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Contract Termination Letter Sample

Last Updated On May 11, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

The large companies usually sign various agreements with different other companies at times, for making various deals for the supply of the equipment that is required for various processes in the company.

A contract termination letter is written in order to cancel such an agreement due to some specific reasons that do not line up with terms of the agreement. The letter is contained with the details about the faults, leading to the termination of the agreement.

Refer the following tips and sample letter of termination of a contract with a supplier to understand what needs to be communicated in the letter of contract termination.

Contract Termination Letter Sample Writing Tips:

Contract Termination Letter Template


Date: ____________ (date of the writing of the letter)


Subject: contract termination

Dear ___________ (name of the person receiving the letter),

This letter is to inform you about the cancellation of the agreement of the business of our company with you for the supply of the equipments that we signed _____________ (number of years) years ago. But recently we get to see that _______________________________________________________________________________ (reason for the termination). And hence we’ve decided to terminate this contract, which is going to take effect from _____________ (date of the termination). We request you to clear up all the supplies that are remaining, within the given date and we’ll pay your lat services.

We hope you’ll get other companies to deal with, which may be appropriate for your services.

Name and signature

Contract Termination Letter Sample

Below mentioned is the Contract Termination Letter Sample

Tim Mattews,
Aptech Ltd,
New Jersey

Date: ____________ (date of the writing of the letter)

Sales Department,
Zion ltd,
New York

Subject: termination of contract

On behalf of the Manager of our company, I’d like to give prior notice to you, beforehand, about the termination of the contract. According to the norms of the agreement we signed at the beginning of the contract, we have been paying for your services on the exact dates. But we are dissatisfied with your incomplete and delayed services, leading to huge losses for our company due to the slowing down of our production processes.

Hence, it is requested to you to clear all the supplies remaining, within ABC and we even promise to provide you with your remaining payments by the same date. We hoped to have a good business with you, but unfortunately, your services are not appropriate for our company.

Name and signature

Tim Mattews,
Aptech Ltd,
New Jersey

Date: ____________ (date of the writing of the letter)

Sales Department,
Zion ltd,
New York

Subject: Denial of the contract

It is my duty as asked by our government to terminate the contract of construction of the road and reconstruction of bridges given to your company. The termination is dated on XYZ. This decision was taken by the entire senior government official.

You are requested to collect all your stuff from the municipality office. The contract was terminated due to low-quality raw materials that were used by your engineers. The payment has stopped as the police inquiry is still underway.

I hope you will find a good future. After the inquiry is completed and if you are not found guilty the payments will be dispatched. Thanking you.

Name and Signature

Contract Termination Letter Email Format

Below mentioned is the Contract Termination Letter Email Format

I am writing this letter on behalf of our Managing Director. As you know our company has been dealing with your company for the past three years, and we have ordered fifty computer systems to you. We have made a contract of three years according to which you will supply us the computer systems and will be responsible for the regular maintenance and up-gradation of the systems.

Your contract for the supply and maintenance for the computers will expire on the 24th June 2010. Since we found your services unsatisfactory, we are not able to extend your contract. In case you want to put forth your case before the M.D of our company you are requested to meet him on the 14th of June at 12o, a clock at the office.


Learn All About a Contract Termination Agreement With DoNotPay

While most people tend to focus on enforcing a contract, rules for terminating it are equally important. Creating a comprehensive contract termination agreement will provide a clean break for all involved parties and shield them from potential legal disputes.

If you want to know more about creating a valid contract termination agreement, look no further. DoNotPay will explain everything you need to know about this legal document and show you how to write any contract easily!

What Is a Contract Termination Agreement?

Once the parties decide to enter an agreement, they become legally obligated to fulfill their contractual duties. If the participants choose to end their collaboration, they should sign a contract termination agreement.

It is a document that formalizes the cancellation of a contract and outlines the terms and reasons for ending the collaboration.

What Are the Common Ways of Terminating a Contract?

A contract can be terminated under various circumstances. Check out the most common ones in the table below:

Five Ways for Terminating a Contract Description
Performance impossibility If it’s impossible for any of the involved parties to fulfill their contractual duties, the contract will be terminated
Breach of contract When one of the parties intentionally fails to honor their contractual obligations without legal justification, that constitutes a breach of contract. The non-breaching party has the right to sue for damages and cancel the agreement
Termination by prior agreement Participants can terminate a contract if they have a written agreement that requires termination under specific circumstances. The agreement must contain a detailed description of qualifying reasons for terminating the contract
Contract recission One of the involved parties can rescind the contract if the other party misrepresented themselves, made a mistake, or committed fraud
Completion of the contract The contract is considered terminated when all the parties complete their contractual obligations. Both parties should save the documentation after the original contract expires as proof

What Should You Pay Attention to When Entering a Contract Termination Agreement?

Signing a contract termination agreement is a serious step. Take a look at the factors both parties should consider and actions they should take to ensure a consequence-free outcome:

Sections of a Contract Termination Agreement

Creating a valid contract termination agreement is crucial in preventing legal disputes and setting future expectations. You have to pay attention to legal requirements, but at the same time tailor the agreement to fit your specific situation.

Take a look at the sections a contract termination agreement should include:

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5 Ways to Terminate a Contract



A contract is a legal document that binds at least two parties to one another and requires them to meet certain obligations detailed in the contract. In some instances, contract termination can occur that will make the contract void of legal binding. Only the parties involved in the agreement may terminate a contract.

Impossibility of Performance

A contract typically requires one or more parties to do something, which is called performance. For example, a company may hire and sign a contract to have a public speaker talk at a company event. Once the public speaker fulfills his duties agreed upon in the contract, it is called performance. If for some reason it is impossible for the public speaker to fulfill his duties, it is called impossibility of performance or sometimes «frustration.»

For example, if the speaker weer seriously injured and no one could replace him, that would be impossibility of performance. The company has the right to terminate the contract in this scenario.

Breach of Contract

When a contract is intentionally not honored by one party, it is called a breach of contract and is grounds for contract termination. A breach of contract may exist because one party failed to meet his obligations at all or did not meet his obligations fully. For example, if you purchased a product that did not arrive until a day after the agreed upon delivery date, that is an immaterial breach of contract. However, if your order did not come until two weeks after the delivery date and it affected your business, then that is a material breach of contract.

Generally, with a material breach of contract, the injured party has the right to seek monetary damages for his losses as well as cancel the agreement.

Termination By Prior Agreement

You may terminate a contract if you and the other party have a prior written agreement that calls for a contract termination because of a specific reason. The usual name for this type of provision is a break clause. The agreement must give the details of what qualifies as a reason for contract termination. It should also state what actions need to take place for one of the parties to terminate the contract. In most cases, one party must submit a written notice to the other party to terminate the contract.

Rescission of the Contract

A rescission of a contract is when a contract is terminated because an individual misrepresented themselves, acted illegally – fraud, for example – or made a mistake. For example, if you bought a house but after further inspection you discover that the seller intentionally hid the poor physical condition of the home, you may possibly rescind the contract. A contract rescission may take place if one party is not old enough to enter a contract or if a elderly person is not able to make legal decisions because of incapacity.

Completion of the Contract

A contract is essentially terminated once the obligations outlined in the contract are completed. Parties should keep documentation showing that they fulfilled their contract duties. Documentation is helpful if the other party tries to later dispute the fulfillment of your contract obligations. A court of law will require proof of contract fulfillment if a dispute occurs.


What is an employment termination agreement?

The end of a working relationship can sometimes be an emotional time. This is normal in the face of change. However, unlike the process of quitting or firing someone, termination by mutual agreement can be an amicable way of ending a contract of work.

An employment termination agreement is an agreement between employee and employer to end an existing employment contract without giving prior notice – although the agreement must be made mutually. An employment termination agreement is an official business document that is used to formally record that all parties included in a contract have agreed to its cessation.

Unlike the structure of a good job reference, an employment termination agreement needs to follow state laws and regulations to be effective. Read on to see what the advantages and disadvantages of termination by mutual agreement are.

What is the difference between an employment termination agreement and being fired?

An employment termination agreement is an arrangement which both sides, employer and employee, agree on to end a period of employment. Being fired, by contrast, is a one-sided decision. Similarly, if an employee decides to quit their job and hand in their notice they are making a one-sided decision. Even if the other party does not want to be fired or to lose an employee, quitting or being fired are effective ways to end employment without the other party agreeing to it. In contrast, a termination by mutual agreement only becomes effective if both parties agree on its terms.

Advantages and disadvantages to termination by mutual agreement

As an alternative to being fired or quitting, both parties who signed an employment contract can also agree to terminate their employment relationship together with a termination agreement. This has several advantages for both parties involved.

Advantages for the employer

Firstly, a termination agreement allows an employer to express their wish not to continue employing a person whom they cannot or do not want to employ for whatever reason, without creating an unpleasant work environment. Although firing someone is necessary in some cases, it doesn’t allow for existing employees to feel as if their jobs are secure. Discussing a termination of employment by mutual agreement means that your employees will feel more respected.

Advantages for an employee

However, not only an employer benefits from this mutual agreement. Employees have more time to discuss their options and come to terms that suit them before leaving the workplace. A termination agreement gives employees time to work out their next job move. It is a less abrupt form of employment termination than being handed the notorious pink slip.

Disadvantages for the employer

One of the disadvantages for employers using a termination by mutual agreement is that it could take longer to sort out the administrative details of letting someone go. This requires additional resources such as time and staff to work out the details of an agreement.

Disadvantages for the employee

Coming to an agreement with an employer is certainly better than being fired, but it could also be a long and drawn-out process for a member of staff. If an employee needs to leave work quickly or start a new job for whatever reason, the negotiations involved in drafting a termination by mutual agreement could take longer than handing in your notice in an ordinary manner.

Legal Information on employment termination agreements

Employment termination agreements are legal documents which should be drafted by someone who is qualified to do so. This may be a person within a company’s human resources or legal department. Two important considerations to take into account when creating the agreement include: the time when an agreement becomes effective, and whether or not there is a so-called “cooling-off” period included in the contract.

When does an employment termination agreement become effective?

Due to its nature of being an agreement, the terms can be specified and agreed upon by both parties, within reason. This may involve a negotiation process. If you have set a date within your agreement, that is when it becomes effective. There are always technical elements such as hand delivery or delivery by an agent which may trigger the agreement. It’s important to go through this with a qualified professional if you are in any way unsure. Any such aspects must be outlined in the agreement.

How much time do you have to back out of a contract?

Part of most contracts is that you have a so-called “cooling-off period”. What this means is that you have the option to back out of your current contract, and reconsider your needs. You may be able to add terms or adjust others that do not suit your needs. This needs to be done within a specified period of time. You may be aware of such terms for other contracts like your phone or electricity supplier, but some people are not aware that this is also the case for termination by mutual agreement.

Sadly, it is not as straightforward as having a “one rule fits all” solution when it comes to a termination by mutual agreement. Different US states have different laws and ways of regulating contracts. This means that even if you have experience with termination by mutual agreement in the workplace, but have moved state, you may need to get legal counsel to ensure you are taking the right steps.

Employment termination agreement: What does one look like?

As mentioned above, the rules and regulations differ from state to state. If you are drawing up a termination agreement, you’ll have to bear in mind the specific nuances of a state’s laws to ensure that your agreement is effective and legal. That is why it would not make sense to provide a template for all states: some have the same and others have very specific requirements which need to be adjusted individually. You may want to ensure that your boss gives you a job reference after termination. In general, the terms and conditions of an employee’s departure should be made clear in a way that suits both parties. That is the nature of a termination contract by mutual agreement.

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Termination of Contract by Mutual Agreement


Related Articles

A contract is a legally binding agreement that all parties voluntarily enter into. If your small business has a contract with another party and you both agree to terminate a contract by mutual consent, the contract will no longer be enforceable and there will be no adverse consequences to either party for termination. However, if the termination of the contract affects other contracts, such as with employees or suppliers, you will need to renegotiate their contracts prior to terminating the contract.

General Contract Information

Because contracts are voluntary agreements, if two parties wish to terminate the contract, they have the option to do so or to create a new contract. Problems with contracts usually arise when one party wishes to terminate the contract but the other does not. Contracts can also be terminated when one party breaches the contract. For example, if a tenant fails to pay rent, the landlord can evict her and end the lease. But when termination is mutual, there are no adverse legal consequences unless the contract affects other contracts.

Termination Agreement

While it’s possible to simply agree to terminate the contract and stop following its terms, it’s generally wise to draw up a termination agreement. This ensures that the other party can’t sue you if he later changes his mind about the termination. Write up a simple agreement terminating the contract, and have all parties sign the contract. To make the contract as strong as possible, have another person or a notary public witness the signing.

Other Contracts

Sometimes terminating a contract affects other contracts. For example, if you’ve contracted with a supplier and hired someone to deal with the supplier, this could affect the third party’s contract. Even if you terminate such a contract, you are still obligated to obey the terms of other contracts. If you’re terminating a contract that could affect other contracts, renegotiate the terms of the affected contracts before terminating the agreement. Draw up a new, renegotiated contract, and ensure that all parties sign it.

Changing a Contract

If you and the other party merely want to change the terms of the contract, you don’t necessarily have to cancel the contract completely. Instead, you can create and sign an addendum to the original contract. However, if the original contract was relatively simple or if you’re radically altering the terms, it can be easier to simply terminate it and draw up a new agreement. When renegotiating any contract, it’s wise for all sides to consult with an attorney who specializes in contracts or business law.

Van Thompson is an attorney and writer. A former martial arts instructor, he holds bachelor’s degrees in music and computer science from Westchester University, and a juris doctor from Georgia State University. He is the recipient of numerous writing awards, including a 2009 CALI Legal Writing Award.


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