров, таким как Adidas Running, UA MapMyRun, Strava, TrainingPeaks, Endomondo и Relive.

Сообщество Suunto объединяет энтузиастов активного образа жизни, которые мотивируют друг друга новостями о своих достижениях и приключениях. Вы сами выбираете, чем делиться в соцсетях с помощью приложений Suunto, будь то расстояние, калории, скорость, темп, длительность, частота сердцебиения, подъем и даже максимальная скорость! Выбор за вами!


Для использования приложения Suunto ваше мобильное устройство должно соответствовать следующим минимальным требованиям:

Требования к Android:
ОС Android 5.0 или более поздней версии
Bluetooth 4.0
Установленные сервисы Google Play
Установленная Wear OS by Google (для Suunto 7)

Требования к iPhone:
iOS 13.0 или более поздней версии

«,»MediaUrl»:»/globalassets/suunto-app/suunto-app-benefits/suunto_app_my_routes_720x600.jpg»,»ImageUrlMobile»:»»,»MediaType»:»Image»,»VideoPlaceholderImageUrl»:»»,»ReplacementImageUrl»:»»,»IsChineseVisitor»:false>],»BeginWithImageLeft»:false>» :content-id=»251170″ content-language=»ru-RU» anchor-id=»main-benefits» >


Suunto 4+

Sports and adventure companion

Amer Sports Digital Services Oy

iPhone Screenshots

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Enable your active life with Suunto app.

Suunto app welcomes Suunto 7!

View key training, activity and sleep summaries as well as overall trends to help keep your life in balance.

Stay connected with notifications

Customize what you want to see on your sports watch during training and adventures by creating your own sport modes

Activity-specific heatmaps in Suunto app show you where the most popular routes are, all around the world.

For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core: Transfer your dive logs easily over Bluetooth to your mobile phone after diving.

Connect to your favorite sports services, such as Strava, Endomondo, TrainingPeaks, Relive and more.

Suunto app keeps you on top of life and your sports or dives. Keep track of key activity details in your workout summaries and trends in your activity, daily steps, calories and sleep. With Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core transfer your dive logs to your mobile phone after diving.

Stay connected with notifications on your sports watch from your mobile phone. For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Ambit3 and Traverse family watches can now sync activities optimize GPS and connect to partner services from the Suunto app.


When you are going for run or ride and want to change the data you see your sports watch during training, you can customize it directly on Suunto app and it will update automatically to your watch.


You can get additional unique benefits by connecting to our partner sport services such as Strava, TrainingPeaks, Endomondo, and Relive.

The Suunto app connects with Apple Health. Go to app settings to start sharing your data.

Learn more about Suunto and our heritage deeply rooted in exploration and adventure since 1936.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life


Suunto 4+

Sports and adventure companion

Amer Sports Digital Services Oy

iPhone Screenshots

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Enable your active life with Suunto app.

Suunto app welcomes Suunto 7!

View key training, activity and sleep summaries as well as overall trends to help keep your life in balance.

Stay connected with notifications

Customize what you want to see on your sports watch during training and adventures by creating your own sport modes

Activity-specific heatmaps in Suunto app show you where the most popular routes are, all around the world.

For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core: Transfer your dive logs easily over Bluetooth to your mobile phone after diving.

Connect to your favorite sports services, such as Strava, Endomondo, TrainingPeaks, Relive and more.

Suunto app keeps you on top of life and your sports or dives. Keep track of key activity details in your workout summaries and trends in your activity, daily steps, calories and sleep. With Suunto D5, Suunto EON Steel, Suunto EON Core transfer your dive logs to your mobile phone after diving.

Stay connected with notifications on your sports watch from your mobile phone. For Suunto 3 Fitness, see your speed and distance as well as your track in the map by using the Suunto app to enable ‘connected’ GPS from your mobile phone.

Ambit3 and Traverse family watches can now sync activities optimize GPS and connect to partner services from the Suunto app.


When you are going for run or ride and want to change the data you see your sports watch during training, you can customize it directly on Suunto app and it will update automatically to your watch.


You can get additional unique benefits by connecting to our partner sport services such as Strava, TrainingPeaks, Endomondo, and Relive.

The Suunto app connects with Apple Health. Go to app settings to start sharing your data.

Learn more about Suunto and our heritage deeply rooted in exploration and adventure since 1936.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life


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