understood 3 формы глагола

Глагол understand в английском языке

understand 3 forms

Перевод understand с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
understand understood understood understanding
[ˌʌndərˈstænd] [ˌʌndərˈstʊd] [ˌʌndərˈstʊd] [ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ]
[ˌʌndəˈstænd] [ʌndəˈstʊd] [ʌndəˈstʊd] [ʌndəˈstændɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение understand в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to understand» (Английский язык)

Глагол to understand – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: понимать; истолковывать, понимать; подразумевать.

Infinitive to understand
Simple past understood
Past participle understood
-s understands
-ing understanding

Understand in present simple


He understands
She understands
It understands


I do not understand

You do not understand

He does not understand
She does not understand
It does not understand

We do not understand

You do not understand

They do not understand


Does he understand?
Does she understand?
Does it understand?

Do they understand?

Understand in present continuous


I am understanding

You are understanding

He is understanding
She is understanding
It is understanding

We are understanding

You are understanding

They are understanding


I am not understanding

You are not understanding

He is not understanding
She is not understanding
It is not understanding

We are not understanding

You are not understanding

They are not understanding


Am I understanding?

Are you understanding?

Is he understanding?
Is she understanding?
Is it understanding?

Are we understanding?

Are you understanding?

Are they understanding?

Understand in present perfect


You have understood

He has understood
She has understood
It has understood

We have understood

You have understood

They have understood


I have not understood

You have not understood

He has not understood
She has not understood
It has not understood

We have not understood

You have not understood

They have not understood


Have you understood?

Has he understood?
Has she understood?
Has it understood?

Have we understood?

Have you understood?

Have they understood?

Understand in present perfect continuous


I have been understanding

You have been understanding

He has been understanding
She has been understanding
It has been understanding

We have been understanding

You have been understanding

They have been understanding


I have not been understanding

You have not been understanding

He has not been understanding
She has not been understanding
It has not been understanding

We have not been understanding

You have not been understanding

They have not been understanding


Have I been understanding?

Have you been understanding?

Has he been understanding?
Has she been understanding?
Has it been understanding?

Have we been understanding?

Have you been understanding?

Have they been understanding?

Understand in past simple


He understood
She understood
It understood


I did not understand

You did not understand

He did not understand
She did not understand
It did not understand

We did not understand

You did not understand

They did not understand


Did you understand?

Did he understand?
Did she understand?
Did it understand?

Did you understand?

Did they understand?

Understand in past continuous


I was understanding

You were understanding

He was understanding
She was understanding
It was understanding

We were understanding

You were understanding

They were understanding


I was not understanding

You were not understanding

He was not understanding
She was not understanding
It was not understanding

We were not understanding

You were not understanding

They were not understanding


Was I understanding?

Were you understanding?

Was he understanding?
Was she understanding?
Was it understanding?

Were we understanding?

Were you understanding?

Were they understanding?

Understand in past perfect


You had understood

He had understood
She had understood
It had understood

You had understood

They had understood


I had not understood

You had not understood

He had not understood
She had not understood
It had not understood

We had not understood

You had not understood

They had not understood


Had you understood?

Had he understood?
Had she understood?
Had it understood?

Had you understood?

Had they understood?

Understand in past perfect continuous


I had been understanding

You had been understanding

He had been understanding
She had been understanding
It had been understanding

We had been understanding

You had been understanding

They had been understanding


I had not been understanding

You had not been understanding

He had not been understanding
She had not been understanding
It had not been understanding

We had not been understanding

You had not been understanding

They had not been understanding


Had I been understanding?

Had you been understanding?

Had he been understanding?
Had she been understanding?
Had it been understanding?

Had we been understanding?

Had you been understanding?

Had they been understanding?

Understand in future simple


You will understand

He will understand
She will understand
It will understand

We will understand

You will understand

They will understand


I will not understand

You will not understand

He will not understand
She will not understand
It will not understand

We will not understand

You will not understand

They will not understand


Will you understand?

Will he understand?
Will she understand?
Will it understand?

Will we understand?

Will you understand?

Will they understand?

Understand in future continuous


I will be understanding

You will be understanding

He will be understanding
She will be understanding
It will be understanding

We will be understanding

You will be understanding

They will be understanding


I will not be understanding

You will not be understanding

He will not be understanding
She will not be understanding
It will not be understanding

We will not be understanding

You will not be understanding

They will not be understanding


Will I be understanding?

Will you be understanding?

Will he be understanding?
Will she be understanding?
Will it be understanding?

Will we be understanding?

Will you be understanding?

Will they be understanding?

Understand in future perfect


I will have understood

You will have understood

He will have understood
She will have understood
It will have understood

We will have understood

You will have understood

They will have understood


I will not have understood

You will not have understood

He will not have understood
She will not have understood
It will not have understood

We will not have understood

You will not have understood

They will not have understood


Will I have understood?

Will you have understood?

Will he have understood?
Will she have understood?
Will it have understood?

Will we have understood?

Will you have understood?

Will they have understood?

Understand in future perfect continuous


I will have been understanding

You will have been understanding

He will have been understanding
She will have been understanding
It will have been understanding

We will have been understanding

You will have been understanding

They will have been understanding


I will not have been understanding

You will not have been understanding

He will not have been understanding
She will not have been understanding
It will not have been understanding

We will not have been understanding

You will not have been understanding

They will not have been understanding


Will I have been understanding?

Will you have been understanding?

Will he have been understanding?
Will she have been understanding?
Will it have been understanding?

Will we have been understanding?

Will you have been understanding?

Will they have been understanding?

Understand in conditional present


I would understand

You would understand

He would understand
She would understand
It would understand

We would understand

You would understand

They would understand


I would not understand

You would not understand

He would not understand
She would not understand
It would not understand

We would not understand

You would not understand

They would not understand


Would I understand?

Would you understand?

Would he understand?
Would she understand?
Would it understand?

Would we understand?

Would you understand?

Would they understand?

Understand in conditional present progressive


I would be understanding

You would be understanding

He would be understanding
She would be understanding
It would be understanding

We would be understanding

You would be understanding

They would be understanding


I would not be understanding

You would not be understanding

He would not be understanding
She would not be understanding
It would not be understanding

We would not be understanding

You would not be understanding

They would not be understanding


Would I be understanding?

Would you be understanding?

Would he be understanding?
Would she be understanding?
Would it be understanding?

Would we be understanding?

Would you be understanding?

Would they be understanding?

Understand in conditional perfect


I would have understood

You would have understood

He would have understood
She would have understood
It would have understood

We would have understood

You would have understood

They would have understood


I would not have understood

You would not have understood

He would not have understood
She would not have understood
It would not have understood

We would not have understood

You would not have understood

They would not have understood


Would I have understood?

Would you have understood?

Would he have understood?
Would she have understood?
Would it have understood?

Would we have understood?

Would you have understood?

Would they have understood?

Understand in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been understanding

You would have been understanding

He would have been understanding
She would have been understanding
It would have been understanding

We would have been understanding

You would have been understanding

They would have been understanding


I would not have been understanding

You would not have been understanding

He would not have been understanding
She would not have been understanding
It would not have been understanding

We would not have been understanding

You would not have been understanding

They would not have been understanding


Would I have been understanding?

Would you have been understanding?

Would he have been understanding?
Would she have been understanding?
Would it have been understanding?


pi0 v3 pd 00

неправильный глагол

Мои примеры



I understood little in his speech. pi v3

Я мало что понял в его речи.

The problem is well understood. pi v3

Эта проблема хорошо понятна.

He winked and said that he understood. pi v3

Он подмигнул и сказал, что он все понял.

I hope I made myself understood. pi v3

Надеюсь, я ясно выразился.

An allusion will readily be understood. pi v3

Намёк будет легко понят.

How the drug works isn’t fully understood. pi v3

Как этот препарат действует — понятно не до конца.

The law had been understood in broad terms. pi v3

До этого данный закон понимался в широком смысле.

They understood his wish to observe incognito. pi v3

Они с пониманием отнеслись к его желанию оставаться инкогнито.

It was understood we were to meet at 7 o’clock. pi v3

Было уговорено, что мы должны встретиться ровно в 7 часов.

I’ve never really understood what makes her tick. pi v3

Я никогда по-настоящему не понимал, что ей движет.

The story can be understood on many different levels. pi v3

Эту историю можно понимать на многих различных уровнях.

Spot was fawning on him as if he understood every word pi v3

Меченый ласкался к нему, как будто понимал каждое слово

The exact nature of the problem is not well understood. pi v3

Истинная природа данной проблемы понята не до конца.

Maybe he would worry less if he understood the situation. pi v3

Возможно, он волновался бы меньше, если бы понимал ситуацию.

We understood your point, there’s no need to recapitulate. pi v3

Ваша точка зрения понятна, нет необходимости её повторять.

I understood her to say that she would attend the meeting. pi v3

Насколько я понял, она сказала, что будет на собрании.

It helped a lot to know that someone understood how I felt. pi v3

Мне очень помогло осознание того факта, что кто-то понял, как я себя чувствую.

These short and unconnected sentences are easily understood. pi v3

Эти короткие и не связанные между собой предложения легко понять.

Can the singular person be understood apart from his culture? pi v3

Можно ли понять отдельного человека в отрыве от его культуры?

I’m not very good at German, but I can make myself understood. pi v3

Я не очень силён в немецком, но объясниться могу.

It is understood that the Queen approves of her nephew’s romance. pi v3

Подразумевается, что королева одобряет романтические отношения племянника.

I managed to make myself understood with the help of a phrase book. pi v3

Я ухитрился объясниться с помощью разговорника.

After several readings, I finally understood the meaning of the poem. pi v3

Прочитав стихотворение несколько раз, я наконец-то понял его смысл.

The film cut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons. pi v3

Плёнку отмотали назад, на предыдущую сцену, чтобы мы поняли мотивы героини.

The concept of freedom has been variously understood by different people. pi v3

Понятие свободы разными людьми понимается по-разному.

Dillons is understood to be reorganising the company’s management structure. pi v3

По имеющимся сведениям, Диллонс занимается реорганизацией структуры менеджмента компании.

The latter cannot be properly understood without a retrospect to the former. pi v3

Последнее положение невозможно правильно понять, не обратившись к предыдущему.

From childhood it was understood that your parents would choose your husband. pi v3

С детства было понятно, что мужа тебе будут выбирать родители.

The film flashed back to the earlier scene, so that we understood her reasons. pi v3

Тут действие фильма вернулось к более ранней сцене, чтобы мы поняли, почему она так поступила.

It was quite an understood thing in the family that Lord Fawn must marry money. pi v3

В семье отлично понимали, что лорд Фон просто обязан жениться на деньгах.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Elizabeth understood her husband’s loyalty to his sister. pi v3

His lawyers are understood to be negotiating a settlement. pi v3

In this document, ‘children’ is understood to mean people under 14. pi v3


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