swear глагол 3 формы

Глагол swear в английском языке

swear 3 forms

Перевод swear с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
swear swore sworn swearing
[swer] [swɔːr] [swɔːrn] [ˈswerɪŋ]
[sweə] [swɔː] [swɔːn] [ˈsweərɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение swear в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓


Мои примеры



He swore revenge on the killers. pi v3

Он поклялся отомстить убийцам.

Don’t swear in front of the children. pi v3

Не ругайся в присутствии детей.

Don’t swear at me, if you please! pi v3

А ну-ка брось кричать на меня!

She swore never to return home. pi v3

Она поклялась никогда не возвращаться домой.

I heard him say a swear. pi v3

Я услышал, как он выругался.

Everyone was sworn to secrecy / silence. pi v3

Все поклялись молчать.

Witnesses have to swear on the Bible. pi v3

Свидетели должны принести присягу (=присягнуть, поклясться) на Библии.

Before God I swear I am innocent pi v3

Клянусь перед Богом, я не виновен.

I swear to God, I’ll kill him if he comes back. pi v3

Клянусь Богом, я убью его, если он вернется.

I swear I didn’t lay a finger on him. pi v3

Клянусь, я и пальцем его не тронул.

I swear by the name of God that what I say is true. pi v3

Клянусь именем Господа, что говорю правду.

Can’t you express your frustration without using swears? pi v3

Разве нельзя выразить своё разочарование без использования ругательств?

Everyone swears by her remedy for a cold. pi v3

Все используют её средство от простуды.

She mouthed a swear word. pi v3

Она беззвучно, одними губами, выругалась. (to mouth — articulate silently; form words with the lips only)

I swear Mom has bionic ears. pi v3

Я клянусь, моя мама слышит даже малейших шорох. (у неё очень сильный слух)

I never touched your purse, I swear! pi v3

Не трогала я твою сумочку, клянусь!

All the swear words had been bleeped out. pi v3

Все ругательства были запиканы.

She doesn’t like to swear in front of the children. pi v3

Она не любит ругаться в присутствии детей.

He turned round and swore at me. pi v3

Он обернулся и обругал меня.

I never touched her, I swear to God. pi v3

Я и пальцем её никогда не трогал, богом клянусь.

He says he was there all the time, but I swear I never saw him. pi v3

Он говорит, что был там всё время, но я клянусь, что никогда его не видел.

Victor swore he would get his revenge. pi v3

Виктор поклялся отомстить.

I do solemnly swear to tell the whole truth. pi v3

Торжественно клянусь говорить только правду. (клятва свидетеля на судебном процессе)

Will you swear to it that you were not present? pi v3

Вы подтвердите под присягой, что вас там не было?

The newly elected President was sworn in today. pi v3

Сегодня новоизбранный президент был приведен к присяге.

I heard him mutter a mild swear word. pi v3

Я услышал, как он пробормотал мягкое ругательство.

They swore allegiance to the government. pi v3

Они поклялись в верности правительству.

Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country. pi v3

Военнослужащие должны принести присягу верности своей стране.

If you tell anyone about this, I swear I’ll put the whammy on you. pi v3

Если вы кому-либо об этом расскажете — клянусь, я прокляну вас.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She swore blind that she had never seen him before. pi v3

Don’t swear in front of the children! pi v3

. I swear, she mucks up everything she tries. pi v3


Спряжение глагола «to swear» (Английский язык)

Глагол to swear – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: клясться, ругаться, поклясться, присягать, ругать.

Infinitive to swear
Simple past swore
Past participle sworn
-s swears
-ing swearing

Swear in present simple



He does not swear
She does not swear
It does not swear


Does he swear?
Does she swear?
Does it swear?

Swear in present continuous


He is swearing
She is swearing
It is swearing


You are not swearing

He is not swearing
She is not swearing
It is not swearing

We are not swearing

You are not swearing

They are not swearing


Is he swearing?
Is she swearing?
Is it swearing?

Swear in present perfect


He has sworn
She has sworn
It has sworn


You have not sworn

He has not sworn
She has not sworn
It has not sworn

You have not sworn

They have not sworn


Has he sworn?
Has she sworn?
Has it sworn?

Swear in present perfect continuous


I have been swearing

You have been swearing

He has been swearing
She has been swearing
It has been swearing

We have been swearing

You have been swearing

They have been swearing


I have not been swearing

You have not been swearing

He has not been swearing
She has not been swearing
It has not been swearing

We have not been swearing

You have not been swearing

They have not been swearing


Have I been swearing?

Have you been swearing?

Has he been swearing?
Has she been swearing?
Has it been swearing?

Have we been swearing?

Have you been swearing?

Have they been swearing?

Swear in past simple



He did not swear
She did not swear
It did not swear

They did not swear


Did he swear?
Did she swear?
Did it swear?

Swear in past continuous


He was swearing
She was swearing
It was swearing

They were swearing


I was not swearing

You were not swearing

He was not swearing
She was not swearing
It was not swearing

We were not swearing

You were not swearing

They were not swearing


Was he swearing?
Was she swearing?
Was it swearing?

Were they swearing?

Swear in past perfect


He had sworn
She had sworn
It had sworn


He had not sworn
She had not sworn
It had not sworn

They had not sworn


Had he sworn?
Had she sworn?
Had it sworn?

Swear in past perfect continuous


I had been swearing

You had been swearing

He had been swearing
She had been swearing
It had been swearing

We had been swearing

You had been swearing

They had been swearing


I had not been swearing

You had not been swearing

He had not been swearing
She had not been swearing
It had not been swearing

We had not been swearing

You had not been swearing

They had not been swearing


Had I been swearing?

Had you been swearing?

Had he been swearing?
Had she been swearing?
Had it been swearing?

Had we been swearing?

Had you been swearing?

Had they been swearing?

Swear in future simple


He will swear
She will swear
It will swear


You will not swear

He will not swear
She will not swear
It will not swear

You will not swear

They will not swear


Will he swear?
Will she swear?
Will it swear?

Swear in future continuous


I will be swearing

You will be swearing

He will be swearing
She will be swearing
It will be swearing

We will be swearing

You will be swearing

They will be swearing


I will not be swearing

You will not be swearing

He will not be swearing
She will not be swearing
It will not be swearing

We will not be swearing

You will not be swearing

They will not be swearing


Will I be swearing?

Will you be swearing?

Will he be swearing?
Will she be swearing?
Will it be swearing?

Will we be swearing?

Will you be swearing?

Will they be swearing?

Swear in future perfect


You will have sworn

He will have sworn
She will have sworn
It will have sworn

We will have sworn

You will have sworn

They will have sworn


I will not have sworn

You will not have sworn

He will not have sworn
She will not have sworn
It will not have sworn

We will not have sworn

You will not have sworn

They will not have sworn


Will you have sworn?

Will he have sworn?
Will she have sworn?
Will it have sworn?

Will we have sworn?

Will you have sworn?

Will they have sworn?

Swear in future perfect continuous


I will have been swearing

You will have been swearing

He will have been swearing
She will have been swearing
It will have been swearing

We will have been swearing

You will have been swearing

They will have been swearing


I will not have been swearing

You will not have been swearing

He will not have been swearing
She will not have been swearing
It will not have been swearing

We will not have been swearing

You will not have been swearing

They will not have been swearing


Will I have been swearing?

Will you have been swearing?

Will he have been swearing?
Will she have been swearing?
Will it have been swearing?

Will we have been swearing?

Will you have been swearing?

Will they have been swearing?

Swear in conditional present


He would swear
She would swear
It would swear


You would not swear

He would not swear
She would not swear
It would not swear

We would not swear

You would not swear

They would not swear


Would he swear?
Would she swear?
Would it swear?

Swear in conditional present progressive


I would be swearing

You would be swearing

He would be swearing
She would be swearing
It would be swearing

We would be swearing

You would be swearing

They would be swearing


I would not be swearing

You would not be swearing

He would not be swearing
She would not be swearing
It would not be swearing

We would not be swearing

You would not be swearing

They would not be swearing


Would I be swearing?

Would you be swearing?

Would he be swearing?
Would she be swearing?
Would it be swearing?

Would we be swearing?

Would you be swearing?

Would they be swearing?

Swear in conditional perfect


I would have sworn

You would have sworn

He would have sworn
She would have sworn
It would have sworn

We would have sworn

You would have sworn

They would have sworn


I would not have sworn

You would not have sworn

He would not have sworn
She would not have sworn
It would not have sworn

We would not have sworn

You would not have sworn

They would not have sworn


Would I have sworn?

Would you have sworn?

Would he have sworn?
Would she have sworn?
Would it have sworn?

Would we have sworn?

Would you have sworn?

Would they have sworn?

Swear in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been swearing

You would have been swearing

He would have been swearing
She would have been swearing
It would have been swearing

We would have been swearing

You would have been swearing

They would have been swearing


I would not have been swearing

You would not have been swearing

He would not have been swearing
She would not have been swearing
It would not have been swearing

We would not have been swearing

You would not have been swearing

They would not have been swearing


Would I have been swearing?

Would you have been swearing?

Would he have been swearing?
Would she have been swearing?
Would it have been swearing?


Swear глагол 3 формы

loading green swear [swɛə] swore / sworn / swearing / swears

I swear
you swear
he/she/it swears
we swear
you swear
they swear

I have sworn
you have sworn
he/she/it has sworn
we have sworn
you have sworn
they have sworn

I am swearing
you are swearing
he/she/it is swearing
we are swearing
you are swearing
they are swearing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been swearing
you have been swearing
he/she/it has been swearing
we have been swearing
you have been swearing
they have been swearing

I swore
you swore
he/she/it swore
we swore
you swore
they swore

I was swearing
you were swearing
he/she/it was swearing
we were swearing
you were swearing
they were swearing

I had sworn
you had sworn
he/she/it had sworn
we had sworn
you had sworn
they had sworn

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been swearing
you had been swearing
he/she/it had been swearing
we had been swearing
you had been swearing
they had been swearing

I will swear
you will swear
he/she/it will swear
we will swear
you will swear
they will swear

I will be swearing
you will be swearing
he/she/it will be swearing
we will be swearing
you will be swearing
they will be swearing

I will have sworn
you will have sworn
he/she/it will have sworn
we will have sworn
you will have sworn
they will have sworn

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been swearing
you will have been swearing
he/she/it will have been swearing
we will have been swearing
you will have been swearing
they will have been swearing

I would swear
you would swear
he/she/it would swear
we would swear
you would swear
they would swear

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be swearing
you would be swearing
he/she/it would be swearing
we would be swearing
you would be swearing
they would be swearing

I would have sworn
you would have sworn
he/she/it would have sworn
we would have sworn
you would have sworn
they would have sworn

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been swearing
you would have been swearing
he/she/it would have been swearing
we would have been swearing
you would have been swearing
they would have been swearing

to swear
to have sworn
to be swearing
to have been swearing

loading green Swear



Добавить в закладки Удалить из закладок

неправильный глагол


Множ. число: swears.

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I swear We swear
You swear You swear
He/She/It swears They swear
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I swore We swore
You swore You swore
He/She/It swore They swore


swear fidelity
клясться в верности

swear allegiance
присягать в верности

swear an oath
дать клятву

sworn statement
заявление под присягой


I swear it isn’t my fault.
Клянусь, это не моя вина.

I swear it wasn’t me.
Клянусь, это был не я.

I swear to you I will never do it again.
Клянусь тебе, что больше никогда этого не сделаю!

I swear it’s the last time.
Клянусь, это в последний раз.

I swear to God I didn’t do anything.
Клянусь перед Богом, я ничего не делал.

This will never happen again, I swear to you.
Такое больше никогда не повторится, клянусь тебе.

I’m not lying. I swear to God!
Я не вру. Богом клянусь!

Tom swears like a sailor.
Том ругается как сапожник.

«I live in Washington, and everyone swears like sailors.» «As a fellow Washingtonian, I agree.»
«Я живу в Вашингтоне, и все тут ругаются как сапожники». — «Как ещё один вашингтонец, согласен».

Tom swears he’s telling us the truth.
Том клянётся, что говорит нам правду.

Tom swears too much.
Том слишком много ругается.

I swore I’d never do that.
Я поклялся, что никогда этого не сделаю.

I swore I’d never tell anyone.
Я поклялся, что никогда никому не скажу.

Tom was suspended from school because he swore at his classmate.
Тома исключили из школы за оскорбление одноклассника.

You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them.
Ты будешь говорить и делать то же, что и твои родители, даже если поклянёшься никогда этого не делать.

He swore never to trust her again.
Он поклялся никогда больше не доверять ей.

He swore to quit smoking.
Он поклялся бросить курить.

The two lovers swore to love each other for eternity.
Двое влюблённых поклялись любить друг друга вечно.

Has the witness been sworn in?
Свидетель уже был приведён к присяге?

You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots…
Поклялся ты, дитятко, — так добудь же ты мне теперь этакой водицы, поищи, принеси, корешки мои бедные подлей…

Tom and John are sworn friends.
Том и Джон — заклятые друзья.

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