the wonder weeks приложение

Развивающие недел‪и‬ 4+

The Wonder Weeks

Domus Technica

Для iPad

Снимки экрана

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Приложение #1 о малышах в мире! Поймите, почему и когда ваш малыш неожиданно начинает плакать больше, чем обычно, перестает быть похож сам на себя. и чем вы можете помочь.

Неожиданно ваш малыш начинает постоянно плакать, виснуть на вас, и вы задаетесь вопросом, что случилось. Хорошие новости заключаются в том, что эта беспокойная фаза плача является признаком развития мозга!

Миллионы родителей до вас переживали, поддерживали и поощряли 10 скачков умственного развития своего малыша или малышей. Apple по праву объвил, что оно входит в десятку «Приложений-лидеров продаж в 2018, 2019 и 2020-х гг.».

— Узнайте все о 10 скачках умственного развития и получите подсказки, уловки и потрясающе ценную информацию.
— Ваш уникальный, индивидуально составленный график скачков покажет, когда скачок начинается и заканчивается, и. дополнительно произведет для вас обратный отсчет.
— Узнайте, как вы можете предоставить вашему малышу помощь, в которой он нуждается на разных стадиях скачка.
— Узнайте, когда ожидать новых навыков.
— Ведите в дневнике учет основных этапов развития вашего малыша.
— Получите ценную информацию о восприятии мира вашим малышом.
— Увидьте мир глазами вашего малыша.

— Свыше 350 основных этапов развития, учет которых можно вести в вашем дневнике.
— Видеоняня: Wi-Fi 4G (ВКЛЮЧАЯ 7 глав о сне из книги).
— Электронная книга (полностью или по главам).
— Аудиокнига (полностью или по главам).
— Убаюкивающая музыка для вашего малыша (белый шум и музыка)

— Вошло в десятку «Приложений-лидеров продаж в 2018, 2019 и 2020 гг.» по версии Apple.
— Самое загружаемое платное приложение в категории «Здоровье и фитнес».
— Награда за «Самое крутое приложение для мам».
— Приз пользовательских симпатий «Choice & Gold», MumIi
— Награды AppRx – вошло в десятку лучших «Приложений о детском здоровье»
— NHS (Великобритания) – «Лучшее приложение для родителей»

Специально для родителей. Детский трекер скачков умственного развития вашего малыша. Вы можете следить за вехами развития и ростом вашего малыша в нашем детском трекере «Развивающие недели!». Скачок для вас и вашего малыша.

Ограничение ответственности: над этим приложением велась тщательная работа. Тем не менее, ни разработчик, ни автор не несут ответственности за какого-либо рода ущерб, вызванный неточностями или недоработками данного приложения.


The Wonder Weeks 4+

The Wonder Weeks

Domus Technica

Designed for iPad


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The #1 baby app worldwide! Understand why & when your baby suddenly cries more than usual, is not themselves and… what you can do to help.

Your baby is suddenly crying all the time, clinging to you, and you ask yourself what is wrong. The good news is that this fussy crying phase is a sign of progress in the brain!

Millions of parents have gone before you in following, supporting, and encouraging the 10 leaps in the mental development of their baby or babies. It is with good reason that Apple has declared it to be in the top 10 of the “Best sold apps in 2018, 2019 & 2020”

— Learn all about the 10 mental leaps with tips, tricks & mind-blowing insights.
— Your unique personalized leap schedule shows when a leap starts and ends, and… it counts down for you.
— Discover how you can give your baby the help they need during the various stages of a leap.
— Know when you can expect new skills.
— Keep track of your baby’s development and milestones in the diary.
— Gain insight into your baby’s perception of the world.
— Experience the world through your baby’s eyes.

— Over 350 extra milestones to keep track of in your diary
— Baby monitor: Wi-Fi 4G (INCLUDING 7 chapters on sleep from the book)
— E-Book (in full or per chapter)
— Audiobook (in full or per chapter)
— Music to lull your baby to sleep (white noise & music)

— Declared by Apple to be in the top 10 “Best sold apps in 2018, 2019 & 2020”
— Most downloaded paid app in Health and Fitness
— Award for “Coolest App for Moms”
— “Choice & Gold” Award from users, MumIi
— AppRx Awards Top 10 “Children’s Health App”
— NHS (UK) – “Best App for Parents”

Especially for parenthood. The baby tracker for your baby’s leaps in their mental development. You can keep track of your baby’s milestones and your baby’s growth in our The Wonder Weeks! baby tracker. A leap for you and your baby.


Disclaimer: This app has been developed with the greatest of care. However, neither the developer, nor the author is liable for any damage caused by inaccuracies or incompleteness of the app.

What’s New

This update has been made possible thanks to your feedback! We have done the following:

The e-book is now also available in German!
Improved the content of the app.

Ratings and Reviews

Great knowledge for any parent

I am a second time mother so I should know it all right? Wrong. My first is 10 and when he was a baby we didn’t have apps like this. It’s fascinating to read about the reasons behind your baby’s behaviors and also by knowing why your baby is behaving a certain way you can help them through all of their little growth spirts, while also helping yourself. Because let’s face it all parents wonder if their doing a good enough job so when baby is having an especially rough day we all say what am I doing wrong? Well with the Wonder Weeks it sometimes tells you, no you aren’t doing wrong your baby is making a “leap” that affects their mood, sleep, behavior, etc. and how to help them and yourself have an easier go of it. What I love also is it tells you when the “leap” should be over which really gets me through the tough times. I recommend this app to every mother or father who wants to know more about what’s going on in that sweet little head and also wants great expert advice on how to help your little ones along.

Thank you very much for providing a detailed review. It is delightful to hear such positive words and it’s always a pleasure to serve our users.
Many thanks from our entire team! Best wishes, Maria

Good app, update threw me off

Im a first time parent and the ap updated just before leap 5, i like the new look and format but not the the interactive parts. Like other reviewers the diary part is not useful, I really don’t have time for that. Much preferred the previous way clicking off each task when accomplished. Im often interrupted and like being able to pick up where left off.

Developer, please can you double check the skills? Leap 6 says baby will ASK someone to sing a song & understand the names of animals.. baby is not close to being that verbal.. im wondering if something glitched. Also I tried to use the nap tracker and its more trouble than its worth. Have to be able to pick up where i left off, not enter start and end at once.. or all naps. I tried to do it as the day went and it didnt add the total time together. i can barely remember how many time i fed baby last night. Please make things as simple as possible, my brain capacity is limited to most crucial items or not at all.

Hi, thank you for your extensive and valuable review. We are so happy to know our app gives you peace of mind knowing when your baby is having a more difficult time than usual. However, we would like to inform you that there’s been a new update with changes regarding the mentioned checklist. Now it looks closely as it was before, meaning that the list is visible within the text of the relevant leap. Also, the listed skills are only examples of things that kids are mentally capable of doing at this age. Of course, they do not master each of the skills every new ability allows right away. In fact, a baby’s brain is now ready to learn a whole bunch of new skills and behaviors. As for the sleep entries, please contact us at with details so we can give you further assistance in this matter. Thank you, Maria

App is too complicated and redundant

Not worth paying for this. There are so many options and every time I log into the app it seems like I am asked to do a homework assignment! Not concise and they give basically every option under the sun — your child may do this or this or the other thing, basically just equivocating, and in the end you just end up telling the app what your baby is doing and not the other way around (what your baby should be doing). I understand different babies develop differently, but honestly nothing insightful from this app. My advice is just enjoy your child and you don’t need this app.

**Updated to 1 star from 2 star for the poor response from developer which do not acknowledge the flaws in the app, rather trying to defend it. App may have allegedly helped thousands of parents. Just didn’t help me (and may not help you) hence my honest objective review based on my personal experience. That’s how reviews work, the stars average out based on everyone’s personal experience. See other low star independent reviews that express the same sentiment as I have. Honestly only after leaving my review did I see others like mine and was perhaps not surprised they describe the same frustrations with the app. The UX leaves much to be desired. My advice is just check in with your pediatrician about your child’s development as we did (and as you should) rather than waste time/money on this app.

Hi, I understand your displeasure likely caused by the non-fulfillment of your expectations. As we always emphasize, the app is just a summarized version of the book, designed as a practical guide through the Leap chapters. However, I assure you that our full intent is to improve your individual experience and to keep you as a customer. We value each user equally and are continuously looking into the customer base feedback to consider it moving forward. Please contact us so we could discuss this further and offer solutions. Hope to hear from you soon! Kindest Regards, Maria


The Wonder Weeks 4+

The Wonder Weeks

Domus Technica

Designed for iPad


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The #1 baby app worldwide! Understand why & when your baby suddenly cries more than usual, is not themselves and… what you can do to help.

Your baby is suddenly crying all the time, clinging to you, and you ask yourself what is wrong. The good news is that this fussy crying phase is a sign of progress in the brain!

Millions of parents have gone before you in following, supporting, and encouraging the 10 leaps in the mental development of their baby or babies. It is with good reason that Apple has declared it to be in the top 10 of the “Best sold apps in 2018, 2019 & 2020”

— Learn all about the 10 mental leaps with tips, tricks & mind-blowing insights.
— Your unique personalized leap schedule shows when a leap starts and ends, and… it counts down for you.
— Discover how you can give your baby the help they need during the various stages of a leap.
— Know when you can expect new skills.
— Keep track of your baby’s development and milestones in the diary.
— Gain insight into your baby’s perception of the world.
— Experience the world through your baby’s eyes.

— Over 350 extra milestones to keep track of in your diary
— Baby monitor: Wi-Fi 4G (INCLUDING 7 chapters on sleep from the book)
— E-Book (in full or per chapter)
— Audiobook (in full or per chapter)
— Music to lull your baby to sleep (white noise & music)

— Declared by Apple to be in the top 10 “Best sold apps in 2018, 2019 & 2020”
— Most downloaded paid app in Health and Fitness
— Award for “Coolest App for Moms”
— “Choice & Gold” Award from users, MumIi
— AppRx Awards Top 10 “Children’s Health App”
— NHS (UK) – “Best App for Parents”

Especially for parenthood. The baby tracker for your baby’s leaps in their mental development. You can keep track of your baby’s milestones and your baby’s growth in our The Wonder Weeks baby tracker. A leap for you and your baby.


Disclaimer: This app has been developed with the greatest of care. However, neither the developer, nor the author is liable for any damage caused by inaccuracies or incompleteness of the app.


The Wonder Weeks 4+

The Wonder Weeks

Domus Technica

Designed for iPad


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The #1 baby app worldwide! Understand why & when your baby suddenly cries more than usual, is not themselves and… what you can do to help.

Your baby is suddenly crying all the time, clinging to you, and you ask yourself what is wrong. The good news is that this fussy crying phase is a sign of progress in the brain!

Millions of parents have gone before you in following, supporting, and encouraging the 10 leaps in the mental development of their baby or babies. It is with good reason that Apple has declared it to be in the top 10 of the “Best sold apps in 2018, 2019 & 2020”

— Learn all about the 10 mental leaps with tips, tricks & mind-blowing insights.
— Your unique personalized leap schedule shows when a leap starts and ends, and… it counts down for you.
— Discover how you can give your baby the help they need during the various stages of a leap.
— Know when you can expect new skills.
— Keep track of your baby’s development and milestones in the diary.
— Gain insight into your baby’s perception of the world.
— Experience the world through your baby’s eyes.

— Over 350 extra milestones to keep track of in your diary
— Baby monitor: Wi-Fi 4G (INCLUDING 7 chapters on sleep from the book)
— E-Book (in full or per chapter)
— Audiobook (in full or per chapter)
— Music to lull your baby to sleep (white noise & music)

— Declared by Apple to be in the top 10 “Best sold apps in 2018, 2019 & 2020”
— Most downloaded paid app in Health and Fitness
— Award for “Coolest App for Moms”
— “Choice & Gold” Award from users, MumIi
— AppRx Awards Top 10 “Children’s Health App”
— NHS (UK) – “Best App for Parents”

Especially for parenthood. The baby tracker for your baby’s leaps in their mental development. You can keep track of your baby’s milestones and your baby’s growth in our The Wonder Weeks baby tracker. A leap for you and your baby.


Disclaimer: This app has been developed with the greatest of care. However, neither the developer, nor the author is liable for any damage caused by inaccuracies or incompleteness of the app.


Развивающие недели: видеонн‪я‬ 4+

музыке и сн‪е‬

Domus Technica

Для iPad

Снимки экрана

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Благодаря видеоняне «Развивающих недель!» вы всегда сможете слышать и видеть вашего малыша, независимо от того, где вы находитесь. Безопасность и неограниченный доступ… (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G / LTE). А еще два подарка от нас, которые помогут наладить сон вашего малыша. Полная библиотека белого шума и колыбельных и полная глава бестселлера «Капризничает? Значит, развивается!» с ценной информацией о характере сна вашего малыша. Ваш малыш будет засыпать быстро, легко и безопасно.

Разработке «Развивающих недель!» доверяют миллионы родителей со всего мира, когда речь идет о развитии их малышей.

Для того, чтобы использовать видеоняню, вам понадобятся два устройства, а приложение необходимо установить на оба телефона. Один телефон должен находиться рядом с малышом, а второй вы оставляете себе. Просто подсоедините эти телефоны, и видеоняня всегда будет у вас под рукой!

Вот что предлагает вам видеоняня:
— Безопасное (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G / LTE) подключение с неограниченным доступом.
— Включает информацию обо всем, что вам нужно знать о сне: начиная от развития во время сна и заканчивая подсказками в отношении сна.
— Белый шум и музыку, чтобы ваш малыш смог заснуть и для стимуляции его(ее) развития. Можно даже составить плейлист с любимыми мелодиями для сна!
— Мониторинг видео во время прямых трансляций
— Получение уведомлений о плаче малыша.
— Возможность самостоятельно установить уровень чувствительности, чтобы вы получали уведомления только в случае бодрствования малыша.
— Легкость использования и применения.
— Смотрите прямые трансляции о вашем малыше с изображением высокой четкости.
— Смотрите, сколько проспал ваш малыш.
— Разговаривайте с малышом при помощи микрофона.

Что нового

– Видеоняня стала сейчас стабильнее.
– Нет ограничений по расстоянию (Wi-Fi и 4G).
– Вам надо подсоединить телефон всего один раз.
– Не забывайте о соединенных телефонах.
– Когда малыш заплачет, Вы получите уведомление.
– Теперь Вы увидите продолжительность сна малыша.
– Вы можете легко отрегулировать уровень чувствительности видеоняни.

Конфиденциальность приложения

Разработчик Domus Technica указал, что в соответствии с политикой конфиденциальности приложения данные могут обрабатываться так, как описано ниже. Подробные сведения доступны в политике конфиденциальности разработчика.

Не связанные с пользова­телем данные

Может вестись сбор следующих данных, которые не связаны с личностью пользователя:

Данные об использова­нии

Конфиденциальные данные могут использоваться по-разному в зависимости от вашего возраста, задействованных функций или других факторов. Подробнее


русский, английский, арабский, голландский, датский, индонезийский, испанский, итальянский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, турецкий, упрощенный китайский, французский, шведский, японский


Семейный доступ

С помощью семейного доступа приложением смогут пользоваться до шести участников «Семьи».


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