there are three college in this city употребите слово данное в скобках в правильной форме

Конструкция There Is и There Are в английском языке

Нет времени? Сохрани в

Все же слыхали про ситуацию с мухой в тарелке супа? Если (не дай бог) с вами такое произойдет, то пожаловаться официанту и потребовать замены блюда следует незамедлительно! Waiter! There’s a FLY in my soup! Woop!

Конструкция предложения кажется довольно простой, но, как ни странно, в английском языке оборот «there is» / «there are» часто вызывает у многих сложности как в построении, так и в переводе и, соответственно, в употреблении. Так когда ставится there is, а когда there are?

But since you’re with us! There’ll be no problems! Вы навсегда запомните этот оборот и будете с ним «на ты», внимательно читая и запоминая данную статью, разумеется. So, check it out!

Содержание статьи:

Что означает there is/there are

Оборот «there» + «be» переводится, начиная с обстоятельства места, которое обычно находится в конце предложения:

There is a cat in the box.
В коробке (есть) кот.

Если обстоятельства места нет, то при переводе предложение начинается со слов «есть», «имеется», «существует», «бывает», «находится» и т. п. В принципе зачастую «there is/ there are» и вовсе не переводится. Такой вот
«невидимый», но крайне необходимый оборот.

Шаблон для написания рекомендательного письма на английском

Когда употребляется there is и there are

«There is» и «there are» используют, когда хотят сказать, что что-то существует (не существует) или находится (не находится) в конкретном месте.

«There is» указывает на наличие в определенном месте какого-то одного предмета (лица). Также используется с неопределенными подлежащими (это когда используется неопределенный артикль («a», «an»), когда артикля нет, или используются слова «some», «any», «no»), и с неопределенными местоимениями как «somebody», «nothing».

There’s something that makes me feel worried. – Меня что-то тревожит.

«There are» указывает на наличие в определенном месте нескольких (многих) предметов (лиц).

There are two cats on the couch. – На диване (есть) 2 кота.

Обратите внимание: слово «there» (там) в обороте «there is / there are» не имеет самостоятельного значения и составляет неразделимое целое с «is/are». Если по смыслу необходимо выразить обстоятельство места словом «there» — «там», то «there» повторяем в конце предложения.

There are so many boxes there. – Там (есть) так много ящиков.

Структура предложений с there is и there are

Для полного понимания мы представляем вам простую формулу и ниже пример с цифрами для наглядности:

(1) «There is / there are» + (2) подлежащее + (3) обстоятельство места или времени.

(1) There are (2) a lot of flowers (3) in the garden.

Утвердительные предложения

Напоминаем! Мы используем «there is» для единственного числа, а «there are» для множественного.

There is one table in the classroom.
There are three cats on the couch.
There is a spider in the bath.
There are many sinners in Hell.

«There is» также используем с неисчисляемыми существительными (uncountable nouns):

There is milk in the fridge.
There is some sugar on the table.
There is ice cream on your shirt.

Число глагола «be» определяется по числу первого существительного, стоящего после этого оборота:

There is a table and two chairs in the room.
There are two cats and a midget in the car.

Сокращения (contractions). «There is» в упрощенном варианте становится «there’s». Почти всегда в неформальной переписке или в разговорной речи используется именно такой вариант оборота.

There’s a good song on the radio.
There’s only one chocolate bar left in the box.

Сокращать, как известно, можно по-разному, но обратите внимание на вариант с «are»:

there is not = there’s not = there isn’t / there are not = there aren’t. There’s no contraction of «there are». Pay attention!

There are nine cats on the roof.
There are only five weeks until my birthday.

Говоря о неформальном общении, мы можем использовать «there’s», даже когда речь идет о множественном числе. Но не вздумайте использовать это в формальной переписке или на экзамене. This is forbidden.

There’s three other people who are still to come.
There’s lots of cars in the car park.

Обычно «there» не используется с определенным подлежащим.

The door was open. – Дверь открыта. (Ошибка: «There was the door open.»)

Вопросительные предложения

Вопросы формируются обычной перестановкой (подлежащее «there» меняется местами со сказуемым «be»):

Is there anybody at home?
Are there any cats on the floor?

При постановке вопроса к определению подлежащего используются вопросительные слова «how many», «how much» сколько и вопросительное местоимение «what», которые предшествуют подлежащему:

How many cats are there on the couch?
How much water is there in the bottle?
What is there in the box?

В ответе на последний вопрос глагол «to be» может употребляться и во множественном числе, если констатируется факт наличия нескольких предметов или явлений (или, например, в случае их перечисления):

There are some guns.

«How many» с «are there». Если мы хотим узнать количество существующих объектов, то используем «how many» по следующей структуре:

«How many» + существительное во множественном числе + «are there» (+ дополнение).

How many dogs are there in the park?
How many students are there in your class?
How many gangsters are there in Chicago?
How many horror movies are there in your collection?

«There» можно использовать и в «question tags» (краткий общий вопрос, утверждающий вопрос).

There’ll be enough boxes for everyone, won’t there?

Отрицательные предложения

В отрицательных предложениях после глагола «to be» употребляется либо «not» (когда перед следующим за отрицанием существительным стоит местоимение или числительное), либо «no» (в остальных случаях).

There is not (isn’t) any money in the wallet. — В кошельке нет денег.
There is no money in the wallet. — В кошельке нет денег.

Краткий отрицательный ответ состоит из слова «no», за которым следуют «there» и глагол «to be» в соответствующей форме с отрицательной частицей «not»:

There «aren’t» с «any». Когда мы хотим сказать о нулевом количестве чего-либо, то используем «there aren’t any».

There aren’t any people at the party.
There aren’t any trees in my street.

То же самое касается неисчисляемых существительных:

There isn’t any water in the swimming pool.
There isn’t any sugar in my coffee.

«There» может также использоваться в предложениях, где «be» является вспомогательным глаголом в форме progressive или passive. Обратите внимание на порядок слов:

There have been more Americans killed in road accidents than in all the wars since 1900.
There’ll be somebody meeting you at the airport.

Также конструкцию можно использовать с модальными глаголами:

There must be somebody inside — ring again.
There may be a mistake — check again.
There might be some prey running around — I should be attentive.

На русский язык эта структуру следует также переводить с конца.

Временные формы there + be

А что там насчет других временных форм? Или тут заправляет только Present? Отнюдь!

«There» используется с различными формами «be» в самых разных временах. Употребляйте себе на здоровье!

There is / there are с исчисляемыми/неисчисляемыми существительными

Singular countable nouns (apple)
Uncountable nouns (blood)
Plural countable nouns (cats)
Affirmative There is / was / will be an apple on my table.
There is/ was / will be (some/much) blood on the floor.
There are / were / will be three (many / a lot of) cats on the couch.
Negative There isn’t / wasn’t / won’t be an apple on my table.
There isn’t / wasn’t / won’t be (any/much) blood on the floor.
There aren’t / weren’t / won’t be (any / many / a lot of) cats on the couch.
Questions Is / was there an apple on my table?
Will there be an apple on my table?
Is / was there (any / some / much) blood on the floor?
Will there be (any / some / much) blood on there floor?
Are/were there (any / many / a lot of) cats on the couch?
Will there be (any / many / a lot of) cats on the couch?
How much / how many How much blood is / was / will be there? How many cats are / were / will be there?
Short answers Yes, there is / was / will be.
No, there isn’t / wasn’t / won’t be.
Yes, there are / were / will be.
No, there aren’t / weren’t / won’t be.

There were fire-breathing dragons in the streets. (Past Simple)
I think there’ll be loads of people at the festival. (Future Simple)
There haven’t been many entries for the competition. (Present Perfect)
The examination concluded that there had been no ill-treatment during detention. (Past Perfect)
By the time he hopes that there will have been fuller consultation with the human rights bodies. (Future Perfect Continuous).

Cледует обратить внимание, что в вопросе в будущем времени перед «there» ставится «will», а глагол «to be» ставится после него.

Will there be your friends there? – Там будут ваши друзья?

Разница между there is/there are и it/they

Взгляните на следующие предложения. Сперва мы ознакамливаемся с сутью предложения с помощью «there is / there are», а дальше ссылаемся на упомянутое с помощью «it» или «they».

There’s a good movie on channel 2. It starts at 10 o’clock (it = the movie).
There are 3 new students in our class. They’re from Brazil (they = the students).

Конструкции «there is» и «there are» используются только по отношению к новой информации. Если что-либо уже упоминалось в контексте, то тогда следует употреблять «it is» или «they are».

Мы также используем «it» + «to be» + прилагательное + инфинитивные обороты (infinitive clauses). В таких предложениях акцент падает на инфинитивный оборот:

It’s nice to meet you.
It’s hard to hear anything with this noise.
Was it easy to understand him?
It’ll be difficult to fit into the box.

30 распространенных английских фраз и 1 не очень


Сегодня мы с вами повторили/изучили основные нюансы употребления конструкции «there is» / «there are» в разных временах и типах предложений.

Надеемся, у вас более не возникнет вопросов по данной теме!

Keep going forward like there’s no tomorrow!


Задания по грамматике английского языка для обучающихся колледжа по профессиям: 38.02.04 «Коммерция», 19.01.17 «Повар, кондитер», 23.02.03 «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта»

Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»

Министерство образования Новгородской области

областное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Старорусский агротехнический колледж»

(ОАПОУ «Старорусский агротехнический колледж»)

Задания по грамматике английского языка для обучающихся колледжа по профессиям: 38.02.04 «Коммерция», 19.01.17 «Повар, кондитер», 23.02.03 «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта», 35.01.19 «Мастер садово-паркового и ландшафтного строительства», 08.01.25 «Мастер отделочных строительных и декоративных работ», 23.01.03 «Автомеханик»

Разработала: преподаватель иностранных языков

Андреева Светлана Сергеевна.

Данные задания по грамматике английского языка разработаны с целью контроля усвоения обучающимися грамматического материала по следующим темам:

— «Образование множественного числа имён существительных»;

— « Употребление слов much, many, few, little, a lot of, a little, a few» ;

— «Употребление артикля с географическими названиями»;

— «Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных»;

— «Предлоги времени, места и направления»;

— « Оборот there is\ there are» ;

— «Видовременные формы глагола»;

Выполнение данных заданий направлено на формирование у обучающихся лингвистической компетенции.

Данные задания можно использовать для промежуточного и итогового мониторинга.

Данные задания могут быть использованы для работы на уроке, для выполнения индивидуальной домашней работы и самостоятельной работы.

There … a nice woman in the kitchen.

… there an old armchair in Tiny’s house?

There … five shelves with interesting books in his room.

There … no clocks in the living room.

There … a sofa, a table and three chairs in the living room.

There … a big grey carpet on the floor.

There … three windows in our living room.

There … green wallpapers on the walls.

… there a pantry in the house.

There … a fireplace in the living room.

Задание 2. Задай вопросы к предложениям.

There is a nice picture on the wall.

There is a new computer on the desk.

There are a lot of things in the pantry.

There are three bedrooms in the house.

There is a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and a hall in the house.

Задание 3. Используя следующие слова, скажи чего нет в комнате.

a bed, a clock, three chairs, two pictures, a carpet, a lamp, two computers, a table, a fireplace, a shelf, a shirt, a TV set, flowers, a bird, a cake, books, a piano.

Образец : There is no bed in the room.

Задание 4. Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.

are, There, two, in, flat, our, bedrooms.

living room, is, nice, There, a, his, house, in.

no, flat, our, There, pantries, are, in.

a, my, flat, in, is, bathroom, There, nice.

TV, in, no, There, my, is, room.

is, a, big, There, window, bedroom, in, my.

Are, no, house, our, in, pantries, There.

his, Is, hall, in, a, flat, there?

are, there, all, conveniences, in, modern, my, flat.

There, a, is, big, in, fireplace, the living room.

are, There, three cushions, the sofa, on.

eight chairs, opposite the door, a round table, There is, and.

Задание 5. Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях и исправьте их.

There is three big windows in the classroom.

There are no on the walls pictures.

There is a blackboard and two maps.

There are on the blackboard a stick of chalk and a duster.

There is seven desks and in the classroom fourteen chairs.

There is a tape-recorder on the teacher’s desk.

There are in the classroom ten students and a teacher.

Задание 6. Напиши вопросы, на которые даны эти ответы.

Задание 7. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

A Wall, a book, a spider, a child, a fox, a dress, a bus, a tragedy, a toy, a shelf,

a tomato, a foot, a man, a deer, datum, an ox.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски предлогами above, behind, in, into, at, on, to, for.

We went … the garden and sat down … a bench.

I opened the door and went … the classroom.

He put his hand … his pocket, took out a letter and dropped it … the mailbox which hung … the wall of the house.

We were … the theatre yesterday.

Where is Nick? – He is … the library.

In winter I usually go … bed … ten o’clock.

Do you like to read … bed?

The ideal place … a flat-screen TV … my living room is … the fireplace.

… the college you can find a big garden.

Задание 9. Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.

are, There, two, in, flat, our, bedrooms.

living room, is, nice, There, a, his, house, in.

no, flat, our, There, pantries, are, in.

a, my, flat, in, is, bathroom, There, nice.

TV, in, no, There, my, is, room.

is, a, big, There, window, bedroom, in, my.

Задание 10. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

A bridge, a person, a goose, a disc, a bush, a box, a coach, a day, a lady, a wolf,

a sheep, an ox, a mouse, a tooth, datum, a garden.

Задание 11. Заполните пропуски предлогами at, on, into, in, to above, behind, of, for.

The teacher wrote some words … the blackboard.

Where are the boys? – They are playing … the yard.

He got … his car and drove off.

Yesterday my father was … work and my mother was … home.

Our lessons begin … 9 o’clock.

Where were you? – I went … the shop.

In summer they always go … the south.

There are many people … the railway station.

Alexander leaves … the college at ten minutes to eight.

… the middle … the room there is a glass table with documents.

Задание 12. Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.

Are, no, house, our, in, pantries, There.

his, Is, hall, in, a, flat, there?

are, there, all, conveniences, in, modern, my, flat.

There, a, is, big, in, fireplace, the living room.

are, There, three cushions, the sofa, on.

eight chairs, opposite the door, a round table, There is, and.

Michel’s new car … blue.

My children … 8 and 6 years old.

I … interested in Maths. I think it’s boring.

am not b) is not c) amn’t

We can walk to the supermarket. It … far.

Kate and Sandra … at work today because it is a bank holiday.

… this the right phone number?

Nick’s parents … teachers at our school.

That book … very exciting. Take this one.

am not b) is not c) are not

… Tom and Bob good students in your class?

Today the news … very exciting.

Amanda is married but she … wear a ring.

It’s not true. I … believe it.

Elephants … eat meat at all.

Paul has a car but he … use it very often.

Rice … grow on trees.

She is a very quiet person and she … talk much.

They … know my phone number.

… you like English art?

… your friend like eating English food?

… your watch go wrong or wright?

… students arrange charity parties at the Institute?

… the short hand of the clock point to the hour?

Задание 16. Закончите предложения, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

When it is warm, I … (take) off my coat.

It is a funny situation but she … (look) very unhappy.

An interpreter … (translate) from one language into another.

I … (recommend) you to go to this new restaurant.

Tony is 34 and he … (have) 73 prizes from skateboarding competitions.

City Museum … (close) at 5 o’clock in the evening.

Water … (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.

Shoes are very expensive. They … (cost) a lot of money.

Julia is a teacher. She … (teach) Maths to young children.

My job is very interesting. I … (meet) a lot of people.

Задание 17. Составьте предложения.

Sundays / work / don’t / I / usually / on.

like / Does / shopping / he / for clothes.

always / My / birthday / remember / friends / my.

What / like / does / at the weekend / doing / he?

usually / she / afternoon / What / in / does / the / do?

wears / always / nice / Jenny / clothes.

television / in / the / Tim / never / evening / watches.

I … hot. Please, open the window.

There … many women in our office, there are only three.

am not b) isn’t c) aren’t

Jane … afraid of dogs, she hates them.

Those people … native English.

How much … these trousers?

My aunt … married to a British man, but she can’t speak English.

The new furniture … very nice, I dislike it.

isn’t b) aren’t c) are

I … always hungry and I eat three meals a day.

Your money … in your handbag.

I … like my job. It’s very boring.

That’s very beautiful picture but she … know the name of its author.

The weather is usually nice. It … rain very often.

You … do the same things every day.

Sometimes he is late but it … happen very often.

It’s not an expensive hotel. It … cost much to stay there.

Ann lives near us but we … see her very often.

They … know my phone number.

… he smoke during the intervals?

… you like the carpet in my dining-room?

… she find good excuses when she is late?

… you wind your watch up regularly?

Задание 21. Закончите предложения, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

Caterpillars … (turn) into butterflies.

Wool … (come) from sheep.

Plants … (need) water to grow.

Food is very expensive in this country. It … (cost) a lot of money.

In Britain the banks usually … (open) at 9.30 in the morning.

Nick usually … (sleep) eight hours a night.

The sun … (set) in the west.

Ann and I are good friends. We … (have) lots in common.

Sue always … (arrive) at work early.

The Earth … (go) round the sun.

Задание 22. Составьте предложения.

usually / Ann / for / cook / does / dinner / What?

He / his / doesn’t / have / in / office / lunch / the.

like / usually / chocolate / children.

their / spend / How / they / weekend / do?

7 o’clock / I / up / before / often / get.

always / enjoy / of / Julia’s / her / parties / friends.

He / doesn’t / in / cold / like / Rostov / weather.

Задание 23. Определите грамматическое время следующих предложений.

His sister studies English every day.

We didn’t rest yesterday.

When will you leave home for school tomorrow?

Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926.

She became Queen of England in 1952.

Who will take care of the child in the future?

She knows all the works of Chopin.

When will the cabbage soup ready?

I always go to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there.

Antonio Stradivari made wonderful violins.

Задание 24. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple, или Future Simple.

Kate (to cook) dinner every day.

I (not to eat) ice cream tomorrow.

He (to spend) last summer in the country.

You (to go) to school every day?

What your brother (to do) every day?

You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera?

How often you (to go) to the dentist?

He even (not to know) how to use the washing machine.

We (to grow) tomatoes next summer.

He (not to watch) TV yesterday.

What you (to buy) at the shop tomorrow?

Where your father (to work) last year?

Your brother (to go) to the country with us next Sunday?

We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.

What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow?

Every morning on the way to school I (to meet) my friends.

My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning.

How you (to help) your sister last summer?

I (to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow.

He always (to listen) to classical music.

Задание 25. Заполните пропуски нужной временной формой глагола.

He … on the television to watch cartoons every morning.

Yesterday Tom … breakfast because he … up late.

Last week she … a funny story about her pet.

I … to bed at ten o’clock tomorrow.

I … to the cinema the day after tomorrow.

… you … a PT lesson yesterday?

Tomorrow Nick … to the cinema because he … to the cinema yesterday.

Where … he … last summer?

… you … your father tomorrow?

My friend … to the library every Wednesday.

Why … you … to the shop yesterday?

What … you … at the shop tomorrow?

What … you usually … for breakfast?

My granny … bread yesterday.

Usually his grandfather … to rock’n’roll music.

We … a dictation tomorrow.

I … my friend yesterday.

She … to the south next summer.

He … his car every weekend.

… you … your cousin to stay with you next summer?

Задание 26. Перепишите предложения, вставьте определённый артикль ( the ), где необходимо. Предложения переведите .

1. Last year he visited (the/-) Canada and (the/-) United States.

2. (The/-) Nile is the longest river in (the/-) Africa.

3. Next year we are going skiing in (the/-) Swiss Alps.

4. (The/-) Panama Canal joins (the/-) Atlantic Ocean and (the/-) Pacific Ocean.

5. The largest lake in Russia is (the/-) Baikal.

6. (The/-) London is the capital of (the/-) United Kingdom.

7. (The/-) Australia is located south of (the/-) Asia, between (the/-) Pacific and (the/-) Indian Oceans.

8. The largest lakes in Northern Russia are (the/-) Ladoga and (the/-) Onega.

9. A flight from (the/-) Moscow to (the/-) Magadan takes eight hours.

10. (The/-) Appalachian Mountains are situated in the Eastern area of the USA.

Задание 27. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён : Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous .

Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday?

What your brother (to do) tomorrow?

I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow.

Look at these children: they (to skate) very well.

You (to skate) last Sunday? – Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday.

At six o’clock yesterday we (to listen) a very interesting lecture.

Nowadays cars (to get) more and more expensive.

He (to get) a higher salary.

Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening.

I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening.

Look, he (to eat) ice cream now.

Задание 28. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.

Three men (to arrest) by the police yesterday.

A new ring-road (to build) round the city in two years.

Last week all flights (to cancel) because of fog.

This road (to use) very often.

My bag (to steal) in the shop last Monday.

Papers (to deliver) usually at 8 in the morning.

Many towns (to destroy) by the earthquake in Japan last year.

Tea (to lay) usually on the balcony in fine weather.

The policeman noticed that the suitcase (to carry) by the porter in a most strange way.

Don’t worry! The burglars (to catch) by the police.

This fact (not to mention) in his last speech.

Задание 29. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод сравнительных конструкций.

It isn’t as warm today as it was yesterday.

A football match isn’t as exciting as a hockey match.

Tom isn’t as rich as John, but he is younger and much happier.

The house his aunt lives in is as old as the one his uncle lives in.

He is one of the most dangerous criminals in the world.

That is the funniest story I’ve ever heard.

The new cinema in our district is much bigger than the old one.

Nevsky Prospect is much more beautiful than our street.

I need a warmer coat.

Better late than never.

Задание 30. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного. Предложения переведите.

We should eat (healthy) food.

It’s (bad) mistake he has ever made.

This garden is the (beautiful) in our town.

The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean.

The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi.

Which building is the (high) in Moscow.

She speaks Italian (good) than Spanish.

Chinese is (difficult) than English.

She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother is.

This book is the (interesting) of all I have read this year.

Задание 31. Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (утверждение, отрицание, вопрос).

Задание 32. Выберите нужную форму личных местоимений.

I often see (they, them) in the bus.

(We, us) always walk to school together.

I always speak to (he, him) in English.

He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

I know (she, her) and her sister very well .

Задание 33. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, употребив их в форме Past Indefinite .

It was hard work carrying the bags. They. very heavy. (be)

Задание 34. Употребите местоимения something /somebody/ anything/ anybody/ nothing/ nobody там , где необходимо .

Задание 35. Дополните предложения, используя прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Запишите и письменно переведите предложения.

Задание 36. Употребите модальные глаголы can , may, must, need там, где это необходимо.

Задание 37. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Perfect/ Past Indefinite).

My hair is wet. I … (just/wash) it.

I … (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning.

Kathy travels a lot. She … (visit) many countries.

‘Is Sonia here?’ ‘No, she … (not/come) yet.’

Задание 38. Составьте и запишите вопросы из слов в скобках, используя грамматическое время Present Perfect. Письменно переведите предложения .

(ever/ be/ California?)

(ever/ speak / famous person?)

(always/ live/ in this town?)

Задание 39. Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, это где необходимо.

Задание 40. Употребите модальные глаголы could, should, ought to там, где необходимо. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения.

Задание 41. Раскройте скобки и задайте вопрос

5. My parents (to leave) Moscow for Voronezh tomorrow. (альт., разд.)

Задание 42. Исправьте ошибки и напишите грамматически правильные предложения

1. I reading the novel at the moment.

2. My parents had go to work every day.

4. Did she closed the door last time?

5. Have you already cooked dinner?

Задание 43. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями:

We are cadets of the Krasnodar University. This is … University.

They read books in … library.

I study at the Krasnodar University and … friend studies at the Medical Institute.

Pete, where is … car now?

I know that … name is Nick and what is the name of … sister?

Tell me please, where is … brother? He is in … room.

Задание 44. Выпишите в две колонки количественные и порядковые числительные. Подчеркните суффиксы , с помощью которых они образуются :

Seven, the seventh, seventy, eighty, eighteen, the first, the third

Задание 45. Употребите местоимения something/somebody /anything/ anybody/ nothing/ nobody там , где это необходимо .

Задание 46. Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме Present Indefinite.

make come take play rise eat translate flow cause

Задание 47. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Past Continuous/ Past Indefinite).

A: Was Margaret at work today?

Задание 48. Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в форме Past Perfect.

a) was evacuated c) is evacuated

b) will evacuate d) will be evacuated

2. … the students play table tennis at the lessons?

3. … gyms are there at our college?

а ) what c) how long

4. Our labs … equipped on the latest word of technique next year.

5. Our museum … in 1980.

a) was founded c) founded

6. The reading hall … to work at 10’o clock yesterday.

a) began c) to begin

b) begin d) will begin

7. … the 17 th … March, 1921 N. E. Zhukovsky died.

8. Zukovsky was sent into Moscow gymnasium in 1858.

a) one thousand eight hundred fifty eight

b) eighteen hundred fifty eight

c) eighteen fifty eight

d) eighteen and fifty eight

a) five past seven c) seven to five

b) seven point zero five d) five to seven

10. In the hall of our college you … see the timetable … the wall.

b) must, at d) should, about

11. I … to study technical subjects when I entered the university.

a) am going c) were going

b) was going d) are going

a) thirty three c) the thirty third

b) thirty and free d) the thirty and third

a) churches c) crowns

b) creches d) choppers

14. … goes to bed so early.

a) nobody c) somebody

b) anybody d) nowhere

15. In England there are nursery schools for children … 5 years … age.

a) under, of c) in, with

b) about, for d) after, of

a) to get c) to know

b) to teach d) to learn by heart

a) to graduate from c) to end

b) to finish d) to complete

18. Who was the founder of Omsk fortress?

a) Bukholts c) Kolchak

b) Kaptsev d) Karbyshev

19. By the tsarist government Omsk was a place of …

b) students d) museums

20. The pride of Omsk industry is …

a) A.S. Pushkin Library c) Oil Refinery plan

b) Omsk State Technical University d) Trans Siberian Railroad

Задание 51. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемую по смыслу видо-временную форму. В разделе Б обратите внимание на особенности пассивных конструкций. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. They (have opened / opened) a souvenir shop in the Alexander Garden last summer. 2. Today, there (are/ will be) many parks and public gardens in Moscow. 3. Research activities and restoration works (helped/ helps) preserve the monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. 4. The Moscow Kremlin (is / was) one of the greatest architectural complexes in the world.

1.For many years Russia’s greatest people (have been/ were) buried near the Kremlin wall. 2. Moscow (was/ will be) first mentioned in historical papers in 1147. 3. The Moscow Kremlin Museums (is/ are) often visited by tourists.

Задание 52. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаго лы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

Здесь есть крокодилы? Я никогда не видел крокодилов. – Нет. Мы были здесь много раз. Мы не видели здесь никаких крокодилов. Они не живут в этом месте.

Ты написал это стихотворение сам? – Да. Я люблю писать стихи. Я могу дать тебе почитать книгу с моими лучшими стихами.

Почему ты не хочешь купить эту яркую шляпу? – Я не люблю этот цвет. – Хорошо померяй ту зелёную кепку. Она подходит к твоей новой куртке.

Где твоя машина? – Я оставил её около дома. Там было свободное место. – Наш сосед продал машину, и ты можешь ставить свою машину на его место.

Никто не любит ждать. Все должны приходить вовремя. Почему ты думаешь, что ты можешь опаздывать?

Переходить улицу в этом месте опасно. Ты должен следовать правилам. Это широкая улица и здесь много машин.

Путешествуя за рубежом, Джордж сделал много фотографий. Мы смотрели их вчера целый вечер. На следующий год он собирается поехать в Канаду. Я думаю, я поеду с ним.

Задание 55. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

a)it was too cold there

b)too cold was it there

c)it was cold there too

a)I very much liked it

b)I it liked very much

c)I liked it very much

a)write a letter to her parents every week

b)a letter to her parents write every week

c)every week write a letter to her parents

a)I am usually very tired

b)Usually I am very tired

c)I am very tired usually

a)was awfully upset

b)awfully was upset

c)was upset awfully

a)beautiful, large, old, pine

b)large, beautiful, pine, old

c)pine, old, beautiful, large

a)slowly the cars moved

b)the cars moved slowly

c)the cars snowly moved

a)I don’t well enough know her

b)I don’t know her well enough

c)I don’t enough well know her

a)not careful enough

b)careful not enough

c)enough not careful

a)it is not enough big

b)it is big not enough

c)it is not big enough

a)not very old, wooden, nice, four-bedroom Swiss

b)a wooden, Swiss, not very old, nice, four-bedroom

c)a nice, four-bedroom, not very old, wooden Swiss

Задание 56. Fill in blanks using Present or Past Passive.

1. Chocolate (to make) from milk, cacao and sugar.

2. Many accidents (to cause) by drunken driving.

3. The roof of our house (to damage) last week by tornado.

4. A theatre is a place where plays (to show).

5. In the USA elections for President (to hold) every 4 years.

6. There is no need to pay for breakfast, it (to include) in the bill.

7. He drove quite fast but (to overtake) by others cars.

8. The telegram you have received (to sign) by P. McCartney.

9. Telephone (to invent) by A. G. Bell.

10. The rooms in the hotel (to clean) every day.

11. The gates of the church (to lock) at 6.30 every day.

12. The letter (to send) a week ago.

1. _ Pacific Ocean is one of the largest oceans in the world.

2. _ UK is separated from _ Europe by _ Straits of Dover.

3. The group of Russian film-makers went to _ Cannes to take part in the festival.

4. He took part in the expedition across _ Gobi desert.

5. I was taking off on a jet plane for _ North America.

6. We were about to land at _ Toronto.

7. _ Canada is the second largest country in the world.

8. _ Alps is the name of the mountain range that may be called the centre of Europe.

9. _ Bolivia is in _ South America.

10. _ Baikal is the largest lake in the world.

11. _ Amazon is the largest river in the world.

12. _ Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in _ Great Britain.

Задание 58. Fill in “the” where necessary.

1. Last year he visited (the/-) Canada and (the/-) United States.

2. (The/-) Africa is much larger than (the/-) Europe.

3. (The/-) South of England is warmer than (the/-) North.

4. We went to (the/-) Spain for our holidays and swam in (the/-) Mediterranean.

5. Tom has visited most countries in (the/-) Western Europe.

6. My friend worked as a reporter in (the/-) Middle East.

7. Next year we are going skiing in (the/-) Swiss Alps.

8. (The/-) Malta has been a republic since 1974.

9. (The/-) Nile is the longest river in (the/-) Africa.

Задание 59. Fill in “the “ where necessary.

1. (The/-) United Kingdom consists of (the/-) Great Britain and (the/-) Northern Ireland.

2. The longest river in the world is (the/-) Amazon.

3. (The/-) Bolivia is in (the/-) South Africa.

4. (The/-) Manila is the capital of (the/-) Philippines.

5. (The/-) Asia is the largest continent.

6. (The/-) Rocky Mountains is the name of the mountain range in the west of (the/-) North America.

7. (The/-) Pacific Ocean is the name of the ocean between (the/-) America and (the/-) Asia.

8. (The/-) Mediterranean Sea is between (the/-) Africa and (the/-) Europe.

9. (The/-) Panama Canal joins (the/-) Atlantic and (the/-) Pacific Oceans.

Задание 60. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice .

The police arrested three men. – Three men … … by the police.

The bill includes service. – Service … … in the bill.

They build a new ring-road round the city. – A new ring-road … … round the city.

They cancelled all flights because of fog. – All flights … … because of fog.

People don’t use this road very often. – This road … … very often.

Somebody stole my bag in the shop. – My bag … … in the shop.

Задание 61. Open the brackets, using Passive Voice and write the name of the country in the box.

The members of the House of Commons (to elect) by the people.

The Federal Government (to head) by the chairman of the government.

The administration (to approve) by the Congress consisting of 535 members.

The laws (to make) by the Federal Council and the Duma.

The judicial branch (to involve) in the system of check and balances.

The reputation of the Monarchy (to spoil) by the young royals.

Задание 62. Put the verbs in brackets in Passive Voice in the correct tense.

Papers (to deliver) usually at 8 in the morning.

Many towns (to destroy) by the earthquake in Japan last year.

Tea (to lay) usually on the balcony in fine weather.

The policeman noticed that the suitcase (to carry) by the porter in a most strange way.

His cousins (to fine) for exceeding speed limit yesterday.

Don’t worry! The burglars (to catch) by the police.

This fact (not to mention) in his last speech.

Задание 63. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

They will send a reporter to the scene of the accident. – A reporter (to send) to the scene of the accident.

They didn’t inform the police about the theft. – The police (not to inform) about the theft.

Fire planes dropped water on the burning forest. – Water (to drop) on the burning forest by fire planes.

They found twenty people in the building. – Twenty people (to find) in the building.

Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147. – Moscow (to found) in 1147.

Задание 64. Rewrite the following questions into the Passive. Then, choosing names from the list below, answer them.


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