witnesseth перевод в договоре


1 witnesseth

2 witnesseth

3 Witnesseth

4 Witnesseth:

5 witnesseth

6 witnesseth

См. также в других словарях:

witnesseth — Legal jargon for to take notice of, used in phrases such as On this day I do hereby witnesseth the signing of this document. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N.… … Law dictionary

witnesseth — v. see, witness (Archaic) … English contemporary dictionary

Indentured servant — An indentured servant is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for some period of time, usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities … Wikipedia

Deed — For the British cargo ship, see SS Deed. Property law … Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree, widely assumed to have legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base. The tree is located at the corner of Finley and Dearing Streets in Athens, Georgia, USA. The… … Wikipedia

Robert Samuel — (d. Ipswich, Suffolk, 31 August 1555) was an English priest of East Bergholt in Suffolk, England who was imprisoned, tortured and burnt to death as a judicial execution under the Marian persecutions, and is commemorated as one of the Ipswich… … Wikipedia

Son of The Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Foakes v Beer — House of Lords Entschieden am 1. April 1884 Vollständiger Name: John Weston Foakes v Julia Beer Fundstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia

testatum — that part of a deed that introduces the operative part, usually with the words Now this deed witnesseth. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary

John 5 — 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent… … The King James version of the Bible



1 2. (устар.) свидетельствовать

2 Декларативная часть

3 Преамбула

4 в соответствии с соглашением постановили

5 видеть

6 декларативная часть

7 настоящим стороны договариваются о

8 преамбула

9 2. свидетельствовать

10 в свидетельство того, что

11 свидетельствовать

как подтверждается; о чем свидетельствует — as evidenced by

свидетельствовать, удостоверять истинность — to bear record to

См. также в других словарях:

witnesseth — Legal jargon for to take notice of, used in phrases such as On this day I do hereby witnesseth the signing of this document. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N.… … Law dictionary

witnesseth — v. see, witness (Archaic) … English contemporary dictionary

Indentured servant — An indentured servant is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for some period of time, usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities … Wikipedia

Deed — For the British cargo ship, see SS Deed. Property law … Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree, widely assumed to have legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base. The tree is located at the corner of Finley and Dearing Streets in Athens, Georgia, USA. The… … Wikipedia

Robert Samuel — (d. Ipswich, Suffolk, 31 August 1555) was an English priest of East Bergholt in Suffolk, England who was imprisoned, tortured and burnt to death as a judicial execution under the Marian persecutions, and is commemorated as one of the Ipswich… … Wikipedia

Son of The Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Foakes v Beer — House of Lords Entschieden am 1. April 1884 Vollständiger Name: John Weston Foakes v Julia Beer Fundstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia

testatum — that part of a deed that introduces the operative part, usually with the words Now this deed witnesseth. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary

John 5 — 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent… … The King James version of the Bible



Смотреть что такое «Witnesseth:» в других словарях:

witnesseth — Legal jargon for to take notice of, used in phrases such as On this day I do hereby witnesseth the signing of this document. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N.… … Law dictionary

witnesseth — v. see, witness (Archaic) … English contemporary dictionary

Indentured servant — An indentured servant is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for some period of time, usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities … Wikipedia

Deed — For the British cargo ship, see SS Deed. Property law … Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree, widely assumed to have legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base. The tree is located at the corner of Finley and Dearing Streets in Athens, Georgia, USA. The… … Wikipedia

Robert Samuel — (d. Ipswich, Suffolk, 31 August 1555) was an English priest of East Bergholt in Suffolk, England who was imprisoned, tortured and burnt to death as a judicial execution under the Marian persecutions, and is commemorated as one of the Ipswich… … Wikipedia

Son of The Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Foakes v Beer — House of Lords Entschieden am 1. April 1884 Vollständiger Name: John Weston Foakes v Julia Beer Fundstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia

testatum — that part of a deed that introduces the operative part, usually with the words Now this deed witnesseth. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary

John 5 — 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent… … The King James version of the Bible



Смотреть что такое «Witnesseth» в других словарях:

witnesseth — Legal jargon for to take notice of, used in phrases such as On this day I do hereby witnesseth the signing of this document. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N.… … Law dictionary

witnesseth — v. see, witness (Archaic) … English contemporary dictionary

Indentured servant — An indentured servant is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for some period of time, usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities … Wikipedia

Deed — For the British cargo ship, see SS Deed. Property law … Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree, widely assumed to have legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base. The tree is located at the corner of Finley and Dearing Streets in Athens, Georgia, USA. The… … Wikipedia

Robert Samuel — (d. Ipswich, Suffolk, 31 August 1555) was an English priest of East Bergholt in Suffolk, England who was imprisoned, tortured and burnt to death as a judicial execution under the Marian persecutions, and is commemorated as one of the Ipswich… … Wikipedia

Son of The Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Foakes v Beer — House of Lords Entschieden am 1. April 1884 Vollständiger Name: John Weston Foakes v Julia Beer Fundstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia

testatum — that part of a deed that introduces the operative part, usually with the words Now this deed witnesseth. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary

John 5 — 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent… … The King James version of the Bible



1 2. (устар.) свидетельствовать

2 Декларативная часть

3 Преамбула

4 в соответствии с соглашением постановили

5 видеть

6 декларативная часть

7 настоящим стороны договариваются о

8 преамбула

9 2. свидетельствовать

10 в свидетельство того, что

11 свидетельствовать

как подтверждается; о чем свидетельствует — as evidenced by

свидетельствовать, удостоверять истинность — to bear record to

См. также в других словарях:

witnesseth — Legal jargon for to take notice of, used in phrases such as On this day I do hereby witnesseth the signing of this document. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N.… … Law dictionary

witnesseth — v. see, witness (Archaic) … English contemporary dictionary

Indentured servant — An indentured servant is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for some period of time, usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities … Wikipedia

Deed — For the British cargo ship, see SS Deed. Property law … Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree, widely assumed to have legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base. The tree is located at the corner of Finley and Dearing Streets in Athens, Georgia, USA. The… … Wikipedia

Robert Samuel — (d. Ipswich, Suffolk, 31 August 1555) was an English priest of East Bergholt in Suffolk, England who was imprisoned, tortured and burnt to death as a judicial execution under the Marian persecutions, and is commemorated as one of the Ipswich… … Wikipedia

Son of The Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Foakes v Beer — House of Lords Entschieden am 1. April 1884 Vollständiger Name: John Weston Foakes v Julia Beer Fundstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia

testatum — that part of a deed that introduces the operative part, usually with the words Now this deed witnesseth. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary

John 5 — 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent… … The King James version of the Bible


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