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ZY Play 17+


Designed for iPad


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ZY Play offers comprehensive camera controls for convenient photo & video shooting, combining various intelligent functions including time lapse, long exposure, slow motion and more to inspire your creativity. With easy-to-use design and a vast range of editing features, it is a must-have app for anyone who takes photos & videos. By conneting the APP to a ZHIYUN professional stabilizer, it helps you create film-grade footage that is once only possible with a crew.

What’s New

Fixed some known issues.

Ratings and Reviews

Cripples the Smooth 4

It’s disappointing that this app is needed to get the full experience from my gimbal (Smooth 4), because it lacks certain key features. The Smooth 4 is targeted towards content creators, yet they don’t allow people to have full customization for basic things like shutter speed, ISO, and frame rate.

Frame rates like 24 FPS are only available in 4K (sometimes I want to shoot in 1080 to save space). You can’t shoot slow mow. But perhaps the most infuriating thing: you can’t achieve a shutter speed/ISO setting that’s ideal for the “film look.” When shooting 24 FPS you ideally want a shutter speed of 1/48. The closest you can get is 1/50 (competing apps allow you to select exactly 1/48). But the bigger issue is: in manual exposure mode you can only go down to 100 ISO, when apps like FiLMIC Pro and Moment allow you to go down to about ISO 20.

On a final note: the object/face tracking feature stinks and hardly ever works. I’ve had my Smooth 4 for a few years, and I love the gimbal, but I was hoping the software would be fixed by now, but sadly it isn’t.

Information Gathering

Do not install this app!
It seems to be made primarily to gather information about you and your device. I played around with it for about 30 minutes looking for the utility, but at no point did I ever see the utility for operating the gimbal itself. The App wants information and access to all your photos, your location, and your microphone, plus it wants you to sign up for an account. I finally relented to the account signup using a Facebook Account with not much information on it, but even Facebook rejected the signup. I gradually also allowed it access to the photos, mic, and location and that opened up a little more info but still no controls for the gimbal. There are video tutorials, a way to connect with other users by joining some social media thing of theirs, and an operating manual download within the app, as well as information about their other products, but no actual controls to adjust or operate the gimbal. I even tried to download the Mac utility to see if that would work. This package comes directly from their website and not the app store. It was unsigned and not recognized by apple. Very suspicious, and disappointing. I would just stick with the onboard controls built into Gimbal and forget about being able to do more with this thing. I also uninstalled the app.

Initial use: needs usability

Just installed it. used for 30 minutes.. had to swipe up to kill the app when it lost communication with the gimbal and locked up.

Editing a custom setting is crazy bad User experience. rather than tap/hold/anything to edit it, with it selected you go into custom again (who would guess?), and when you save, give it the same name (OMG I had to type the name in again!)

Then you find it didn’t save the changes..

I finally got it to save after about 3 tries..

Moving the camera doesn’t seem to work smoothly (from UI), it can lock if not in the right mode (I guess you set the mode on the device. as the app doesn’t talk to the device. Oh, wait it does! Oh, maybe it needs to be set there because the app was written by someone else and they have no control over the app and device? no, that isn’t it. just stupid I guess.

Gave up on using this thing for the night.

Will try out the device on a shoot.

Didn’t seem to come with the cable to control the camera, wanted access to EVERYTHING, GPS even. why? Photos? Why? Need to use to control gimbal.

And the gimbal doesn’t seem to stabilize the camera enough to turn the zoom by hand without spinning the roll. so, yeah, I want to just lock the roll hard, using the thumb screw. they didn’t provide. no way to lock it for a pan/tilt (say if using at s theater to film?)


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Tap2Visit – сервис записи на услуги к мастеру. Найти мастера и записаться на приём ещё никогда не было так легко!

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Lux Optics Incorporated

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**Please note Halide is not free. We offer a 7-day free trial for annual memberships. Don’t like subscriptions? You can also buy the app outright with a single in-app purchase.**

Halide is an App Store Editor’s Choice, award-winning camera from the team behind Spectre, Apple’s App of the Year of 2019. Its multitude of awards include iMore’s «App of the Year 2020,» Macworld’s «Must Have Apps,» The Verge’s «Apps We Love,» and The Sweet Setup’s «Best Third-Party Camera App for iPhone.»

Halide is the most powerful camera for iPhone with the most elegant, simple design — A pro camera for everyone.

This is a groundbreaking app for deliberate and thoughtful photography. With high-end tools, and a beautiful interface designed from scratch for the latest iPhones and inspired by the controls of professional cameras, Halide is your go-to camera when you want to really take a photo rather than a quick snapshot.

Use gestures in Halide to change exposure and manual focus with a swipe, or switch from its powerful automatic mode to manual shooting. Halide’s professional tools are the most powerful in the App Store, with XDR (Extended Dynamic Range) 14-bit RAW streaming waveform views, color zebras, focus assists like focus peaking and loupe, histograms, an adaptive level grid, and manual depth capture. Customize controls to adapt the app to your needs.

Halide’s ProRAW support* is unmatched. Strike the right balance between file size and editing latitude by choosing between 12-bit and 10-bit ProRAW, with or without JPEG sidecars. Effortlessly switch to native RAW, for greater detail and speed.

— Beautiful, intuitive gesture-based interface, usable with one hand
— Take portraits of pets and objects on iPhone XR and iPhone SE
— Manual focus, and powerful tools like a Focus Loupe and Focus Peaking
— Smart automatic mode with Halide Smart RAW, optimizing settings with Machine Learning for RAW files with less noise and more detail
— Full manual exposure controls including shutter speed, ISO and white balance
— Best-on-iPhone exposure tools: histograms, XDR 14-bit RGB waveform, and color zebra stripes
— Captures RAW, TIFF, HEIC or JPG for the best quality shots
— Grid overlay with built-in level
— A powerful reviewer to view DNG, JPG, HEIC and Live Photos, as well as Portrait depth data and mattes, with a detailed metadata view
— Instant RAW development process to quickly develop your RAW files in a tap
— Technical Readout to view all details of your iPhone camera hardware
— Apple Watch companion app for remote shooting
— Siri Shortcuts support to trigger the shutter remotely, or open Halide in Auto or Manual mode
— Coverage, a powerful new feature to take two photos with a small delay to capture both a maximum-Smart HDR processed image with Deep Fusion and Smart HDR, as well as a DNG RAW.
— Become a better photographer by signing up for comprehensive lessons like a 10-day quick tutorial right from the app.
— Private by Design: Halide does not include any trackers or tracking, has not third party libraries, does not collect data or photos, and never transmits any information. Halide also includes features to reduce spying by companies like Facebook by limiting location information on photos shared from the app.
— Feature limitations:

*ProRAW requires iPhone 12 Pro or Pro Max or iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max
The Ultra Wide and selfie cameras do not support RAW or manual focus unless on iOS 15.
Waveform requires iPhone 8 or later. (8, X, XS, XR, SE2, 11, 12, 13)
Depth Capture requires iPhone 7 Plus, 8, X, XS, XR, 11, 12, 13 or SE2

Terms of Use can be found here: https://halide.cam/terms
Privacy: https://halide.cam/privacy

Что нового

We have a few fixes for you fine folks. This update addresses.

* A potential crash on iOS 15.1 that can occur when granting limited access to your photo library
* A potential crash on older devices when capturing in Macro Mode with 3x magnification
* An issue where you get prompted for camera permissions the moment you launch the app for the first time
* A few updated translations

Our next big update is going well, and we can’t wait to get it into your hands. In the mean time, we’d love to keep hearing your feedback! Just email support@lux.camera.


Did you know? The latest iPhone 13 Pro takes amazing Macro shots. That got us pretty excited. But we also wanted *everyone* to be excited about taking great Macro photos.

So we created Macro Mode.

Halide now offers the best tool for close-up photos on any iPhone, and the perfect companion for the iPhone 13 Pro’s new near-focusing camera: Macro Mode!

Macro Mode is helped by our new technology called Neural Macro. Halide’s Macro Mode does a few clever things to help you get the best Macro shot: first, it checks which one of your cameras can focus the closest. Then, it gives you ultra-precise focus control to get your teeny-tiny subject perfectly sharp. Finally, once taken, Neural Macro gets to work: a powerful AI-based detail enhancement process gets even more detail out of your processed image.

To turn on Macro Mode, first tap the AF button to get into manual focus, and then tap the flower button. When activated, Halide switches to the lens on your phone with the closest focus distance. It also increases the size of the focus dial, allowing granular adustments down to the millimeter.

Shooting with the iPhone 13 Pro’s macro lens, you’ll often find yourself cropping images due to its ultra-wide field of field. There’s just one problem: if you just blow up these cropped photos in an editor you can end up with fuzzy or pixelated results. We knew we could do better.

OK, so the magic part: Neural Macro. On iPhones with a Neural Engine (iPhone 8 and later), we use a neural network to intelligently upscale images. You get sharp, clean contours at 2x and even 3x the scale! To turn this on, just tap the “2x” button while in Macro Mode.

If you later change your mind about the crop, have no fear. Halide saves the full, uncropped version of your photo in your library. And of course, we’d never touch your RAW files: RAW files are saved unprocessed and uncropped.

Macro Mode is available to all Halide users, regardless of iPhone, and we can’t wait to see your shots! Please share them with us on social media by tagging your shots #ShotWithHalide so we can share them!

Now for some birthday news: Halide Mark II is now almost a year old — making Halide almost four and a half years! That also means that if you got Halide Mark II for free last year, this is the last month you will be receiving new features. We’ve worked hard for the last four and a half years to bring you new features for free. If you’d like to keep receiving these major new features, check out the renewal options inside Settings. If you prefer to keep using Halide Mark II — with Macro Mode — the app will, of course, keep working with all its current features.

Thank you for all your support and feedback. Without your continued support, we couldn’t do what we love most: to work on this camera app and see the amazing photos our users take all over the world.


Samsung Galaxy Buds 4+

Next level of listening

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

iPhone Screenshots

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*This application is for Galaxy Buds+ and Galaxy Buds Live. Support for Galaxy Buds (SM-R170) is not available.

* The Samsung Galaxy Buds application connects Samsung Galaxy Buds+ and Samsung Galaxy Buds Live to your iPhone.

* Use the Samsung Galaxy Buds application to set up and manage the following features.

— Connect to and disconnect from a mobile device
— Earbuds & Charging Case battery status
— Ambient Sound (Samsung Galaxy Buds+ only)
— Active Noise Cancelling (Samsung Galaxy Buds Live only)
— Equalizer Setting
— Touchpad Setting
— Advanced Feature
— Find my Earbuds
— Earbuds Software Update

* Compatibility:
— iPhone 7 or later models with the iOS 10 and higher version
— The Galaxy Buds application is not compatible with Galaxy Buds (SM-R170)

* Settings and features provided by the Galaxy Buds application are only available when Galaxy Buds+ or Galaxy Buds Live is connected to your mobile device. Features will not work properly without a proper connection between your earbuds and your mobile device.

* If you have any questions, please contact to the web page below.

※ User Agreement
Following User Agreements are required for the app service.
Even if you don’t agree the agreements you can use basic service but can’t use disagree services.

[Required User Agreements]
— Bluetooth: Required for communication with Buds+ or Buds Live

What’s New

— Improved application stability

Ratings and Reviews

Nice one Samsung

So I have all my music on my iPod touch right and I try to use the app and it keeps on insisting that it is not compatible with the iPod touch. To their credit it is a 6th gen iPod with some bad specs which doesn’t make any sense to why it wouldn’t be compatible but alright. So I try it out on my iPad where I get most of my work done and nothing. Still not compatible. There is absolutely no excuse for this it is running the latest version of iPad OS and has great specs. I think Samsung believes that everyone has their music on an iPhone, which is true for most people but some people just like to have a device for only music listening like the iPod, or the people trying to work during a pandemic like this one with an iPad. There is no excuse for this non compatibility and if there is a technical issue as to why this is the case please tell me Samsung. Thank you.

I am using a iPad Air 2 which according to Samsung’s reply to this review is not supported. I am using the Buds+. They still work with the device but not having the app is an inconvenience. I am still confused as to why the compatibility is only for these devices, my idea is that Samsung develops for each individual device which I have never seen before. I have to give them some props to trying to make this in the first place instead of only having Bluetooth or worse yet having it locked to one device. I am still curious if this is a technical issue or a software issue with the compatibility.

Hello again! Thanks for clarifying your iPad model and we are really sorry for the inconvenience. The minimum requirement for a Galaxy Buds App to work in iOS is satisfied by iPad Air 3rd Generation or later models with iOS 10 and later versions. The Galaxy Buds App is not compatible with older models. We would love to support all our users but this is unfortunately a hardware compatibility limitation which cannot be addressed by a software update.

Connectivity issue

I’ll start out by saying I honestly really enjoy the buds+. They sound awesome, plus the ambient mic mode and numerous other features are really nice. The issue I have is if I pair the buds+ through the app, my buds+ have no sound coming through them. My phone just sends the audio through the phone speakers like nothing is connected. If I just pair the buds+ through the Bluetooth connection menu in my settings for my IPhone X, they will function normally. If I pair them through my Bluetooth menu though I cannot pair them through the app, which prevents me from being able to use all the cool features. My phone and buds+ are both on the latest updates. I have also deleted the app and reinstalled it, just to make sure there wasn’t just some bad file I downloaded. Or possibly just a glitch in my download. I have had zero issues with other headphone companies and their software for their headphones. This is a sad deal for me, because I really want to be able to use these headphones to their fullest
exten. These are by far the most comfortable and best sounding truly wireless headphones I have had.

NO Sense

How do you make an app that is not compatible to its original product version!! When will this app be compatible or when will there be an app that is compatible? I was sooo excited when I purchased the original galaxy buds from Samsung since I had done all my research and compared them to a few others including Apple AirPods, and Samsung ultimately won for its look and comfort for me and also it stated on the website that they were compatible to iOS came to find out they are not. I called Samsung to complain but of course nothing could be done I accepted the fact that I can only use my buds as Bluetooth with my iPhone 11 max pro but was told to periodically check for an app in the App Store since it might become available soon. Today I was told by a colleague that a new version of the galaxy buds was available with the app for iPhones I was excited when I heard the news that I quickly downloaded the app thinking that of course it’s compatible to the original buds how could they not right. Not reading the fine print “not compatible with SM-R170” VERY DISAPPOINTED! NOT HAPPY AT ALL!! Not sure if I will be buying Samsung products anymore since it’s very hard to have them pair or be compatible with other devices. Please make it compatible. It’s ridiculous it’s not!

Dear user, we apologize for any confusion; this application has been developed for Galaxy Buds+. Your Galaxy Buds from last year will not be supported due to compatibility limitations. Let us explain:
Buds+ has been built with a new chip which enhances connectivity and provides better memory. Due to the implementation of the new chip, Galaxy Buds+ are compatible with iOS devices.
Sadly, this compatibility limitation cannot be addressed with a software update. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience it may cause and we really appreciate your understanding.


Connexx Fit2Go 17+

Sivantos Pte. Ltd.

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Ввод аудиограммы или снятие данных с помощью встроенного тонального тестирования
Программирование слуховых аппаратов по очереди для каждой стороны

Поддерживаемые мобильные устройства: iPhone 5, 6, 6s, 7, 7 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro 9.7″, iPad Pro 12.9″, iPad mini 4, iPad 2017 на платформе iOS 10 и выше.
Поддерживаемые наушники: Sennheiser HD201/HD206, Vic Firth Stereo Isolation

Разрешение доступа:
Приложению необходимо обеспечить доступ для отображения уровня окружающего шума, для возможности общения с нами по почте, включения резервного копирования и восстановления данных, получения информации онлайн, проверки кода доступа.

Управляющие сигналы:
Приложение Fit2Go генерирует короткие управляющие сигналы, которые могут быть слышны. При использовании приложения не подносите динамик мобильного устройства близко к уху. Не используйте мобильное устройство с наушниками или другими устройствами, которые могут быть подключены через прямой аудиовход, если об этом не попросит приложение.

Sivantos GmbH, Henri-Dunant-Strasse 100, 91058 Erlangen, Germany


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